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Drama Llama

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I woke up twice in the wee hours of the morning with throwing up, other dramatic GI symptoms, and chills. I did not think to take my temp before I took some ibuprofen, and now it's normal, but it probably wasn't.  I'm already feeling a little better, but kinda dehydrated and shaky.  I've kept water down this morning.  

I took a RAT and it's negative.  I made my kids take them too, although they are completely asymptomatic, and they are negative.  I know that it's not uncommon to test negative the first few days, so we'll test again.  Both kids also had a PCR on Tuesday that was negative.  

After being really really cautious for two years, we have opened up a lot in the last week, when our positivity rates got down to low. 

There was a bar-mitzvah attended by one kid (masked when not eating), a NHL game attended by one kid (masked the whole time), an AAU basketball game attended by one kid (masked the whole time, he was cheering a friend not playing), a bunch of sports practices which were outdoors but masks came off when they were exerting themselves, and we spent time with several uncles and aunts, their Dad, their grandfather, and their great-grandfather, and one friend unmasked.  We went to church for Ash Wednesday, and one kid had a shadow visit at another school where he played trombone unmasked with other people playing other instruments unmasked.  And I went to work, DH (who doesn't live here but we saw him several 

It is far and away the riskiest week that we've had.  So, now I feel very guilty.

Anyway, how do we respond?  I told the kids I'd stay upstairs and they should stay downstairs, mainly because I was sick in the bathroom up here and if they stay down they'll use the one down.  We've got good ventilation, some filters going, and weather allows windows to open. They can cook and bring me food.  We'll do virtual church, and of course we won't go to family dinner.  We would do all of that for stomach flu in non-covid times.

My biggest concerns are my grandfather in law, who has been over here unmasked, with hugs and curling up with my kids to watch hockey games, every day this week, and the fact that we have a baptism next Sunday for my youngest nephew.  I can stay home, I can probably keep my kids home from that.  Although I'm cooking for the party as my gift, but DH is godfather so he has to be here, and while he doesn't live with us, I saw him unmasked outside this week, and there was a little physical affection.  And my GFIL would be devastated if we made him stay home.  I hope my SIL would cancel rather than telling them not to come, although to be fair we've had two covid related cancelations, and one godparent mental health related cancelation, and everyone was desperate enough to get this baby christened to schedule it during Lent.  

So, given all that info, what do I need to do?

Do I need to tell people (bar mitzvah people?  hockey people?).  Who needs to quarantine and from what?  Who needs to test when?  What about school?  If there wasn't the covid issue, if I don't throw up or have a fever again, I'd probably try to work from home Monday and then go in on Tuesday, but I'd send any asymptomatic kids on Monday.   We'd all skip church, and seeing family (especially since they have an unvaccinated baby) today, and I'd stay away from GFIL and people he lives with a little longer. 

But how does covid change that?

Edited by Baseballandhockey
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In my area, at least, many people are getting nasty noroviruses and URIs, not Covid. Covid rates are quite low after being astronomically high a month or two ago.

You certainly can take all the necessary precautions you would normally take and keep testing. It may just be that as you have been out and about more, it’s inevitable that y’all are going to be exposed to/contract all the other illnesses that we’ve mentally put on the back burner.

So, test again either daily or in a couple of days. (I don’t know what your access is to tests.) But it kinda sounds like a nasty GI bug. 

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On the theory that it’s norovirus, ask DH or someone to go pick up some Kefir and leave at your front door. At least 4 bottles, preferably 8. It’s cheapest at Aldi. Drink as much as you can stomach. I think the berry flavors are easiest in large quantities. Have the boys drink at least a bottle today. It’s been shown to heal the virus faster and prevent infection after exposure. 

When you’re better, clean every surface that can be bleached with at least 10% bleach. Use bleach products in bathroom. You can also use lysol on upholstery. I’d try to keep grandfather away for at least 2 weeks because the virus is transmissible on surfaces that long. 

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Knowing a stomach bug is about again is enough to make me isolate again. I was just thinking last night about how miserable and painful that is for me. Stomach cramps so severe I'm wishing to vomit so it will end. Vomiting so violent and painful. Shudder.

I'm so sorry you're sick. It doesn't sound at all like covid. Do what you did prepandemic. We're supposed to go back to normal. 

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Tell the people you would normally tell if you were 100% sure it was a stomach bug.  Also tell anyone who needs to be extra cautious about Covid.

I'd keep the kids away from others, but I would not keep them away from you.  At this point you have already had enough exposure that staying apart within your own house would not make much difference.

If you get a positive test later, follow the school's rules for quarantine.

I don't think I'd postpone a christening in this situation, but that's up to the parents.

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Aaack! Sounds miserable. Stay hydrated, and I’d keep doing what you’re doing. I’d probably test again a few times, and stay away from extra people — I was pretty adamant about not spreading germs pre-Covid, too, so it’s not necessarily Covid measures, just general considerate measures. I wouldn’t be able to stay away from kids, so we’d do extra hygiene and possibly mask in common areas.

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I am so sorry!!!  I would tell kids to use downstairs bathroom while you are sick, and I would you yourself stay home until 48 hours after symptoms resolve. I would send kids to school if they aren’t sick.  I would isolate as much as possible from kids.  I don’t think stomach bugs are really contagious before symptoms but are for a longish while after symptoms resolve.  Definitely bleach when you are better.  

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It doesn't sound like COVID to me. I think we all just have COVID on the brain, so any sickness *might* be COVID. Sure it might be, but your symptoms sound much more like a regular stomach bug which will pass (hopefully quickly).  I would do the normal stomach bug protocol, but just to be sure I'd do a COVID test tomorrow too if your symptoms are not over. 

And (hugs), it's hard when you get sick and you consider all the ways you might have gotten sick/who all you might have contaminated.  Nothing to do about that now, it sounds like regular activities conducted in a safe manner.  Try to not worry about it, and just move on with sleeping/drinking plenty of liquids. 

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So, the weird thing is that I never get stomach bugs.  My kids don't either.  It's not lack of exposure.  At work, I was always the person who handled any vomiting, or other bathroom issues because I just don't get stomach bugs.   That doesn't mean it couldn't be a virus now, just that I have zero experience with this.   So, when people say "do what you would have done"?  Uh, I have no clue.  


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My 65 year old neighbor had these symptoms when we stayed with them due to house issues. He was in his room for 24 hours and none of us got sick. So 24 hour GI upset? Friends who recently had covid had negative tests for few/several days before a positive PCR. I hope you feel better soon and no one else gets sick whatever it is.

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9 minutes ago, SKL said:

I think folks who have been avoiding germs are likely to get more illnesses than pre-2020, due to less ongoing exposure to relatively benign bugs.  Hopefully these will be mild.

I agree with you. It’s probably going to be a couple years of reacquainting and repriming our immune systems to all the non-covid ick out there. 

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Ugh. I'm sorry you are feeling poorly.

It does sound like a stomach bug, and I agree that all of the isolation and protective measures we have all taken will probably make us more prone to contracting and displaying symptoms of bugs we would have easily foughten off in the past.

That, coupled with the intense and ongoing stress you have experienced over the past couple years (which also decreases your immunity) has probably contributed to your catching this one. 😩

I hope it's just a 24 hr. bug and that you are already on the road to recovery.

I would notify anybody you've had direct contact with in the past 24-48 hrs. and stay away from as many people as possible until 48 hrs. symptom free and disinfect all surfaces, including doorknobs and lightswitches.

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1 hour ago, Baseballandhockey said:

So, the weird thing is that I never get stomach bugs.  My kids don't either.  It's not lack of exposure.  At work, I was always the person who handled any vomiting, or other bathroom issues because I just don't get stomach bugs.   That doesn't mean it couldn't be a virus now, just that I have zero experience with this.   So, when people say "do what you would have done"?  Uh, I have no clue.  

I hear you--one of my children has never vomited outside of having a migraine. None of us have been that kind of sick since my almost 18 year old was about a year old. 

19 minutes ago, fraidycat said:

I would notify anybody you've had direct contact with in the past 24-48 hrs. and stay away from as many people as possible until 48 hrs. symptom free and disinfect all surfaces, including doorknobs and lightswitches.

This is probably what I would do. 

DH started feeling sick at work last night with body aches and not wanting to be upright. Might've had a low fever. Not excited about eating. Headache. Negative rapid test. Could be just about any kind of illness at this point.

I am hoping we can get him in someplace that can test both flu and Covid just so we know what precautions to take.

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1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

We are all getting over being sick too—not COVID, though we all tested multiple times. Dd brought home a cold and spread it around.

I would just give a heads up to family you are sick and your initial test was negative. 

Do you mean my own family?  They know because we usually go to church and eat dinner with them.

I am sure my older kid told his girlfriend because they talk all day.  So, I guess my question is do I need to tell the people from the bar mitzvah and the hockey game.

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3 hours ago, Baseballandhockey said:

So, the weird thing is that I never get stomach bugs.  My kids don't either.  It's not lack of exposure.  At work, I was always the person who handled any vomiting, or other bathroom issues because I just don't get stomach bugs.   That doesn't mean it couldn't be a virus now, just that I have zero experience with this.   So, when people say "do what you would have done"?  Uh, I have no clue.  


A few things here… your immune system hasn’t been exposed to norovirus or pretty much anything else in two years.  It’s not surprising it’s reacting now. The virus has probably changed a lot in 2 years. Also, illness with norovirus has to do with viral load.

The last time I had a bad case I’d worked in nursing taking care of people with it for weeks. Masked, hand washing. Didn’t catch it. Took a week off. Went to chipotle, where apparently an employee was working sick and not properly washing their hands, got a bad case. Passed it on to even the members of the family who are normally immune. Though the “immune” ones were sick for 1-3 days, and I was sick for five. 

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47 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

Do you mean my own family?  They know because we usually go to church and eat dinner with them.

I am sure my older kid told his girlfriend because they talk all day.  So, I guess my question is do I need to tell the people from the bar mitzvah and the hockey game.

No, I don’t think you need to tell the people from the bar mitzvah or the hockey game. Neither boy is ill and both have negative Covid tests which means that they wouldn’t have had enough virus to infect anyone. I think you have the stomach flu. I’ve never heard of anyone with Covid with vomiting like that. It’s likely to be the most obvious reason. Our family rarely gets the stomach flu/norovirus either, but every 10 years or so one or more of us does. You’ve been under a ton of stress for years and not had a lot of exposure to keep your immune system primed. It isn’t surprising you got something. 

Edited by freesia
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5 hours ago, brehon said:

In my area, at least, many people are getting nasty noroviruses and URIs, not Covid. Covid rates are quite low after being astronomically high a month or two ago.

You certainly can take all the necessary precautions you would normally take and keep testing. It may just be that as you have been out and about more, it’s inevitable that y’all are going to be exposed to/contract all the other illnesses that we’ve mentally put on the back burner.

So, test again either daily or in a couple of days. (I don’t know what your access is to tests.) But it kinda sounds like a nasty GI bug. 

Same here. So many vomiting people.  But there’s been low levels of non Covid illness for two years and now people’s immune systems have to readjust. I expect to see a lot of colds and GI bugs and flu over the next few weeks as everything is reopened and unmasked now, including schools.

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29 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Same here. So many vomiting people.  But there’s been low levels of non Covid illness for two years and now people’s immune systems have to readjust. I expect to see a lot of colds and GI bugs and flu over the next few weeks as everything is reopened and unmasked now, including schools.

I will say that my area got rid of mask mandates sometime in mid-2021, if I remember correctly, and, although there certainly have been exposures and very localized outbreaks of cases, the number of cases did not spike like everyone thought they would, even in schools. Even with the worst of omicron we just didn’t see the spikes in hospitalizations or deaths. 

26 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

No, I wouldn’t tell the hockey and bar mitzvah folks. The only time I would for that level of group would be if I had a positive COVID test and the group was smaller (ie, you were one of 20 guests, and not 200).

I agree with this. 

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It would depend for me on who to tell.  If you were there at the events, I'd tell.  If the kids get sick, I'd tell.  But as it stands it's like a degree of separation.  When ds is ill I make sure those who were around him know what to expect.

I'm sorry you're sick.  I hope you start feeling better soon!

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  • Drama Llama changed the title to I am sick UPDATE LAST POST BAPTISM QUESTIONS

So, I seem to be better.  Need a PCR to return to work so I'm home today and probably tomorrow.  Kids are at school, cross your fingers for them.

This Sunday is my nephew's baptism.  It's an event that has been rescheduled multiple times, due to covid and other stuff.  I am sure my SIL wants to hold it!

I am supposed to make a lot of the food. I was gong to cook on Saturday.  DS11 is supposed to make a cake. 

Assuming my PCR is negative, and no one else gets it, what is the safety here?  Obviously this is an event with elderly people and babies.

Would you go, and not cook, maybe pay for catering as my gift?  Figure I'm fine to cook since it will have been 6 days?  

If you think I'm not safe to go be with baby are my kids safe to go?  DH (who I saw and kissed about 14 hours before i got sick)?  


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7 minutes ago, Danae said:

If your COVID test is negative and you haven’t vomited or had a fever for multiple days you are fine to cook on Saturday. I’m on the cautious end of the spectrum and that would give me no qualms at all.

I agree, but with the addition that I would spend time today cleaning all kitchen (and bathroom and high touch surfaces like door knobs and light switches) with bleach solution if you haven’t already. If it was norovirus, that lives a long time on surfaces. One of my extended family members had a stomach bug go through their house a few years ago, then later in the week hosted dinner at their house. Everyone who attended the dinner ended up with the same bug. I expect norovirus given that behavior. 

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7 minutes ago, KSera said:

I agree, but with the addition that I would spend time today cleaning all kitchen (and bathroom and high touch surfaces like door knobs and light switches) with bleach solution if you haven’t already. If it was norovirus, that lives a long time on surfaces. One of my extended family members had a stomach bug go through their house a few years ago, then later in the week hosted dinner at their house. Everyone who attended the dinner ended up with the same bug. I expect norovirus given that behavior. 

This. Norovirus can really linger. So I would do a big disinfect before cooking.

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I believe that you're contagious for up to two weeks after norovirus but I think you're okay if you've been symptom free and you are vigilant about hand washing.  I'd be worried about someone else in your family being contagious though right before they come down with it.  




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I am having trouble reconciling the idea that I could be contagious for two weeks, with a virus that's not a big deal for adults but can make infants quite sick, and it's OK for me to cook for a party with babies.  

I haven't gone downstairs since I got sick, I've stayed upstairs and used the upstairs bathroom, and made my kids stay downstairs other than leaving food in the hallway (note: put dog in backyard if you're going to do this!), other than to drive my kids to school and in a few minutes I'll leave to get a PCR and pick them up.  I had them wipe things down with bleach, and I'll do it again when I let myself out of isolation. 

Maybe 3.5 years of germ paranoia has gotten to me. 

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9 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

I am having trouble reconciling the idea that I could be contagious for two weeks, with a virus that's not a big deal for adults but can make infants quite sick, and it's OK for me to cook for a party with babies.  

I haven't gone downstairs since I got sick, I've stayed upstairs and used the upstairs bathroom, and made my kids stay downstairs other than leaving food in the hallway (note: put dog in backyard if you're going to do this!), other than to drive my kids to school and in a few minutes I'll leave to get a PCR and pick them up.  I had them wipe things down with bleach, and I'll do it again when I let myself out of isolation. 

Maybe 3.5 years of germ paranoia has gotten to me. 

If you are feeling this way, that right there is your answer. You have been through so much the past 3 years. Be kind to yourself, and don't make yourself anxious like this. Buy a gift card for catering/deli foods, and just let them know you have the stomach bug at your house, and won't be able to attend.

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5 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

If you are feeling this way, that right there is your answer. You have been through so much the past 3 years. Be kind to yourself, and don't make yourself anxious like this. Buy a gift card for catering/deli foods, and just let them know you have the stomach bug at your house, and won't be able to attend.

that sounds perfect

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Assuming this is norovirus, and it may not be, norovirus guidelines state not to prepare food for three days after recovery. If you are fine today, then don't cook today, Tuesday, or Wednesday. (This is the guidance in the documentation KSera linked above.)  You mentioned above you were planning to cook Saturday. That adds the additional days of Thursday and Friday as a healthy cushion around that.

It very much is a mental adjustment from the life you've been living for a few years. Faith-manor is right to suggest you be gentle with yourself. If you're not up to catering SIL's baby baptism, I think that's a reasonable thing to set aside. 

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Personally I'd tell them now that you're sick with a stomach bug, don't know how long you'll be contagious, and have to beg off cooking for the christening.  I would offer to pay for food delivery instead.  Then I would rest and relax.  Having begged off cooking, I would probably not attend the christening, or if I did, I'd mask and stay away from people.

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2 hours ago, Katy said:

I wouldn't cook for babies or elderly people for two weeks either.  And bleach everything you can.  The only thing that kills that crap is bleach.

Would you go?  Send your kids?

Baptism is a very big deal for us.  

Also, my kid is supposed to make the cakes with his aunt.  If I don't touch them, and he makes them in her kitchen, would you let him do that?  


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23 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Assuming this is norovirus, and it may not be, norovirus guidelines state not to prepare food for three days after recovery. If you are fine today, then don't cook today, Tuesday, or Wednesday. (This is the guidance in the documentation KSera linked above.)  You mentioned above you were planning to cook Saturday. That adds the additional days of Thursday and Friday as a healthy cushion around that.

It very much is a mental adjustment from the life you've been living for a few years. Faith-manor is right to suggest you be gentle with yourself. If you're not up to catering SIL's baby baptism, I think that's a reasonable thing to set aside. 

This. And I doubt it was norovirus. You would have likely been sicker and for longer.

Wear gloves and a mask during prep, but I don't even know if that's needed.

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3 hours ago, Baseballandhockey said:

Would you go?  Send your kids?

Baptism is a very big deal for us.  

Also, my kid is supposed to make the cakes with his aunt.  If I don't touch them, and he makes them in her kitchen, would you let him do that?  


I would go. I would sit at the outside of the aisle with my kids between me & the others.  I would avoid touching older people or babies.

I would let the aunt decide about the cakes, assuming it is the one I trusted to be around him. If he hasn't caught it yet he probably won't.  It's usually 12-48 hours for norovirus I think.

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43 minutes ago, Katy said:

I would go. I would sit at the outside of the aisle with my kids between me & the others.  I would avoid touching older people or babies.

I would let the aunt decide about the cakes, assuming it is the one I trusted to be around him. If he hasn't caught it yet he probably won't.  It's usually 12-48 hours for norovirus I think.

The aunt with the baby is the one I have the rocky relationship with.  The rest of us are making the food.  The aunt with the kitchen and the cake baking talent, I trust 100%.  


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