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2021 Year in Review - Day 2


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My 2021 in 3 words:

  • Flexibility
  • Organizing
  • Receiving

Flexibility because puppy + teens + shared home + unpredictability in job + various health issues (relatively minor but needing attention).

Organizing because I have made some progress in organizing my home, work files, and mind.  I enjoy organizing, so this is something I do whenever I have both time and energy for it.

Receiving because I have allowed others to give to me this year, much more than ever before in my life.  My sister gave me my pup and a lot of time and help with him.  She introduced me to a new friend who is an extremely generous and helpful person.  When I wasn't feeling well, if possible, I allowed myself to recover while letting others do some of my domestic work.  My kids have cooked and baked for me.  My family has received help and positivity from various individuals connected with the public schools - more than I ever thought I could expect.  From musicians I've received many hours of comfort and enjoyment.  From God I've received a year of beautiful seasons, good health, and sound direction.

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Ah well maybe mine is happier:




Wedding because a lot of the first nine months of the year were spent on my daughter’s wedding.

Family because both the meshing of families brought by the wedding and because the pandemic meant a lot of our traditions have been just family and not as much of friends. 

Close because, as I said in my WOTY thread, I have found it is okay to close (or mostly close) out relationships that don’t bring anything to table anymore. It’s not as though I wrote people off directly but I did decide that I wasn’t going to keep throwing good love after bad with people who made every conversation a big eggshell-tiptoe. So, I didn’t slam the door shut but I did quietly close some. 

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Grateful:   that we’re all still living under one roof. It won’t be for long as the kids are 19 and 16. I’m soaking up every moment with them that I can before they leave the nest.

Transition:   got a new job out of the blue. There was an ending of one way of life, and the beginning of a new one with all the upheaval that brings.

Release:    As soon as I was vaccinated, I got tired of being mad at the idiots who won’t take covid seriously and most of a certain political party that I used to be part of and am utterly befuddled by now. I’m mad at them mentally, but the emotions are mostly gone. They’re idiots and I am no longer willing to waste my energy of a bunch of idiots. They can go be idiots alone together. I have no time for them. I’ve released them.

Edited by Garga
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The only three words I can think of that fit are "slow and steady." Slow and steady weight loss, slow and steady improvement in my relationship with DD, slow and steady(ish) working on the house and yard. Small changes, but at least they're in a forward direction — and I'm equally grateful for all the other things that just stayed the same without getting worse.

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On 12/2/2021 at 5:54 PM, Garga said:

Release:    As soon as I was vaccinated, I got tired of being mad at the idiots who won’t take covid seriously and most of a certain political party that I used to be part of and am utterly befuddled by now. I’m mad at them mentally, but the emotions are mostly gone. They’re idiots and I am no longer willing to waste my energy of a bunch of idiots. They can go be idiots alone together. I have no time for them. I’ve released them.

So happy you were able to do that. And jealous. Let me in on the secret.

I know that the anger I feel isn't healthy. But being forced to work in a place with zero protective policies, surrounded by unmasked people, makes me feel uncomfortable every.single.day. Yes, I am vaxxed, but we all know that's not a guarantee. 

I hate hate hate that these idiots in my state legislature affect my quality of life and potentially my health and that of my friends. 

So, any wisdom you could share?

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2 minutes ago, regentrude said:

So happy you were able to do that. And jealous. Let me in on the secret.

I know that the anger I feel isn't healthy. But being forced to work in a place with zero protective policies, surrounded by unmasked people, makes me feel uncomfortable every.single.day. Yes, I am vaxxed, but we all know that's not a guarantee. 

I hate hate hate that these idiots in my state legislature affect my quality of life and potentially my health and that of my friends. 

So, any wisdom you could share?

I wish I had wisdom. I think I just got so crushed down by the unrelenting idiocy of the anti-vaxxers that the emotions got crushed out of me. It just…happened. Once I got my vaccine for my family and me, I felt that we were protected from the worst of it, and if the rest of them wanted to suffer and die, then let them do it. They want to be free to make their own moronic choices? Fine, be free.

The OP was about the words that describe the year, but not necessarily words that we called into being. I wish I had a magic secret I could give you. I wish I had somehow made “release” happen. I didn’t will release into being. Instead, I was just disillusioned and beaten down and oh-so-disappointed in so many of my friends, that I finally just…gave up.

Then again…now that I think of it: the turning point may have been when my husband, who is someone who cares about others, finally decided to start going out again. I was like, “But you could be part of the problem, passing covid to someone,” and he said, “I protected them for over a year, and they didn’t want it. I just can’t keep protecting people who don’t want it. I’m going to live my life again and if they want to get sick and die, then I’m so sorry that they’re suffering, but I can’t control them.”  

And somehow that deflated all my anger. I can’t control them. I had to rely on them to protect me by wearing a mask before the vaccine was out…and they had no interest in protecting me. Once I was vaccinated, I finally had the option to protect myself. And if they want to stay unprotected…so be it.

I suppose I have faith in the vaccine. 

I also have the luxury of working from home, so I don’t have to look into the eyes of people who don’t give a bleep about me all day long. I would probably still feel ragey if I had to go in to work and see people being flippant with my health, the way you have to.


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1 hour ago, Garga said:

And somehow that deflated all my anger. I can’t control them. I had to rely on them to protect me by wearing a mask before the vaccine was out…and they had no interest in protecting me. Once I was vaccinated, I finally had the option to protect myself. And if they want to stay unprotected…so be it.

That is a lot of it for me as well. It’s what I have loved about the vaccine and booster. I am not as afraid of Covid at this point because I can make those decisions for myself, whatever other people choose. (Yes I do still get frustrated about you-know-who not getting vaxed, but even that is bothering me less recently because I cannot change that person’s mind. Hopefully, bad outcomes won’t happen there but…oh well. I can’t help what another person chooses.) 

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4 hours ago, Quill said:

That is a lot of it for me as well. It’s what I have loved about the vaccine and booster. I am not as afraid of Covid at this point because I can make those decisions for myself, whatever other people choose.

My fully vaxxed brother and all residents in their group home got Covid because of unvaxxed staff. I know too many people with breakthrough infections to feel  comfortable in a room full of unmasked unvaxxed people who, despite being asked, cannot be bothered to be considerate of the other people. I am angry at them, at my employer that doesn't give a fig , and I hate that I let this upset me so much. I find it difficult not to feel judgment, and I hate that too. 

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3 hours ago, regentrude said:

My fully vaxxed brother and all residents in their group home got Covid because of unvaxxed staff. I know too many people with breakthrough infections to feel  comfortable in a room full of unmasked unvaxxed people who, despite being asked, cannot be bothered to be considerate of the other people. I am angry at them, at my employer that doesn't give a fig , and I hate that I let this upset me so much. I find it difficult not to feel judgment, and I hate that too. 

Yeah, I understand that. I have the privilege of being almost completely surrounded by people who have been vaxed. As I have said from the beginning, I am glad I live where I live because compliance is high in a lot of places. My son’s university has a vax mandate and they report very close to 100% compliance. So yes, I do get to rest in the relative safety of being in a “liberal” state where compliance is high. I’m sorry you don’t have that. It would make me angry too. 

Recently, I am forming a group of women to do fun things together and I was able to make a parameter of the group that we are all fully vaxed and have no issue with masking if it is required somewhere. I’m not interested in arriving at, say, a theater and having some ding-bat in my group having a stand-off at the door because they either can’t provide proof of vax or won’t wear a mask. I love that it wasn’t even difficult to require that. 12 woman have all agreed to it. So I’m lucky in that respect. 

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