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Hanging chads


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Me and the girls were talking today about election results and counting votes and such. I told them about the 2008 election, hanging Chads, dimpled chads, pregnant chads...

They thought it was ridiculous. 

remember that?


ETA: Actually, it was the 2000 election

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I was teaching government in a high school.. I had assigned the usual "mark up the electoral college map" ... yeah that didn't work out lol 

My middle one asked me today who I think is winning... we talked about the trends being reported... I told him that in 2016, if you asked me on Monday, I would have been wrong! And then told him about 2000. 

Edited by theelfqueen
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We were actually living in the UK during the 2000 Election.  Because of the time difference, I was well-aware of what was going on before friends in the US were. Everyone had gone to bed in the states as I was waking up the next morning and watching it all unfold. 

Anyone remember that funny bit that went around about the Queen taking back the US because of its inability to to govern itself?  Funny stuff! 

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https://jerz.setonhill.edu/resources/humor/seuss.htm  Here's a snippet:


Can we count them with our nose?
Can we count them with our toes?
Should we count them with a band?
Should we count them all by hand?
If I do not like the count, I will simply throw them out!

I didn't quote all of it because it gets more political, but this kind of stuff was flying all around as e-mail forwards at the time.

The site links to more (at least some of which are neutral) that I didn't see at the time.

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I watched CNN Live (or was it MSNBC?) and they had helicopters following a yellow truck with the ballots inside being transported for a recount and then the election officials were holding up each and every ballot to the camera and then counting it ... I remember it like it was yesterday. I recently told my son all about the Hanging Chads episode of our country and he found it weird.

Edited by mathnerd
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Who could forget it?


I just saw a headline about how close it is in Florida and was thinking, " Not again."  Lol

I do remember that picture of Truman holding up the newspaper with the headline "Dewey defeats Truman."

Edited to add: I just keep remembering the photograph. I wasn't actually there. I'm not that old!


Edited by frogger
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Like everyone else 2000 has been on my mind this week. It was the first election I really paid attention too and was the last one I didn’t vote in, because I was in high school.  It very much impressed upon me that every vote matters and I wanted mine to count.  

This week what been on my mind was how, despite ALL of the craziness and shenanigans and questionable decisions. -it was Completely Peaceful. We thought one person won, then they said no, it was the other guy, then said, yeah we have no idea.  We waited 37 days to find out who the next president was and it was just ...fine.  

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Since I'm in Florida, and was here in FL for the 2000 election I remember it well! I remember waking up to the news. I remember people saying Carl Hiassen couldn't come up with a better plot twist. I believe that was the day Florida became Floriduh and Florida Man started getting noticed nationally. 

OTOH, my county had switched to paper ballots (optical scan) a few elections prior to 2000 and we were one of the Florida counties that didn't have a problem. Most of the hanging chad issues were from South Florida.

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42 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Why, Pennsylvania, WHY??? I feel like PA is that toddler holding up the ice cream line because they’re leisurely tasting all the flavors and also enjoy the attention of a captive audience. They don’t have to do us like this!


If the count comes down to Pennsylvania “naked ballots” will be this year’s hanging chads.

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