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Arg. 2.5 years in , a week before I could get new booster, I get covid


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I am confident I will live but I feel pretty miserable and whiny.  Missing the first part of the year is not good with kids. Temp is ranging from 100-102, depending on how long it’s been since I’m had meds. I am exhausted and achy, and my throat hurts and my head is throbbing.  I am coughing and mostly just want to stay in bed.  I am worried about spreading it.  Not allowed tell parents at preschool why I was out.  Just ridiculous.  

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Ugh - do you think you got it at school?  That is so weird, as a parent I would REALLY want to know that information.  Or at least someone in the classroom had it.  I'm so sorry, I hope you are over it fast!  ❤️  

Edited by catz
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Oh, I’m so sorry! That really just sucks. I hope you feel better very soon, and I agree it’s ridiculous (and wrong, frankly) that you’re not allowed to give parents a heads up. 

I haven’t gotten my new booster yet either and am worried about the same thing happening before I do. 

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I am so sorry! Do you think it was passed to you at the pre-school? As a parent, I would definitely want to know. What if my child had a runny nose and I wrote it off as a "back to school" cold and allowed them to spread it throughout the house and to other people.? I'd be really upset by that.

I hope you feel better soon. Your description of your symptoms makes me ache for you. 

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

I am confident I will live but I feel pretty miserable and whiny.  Missing the first part of the year is not good with kids. Temp is ranging from 100-102, depending on how long it’s been since I’m had meds. I am exhausted and achy, and my throat hurts and my head is throbbing.  I am coughing and mostly just want to stay in bed.  I am worried about spreading it.  Not allowed tell parents at preschool why I was out.  Just ridiculous.  

Wow, that stinks.

i hope you feel better soon

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None of the preschoolers or parents or staff seemed ill.  So it’s very possible I got it somewhere else.  My youngest is in school and mostly masks but takes it off for eating and sometimes in choir.  My oldest is in college.  And while we mask out and about, not a foolproof plan.  I just don’t see how we can keep this from parents.  What are they going to say when they ask where Ms Jessica was?  What will I say?  She also can’t really count on isolation and says I can return a day earlier than I can.  I am like, “And I have to be fever free.”

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I'm sorry!  I got it a couple weeks ago, so will put off getting the booster.  Fortunately I didn't pass it on to my dh!  He gets the booster as soon as it's available here.

I'm bothered by the fact that you're not allowed to tell anyone at school why you were out.  That feels dishonest to me.  In fact, I kind of think the school should have sent a note home to the families saying to watch for signs since one of the teachers has Covid.  That feels more responsible.



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17 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, I am also not allowed to post about it on Facebook, because even though none of my parents are Facebook friends, it could get back to them.  It’s just nutty.  I would 100% want to know. 

It seems doomed to backfire, too....like it's very likely word will get out (if not this time then some other time when someone gets covid) and then parents are likely to be more upset about having the information withheld than about the actual covid. At any rate, hope you feel better soon!

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, I am also not allowed to post about it on Facebook, because even though none of my parents are Facebook friends, it could get back to them.  It’s just nutty.  I would 100% want to know. 

That seems totally nutty! How can they dictate what you are allowed to share with your friends and family on Facebook, provided it has nothing to do with sharing anything about your school or students?

2 hours ago, kokotg said:

It seems doomed to backfire, too....like it's very likely word will get out (if not this time then some other time when someone gets covid) and then parents are likely to be more upset about having the information withheld than about the actual covid. At any rate, hope you feel better soon!

Totally this. I wouldn't trust my kid being in a preschool with this policy.

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4 hours ago, Terabith said:

None of the preschoolers or parents or staff seemed ill.  So it’s very possible I got it somewhere else.  My youngest is in school and mostly masks but takes it off for eating and sometimes in choir.  My oldest is in college.  And while we mask out and about, not a foolproof plan.  I just don’t see how we can keep this from parents.  What are they going to say when they ask where Ms Jessica was?  What will I say?  She also can’t really count on isolation and says I can return a day earlier than I can.  I am like, “And I have to be fever free.”

I don't think your job can stop you from telling people what you're sick with. I went out of my way to let a couple of the families at my school know when I had covid because I knew they have immune compromised people in their homes and wanted them to know. I would have done the same if my school had told me I had to keep it a weird secret. If you know anyone with a big mouth, you can let them know and tell them to spread the word too if you want to be a bit more subversive about it. 

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1 hour ago, Ting Tang said:

Sometimes I swear there is a plan to bury Covid and make it go away without it actually never going away.  Okay, that is my conspiracy theory!  I do hope you feel better. Would you consider and/or be eligible to take Paxlovid?  

I did a virtual appointment with a doctor today, and she doesn’t think paxlovid is the right choice given my miserable but relatively minor symptoms, my risk factors, my other medications, and the fact that I’m under 50 and boosted.  She said if I’m really Miserable in a couple days, there’s an infusion to look into, but she thinks probably I should just ride it out and not risk rebound.  

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

That seems totally nutty! How can they dictate what you are allowed to share with your friends and family on Facebook, provided it has nothing to do with sharing anything about your school or students?

Totally this. I wouldn't trust my kid being in a preschool with this policy.

We have policies about Facebook for all sorts of “unprofessional” things. (We are warned not to post photos of us at parties, drinking, or out of town for vacations)

Since she works at a private preschool they can probably have whatever policies they want, unfortunately.


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5 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

We have policies about Facebook for all sorts of “unprofessional” things. (We are warned not to post photos of us at parties, drinking, or out of town for vacations)

Since she works at a private preschool they can probably have whatever policies they want, unfortunately.


Yeah, I can see that, and that seems like a general good sense someone would or should know not to post those things on Facebook in general, though obviously lots of people don’t seem to have good sense like that. That does seem in a totally different category than being able to share with your friends that you’re sick, though. Like what can you say on Facebook at that point if you’re not even allowed to say “I’m sick and miserable with Covid 😭”? If people are allowed to share with their friends and family on Facebook other diagnoses, like that they’ve been diagnosed with cancer or anything else like that, then I don’t know how the school can pick and choose.

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38 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I did a virtual appointment with a doctor today, and she doesn’t think paxlovid is the right choice given my miserable but relatively minor symptoms, my risk factors, my other medications, and the fact that I’m under 50 and boosted.  She said if I’m really Miserable in a couple days, there’s an infusion to look into, but she thinks probably I should just ride it out and not risk rebound.  

Aww, well, I hope it doesn't get any worse than it is now.  I feel like I will be begging for it--if--when I get Covid!

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8 minutes ago, KSera said:

Yeah, I can see that, and that seems like a general good sense someone would or should know not to post those things on Facebook in general, though obviously lots of people don’t seem to have good sense like that. That does seem in a totally different category than being able to share with your friends that you’re sick, though. Like what can you say on Facebook at that point if you’re not even allowed to say “I’m sick and miserable with Covid 😭”? If people are allowed to share with their friends and family on Facebook other diagnoses, like that they’ve been diagnosed with cancer or anything else like that, then I don’t know how the school can pick and choose.

Oh good point!

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8 hours ago, Terabith said:

I am confident I will live but I feel pretty miserable and whiny.  Missing the first part of the year is not good with kids. Temp is ranging from 100-102, depending on how long it’s been since I’m had meds. I am exhausted and achy, and my throat hurts and my head is throbbing.  I am coughing and mostly just want to stay in bed.  I am worried about spreading it.  Not allowed tell parents at preschool why I was out.  Just ridiculous.  

I’m sorry you’re so sick. My daughter likely caught Covid the first day of school then started feeling sick and tested positive on day three. So school’s been in session two weeks and she’s had a sub for most of it. She’s go 30+ students in most classes and hasn’t begun to learn their names. 

It’s like a zombie movie out there. You alllllllllllmost made it. 

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Yeah, I am expected back on Thursday.  Hopefully fever will have gone away by then and will be coughing less?  I just don’t understand what I’m supposed to say to parents, because they’re definitely going to be asking where I was.  And it’s not like I’m Facebook friends with parents of kids enrolled in the school, though gossip does spread.  

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, I am expected back on Thursday.  Hopefully fever will have gone away by then and will be coughing less?  I just don’t understand what I’m supposed to say to parents, because they’re definitely going to be asking where I was.  And it’s not like I’m Facebook friends with parents of kids enrolled in the school, though gossip does spread.  

It's one thing to not proactively tell parents and another thing to be asked directly. I wouldn't lie for the school. I would consider saying, "The school prohibits me from telling you what I was sick with, but they have no rules about telling you if I had, say, cancer or the flu." 

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I think she expects me back Thursday if I’m still testing positive. If I still have a fever Wednesday (or otherwise not feeling well enough to return), I may get a note.  

My husband is feeling sick and running a fever now.  We haven’t tested him. But I’m not sure how we are going to get youngest to school if neither of us are healthy enough to drive.  It would be wrong to hope she tests positive, too, right?

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44 minutes ago, Terabith said:


I think she expects me back Thursday if I’m still testing positive. If I still have a fever Wednesday (or otherwise not feeling well enough to return), I may get a note.  


This is one of the worst aspects of the CDC five day thing, is that employers treat it as if it’s a mandate. And, like yours they often start it with day one instead of day zero, thereby making it a four day isolation. Which clearly is a terrible idea. Not only for contagiousness, but also for risking the employees health, as rest seems particularly important for full recovery from Covid. 

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12 hours ago, J-rap said:

I'm bothered by the fact that you're not allowed to tell anyone at school why you were out.  That feels dishonest to me.  In fact, I kind of think the school should have sent a note home to the families saying to watch for signs since one of the teachers has Covid.  That feels more responsible.

Bothers me, too, and ITA about sending a note home. Schools/preschools do that even for head lice, for crying out loud; how much more serious is this?

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5 hours ago, Terabith said:

I really hate feeling exhausted but feeling uncomfortable enough from being sick that I can’t sleep well. 

That is the pits!!!

I am not sure what to say about school attendance. Does she have the option to take a bus or ride with a friend (assuming the friend knows you have Covid and is okay with that)? In the olden days (before basically every absence required a doctor's note), if the school wasn't doing the picking up, the kid would just stay home and be excused if the parents are too sick to take them. 

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

And husband’s temp is over 102 at 7 am. Kiddo says she feels fine and wants to go to school.  I guess we’ll test her and mask up and drive her?

Will she mask impeccably? Since your Dh has it now too, seems a high likelihood (sorry to say) that your dd may get it as well. OTOH, from the most recent stats I’ve seen, fewer people are contagious while asymptomatic/presymtomatic right now (20% according to study I read) than are contagious on day 4-5 of illness (peak contagiousness is day 3 to 4 of symptoms right now). So, if your dd feels fine and is negative, she’s less risk than other people are when they leave isolation on day 4 or 5, as many people are doing 😔

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Ugh.  I am feeling miserable.  I'm constantly coughing violently.  My head is pounding; my throat hurts; my body aches.  Temp is down to 99-100 range mostly now, which is a big improvement.  I have zero appetite, and I keep having diarrhea.  I've lost my sense of smell.  I'm exhausted and cranky.  The doctor called me in some cough syrup and says I should be good to go to work on Friday, but I'm just not sure I have the energy.  

Several kids from my class have covid, but we're not allowed to say the word.  I have to say, "I have a virus."  Several other kids have been out with fevers but haven't tested.  Because none of them know to do so.  

Husband and oldest kid are still sick, too, tho youngest is still holding out.  

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10 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Ugh.  I am feeling miserable.  I'm constantly coughing violently.  My head is pounding; my throat hurts; my body aches.  Temp is down to 99-100 range mostly now, which is a big improvement.  I have zero appetite, and I keep having diarrhea.  I've lost my sense of smell.  I'm exhausted and cranky.  The doctor called me in some cough syrup and says I should be good to go to work on Friday, but I'm just not sure I have the energy.  

Several kids from my class have covid, but we're not allowed to say the word.  I have to say, "I have a virus."  Several other kids have been out with fevers but haven't tested.  Because none of them know to do so.  

Husband and oldest kid are still sick, too, tho youngest is still holding out.  

I hope you turn the corner soon and feel much better tomorrow. Try not to worry about the kids. The parents know to test them. Everybody knows to test for Covid when they’re sick. They’ll put it together themselves why you’ve been out. It’s not a mystery or a surprise these days. No reasonably person can pretend they didn’t know Covid was a possibility. 

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