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Help me decide how I react (job related, long)


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15 hours ago, Frances said:

@Moonhawk, how has the week been going for you? You’ve been in my thoughts. I hope you find a wonderful new job soon.

Going ok. I’m trying to keep it calm and just do what I can at a steady pace, but find sometimes I’m speeding up in an effort to finish it all. We will see what happens. 

I have my exit interview today, lol, and I’m trying to decide how I’m going to play it. It is HR only and the HR rep is the one who was on the hiring committee for the position, so I am tempted to be a little less professional about how that was all handled, but I’m already getting the last laugh by leaving so maybe that’s enough for me. 

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You can certainly be professional and them them the truth. There’s no need to fawn or sugarcoat. Nor do you need to be unprofessional about this ridiculous “promotion process” they put in place. Honestly, from what I read, the entire organization is unprofessional and doesn’t know how properly run common situations like internal promotion/external hiring processes. 

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I hope your exit interview goes well. One point about this whole thing that sticks with me is that you are now left with a receptionist job on your resume. It makes a very different job hunt that if you had the other position on your resume. I think HR needs to ponder that bait and switch and how much it stinks from your position. 

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It went ok. I decided to keep it positive, they could read between the lines as they liked. They had me do a 4(!) page questionnaire. I kept it brief and professional, a few phrases of "unclear path for advancement", "moving goalposts of expectations both for duties and career possibilities", "expansion of duties without accurate compensation", "practical elimination of the position I accepted." Threw in some shout outs to other employees, highlighted the benefits package, emphasized how I had seen a future there and wish them the best. 

The lady took the stance of "oh yeah, staff reductions are tough and I know it wasn't what you came on board for, I completely understand your decision" type of stuff, and I just went with it. Nothing said in this meeting would change the past. If we end up staying in the area it's better to have more goodwill than not. May as well leave open the door here and anywhere else I may run into people down the line (in the geographic area, people move between a couple big players).

Two more days of work then I'm done.

Edited by Moonhawk
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So it's done. Yesterday was last day.

I did end up speeding up and trying to get as many notes written out. They weren't full procedures, but basic guides and notes about main contacts for certain things (my previous experience includes making training materials, though, so they are pretty good still). I think I got 10 or 12 finished out of probably 20-25 they needed, I hadn't realized how much the role had expanded. A lot of my personalized tools like spreadsheets are on the share drive but no instructions how to use or the quirks they need to know. They're screwed, lol.

Monday-Tuesday I was also training someone to cover for me. They were over from a different dept, I guess they are having some issues there (personality clashes?) so on Monday she was introducing herself to people as, "New to the department" and told me that this move "Might work out for the best!". By Tuesday she was introducing herself as "Just on loan from X Dept for a few weeks" and told me it was so different from what she's done in the past, she wasn't sure she'd want to stick around. We'll see what she decides to do; it might be a modest pay bump for her, and she used to work under Big Boss, so that may sway her over. Frankly I'm very concerned because not only did I not have the chance to really train her, but she's coming to this with completely different experience despite 20 years with the organization and there are so many random gaps I never even thought I'd have to show someone. Like, she'd never used our calendar system?! How to make a calendar item?! How to accept a calendar item?! But she seems nice at least, hopefully she'll pick it up fast. Or escape soon, lol.  

I left a few things undone, eg, I realized this morning that I had a list of documents completed but not on the dept log (computer issue at the time of logging). So someone is going to have a heart attack in the next few weeks thinking some things weren't completed and probably redoing work. Oh well. 

Lots of people came by to say goodbye, which was nice, and got a few contacts to use for references. I wrote a few people a few cards. I didn't cry until end of day after I'd cleaned out my desk and turned in my keys. Boss and I both cried a bit. I didn't ask for a reference, I had intended to but the emotion short circuited my brain I guess. I'll have to approach him when I've got a good opportunity asking for references. I do have his cell and we agreed to keep in touch (basically, Star Wars memes and news about a shared interest.)

Anyway, I have a couple interviews this week, today and tomorrow, and I've put out a few more resumes. My field can be slow to review/contact/hire, it's usually 3-4 weeks from sending in a resume before you'll get any contact, so I just have to chill. I'm not feeling the pressure yet and DH wants help on his business for a while anyway. So I'm still "working", leaving the house at the same time, etc., just going to a coffee shop. 

Thanks for all of the support and perspectives over the past months(!), it's gone very different than I originally wanted but it's probably the best outcome. Here's to being unemployed! lol

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Congratulations on your unemployment!

I think you handled everything beautifully and professionally, considering how things transpired. As time passes, the old job will fade from your consciousness; right now you're still thinking like an employee about the work. But they'll move on without you, and you'll move on, too. They will have some struggles, but they'll have to figure it out. You did not sabotage them. You did everything you could to help them, and now they have to live with the mess of their own making. I hope you have a wonderful decompression time, and find a new job that you enjoy! 

All the best to you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update on job search:

I've been going to interviews. So far all have gone well, some places I'm on 3rd interview round so it seems I have prospects. Even if none of these work I feel validated that I'm being taken seriously. All the jobs I've applied to are 2-4 hours away. I'm starting to apply to more remote positions now, we will see what happens. And I have so much to do with DH's business I really am hoping I don't find a job for at least another 6-8 weeks, so I can get ahead of this stuff.

*In Other News* I accidentally went to the employment page for my old org (autofilled on my internet browser bar when I meant to select something else). Guess what! So the front desk position is not posted, BUT the Second Position is!! SO, Idk what's going on, but it LOOKS LIKE the person they hired backed out. They were supposed to start this coming Monday. The position was posted this past Tuesday. I admit I may have laughed when I saw that. I'm going to reach out to some people next week and see if I can get the scoop. 

DH asked if I intend to apply for it. I said no; if they wanted me to know about it, or wanted me to apply, they could also reach out to me. But I would only consider an offer, not an invitation: I'm not interested in going through the whole song and dance again, just to be rejected again, lol. Anyway, wanted to share that little tidbit along with the job hunt progress.

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1 minute ago, Moonhawk said:

Quick update on job search:

I've been going to interviews. So far all have gone well, some places I'm on 3rd interview round so it seems I have prospects. Even if none of these work I feel validated that I'm being taken seriously. All the jobs I've applied to are 2-4 hours away. I'm starting to apply to more remote positions now, we will see what happens. And I have so much to do with DH's business I really am hoping I don't find a job for at least another 6-8 weeks, so I can get ahead of this stuff.

*In Other News* I accidentally went to the employment page for my old org (autofilled on my internet browser bar when I meant to select something else). Guess what! So the front desk position is not posted, BUT the Second Position is!! SO, Idk what's going on, but it LOOKS LIKE the person they hired backed out. They were supposed to start this coming Monday. The position was posted this past Tuesday. I admit I may have laughed when I saw that. I'm going to reach out to some people next week and see if I can get the scoop. 

DH asked if I intend to apply for it. I said no; if they wanted me to know about it, or wanted me to apply, they could also reach out to me. But I would only consider an offer, not an invitation: I'm not interested in going through the whole song and dance again, just to be rejected again, lol. Anyway, wanted to share that little tidbit along with the job hunt progress.

🤣 They probably informed them of their front desk duties and they bolted. 

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5 hours ago, Moonhawk said:

Quick update on job search:

I've been going to interviews. So far all have gone well, some places I'm on 3rd interview round so it seems I have prospects. Even if none of these work I feel validated that I'm being taken seriously. All the jobs I've applied to are 2-4 hours away. I'm starting to apply to more remote positions now, we will see what happens. And I have so much to do with DH's business I really am hoping I don't find a job for at least another 6-8 weeks, so I can get ahead of this stuff.

*In Other News* I accidentally went to the employment page for my old org (autofilled on my internet browser bar when I meant to select something else). Guess what! So the front desk position is not posted, BUT the Second Position is!! SO, Idk what's going on, but it LOOKS LIKE the person they hired backed out. They were supposed to start this coming Monday. The position was posted this past Tuesday. I admit I may have laughed when I saw that. I'm going to reach out to some people next week and see if I can get the scoop. 

DH asked if I intend to apply for it. I said no; if they wanted me to know about it, or wanted me to apply, they could also reach out to me. But I would only consider an offer, not an invitation: I'm not interested in going through the whole song and dance again, just to be rejected again, lol. Anyway, wanted to share that little tidbit along with the job hunt progress.

Sounds like your job search is going really well. Best wishes finding a good fit for you.

And that is unbelievable..... they got what they deserved.

Edited by Soror
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8 hours ago, fraidycat said:

Hmmmmm, seems as if the consequences of their own actions are coming home to roost. <insert evil chuckle here> 

Yes.  That is making me laugh!  I am honestly so glad that happened to them.  Hopefully they learned something from that. 

I am glad your hunt is going well.  I hope you find a great job.

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  • 2 months later...

Long time, but finally a reason to update. Very happy to say!:

Friday I accepted an offer of employment. It's a half hour commute, so no move necessary. The pay is commensurate with the promotion I had wanted. Not my exact field/how I wanted to grow, but a good opportunity where I can get a lot of cross-training and understanding of some closely-related areas that would be super beneficial. There are a couple certifications I should get with this position that will really help me no matter what I decide to do.

I start middle of December, so I have basically a week to wrap up all the business projects I started (uh oh, lol).

Also, another update: old org still does not have a Second. I had to go there for some paperwork a few weeks ago. IDK if the new lady who took my place is just that much better than me, but her desk was spotless and she was playing games on her phone for a good chunk of the time. I think more likely she just didn't get trained on anything past the basic front desk and calendar so that's all she has to do. Never seen Boss look that rough though.

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Congratulations! I'm so glad things are working out for you!

I'm not sure whether to feel bad for your old boss because he got screwed over by the higher ups in the old org, or content that he's reaping what he sowed by not standing up for you more.

Either way, you are moving onward and upward. Yay!

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Well, another update, quite unexpected.

Wednesday I got a call to interview. I told them I had already accepted an offer, but they said they'd still like to interview if I would be willing. I did the interview this afternoon. It went very well. I hadn't made it off the property afterwards when I got a call with an offer. It was substantially better than what I had: better pay, better benefits, better PTO, better title, larger organization. It's closer to home by 10 minutes and the day ends at 4:30 instead of 5.

I had about half hour of looking over the benefits info on my phone to make a decision because I wanted to tell other place before end of day. Talked to DH briefly to make sure I wasn't missing anything. 

So, I've accepted this new offer. First place was not happy but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. My new start date is December 27. 

I'm very excited about this new position. The other offer was good but this one fits better in just about every way I can think. 

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