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Face-to-face school - anyone else's kids start yet?


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Our governor ordered masks in schools and some school districts are begging not to.  Other states the governor said no masks and school districts are begging to require them.  The USA is very confusing and disappointing.

Almost everywhere is substantial or high spread meeting the CDC guidelines to masks indoors.  Can we just mask, coast to coast, please?

I noticed stores quickly pivoted when CDC said the vaccinated didn't need masks but they are not pivoting back at all around here while still claiming to follow CDC guidelines.  Ugh.

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1 minute ago, happi duck said:

Our governor ordered masks in schools and some school districts are begging not to.  Other states the governor said no masks and school districts are begging to require them.  The USA is very confusing and disappointing.

Almost everywhere is substantial or high spread meeting the CDC guidelines to masks indoors.  Can we just mask, coast to coast, please?

I noticed stores quickly pivoted when CDC said the vaccinated didn't need masks but they are not pivoting back at all around here while still claiming to follow CDC guidelines.  Ugh.

That was always the issue with that stupid CDC guidance.

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52 minutes ago, Kanin said:

That's bad.... But I'm super distracted by the dates going the wrong way! Just...why?

My brain kind of went "BOING" over reading that thing right to left! 

Side note. Apparently at the school board meeting this week, they decided no masks, no distancing, no contact tracing, no quarantining after exposure, nada, zip, squat. đŸ˜ 

There are 11 days to go until school starts, and according to a former colleague who retired from that district at the end of the 20/21 year, there are threats of mass exodus among faculty and staff.

This is NOT going to end well.

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Just now, Ordinary Shoes said:

The parents will throw a fit when the exodus of the staff affect their kids but they won't connect it to their own behavior. 

I see that the federal government has the ability to send nurses to hard hit hospitals. Maybe they're in the armed services? But I assume there is nothing like that for schools. So they just pack the kids into bigger classes and hire unlicensed staff to babysit. 

Oh yes. Zero responsibility for showing up to the meeting unmasked, screaming, and dropping Fbombs on the teachers. They will never admit they caused it!


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I sent my husband back to school; does that count đŸ™‚Â This was the first week; until a couple of weeks ago it looked like it would be masks optional, but at the last minute they announced that schools in cities with an incidence rate over 100/100,000 (over 14 days) would require masks. Which left ONE city masks optional because they were at 98/100,000. So they were masks optional for the first 3 days until the new epidemiology report came out and showed them at something like 150/100,000. Shocker. Masks optional county next door already went virtual for the whole 5th grade in one school because of too many cases. So I'm glad our county is doing something, even if it's a fairly wishy washy policy (99/100,000 isn't actually low!) He says compliance in his classes is mostly good, although with more noses sticking out than last year. His students find out quickly that he doesn't mess around about enforcing the mask policy, though. He says that when he ventures into the hallways, things don't look as good. 

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25 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

My brain kind of went "BOING" over reading that thing right to left! 

Side note. Apparently at the school board meeting this week, they decided no masks, no distancing, no contact tracing, no quarantining after exposure, nada, zip, squat. đŸ˜ 

There are 11 days to go until school starts, and according to a former colleague who retired from that district at the end of the 20/21 year, there are threats of mass exodus among faculty and staff.

This is NOT going to end well.

I would be freaking out if I were in a high-transmission area and low vaccination, non-masking school. (I'm already borderline freaking out in a moderate-transmission area and high vaccination, masked school.) The very thought gives me chills. I would not blame teachers for leaving, not one bit. 

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Oh and our district is reporting that only 4% of kids didn't wear masks. But on the facebook group for teachers in the county many are saying they didn't bother to report who was and wasn't. That they felt they were not supposed to call kids out to put them back on, and that in highschool it was pointless. 

DS says they are not checking/enforcing at his high school.  We got the call about new cases on the second day of school.  The only thing that surprised us was that it wasn’t on day 1.  Here’s Hillsborough County’s (Tampa) dashboard. Also goes from right to left.


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4 minutes ago, ikslo said:

DS says they are not checking/enforcing at his high school.  We got the call about new cases on the second day of school.  The only thing that surprised us was that it wasn’t on day 1.  Here’s Hillsborough County’s (Tampa) dashboard. Also goes from right to left.


Quoting myself to add: I refreshed the screen after posting and now the dashboard shows 406 cases for that same period.  However, none of the individual day totals changed đŸ¤”

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I was very heartened to see on Facebook that some schools were seeing 80% of students masking, in a neighboring town where school has started.

The governor will not allow a mask mandate in Oklahoma.  

I will take good news where I can find it!

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10 hours ago, freesia said:

I would guess 5 comes from the fact covid symptoms and positive results “usually “ (but not always) come 2-5 days after exposure. 

We got an email from the headmaster today explaining that they will not go virtual and are doing their best to nip this in the bud. They explained the 5 days to look for symptoms so those students (or teachers/staff) would know to stay home. The email explained that several students and parents had tested positive. 

I hadn't even thought of parents. 

Dh works in a college and I don't know how his employer is handling this if their employees have kids at the school and have to stay home with the kids (either for childcare and/or exposure... at this point I'm not sure if both rules apply to the vaccinated there). I asked but he didn't respond about missing work. He said he was taking ds to get his vaccine at Walgreens. I suggested the other place to get the visa gift cards... but oh well. 

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1 minute ago, heartlikealion said:

We got an email from the headmaster today explaining that they will not go virtual and are doing their best to nip this in the bud. They explained the 5 days to look for symptoms so those students (or teachers/staff) would know to stay home. The email explained that several students and parents had tested positive. 

I hadn't even thought of parents. 

Dh works in a college and I don't know how his employer is handling this if their employees have kids at the school and have to stay home with the kids (either for childcare and/or exposure... at this point I'm not sure if both rules apply to the vaccinated there). I asked but he didn't respond about missing work. He said he was taking ds to get his vaccine at Walgreens. I suggested the other place to get the visa gift cards... but oh well. 

At this point the important thing is getting him vaccinated as soon as possible. Not the $150 - you'd spend that in doctors bills and lost wages if he caught it while waiting for a good time to take him to the other place. 

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15 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

At this point the important thing is getting him vaccinated as soon as possible. Not the $150 - you'd spend that in doctors bills and lost wages if he caught it while waiting for a good time to take him to the other place. 

Dh has primary custody and they are off of school for the closure. If ds is able to go today (not sure if he has to take a test or something first) then both places are open. Dh also just said we have to delay their OT appointments til the flex spending card kicks in. I have no control over any of this, was just making suggestions. 

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Our Governor (in VA) just declared masks are required for all PSs in our state.  Last week he said he wouldn't do that.  My county had already decided masks were required.  Mine aren't in PS, but they will be swimming 6 days a week with kids that are.  I'm glad they are requiring masks.  They start on the 23rd here.  

On the other hand, we are taking one class (in-person option only) that is 2 days a week.  So far, masks are not required at all, but mine will be wearing them.  I am considering opting my boys into the on-line option for their other in-person class.  If they were not in high school and needing certain classes for credits, I would have all their classes at home (either by me or on-line).  They are heading into Spanish 3 with the teacher they took Spanish 1 and 2 with and that isn't an easy class to just switch instructors after 2 years.  So...they will go, but I'm not happy about it.  

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DH got a high risk contact call today; another teacher in his department tested positive. Being a high risk contact this year means....nothing, apparently. He's not required to test or stay home unless he has symptoms, but he went out and took a home test anyway (negative). He managed to go all last year with no close contacts, but that was because they were doing meetings online and there was a virtual option so the classrooms weren't as full. This guy hasn't been at school all week (so we were fairly sure DH was in the clear at this point), but the whole math department had an in person meeting during planning last week. 

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Well, $#@&, my 12yo (who is vaccinated) is slated to attend the local private school this year after several years of homeschooling. She's extremely extraverted and has been looking forward all year to attending. The school minutes ago sent an email saying that masking is optional, no distancing will be done, etc. But they do plan to sanitize surfaces. đŸ™„

This is in California where I assumed that the rule of all schools enforcing masking would include private schools. 

I really hate this virus and that I am now being forced to decide between two bad options. 1) Keep her enrolled and and potentially expose both her younger unvaccinated brothers, or 2) Enroll her in the local public school (it's not nearly as good academically), which is probably good and all and she has friends there but it's still not what she was hoping for all year. 

I think for her, homeschooling another year would not be good; she desperately needs to be around more people. 

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7 minutes ago, kokotg said:

DH got a high risk contact call today; another teacher in his department tested positive. Being a high risk contact this year means....nothing, apparently. He's not required to test or stay home unless he has symptoms, but he went out and took a home test anyway (negative). He managed to go all last year with no close contacts, but that was because they were doing meetings online and there was a virtual option so the classrooms weren't as full. This guy hasn't been at school all week (so we were fairly sure DH was in the clear at this point), but the whole math department had an in person meeting during planning last week. 

Thank goodness for home tests! I don’t know much about them like if you need to test again in so many days from exposure or if the one time is good. 

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3 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Thank goodness for home tests! I don’t know much about them like if you need to test again in so many days from exposure or if the one time is good. 

He's already 9 days from exposure (and vaccinated and no symptoms), so I think he's good in this case at least. 

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It's getting really bad here. I don't know how bad it is everywhere else. 

"Today the state has surpassed all previous highs in Mississippians hospitalized for COVID-19. No intensive care beds remain in the state, and hospitals are operating at emergency capacity to cope with the incoming flood of COVID-19 patients (including the the University of Mississippi Medical Center, which Is converting a parking garage to patient care). Of the nearly 1,500 now in the hospital for COVID-19, more than 1,300 are unvaccinated. It's an extraordinary burden." (from MS Dept. of Health facebook page) 



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School started today (north of Dallas).  Almost no one is wearing a mask.  The schools only require a student to stay home if they have a fever (meaning no fever on day 3 means you can go back to school).  The schools won't be letting parents know if a classmate or staff member tests positive.  :sigh:

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On 8/11/2021 at 7:38 PM, Sneezyone said:

Our kids don’t go back until after Labor Day but the district is, for now, mask optional (despite state guidance to the contrary). My kids are vaxxed and will be masked. I have zero doubt that this will not end well and they’ll be backtracking in less than 60 days.

Quoting myself b/c this happened in record time. The district caved tonight. Gov's EO will be honored. Masks are required.

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48 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

It's getting really bad here. I don't know how bad it is everywhere else. 

"Today the state has surpassed all previous highs in Mississippians hospitalized for COVID-19. No intensive care beds remain in the state, and hospitals are operating at emergency capacity to cope with the incoming flood of COVID-19 patients (including the the University of Mississippi Medical Center, which Is converting a parking garage to patient care). Of the nearly 1,500 now in the hospital for COVID-19, more than 1,300 are unvaccinated. It's an extraordinary burden." (from MS Dept. of Health facebook page) 



This is terrifying. And so unneeded. Over 85 percent unvaccinated. How long can people ignore the math?!?!

38 minutes ago, Pamela H in Texas said:

School started today (north of Dallas).  Almost no one is wearing a mask.  The schools only require a student to stay home if they have a fever (meaning no fever on day 3 means you can go back to school).  The schools won't be letting parents know if a classmate or staff member tests positive.  :sigh:

I'm so sorry. And terrified for my teacher friends and their families in Texas. 

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33 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

This is terrifying. And so unneeded. Over 85 percent unvaccinated. How long can people ignore the math?!?!

I put off getting the vaccine for a few reasons but then delta got crazy. I know people that are anti vaxx. They won’t change their minds. I was just nervous but not totally anti vaxx. I don’t get flu shots (had one in like 2008) but never say never. I could start again. A girlfriend of mine has a vaccine injured child (documented, not speculated) and is currently pregnant and has Covid. I cannot imagine. I don’t know if she always avoids vaccines or just because she was nervous about her unborn child getting injured? My dad will probably never get the vaccine and I worry a bit. He’ll do all the natural things to help boost his immune system. The first report I heard about the vaccine was from someone at work and their list of side effects sounded like one of those horrible commercials lol (you know where you say dang just take your chances with the original issue) 

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On 8/11/2021 at 8:14 PM, ktgrok said:

Today was day 2 in our district and a friend with 2 kids in the system got notice today they have both been exposed. Older kid is vaccinated so doesn't have to quarantine, the younger one the whole class is too young and they all have to quarantine - the whole class - for 2 weeks. How this is going to work, I have no idea. 

Interesting that they quarantine the whole class. Here they just quarantine those that were within 6 feet for 15 or more minutes. They literally came into the classroom with a tape measure and measured distances between desks and then consulted the seating chart to know who to quarantine. This happened a lot last year. This year hasn't started yet here.

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3 minutes ago, Longtime Lurker said:

Interesting that they quarantine the whole class. Here they just quarantine those that were within 6 feet for 15 or more minutes. They literally came into the classroom with a tape measure and measured distances between desks and then consulted the seating chart to know who to quarantine. This happened a lot last year. This year hasn't started yet here.

In a way I don't even understand this. Like it doesn't take 15 min to sneeze on someone. Lol. 

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My kids go part time.  No masks required.  They've been in session a week.  So far, so good.  Who knows what the future will hold?

For reference, our district was in person all year last year from August through May.  Masks encouraged.  Very little masking going on.  It went a zillion times better than I feared it would.

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18 minutes ago, Random said:

My kids go part time.  No masks required.  They've been in session a week.  So far, so good.  Who knows what the future will hold?

For reference, our district was in person all year last year from August through May.  Masks encouraged.  Very little masking going on.  It went a zillion times better than I feared it would.

Similar situation with us. I was anxious but luckily it didn't go that bad. I just felt like they made unnecessary risks. They had pageant + awards ceremony where basically none of the students wore masks and not all the staff or attendees. And they had football games where no one was really masked (we saw photos online). 

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The R value with Delta is much higher than with previous strains, so what worked last year is unlikely to work this year (particularly if what worked last year was doing nothing). Where someone infected with the original strain infected 3 people on average, Delta infects 7. But we'll see, I guess.

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18 minutes ago, kokotg said:

The R value with Delta is much higher than with previous strains, so what worked last year is unlikely to work this year (particularly if what worked last year was doing nothing). Where someone infected with the original strain infected 3 people on average, Delta infects 7. But we'll see, I guess.

Yes, absolutely.  My point was just that local schools opened up in spite of the scariest thing we knew about at the time, and then did the same thing this year.  I was very anxious last year to have the kids in person all year.  Same this year.  So far the emotional toll of not being together when things were shut down was worse than the physical toll of being together when things opened.  Time will tell if that holds.

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On 8/11/2021 at 7:50 PM, ScoutTN said:

This is why I and my kids get flu shots at Publix, gift cards! Three shots = dinner from the Publix deli and no cooking for mom. đŸ˜‰I would get the flu shot anyway, just a matter of where. 

We do too although now it is just dh and I who get the benefit. 

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6 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I put off getting the vaccine for a few reasons but then delta got crazy. I know people that are anti vaxx. They won’t change their minds. I was just nervous but not totally anti vaxx. I don’t get flu shots (had one in like 2008) but never say never. I could start again. A girlfriend of mine has a vaccine injured child (documented, not speculated) and is currently pregnant and has Covid. I cannot imagine. I don’t know if she always avoids vaccines or just because she was nervous about her unborn child getting injured? My dad will probably never get the vaccine and I worry a bit. He’ll do all the natural things to help boost his immune system. The first report I heard about the vaccine was from someone at work and their list of side effects sounded like one of those horrible commercials lol (you know where you say dang just take your chances with the original issue) 

I certainly hope your pregnant friend will get vaccinated. 


As for side effects of the vaccine, I doubt they were intubated and fighting for their life in an overcrowded hospital, like more and more of the unvaccinated.

Unless he’s not going anywhere or seeing anyone, I struggle to understand how you are only a bit worried about your unvaccinated dad. I certainly hope he changes his mind.

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4 hours ago, Frances said:

I certainly hope your pregnant friend will get vaccinated. 


As for side effects of the vaccine, I doubt they were intubated and fighting for their life in an overcrowded hospital, like more and more of the unvaccinated.

Unless he’s not going anywhere or seeing anyone, I struggle to understand how you are only a bit worried about your unvaccinated dad. I certainly hope he changes his mind.

Well I’m more worried as of late but his normal routine is no public transit, church, grocery store/misc store, and outdoor pickleball. I’ve shopped with him before and he’s very quick and wears a mask. My aunt lives with him and mostly stays home. She usually has groceries delivered to the home. 

I asked him about the church numbers and he said it’s not crowded and mostly people are skipping a pew between seats. But what really concerns me is he’s supposed to attend a reunion (Naval Academy) in Sept and fly! He’s coming to see me today. First time visiting my new place. I’m definitely going to tell him my concerns but I doubt he’ll get vaccinated. I’m going to say look if you get sick the hospitals are overwhelmed. He knows this I’m sure after the news this week. But I don’t know what he’s been listening to. When Mom was alive the news was on all the time. 

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5 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Well I’m more worried as of late but his normal routine is no public transit, church, grocery store/misc store, and outdoor pickleball. I’ve shopped with him before and he’s very quick and wears a mask. My aunt lives with him and mostly stays home. She usually has groceries delivered to the home. 

I asked him about the church numbers and he said it’s not crowded and mostly people are skipping a pew between seats. But what really concerns me is he’s supposed to attend a reunion (Naval Academy) in Sept and fly! He’s coming to see me today. First time visiting my new place. I’m definitely going to tell him my concerns but I doubt he’ll get vaccinated. I’m going to say look if you get sick the hospitals are overwhelmed. He knows this I’m sure after the news this week. But I don’t know what he’s been listening to. When Mom was alive the news was on all the time. 

I’d be pretty worried in that set up. Heck, I’m pretty worried about my vaccinated in-laws, since they got the shot quite a while ago…

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

I’d be pretty worried in that set up. Heck, I’m pretty worried about my vaccinated in-laws, since they got the shot quite a while ago…

He’s pretty much anti vaxx so I don’t know if anything will change his mind. At one point I think he said he has the ability to cancel his plane ticket and at this rate I’m wondering will they cancel the event?? 

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1 minute ago, heartlikealion said:

He’s pretty much anti vaxx so I don’t know if anything will change his mind. At one point I think he said he has the ability to cancel his plane ticket and at this rate I’m wondering will they cancel the event?? 

Is he against all vaccines or this specific vaccine? 

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Both of my vaccinated sons went back to school Wednesday. GW attends a private day program that bills insurance (so more medical than educational as far as rules go). They require masks. I already got the first Covid case email yesterday in a program with about 100 people between staff and clients. 

Geezle was the only person masking in his public school young adult program. His summer internship at Goodwill required masking and he's firmly committed to it. The ISD won't be sending out Covid notices unless you have to quarantine, and since he's vaccinated, I don't think we'll be told if he's exposed since it won't be considered a close contact. This is not going to end well IMHO. I hope most of his peers and teachers are vaxxed but in our area that's unlikely.

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4 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Is he against all vaccines or this specific vaccine? 

All. But he recently told me that he thinks everyone needs to make their own decision and I was relieved because he doesn’t know yet I got the shot. Last time we spoke about vaccines he sent me a warning email about ingredients and a whistle blower that left Pfizer and I sent him back an article saying that was not true about the ingredient (my article came from Forbes and I felt pretty confident in it). My siblings got vaccinated a while ago. We all got different ones. One is in Europe so their options are different. 

A long time ago he told me someone (maybe the guy behind the polio vaccine) regretted it and/or lost a child after the vaccine. I could never find this in writing so still don’t know where he got that. He took my mom to get a tetanus shot after walking through a damaged house after Hurricane Katrina. I think she had stepped on a nail. But later he was anti tetanus shot and he maybe blamed it partly for her health decline. He gave his opinions but if she asked for something he’d accommodate her. Back then I think they might have both been on board with the tetanus shot idea. 

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11 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

All. But he recently told me that he thinks everyone needs to make their own decision and I was relieved because he doesn’t know yet I got the shot. Last time we spoke about vaccines he sent me a warning email about ingredients and a whistle blower that left Pfizer and I sent him back an article saying that was not true about the ingredient (my article came from Forbes and I felt pretty confident in it). My siblings got vaccinated a while ago. We all got different ones. One is in Europe so their options are different. 

A long time ago he told me someone (maybe the guy behind the polio vaccine) regretted it and/or lost a child after the vaccine. I could never find this in writing so still don’t know where he got that. He took my mom to get a tetanus shot after walking through a damaged house after Hurricane Katrina. I think she had stepped on a nail. But later he was anti tetanus shot and he maybe blamed it partly for her health decline. He gave his opinions but if she asked for something he’d accommodate her. Back then I think they might have both been on board with the tetanus shot idea. 

Hmmmmm. He doesn't sound super convincible, although I suppose I might try once if I were you. It would probably lead to conflict, though. 

ETA: I've found that people don't line up on their usual axes on this vaccine, at least not exactly. It's a much more immediate thing than most vaccines. 

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9 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Hmmmmm. He doesn't sound super convincible, although I suppose I might try once if I were you. It would probably lead to conflict, though. 

ETA: I've found that people don't line up on their usual axes on this vaccine, at least not exactly. It's a much more immediate thing than most vaccines. 

I had thought about telling him that since dd can’t get vaccinated I’m getting more weary of non vaccinated company (she won’t be here but he might say hi to the kids at dh’s place. Dh invited him). I’m not even fully vaccinated myself but will return for my second shot when it’s time. It’s hard. I am not sure what I will say. Definitely talk to him about airport concerns, though. He was very protective of my mom when she was here (denied company sometimes, masks in his home). Last we spoke about my concerns with the kids he was dismissive that kids don’t usually get it. I don’t know if he’s seen the latest. 

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The school district next to us just shut down for 2 weeks.   Ours probably needs to, but they are not.   They are, however, keeping football players in the back of the classroom, so god forbid they don't get sick and have to miss a football game.  People are freaking out--the same people who are saying they won't be getting vaxxed.   The stupidity is overwhelming.  

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Anti-maskers stood outside the school board meeting in my county last night (after the space filled and they wouldn't let more people in) banging on the windows and chanting over the people who were trying to speak inside. The county next door with no mask mandate just reported 551 cases the second week of school, up from 185 the week before, mostly in elementary schools (one elementary school reported 46 cases after already sending the whole 5th grade home earlier in the week to go virtual). so, yeah--good times.

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27 minutes ago, WildflowerMom said:

They are, however, keeping football players in the back of the classroom, so god forbid they don't get sick and have to miss a football game.

Wait, what?  The school is seating football players away from other students in the classroom so they are less likely to catch covid and therefore not be able to play football?  

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27 minutes ago, JennyD said:

Wait, what?  The school is seating football players away from other students in the classroom so they are less likely to catch covid and therefore not be able to play football?  

That's what at least one parent is saying, maybe more now, but I haven't checked the thread in a while.    Advisors and teachers both are instructing the players to sit in the back.    

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so the teachers on the county facebook group say that masking is slightly more than 50%, no where near the 94% officially cited. ALL are saying they do not feel comfortable telling kids who do not have a note opting them out to put on a mask, nor do they feel okay telling people to pull the mask up over their nose, etc. 

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