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Little things that make you happy today?


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4 hours ago, mlktwins said:

What did you do?  I'm so sorry this happened to you too!

2 weeks ago tomorrow I missed a step and took a header down part of my stairs.  I hurt my foot and shin and was super sore in my arms and shoulders from bracing my fall.  The following Tuesday, I fell on my knee - that for sure took the brunt of the fall and hurt way more than my fall down the stairs.  I am moving much better, but am still scraped up and bruised.  At 55, I need to start being more careful -- LOL.  

My dd came to visit with her chihuahua who peed in dh’s office. I slipped in the puddle. Almost did the splits and pulled a muscle in my right leg. Fun times. Then 2 days ago I fell at my counselor’s office. I guess I didn’t pick my foot up enough because my sneaker grabbed the carpet. Thin carpet on concrete. Smashed up left knee and I caught myself with my right hand. Bicep hurts. Shoulder hurts. I hurt all over. 😂😂😭 I’m 52, so I also cannot keep doing this!! I have 3 friends a couple of years older than me who have had to have shoulder surgery recently. Scared I’m next! 


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- sitting by the pool reading a book while holding dh's hand as he reads too.

- my 5 year old coming up to me with a huge 'look I brushed my teeth' smile.

- eating last night's birthday dessert for breakfast!

- watching dd perform after 4 weeks of intensives.






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On 7/21/2022 at 8:20 PM, Harriet Vane said:

Gyrotonics today, the crazy weird exercise I never knew I would love. It's doubly great because I do it with a good friend and I love spending time with her. 

I'd never heard of gyrotonice, so I looked it up. It looks like a lot of fun, so I looked for one locally. It closed in Feb. 😞

Things making me happy this morning. Having all the windows in the house open and hearing the birds outside. I love hearing the everyday normal neighborhood sounds, the clink of the neighbor's home gym in their garage, the people walking and talking. Normally it would be too warm and humid to open them (we're at 80* right now), but we're trying to prevent us from getting sick. Everyone in dh's office except dh tested positive Thursday.

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14 minutes ago, *Jessica* said:

Horse “smiles” and glittery hooves.  And my youngest daughter. 🥰


I don’t have a horse. My dh hopes to someday as he grew up with horses and loves them. I had no idea glittery hooves were a thing. If we ever do have a horse I promise it  have glittery hooves. This is the very best thing I’ve ever seen. 😀

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14 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I don’t have a horse. My dh hopes to someday as he grew up with horses and loves them. I had no idea glittery hooves were a thing. If we ever do have a horse I promise it  have glittery hooves. This is the very best thing I’ve ever seen. 😀

It’s not our horse, or pony really.  I wish!  She takes riding lessons and we sponsor a couple of the rescue horses, but this was at horse camp.  They put hoof polish on and sprinkled it with glitter for the show at the end of camp.    I hate glitter, but this even made me smile.  

Even the boys got green and blue glittery hooves!  




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8 minutes ago, *Jessica* said:

It’s not our horse, or pony really.  I wish!  She takes riding lessons and we sponsor a couple of the rescue horses, but this was at horse camp.  They put hoof polish on and sprinkled it with glitter for the show at the end of camp.    I hate glitter, but this even made me smile.  

Even the boys got green and blue glittery hooves!  




I just love it!!

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There is 12 of us under our roof today.

My parents, inlaws and BIL's family are visiting. They live in two different countries. This is something that I took for granted that would happen without any effort always. Two years have changed that thought. Yet here we are today. 

It is houseful and bursting with the usual chaos associated with it and noisy. But in the past 2 years when it was the 4 of us rattling around, I would hope and despair of days like these ever happening.

We don't have any plans except to hang out and just do normal things Previously we would always try to always have back to back travel or something special scheduled. But this feels like an event itself. 

Technology is great at keeping in touching, but nothing beats just being in each other's presence.

I am so very happy.

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41 minutes ago, DreamerGirl said:

There is 12 of us under our roof today.

My parents, inlaws and BIL's family are visiting. They live in two different countries. This is something that I took for granted that would happen without any effort always. Two years have changed that thought. Yet here we are today. 

It is houseful and bursting with the usual chaos associated with it and noisy. But in the past 2 years when it was the 4 of us rattling around, I would hope and despair of days like these ever happening.

We don't have any plans except to hang out and just do normal things Previously we would always try to always have back to back travel or something special scheduled. But this feels like an event itself. 

Technology is great at keeping in touching, but nothing beats just being in each other's presence.

I am so very happy.

I wish there were a heart emoji! 

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Russian sage. What a great plant. I'm taking cuttings and propagating more of them once it cools down a bit.

The squawking sounds of the chickens my husband -- it's impossible to convey how implausible this was at the time -- decided to raise in the early weeks of COVID. Still there, still laying, still squawking.

Made a plan to see my mother next week.


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-Having to clean the guest room because my best friend and her 4 kids spent 3 days here a few weeks ago and my sister and her 2 kids are arriving tomorrow evening to visit for 2 weeks. Most enjoyable cleaning ever.

- dh making dinner tonight. Sidenote, the man makes a hot breakfast every meal and dinner is almost always on me to make but he has had all week off of work and has taken upon himself to make dinner many times!

- Enjoying a delicious mojito, made by dh with mint from our garden, out of a glass he got me for my bday

- Being able to enjoy dh's vacation instead of continuing my normal daily routine.  It takes a lot for me to just not do anything and enjoy spending hours on hobbies and purely entertainment things.

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My petite houseguest ate refried black beans, rice, chicken and fresh nectarine without complaint (and lots of joyous sound effects). When she arrived it was all crap all the time. Progress, thy name is food. Also, watching her dance to musical theater shows every evening (her TV time is pre-dinner theater). And, yea, our furniture has been graced by her crayon artwork. Sigh.


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On 7/21/2022 at 5:53 PM, Hilltopmom said:

Air conditioning!

Yes! And solar here, which we got in the spring and makes me not feel guilty about keeping the house cooler this summer. All y’all can just put on socks and a sweatshirt if you’re cold. This desert-dwelling, peri-menopausal woman is tired of being so dang hot all the time.

On 7/22/2022 at 6:02 AM, TheReader said:

Another bird lover here...watching the birds that come visit our feeder every morning is such a delight! 

We have an large urn water fountain outside the dining room window that attracts so many birds all day long. It’s so great to watch them make good use of the water in the scorching heat. There is almost always a line! 

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19 hours ago, mom31257 said:

Watching my 19 year old son ride on the grocery cart as he pushed it out to the car. 

My DH did this when I was pregnant with my twins and on bed rest.  He apparently hit a pothole and flew over the cart 😱🤪😂!  He got up real quick out of embarrassment, but he hurt himself.  

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1 hour ago, Alte Veste Academy said:

The new puppy (second summer in the row for a new puppy) learning to use the potty bell at the door. Now we move on to the next stage, which is abuse of the potty bell for 8 thousand random outings a day. 😆

Obligatory puppy pic… 


cutie pie.  Our covid puppy we got almost 2 years ago did that with the bell too.  I felt like a maid

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The one cat who isn't a cuddler cuddling with me in bed this morning (thereby trapping me until she decided to get up).

Seeing gulf fritillary caterpillars on the native passion vine we planted for them.


1 hour ago, Alte Veste Academy said:

The new puppy (second summer in the row for a new puppy) learning to use the potty bell at the door. Now we move on to the next stage, which is abuse of the potty bell for 8 thousand random outings a day. 😆

Obligatory puppy pic… 



Our sheltie who crossed the rainbow bridge 6 years ago very quickly learned to abuse the potty bell. 

-My water bowl needs to be refreshed
-The cat is scratching on the couch
-Play with me
-I want to go out and chase squirrels

There are endless possibilities for potty bell abuse. 😂

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Two things today:

1. DS12 changed the toilet paper roll.  Without being told.  It's a darn near miracle. 😂

2. I was all grumbly about about having to spend $50 on heavy scout pants that are inappropriate for summer because the scout store is winding down their stock and looks like they're getting rid of the lightweight microfiber ones entirely.  DS23 let me know I was mistaken about getting rid of his from the same age.  I thought I had, lightening our load on a move.  Nope.  Found them in his scout box under his teen pair of heavy cotton ones.  I now have a kid fully set for camp who is THRILLED with the turn of events. 

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8 hours ago, mlktwins said:

My DH did this when I was pregnant with my twins and on bed rest.  He apparently hit a pothole and flew over the cart 😱🤪😂!  He got up real quick out of embarrassment, but he hurt himself.  

Oh my goodness. I bet he’s never done it again! Poor guy.

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Today, I am thankful for an amazing dh who doesn't get bent out of shape over my shortcomings!! I drove into the wrong entrance and went into the wrong building to get my mammogram, got turned around, was given a map, and walked to the correct building. Quite a walk. In the process of being turned around, I wasn't sure where the car was. He came and bailed me out and never once complained!!!

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19 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Rain! Not tons, but we need every drop. 

My happy trigger today was, I hauled my sorry butt out the door to walk, moaning and kvetching about the heat and humidity... and was sweaty and gross within two minutes.

Once I got a mile out from the house the skies opened into torrents of badly-needed, but ill-timed, rain.  I had no umbrella, no parka (did I mention, how HOT I was), no phone. Within moments my clothes were drenched through. Steam was coming off my limbs, true story.

At first I could.not.stand.it. 

But after I was good and soaked, I had a sort of turning point; and as I trudged on sopping, it brought a slew of ancient memories, of soaking rain when I lived in the Philippines, of rollerblading in rain once upon a time in college, of playing in rain with my brother when we were kids. 

I was out for a walk. It didn't matter what I looked like. It was very, very nice to cool down.

It was a happy thing, to realize that.



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6 minutes ago, Pam in CT said:

My happy trigger today was, I hauled my sorry butt out the door to walk, moaning and kvetching about the heat and humidity... and was sweaty and gross within two minutes.

Once I got a mile out from the house the skies opened into torrents of badly-needed, but ill-timed, rain.  I had no umbrella, no parka (did I mention, how HOT I was), no phone. Within moments my clothes were drenched through. Steam was coming off my limbs, true story.

At first I could.not.stand.it. 

But after I was good and soaked, I had a sort of turning point; and as I trudged on sopping, it brought a slew of ancient memories, of soaking rain when I lived in the Philippines, of rollerblading in rain once upon a time in college, of playing in rain with my brother when we were kids. 

I was out for a walk. It didn't matter what I looked like. It was very, very nice to cool down.

It was a happy thing, to realize that.



So wet! Maybe good that you did not have your phone?!

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21 hours ago, BlsdMama said:

Meeting my daughter and her kiddos at the splash pad this AM.  I might love this grandparenting gig, but time with adult kids is so precious and maybe even better than grandparenting.

I’m glad you said that. Dh and I feel so differently. I visit my parents because I cherish OUR relationship and if my kids have a good time then fine, but I don’t go for them I go for me and my parents. When we visit his he’s always saying go visit with your grandparents that’s what we brought you here for. I loved my grandma dearly, but sometimes young kids struggle to bond with the older folks. 

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