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So none of the young parents in my 'hood got babysitters to go out tonight due to COVID


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Because they are all at home shooting off-- no exaggeration--professional grade fireworks--Disney level. 😂 I guess because they can't go to parties. And also I think they are all ready to say BYE to 2020.

 Okay not every fam-- looks like about 3 families in close proximity to us. I've never seen or heard as many fireworks from my own porch in my entire life. I'm not even sure this is legal lol. It's not even 9:30!

Are y'all seeing anything like this??? It's really cool to watch, but my dogs are NOT happy.

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  • popmom changed the title to So none of the young parents in my 'hood got babysitters to go out tonight due to COVID

We are used to pretty serious fireworks in our neighborhood for 4th of July even though they are supposedly illegal in city limits. But last night someone was setting off what sounded like bombs. Shook the whole house. I thought they must be directly in front of my house it was so loud but I found out this morning they were down the street a ways. It was really awful. I thought I had gotten used to the fireworks even though it is totally not my thing but last night was a whole new level. Tonight we are back to just regular old fireworks. Honestly they are less annoying after what we went through last night.

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I'm pretty sure the family 2 houses down could have taken a nice vacation for what they must have spent on these fireworks. 

except they probably aren't traveling either.

Maybe they already got their stimulus $$ 😂

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3 minutes ago, Annie G said:

We have a neighborhood Facebook page and one neighbor warned us days ago that tonight was going to be loud. They aren’t kidding. And everyone with dogs is of course irritated. Beyond what July 4 was like, and I thought that was wild.

I'm sure our Nextdoor will be blowing up with angry dog moms lol

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We have a handful of leftovers we are lighting off but only like fountains.  One other house in hearing distance is setting them off.  It's weird because it is legal here but but the selling window is so short no one bothers to set up stands.  So the only way is to have some leftover from the 4th or drive to the reservation to buy illegal ones.

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12 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

would you have rather them have found babysitters and gone out partying?  because I'd much rather have the fireworks this year

I’d WAY rather have fireworks. I hope they light them all tonight, and don’t save any for Election Day. I’m totally cool with one day of noise. I’m also happy that nobody in our neighborhood seems to be having a party tonight. Usually people go from one party to another and that is not a good idea. 

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There've been some fireworks going off intermittently all evening. Midnight will probably be loud but I don't think it will match 4th of July level here--people went All Out this 4th like I've never seen before.

It's too cold out for that kind of display tonight I think.


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3 hours ago, hjffkj said:

would you have rather them have found babysitters and gone out partying?  because I'd much rather have the fireworks this year

Did it seem like I was angry about it? We were having a blast! (pun intended)😂

Happy New Year!

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1 hour ago, kand said:

We must be on the same Nextdoor 😂 (I actually totally get it though. We have horses and it’s such a worry on fireworks nights. Our dog used to shake under the table, which was so sad, but a horse might just bolt straight through a fence.)

yikes! I've never even thought about that, but no doubt they would be spooked. I hope your horses are ok! 

I have one dog that shakes like that, but she is like that during storms, too. They have stopped here, so she's fine now.

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2 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

We heard some here too.  They were definitely illegal.  It was a little ridiculous considering you can see the city fireworks from here and they shot some off too.

Fireworks are legal here--it was just the scale of the fireworks that made me question the legality. I didn't know your average Joe could buy stuff like that. 

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I'm sure the only reason we didn't hear them is because it is cold, wet and rainy for a few days. We always hear them on 4th of July and NYE when the weather isn't awful. They are mostly legal here as long as you are on your own property. Not unusual to hear them randomly leading up to and a few days after said holidays either. I'm sure we will hear a few this weekend when the weather is suppose to clear up.

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I heard a lot of fireworks and horn blowing.

To be honest, I have no idea whether this is normal or not.  I can't remember the last time I was home at this house when the ball fell.  Possibly never in the 25 years we've lived here.

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It wasn't nearly as bad as we were expecting this year.  The sleeting weather may have had something to do with it.  But, we did dose up our dog with rescue remedy when the first ones went off around 8pm or so.  Bear doesn't shake and cower.  He continuously barks angrily out the window as if to say "Hey, knock it off!  This hurts my ears."   Fourth of July is miserable for us because of the random, all day for 3 days fireworks.  Can't drug him for 3 days straight.  We fell asleep in front of the TV then were woken up by fireworks and the dog at midnight then went to bed.  

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We did the our mostly very low fireworks early to go before the rain.  A few fountains, a few sparklers. Z few throw down dark cracker things and because dsil got the fireworks, an accidental rocket.  (It was in the fountain area of the fireworks store and he was very tired from his work).  Fortunately, we practice very safe procedures and everything around was wet so nothing bad happened but we put the rest of that kit away.

Then we played the game I got dh for Christmas, National Park Trek.

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16 hours ago, MercyA said:

Here's hoping low-noise fireworks become a thing in the United States, the way they are some places in Europe!

I would love that, but the noise is half the point for people around here. They set off lots of traditional firecrackers that do nothing but make noise. 

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17 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

We did the our mostly very low fireworks early to go before the rain.  A few fountains, a few sparklers. Z few throw down dark cracker things and because dsil got the fireworks, an accidental rocket.  (It was in the fountain area of the fireworks store and he was very tired from his work).  Fortunately, we practice very safe procedures and everything around was wet so nothing bad happened but we put the rest of that kit away.

Then we played the game I got dh for Christmas, National Park Trek.

Yeah, I hadn't even checked the weather, so that's why everyone was setting them off so early. It started raining not long after.

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