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Personal SARS-COV-2 vaccination experiences


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I never expected I'd be getting my vaccine so early -- but I got my first Moderna shot today.


I was at the doctor's with my son for an appointment and it was near the end of the day and they had two shots left because of people that did not come for their appointments (And they assured me they had tried to contact them) they were going to have to throw out within the next hour so they were looking for willing arms.  And I had one!


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6 minutes ago, vonfirmath said:

I never expected I'd be getting my vaccine so early -- but I got my first Moderna shot today.

I was at the doctor's with my son for an appointment and it was near the end of the day and they had two shots left because of people that did not come for their appointments (And they assured me they had tried to contact them) they were going to have to throw out within the next hour so they were looking for willing arms.  And I had one!

Ooooh. Nice!!! How are you feeling? 

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1 minute ago, vonfirmath said:

Fine. The shot didn't hurt at all. A bit of sore arm later in the evening but nothing I need medication for yet.

I hope it stays mild for you! 

I had a really sore arm with the flu shot this year. But I didn't notice much unless I poked it accidentally or something. 

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3 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I hope it stays mild for you! 

I had a really sore arm with the flu shot this year. But I didn't notice much unless I poked it accidentally or something. 

(I never got the flu shot -- kept meaning to but had other stuff going on so didn't get an appointment. And of course now I don't want to mix two vaccinations at once! -- they actually do not want you to get this vaccine if you've had ANY other vaccination in the last two weeks. And I have a followup too!)



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Just now, vonfirmath said:

(I never got the flu shot -- kept meaning to but had other stuff going on so didn't get an appointment. And of course now I don't want to mix two vaccinations at once! -- they actually do not want you to get this vaccine if you've had ANY other vaccination in the last two weeks. And I have a followup too!)

I'm usually pretty lax about my flu shots, unfortunately. 

Last year, I was all set to get on time for once (I had set aside a day when DD8 was going to be in class), and then I managed to get the flu 2 days before then, in mid-November 😛 . I was pretty bummed. 

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On 1/3/2021 at 6:33 PM, Frances said:

My husband’s workplace is also doing this and I hope all places do. While I understand the priority rankings, I certainly hope no place allows vaccines to expire rather than taking any comers, even it means going out of order. That and a much more rapid pace of getting vaccines into arms are my two current wishes. My husband and his coworkers are a bit perplexed as to why no state or county agency has contacted them about volunteering at vaccination clinics nor has there been any general call here for volunteers. There are so many healthcare workers who have been trained to give immunizations and could be rapidly trained and deployed to give Covid vaccines. My husband has significantly more days off than he works each month and would be happy to volunteer during some of his free time.

Quoting myself to say that our Governor and health authority seem to have taken all of the criticism concerning the slow rollout to heart and today announced new plans. Starting Thursday and for several days after (including the weekend) there will be a large vaccine clinic in my county for all those in phase 1a, a joint effort between the local hospital and the health department. The hospital is paying employees to volunteer. I’m sure other counties will follow soon. They will also soon have pharmacies giving vaccines to those eligible in the first group. 

I was very impressed that the director of the health authority admitted to making mistakes and vowed to do better. 

At this point, I haven’t seen anything about people having to sign up, so I am a little concerned about extremely long lines. I suppose they will take the lessons they learn from this when a much smaller group of people are eligible and make adjustments for when they open it up to more people.

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My parents have an appointment to get vaccinated!!  My state has opened up access to those 75+ but our county has loads of healthcare workers and first responders so hadn't yet moved into the next priority groups.  But a friend texted me this morning that the county had just started taking appointments for those over 75+ and my mom immediately snagged slots for my dad and herself. 


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On 1/5/2021 at 11:29 PM, Frances said:

Quoting myself to say that our Governor and health authority seem to have taken all of the criticism concerning the slow rollout to heart and today announced new plans. Starting Thursday and for several days after (including the weekend) there will be a large vaccine clinic in my county for all those in phase 1a, a joint effort between the local hospital and the health department. The hospital is paying employees to volunteer. I’m sure other counties will follow soon. They will also soon have pharmacies giving vaccines to those eligible in the first group. 

I was very impressed that the director of the health authority admitted to making mistakes and vowed to do better. 

At this point, I haven’t seen anything about people having to sign up, so I am a little concerned about extremely long lines. I suppose they will take the lessons they learn from this when a much smaller group of people are eligible and make adjustments for when they open it up to more people.

Quoting myself again. My husband volunteered today and said it was extremely organized and went very smoothly and people were vaccinated very quickly with little waiting. If they can get the vaccines, he thinks it will be very easy to scale up to serve larger groups as our state later moves beyond healthcare workers, first responders, and long term care residents.

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4 minutes ago, kand said:

Yay! Where are they doing it? Last I saw, Oregon (like many states) was running around 25% of doses on hand distributed. It seems like if they could get big distribution sites set up, they should be able to start getting that out faster. Seems there should be lots of unused large parking lots right now where it could happen. 

The fairgrounds in the capital. Tons of parking and lots of very large buildings. Right now they are still planning to stay with only those in the 1a group (but stopped the four prioritization categories within that and combined them), but are still debating who will be in group 1b. Although if the pace doesn’t drastically pick up soon (the Governor has set a deadline to get to 12,000 per day by the end of next week in order to use all of the current weekly allotment), I can see there being lots of pressure to open it up to more groups.

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My dd (works in a health care facility) got the Pfizer vaccine two days ago.  She said she was so sore from cross country skiing the day before, that she can't tell what hurts from the shot and what doesn't!  But she's pretty sure most if not all of her pain is from skiing.   🙂

My mother had the Moderna vaccine at her longterm care facility two days ago.  

My dad is apparently set to get his first vaccine in one month.  (He's 93.)

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This isn't actual personal experience, but my county health department started vaccinating 75+ year olds yesterday and from what I read on FB it went very well. Lots of praise for how well it was organized. They did it at a large conference center on the campus of our community college, which has tons of parking. Apparently they were very well staffed and things moved quickly and efficiently. Also, one of the two major health care networks (the one for whom all of my and DH's providers work) sent out an email saying that they're going to start vaccinating soon, and will be reaching out via their portal, email and phone to their patients as the group they fit in becomes eligible.

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My sister received the Moderna vaccine today.  She is in her mid-40's, lives alone, and has been able to completely work from home--in a health division of the state (in data research--no contact with patients).  She was able to receive the vaccine because of her BMI.

My mother who is 79 is scheduled to receive her vaccine tomorrow.

DH is 70 and has not been able to schedule an appointment yet.  The county has a registration process that he qualifies for given his age.  His health care provider has said they will start contacting people when they have supply available for patients.  Both the county and the health care provider say if your pharmacy, health care provider, employer, county health agency, or someone else has availability before we contact you, get the vaccine.  (He is probably the one with the most risk if he contracts COVID and has more exposure because of living with people who work.)

We are all in the same state but different counties.  

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We have appointments! I got an email from my disabled dd's case manager with the county health department and they are prioritizing not only their clients (developmentally disabled) but those who live with them and any caregivers too. So the whole family (except college kid who is now back on campus out of state) will get first shots next Friday and second shots are already scheduled exactly 3 weeks later. And on a Friday evening--so the whole weekend to recover.

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My mom and step-dad had a first dose of Moderna two days ago.

I talked to my mom yesterday.

She reports zero side effects whatsoever, and told me her arm was sore at the injection site for a month when she had the pneumonia (?) vaccine.  She thinks it was that one, but not sure, one of the shots recommended for her age.  Anyway — she is someone who has had that from another vaccine so it is good she had zero from this one.  

She told me my step-dad says he is slightly sore if he mashes on his arm on the injection site, but she chooses not to mash on her arm to find out.  

Edit:  while we are so happy they have gotten the first shot, we have frustrations also, and our state is also not following CDC guidelines.  We have a lot of frustrations.

The actual county health department has been great with their communication etc and I have heard great things about the actual vaccine clinics.

But there is a lack of funding that shows, and there is a lack of feeling like things are really going in order of who needs the shot the most.  



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My Dad, who works at a nursing home, just got his first dose the other day and reports just a sore arm. He did say a couple of people he works with had worse reactions ("flu-like" he says) and called in sick for a day). I'm very relieved he got it, but it sounds like covid's been tearing through the nursing home lately and that it took longer than it should have to get it to them. 

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My parents (late 70s) got their first doses of the Pfizer vaccine.  My mom said she has a sore arm but nothing more than that.  They were very impressed by how well-organized the vaccination clinic was, and I was delighted that they were given appointments for the second dose.

Our state seems to be steadily getting its act together wrt the rollout but they won't be able to really get going until there is (much) more supply.  


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I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine yesterday morning in a drive through clinic for first responders and elder care workers. No side effects other than a sore arm.

I was impressed with the drive through system: they scheduled one person per minute and ran us through swiftly and efficiently, including a wait time for potential allergic reactions. It was put on by the local EMS group, and was free for qualified people. They’re vaxxing hundreds of people per day, and we never had to leave our cars. Brilliant! They perfected this system from the drive through COVID testing early on in the pandemic.

My Dd17 will get the Pfizer shot tomorrow at work.

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My adult son with autism is set to get his first shot this week, along with the other residents of his group home, as Cook Co, IL has arranged with a local pharmacy to give shots to all the disabled residents of group homes, etc.  I will need to drive 45 minutes to wait outside in case I am needed - Joe tends to fuss at injections, and only Mom can make him cooperate sometime.  If he doesn't get the shot then, odds are he won't get it at all for quite a while. It will be the Pfizer shot.

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I just got my mother and stepfather signed up for appointments this week at my county health center. They live one county over, but it let me sign them up anyway. I could see the appointments filling up while I filled out the form; I felt like I was trying to score Hamilton tickets 🙂

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20 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I don't think they are mixing, per se -- they are just in different stages of the rollout of the two. 

That was my understanding.

They gave first batches of Pfizer, now they are giving second Pfizer shots to those that got a first Pfizer shot but they aren't giving anyone a first Pfizer shot. If you haven't had a first shot yet they will give you Moderna.

Which is only authorized for 18+.

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1 minute ago, maize said:

That was my understanding.

They gave first batches of Pfizer, now they are giving second Pfizer shots to those that got a first Pfizer shot but they aren't giving anyone a first Pfizer shot. If you haven't had a first shot yet they will give you Moderna.

Which is only authorized for 18+.

That was also my sense. Pfizer is what, 16 or 17 and up? I know there are no vaccines approved for kids 😞 . 

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I have seen some more news about — having an easier time vaccinating more people when they aren’t strict about priority groups, vs people getting left out when they aren’t strict about priority groups.

My state is not being strict.  The amount of shots given is pretty good —- yay!  But the order doesn’t seem totally fair.  I don’t know what I think.  I hope we can work out kinks and have a fast and fair roll-out.  

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1 minute ago, Lecka said:

I have seen some more news about — having an easier time vaccinating more people when they aren’t strict about priority groups, vs people getting left out when they aren’t strict about priority groups.

My state is not being strict.  The amount of shots given is pretty good —- yay!  But the order doesn’t seem totally fair.  I don’t know what I think.  I hope we can work out kinks and have a fast and fair roll-out.  

I've seen this, too. It's pretty hard to do the distribution fairly if you're fast, and it's pretty hard to get the shots out quickly if you're restrictive. 

This would all be easier if we had enough shots for everyone. 

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Just to report. I had my second dose Friday (Pfizer) and have had no real side effects. I had heard that the second dose was worse. My arm was more sore and I did have some muscle aches in the middle of the night that could have been related. But it was all very minor. 

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15 minutes ago, Alice said:

Just to report. I had my second dose Friday (Pfizer) and have had no real side effects. I had heard that the second dose was worse. My arm was more sore and I did have some muscle aches in the middle of the night that could have been related. But it was all very minor. 

Thanks for the report!

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I had my first Pfizer shot on Weds. Sore arm a couple hours later (felt like an orange under the injection site but not bruised or swollen--we didn't even get bandaids) but only my hubby felt anything else and his was just mild fatigue the next day. I live in Jerusalem. We have several people near who won't take it because of fears of gov't trying to kill/maim the population. It is really sad. Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank and Gaza were only going to have access to the Russian vaccine but that has, thankfully, changed. The Israeli gov't was also denying the vaccine to Palestinian prisoners, but that has been resolved, too, afaik. What a world. I do feel immensely privileged to have gotten it, and wish the US could roll it out effectively. I am so hoping people can come back here soon; the shop keepers and tourism industry is just dying. And of course, the number of deaths is just stunningly sad. 

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24hrs in for dd and dh.
Dd says she was really fatigued, but she’s also been running lots of extra shifts with inadequate sleep.  Her shot day was her first full day off in a long time, so I’d expect her to be tired anyway.
Dh’s arm is “killing him”. But he also is the epitome of the Man Cold stereotype and over dramatic about every physical ailment. So it could be hurting him a lot. Or he could be dramatizing. 

No other side effects.

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13 minutes ago, popmom said:

Dd got her first shot early this morning. I just checked in with her. She said her arm feels horrible. It’s swollen, very sore, and she can barely move it. 

I wonder what causes the different reactions? Does she know which one she got? Moderna/Pfizer?

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10 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

I wonder what causes the different reactions? Does she know which one she got? Moderna/Pfizer?

It might very well be a "different people react differently" kind of thing. Same goes for most vaccines, really, although this one does seem to have a relatively high rate of unpleasant (if not dangerous) side effects. 

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9 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

I wonder what causes the different reactions? Does she know which one she got? Moderna/Pfizer?

She is wondering the same thing because her boyfriend (military) just got his a couple of days ago and he had nothing. She got the Moderna. She’s going to ask her bf to find out which one he got.

To update...I just got off the phone with her. I don’t think she has much actual swelling—She reports the orange under the skin feeling. And she’s just keeping that arm tucked into her chest because it hurts so much to move it. I told her to take ibuprofen. Oh—another interesting thing—she said she bled like crazy. That the nurse kept telling her “don’t look at it!” lol 


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