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13 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/live-blog/coronavirus-updates-live-countries-prepare-outbreak-spreads-n1143556

“3 more dead in Washington state, bringing total to 5

Three more people have died from the virus in Washington state, public health officials announced Monday.

The latest deaths bring the total to five in the state and in the United States, health officials said.

Daniel Arkin

52m ago / 11:11 AM PST“

ETA: @Laurie @gardenmom5 @Lawyer&Mom @Jean in Newcastle @Aura


Here is part of the problem. There are a few different photos of people helping transport patients that come up with that article. Some of those people are only wearing regular loop masks. We know what is going on and we are still putting people at risk. 

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Local stores are running out of bottled water.

I get that water is important, and in natural disaster preparation it is critical to store.

I'm a bit puzzled though that that is what people are buying up right now. I see no reason to anticipate that Covid-19 will disrupt major utilities. It hasn't in China.

I've been increasing my food stocks in case of widespread community spread that would make sheltering in place desirable. Happens I do have water because I always keep that on hand--in case of earthquake etc. I just don't think it is likely to be needed for this particular contingency.

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Don’t try disinfecting with an ozone generator if you haven’t read multiple, reliable sources explaining exactly how to do so. You’d want something from a very reliable manufacturer and then you’d want to know how to keep yourself safe.

Ozone therapy used for medical treatments uses only medical grade pure oxygen — not air.

If you’re worried about getting sick, look up places that offer ozone therapy in your area. Many MDs have been learning how to administer ozone safely. Probably, they would remove 1/2 cup of your blood into a container, bubble in a certain amount of ozone/oxygen and then send that back into you. Your body will produce ozonides and that is what can weaken the virus’s capsid and oxidize the sulfhydryl groups. Ozonides can last for a period of time in your body depending on how it’s administered.

I have really horrible internet now and can’t respond much until tomorrow or Wednesday. Stay well!

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Just now, maize said:

Local stores are running out of bottled water.

I get that water is important, and in natural disaster preparation it is critical to store.

I'm a bit puzzled though that that is what people are buying up right now. I see no reason to anticipate that Covid-19 will disrupt major utilities. It hasn't in China.

I've been increasing my food stocks in case of widespread community spread that would make sheltering in place desirable. Happens I do have water because I always keep that on hand--in case of earthquake etc. I just don't think it is likely to be needed for this particular contingency.


I had to do a grocery shop this morning and saw a lot of people with carts full of water. There was a couple, each with two carts, both filled with bottled water. I grabbed two extra packages of TP and DH requested brownies but that's been it for our stocking up so far. We have kept a pretty decent store of food since Hurricane Irene in 2011. We lost our road in that storm and no one could get in or out for a bit. So since then, we've tried to have at least a couple of weeks of food stored in case something like that happened again. 

Shelves seemed normal at my store in VT, even with lots of water going out the door. 

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4 minutes ago, maize said:


I'm a bit puzzled though that that is what people are buying up right now. I see no reason to anticipate that Covid-19 will disrupt major utilities. It hasn't in China.

When I stayed in Sunnyvale, California, people buy lots of bottled water or top up lots of gallon jugs at Safeway or Albertsons. It’s their norm.

I sometimes forget to filter my water so I have some 1 gallon bottles (which double up as earthquake rations).

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2 minutes ago, matrips said:

What cough medicine works the best in your experience? I need to buy some. Thanks 


Delsym 12 hour is the best thing that's universally available.

In some states (maybe every state?) you can still get over the counter Codeine cough syrup, which is more effective.  Generally chains and grocery stores won't sell it for liability reasons, but small independent pharmacies will.  You can call around and ask the pharmacies in your area.  Last time I had a bad cough (influenza A) DH went and bought some.  I think he just needed to show ID and sign a couple of forms.

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9 minutes ago, maize said:

Local stores are running out of bottled water.

I get that water is important, and in natural disaster preparation it is critical to store.

I'm a bit puzzled though that that is what people are buying up right now. I see no reason to anticipate that Covid-19 will disrupt major utilities. It hasn't in China.

I've been increasing my food stocks in case of widespread community spread that would make sheltering in place desirable. Happens I do have water because I always keep that on hand--in case of earthquake etc. I just don't think it is likely to be needed for this particular contingency.

I don’t personally get the feeling that normal utility service would be disrupted in my area. That being said, we do get some nasty spring storms that can take out the electricity (including our septic and well.). We already prepare for that possibility, and I don’t know if it might take longer to restore an emergency outage if there were a lot of virus activity here.

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I guess by the end of the week the test is supposed to be universally available and used every time someone comes in to check for flu or upper respiratory symptoms, so in theory I could go to a walk in clinic and get tested.

That's a relief.

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1 minute ago, Katy said:


Delsym 12 hour is the best thing that's universally available.

In some states (maybe every state?) you can still get over the counter Codeine cough syrup, which is more effective.  Generally chains and grocery stores won't sell it for liability reasons, but small independent pharmacies will.  You can call around and ask the pharmacies in your area.  Last time I had a bad cough (influenza A) DH went and bought some.  I think he just needed to show ID and sign a couple of forms.


Delsym has been the best in past experiences. Although for the bad cough I had this January it didn’t do anything at all. It’s worth a try before moving on to something more powerful.

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15 minutes ago, matrips said:

What cough medicine works the best in your experience? I need to buy some. Thanks 

Jack Daniels (or your choice of whiskey), honey, lemon juice and whatever else you want to throw in to make a hot toddy.

The OTC cough medicines are relatively worthless.

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I hope there are enough tests. In a perfect world, anyone presenting with a cough would be going in and getting tested with all expenses covered. I really like the drive-thru testing idea.

I’m sure schools/day cares don’t have authority to have suspected cases tested on site but I bet a lot of cases could be diagnosed that way.

I wonder what the cost of running a test is...

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looks like news wasn’t overly positive last night.  
NYTimes: A man in Manatee County, Florida, who hasn't traveled to any countries with a coronavirus outbreak and had no known contact with anyone who did, has tested positive for the virus. It suggests the possibility of a wider community outbreak, officials said.

Australian authorities are meeting to consider additional measures like potential bans on large gatherings

Sixth person dies of coronavirus in Snohomish County, WA

61 new cases 1 death France (total: 191c, 3d)

36 new cases in Spain (total 120)

8 new cases in Netherlands (total 18)

First case in New Hampshire - 1 new case in Illinois - 1 new case in Oregon - 1 new case from cruise ship 

Worldwide passed 90,000, outside mainland China passed 10,000

Italy also reported 340 new cases of coronavirus, raising the country's total to 2,036.  18 new deaths (Total 52)

Latvia and Senegal, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco 1st cases

Tajikistan has informed airlines that it will deny entry to citizens of 35 countries due to coronavirus, including the U.S., the UK, China, Iran, and Japan - Reuters


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19 minutes ago, mellifera33 said:

The Wa DOH briefing this morning stated that there have now been six deaths from COVID-19, all from Evergreen Hospital. 

and most of those were patients from life care center that were transferred to evergreen.

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I do feel slightly frustrated this morning because I think this was predictable and yet government weren’t willing to increase travel bans or test more aggressively till it was unavoidable.  It was all downplay, avoid panic and hope it goes away.  Plus don’t upset the stock market.  Of course that does have its own set of repercussions but it’s going to happen anyway and could have been slowed with more aggressive earlier measures.  But apparently a few old people and diabetics or people with heart disease are an acceptable price to pay as long as we keep the economy ticking.

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20 minutes ago, lovelearnandlive said:


I wonder what the cost of running a test is...

$132 in Korea, more information in news link http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200225000768
“Korean companies specializing in infection test kits are exporting their new real-time PCR COVID-19 assay kits to overseas destinations.

They include KogeneBiotech, Seegene and PCL.

With vaccine development for COVID-19 anticipated to take at least a year, the most realistic containment measure currently is to make a speedy diagnosis and follow up with effective quarantine, experts opine. 

While the numbers of confirmed cases have shot up in Korea -- 977 as of Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. -- the country seemingly has the test kit situation under control, with pharmaceutical companies springing into action, according to industry watchers.

The only downside is that the tests cost 160,000 won ($132), and are only free for those showing symptoms within 14 days since visiting China, those showing symptoms within 14 days since coming into close contact with a confirmed patient or those who have a doctor’s opinion on having symptoms.

The test involves collection of nasal discharge from the upper airway using long cotton swabs and sputum induced from lower respiratory tract, which can be an uncomfortable experience, Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. ”

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From Seattle Times:

"6 people have now died from coronavirus disease in Washington state; King County buying a motel to house isolated patients

Four new deaths from COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2, were confirmed in Washington state today. King County is purchasing a motel to house isolated patients and setting up modular units to do the same, County Executive Dow Constantine said in a news conference Monday."

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36 minutes ago, mellifera33 said:

The Wa DOH briefing this morning stated that there have now been six deaths from COVID-19, all from Evergreen Hospital. 

listening to a health dept. report on the radio - I think one was at highline.

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1 hour ago, Renai said:

Dr. John Campbell's report today says that similarities in viruses has him thinking COVID19 has been in California for 6 weeks already. I keep thinking of the (at least) 7,000 that arrived from affected areas between Feb. 2-19 without being told to self-quarantine until Feb. 20th. How about those that arrived before?

dh's nephew and his wife returned from china in January - they self quarantined.  they didnt' think it was a big deal, and made jokes about it.  we were supposed to go out to dinner with them this week, he wants to postpone because the latest news is making him nervous.

1 hour ago, maize said:

Local stores are running out of bottled water.

I get that water is important, and in natural disaster preparation it is critical to store.

I'm a bit puzzled though that that is what people are buying up right now. I see no reason to anticipate that Covid-19 will disrupt major utilities. It hasn't in China.

I've been increasing my food stocks in case of widespread community spread that would make sheltering in place desirable. Happens I do have water because I always keep that on hand--in case of earthquake etc. I just don't think it is likely to be needed for this particular contingency.

maybe now that everything is crazy, Cascadia will rip (I do wonder about it on occasion) and people will need that bottled water!    and don't forget the wrench next to the gas line!  and batteries, because the power will go out.  - and lots of TP (which seems to be a popular item people stock up on.  where's mr. whipple?)

I remember the footage from the Oakland quake in 89? - of the police officer yelling at the people who were just standing around watching things burn.  telling them to get the emergency supplies together they'd need, because they only had about two hours of daylight left.

we bought a portable filter for backwoods hikers.  I did start buying some bottled water - so I could have some in my car.  

we have emergency stocks on hand.  we'd probably get sick of rice and beans after awhile, but we'd have food in our stomachs.

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6 hours ago, Joker said:

Just read that a patient in San Antonio was cleared by CDC and released into the public. It was a false negative and they now test positive. 


Yep, and they went to a shopping mall for 2 hours after being released.  Probably did some clothes shopping, went to the food court, walked around.

But we shouldn't worry! Officials say there's low risk! 😡 

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4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

To my way of thinking that makes the bungling even worse. Can't blame it on lack of funding.



4 hours ago, Happymomof1 said:

So honestly, the only way to stop it in its tracks would be to stop ALL travel and have everyone work from home and go nowhere for at least a month, which would absolutely cripple the economy.  


Maybe it would inspire new new creative entrepreneurs to come up with new platforms for doing things remotely, new businesses to deliver things etc, maybe new ways of dealing with the virus...

4 hours ago, Happymomof1 said:

I'm just confused about what to do to be honest.  No one is talking about it in my part of Texas.  Everyone is planning mission trips and other trips as usual...  


Maybe start doing just a bit of talking yourself? Someone has to be the trendsetter on this. 


3 hours ago, Sneezyone said:


It's not a lack of funding. It's mismanagement.




You will not catch the coronavirus from parcels and letters from China or any country where there has been an outbreak.


I don’t know if that’s proven to be true.  

I suspect that it is NOT true.  It’s known that the virus lives for a certain time on surfaces, and I thus suspect that you can catch it from letters or parcels that have been handled, maybe coughed or sneezed on, by someone with Covid-19 whether in the mail or delivery system (USPS or UPS employee or other such) or in the warehouse packing system.  

Many Amazon Prime packages are being delivered in 2 days. In some places 2 hours. The virus can definitely live that long. 



Edited by Pen
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10 minutes ago, MissLemon said:


Yep, and they went to a shopping mall for 2 hours after being released.  Probably did some clothes shopping, went to the food court, walked around.

But we shouldn't worry! Officials say there's low risk! 😡 


And now that mall is closed for deep cleaning https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2020/03/02/north-star-mall-closes-for-24-hour-deep-cleaning-after-infected-coronavirus-evacuee-visited-shopping-center/

Susan in TX

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10 minutes ago, Pen said:





Maybe it would inspire new new creative entrepreneurs to come up with new platforms for doing things remotely, new businesses to deliver things etc, maybe new ways of dealing with the virus...


Maybe start doing just a bit of talking yourself? Someone has to be the trendsetter on this. 





I don’t know if that’s proven to be true.  

I suspect that it is NOT true.  It’s known that the virus lives for a certain time on surfaces, and I thus suspect that you can catch it from letters or parcels that have been handled, maybe coughed or sneezed on, by someone with Covid-19 whether in the mail or delivery system (USPS or UPS employee or other such) or in the warehouse packing system.  

Many Amazon Prime packages are being delivered in 2 days. In some places 2 hours. The virus can definitely live that long. 



I think it’s proven to live on hard surfaces for up to 9days.  Plastic, glass, metal.  I’m not sure about plastic that covers parcels but I suspect it may not live as long on that when it’s getting lumped around.  

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“March 2, 2020, 1:36 PM PST

A growing number of schools in western Washington state and Oregon are scrambling this week to temporarily close and sanitize classrooms following the confirmation of additional cases of coronavirus and at least six deaths linked to the disease in Washington.

The decision to cancel classes Monday in at least a dozen schools in the greater Seattle area indicates how essential it is for school districts to have contingency plans and could be a preview for communities across the country weighing what preventative steps to take, health experts say.

In Mill Creek, Washington, a high school has decided to close after officials announced Friday that a student had somehow contracted the disease known as COVID-19. In addition, an elementary school in Lake Oswego, Oregon, south of Portland, is shutting its doors through Thursday after a person who lives with a school employee tested positive for the disease.

Health experts, however, are advising caution for school officials who must balance making safety and cleanliness a top priority at schools while being mindful not to make unnecessary closings at a time when COVID-19 is not considered a risk to the larger U.S. student population. But experts added that now is the time to prepare a contingency plan.”

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Quote (bold in top paragraph added by me; and on paragr aph that lists paper as a surface it can survive on):

“If the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV (now also called COVID-19 virus) is anything like its family members, a new study suggests it could survive on inanimate objects for well over a week. 


Reviewing the literature on all available human and veterinary viruses within this family, encompassing 22 studies, researchers have found that the human pathogens can persist on surfaces and remain infectious at room temperature for up to nine days. (To put that in perspective, the measles virus can live on contaminated surfaces for up to two hours.)


Granted, that's the upper end of a coronavirus lifespan, but on average, researchers say this family of viruses can survive between four and five days on various materials like aluminium, wood, paper, plastic and glass.


Some of the veterinary coronaviruses - the ones that can only infect animals - could even persist for longer than 28 days. 


"Low temperature and high air humidity further increase their lifespan," says physician Günter Kampf at the Greifswald University Hospital.



Coronavirus survival on surfaces— I don’t know if this was shared yet:








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1 minute ago, Pen said:

Some of the veterinary coronaviruses - the ones that can only infect animals - could even persist for longer than 28 days. 


This one apparently was zoonotic, an animal infecting one, and then jumped to people, so I’ll hold that “longer than 28 days” as quite possible for it. 

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18 minutes ago, Arcadia said:


“March 2, 2020, 1:36 PM PST

A growing number of schools in western Washington state and Oregon are scrambling this week to temporarily close and sanitize classrooms following the confirmation of additional cases of coronavirus and at least six deaths linked to the disease in Washington.

The decision to cancel classes Monday in at least a dozen schools in the greater Seattle area indicates how essential it is for school districts to have contingency plans and could be a preview for communities across the country weighing what preventative steps to take, health experts say.

In Mill Creek, Washington, a high school has decided to close after officials announced Friday that a student had somehow contracted the disease known as COVID-19. In addition, an elementary school in Lake Oswego, Oregon, south of Portland, is shutting its doors through Thursday after a person who lives with a school employee tested positive for the disease.

Health experts, however, are advising caution for school officials who must balance making safety and cleanliness a top priority at schools while being mindful not to make unnecessary closings at a time when COVID-19 is not considered a risk to the larger U.S. student population. But experts added that now is the time to prepare a contingency plan.”


I wonder how long my son’s teachers at his Oregon school will continue to tell them it’s nothing. It might take a very local case in a school.

I am afraid that most people aren’t aware that 1-2% death rate and 10-20% hospitalization needed rate, at the R0 this virus seems to have, would be overwhelming. 


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@Chrysalis Academy


“Posted: / Updated: Mar 2, 2020 / 11:21 AM PST

SANTA ROSA (KRON) – A local emergency has been declared in Sonoma County after a person has tested presumptive positive for the coronavirus, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services announced Monday. 

Authorities said the patient had recently returned from a cruise ship that departed from San Francisco to Mexico. The patient, who has been in Sonoma County for 10 days, is showing symptoms of coronavirus and is currently in stable condition and under isolation at a local hospital.

Officials are in the process of identifying anyone this patient came into contact with during the time they were in the community before being hospitalized. 

This is the second coronavirus case in Sonoma County in the last week. 

The first case involves a patient who is one of the recent evacuees from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship who was transferred from Travis Air Force Base to a hospital in Sonoma County shortly after the quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus.

A presumptive positive case is defined by the CDC as likely to be positive for coronavirus. The CDC will conduct another test to confirm the diagnosis. 

In response to the new case, Sonoma County has declared both a Local Public Health Emergency and a Local Emergency in response to the coronavirus. 

The proclamations will allow the county to prepare to respond for the possibility of community spread coronavirus and seek and utilize mutual aid including reimbursement.”

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I wonder what would happen if in a carefully planned way all nonessential services were to shut down in Washington, Oregon, California for 14 days at the same time.  

Maybe it could give a chance for cases to get identified and dealt with, without as much transfer. Sort of like cutting or burning a fire break during wild fire.

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there was concern about the staff at life center only wearing ear loop masks - from the photos, it looks like those are staff members holding up sheets for patient privacy as they are being loaded into ambulances/aid vehicles to be taken to the hospital.  the personal actually handling the stretchers are gowned and gloved.  (but not face mask).

and Redmond fire, in Kirkland . . ..  just, . . . . wow.



then there's this . .  King County is currently moving to buy a hotel to house isolated patients. . . .  yeah, 'cause that's gonna work so well . . . .(thought that might be just for quarantined but asymptomatic)

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6 minutes ago, Pen said:

I wonder what would happen if in a carefully planned way all nonessential services were to shut down in Washington, Oregon, California for 14 days at the same time.  

Maybe it could give a chance for cases to get identified and dealt with, without as much transfer. Sort of like cutting or burning a fire break during wild fire.

I would expect absolute chaos.  

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On 3/2/2020 at 11:24 AM, Sneezyone said:

Bahrain---Arkansas---roughly the same only there's less government control over the populace in the US. I had better, cheaper dental care in Bahrain. I had better, quicker surgery in the U.S. The idea that the US is so superior that the rules of viral transmission and epidemiology don't apply is just...well...OK. Bahrain is not the third world.

FWIW, I'm not so silly to believe that the US is above the rules of viral transmission, or that we are somehow superior.

What I meant was that, though Bahrain has enough wealth to have a perfectly good medical system, I don't know how well prepared, or unprepared, they were for this epidemic.

Edited by DoraBora
removing my unkind snark - I'm sorry!
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38 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

@Chrysalis Academy


“Posted: / Updated: Mar 2, 2020 / 11:21 AM PST

SANTA ROSA (KRON) – A local emergency has been declared in Sonoma County after a person has tested presumptive positive for the coronavirus, the Sonoma County Department of Health Services announced Monday. 

Authorities said the patient had recently returned from a cruise ship that departed from San Francisco to Mexico. The patient, who has been in Sonoma County for 10 days, is showing symptoms of coronavirus and is currently in stable condition and under isolation at a local hospital.

Officials are in the process of identifying anyone this patient came into contact with during the time they were in the community before being hospitalized. 

This is the second coronavirus case in Sonoma County in the last week. 

The first case involves a patient who is one of the recent evacuees from the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship who was transferred from Travis Air Force Base to a hospital in Sonoma County shortly after the quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus.

A presumptive positive case is defined by the CDC as likely to be positive for coronavirus. The CDC will conduct another test to confirm the diagnosis. 

In response to the new case, Sonoma County has declared both a Local Public Health Emergency and a Local Emergency in response to the coronavirus. 

The proclamations will allow the county to prepare to respond for the possibility of community spread coronavirus and seek and utilize mutual aid including reimbursement.”


Yes, and a private school in Healdsburg closed today because someone in the school community was in contact with someone who is ill with coronoavirus.

Edited by Chrysalis Academy
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Are those of you not in the PNW seeing the shelves get cleared? Bread, milk, and water were plentiful at my Publix. I took these abot an hour ago (or less), and this was hours *after* our governor gave a press conference to talk about the health emergency and the now-confirmed cases in Florida. The empty spaces are no bigger than normal for this time of day. 





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Just now, Lady Florida. said:

Are those of you not in the PNW seeing the shelves get cleared? Bread, milk, and water were plentiful at my Publix. I took these abot an hour ago (or less), and this was hours *after* our governor gave a press conference to talk about the health emergency and the now-confirmed cases in Florida. The empty spaces are no bigger than normal for this time of


I haven’t seen any empty shelves here. A few items like isopropyl alcohol maybe, but sometimes the shops have holes even on the best days, KWIM? And I’d never looked at isopropyl alcohol before, so maybe its normal to be low on stock.

Vitamin C was low on Sunday in one store, but normal amounts in other stores the day before so again it could have just been a stocking blip. 

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Sounds like many of those 25 firefighters in Washington are already showing symptoms and are being moved to isolation:


That’s a crazy amount of contagion 😷 

Also, a new case in CA where a Northern CA woman came back from a cruise that left SF for Mexico and started showing symptoms. So she got it on the cruise or had it before she left. Either way, that’s a whole other group of exposed people. 😞


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Here's my Walmart report from a small town in the midwest:

Hand sanitizer is sold out. The shelves with Clorox wipes and other brands of wipes were about half empty. Same with the Lysol spray.

However, dd and I were up near the front of the store for several minutes and not one person who came in during that time wiped down the cart handle. 😬

I didn't see anyone buying large quantities of tp or water or anything else.

There was one person with a horrible cough that you could hear from aisles away. The woman was coughing so hard that she was leaning against a shelf for support. It was pretty awful.😬 

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22 minutes ago, Chrysalis Academy said:


Yes, and a private school in Healdsburg closed today because someone in the school community was in contact someone who was ill with coronoavirus.

Perhaps now that it’s hit home my parents might take my concern more seriously. I’m doubtful they’ll take actual precautions though. 

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It should help if it is preparation in waves.  

West coast starting out, then maybe tourist destinations areas and big cities of East coast... stocks can probably more easily be replenished without nationwide simultaneous shopping sprees.  

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2 hours ago, matrips said:

What cough medicine works the best in your experience? I need to buy some. Thanks 

Hydrocodone or codeine. Period. The stuff with DM does nothing for me. But I do have cough variant asthma. Also, I only use suppressants if I can't sleep. Especially if the cough is productive. You don't want to suppress a productive cough. What works better than DM but not as well as hydrocodone is hot tea with honey and lemon. If you are coughing, you should not eat or drink anything cooler than room temperature. Cold drinks exacerbate coughs. My grandmother (the one I mentioned earlier who had diphtheria and whooping cough and double pneumonia) was left with damaged lungs (bronchiolectasis). She basically had chronic bronchitis. She never put ice in her drinks. She also swore by--and this has been confirmed by my doctor--that plain Robitussin or Mucinex is definitely a good thing to do. 

ETA: I will be seeing the doctor this week to stock up on my inhalers and a Medrol Dose Pack. That is the other thing that will take care of a nasty cough. When I have an exacerbation, I will cough non stop all night to point of vomiting. Steroids like prednisone are life changing for me. 

Edited by popmom
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6 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Perhaps now that it’s hit home my parents might take my concern more seriously. I’m doubtful they’ll take actual precautions though. 


“10:17 a.m. Healdsburg school cancels class: The Healdsburg School, a private K-8 school in the wine country town, closed on Monday after learning “an adult member of our community, not an employee, had been exposed to a confirmed case of Coronavirus,” Head of School Andy Davies said in a statement Monday. The school said it will work with public health officials in determining whether it will stay closed.”

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This is what people on Facebook are commenting on

“10 a.m. Quarantined cruise ship passengers released from Travis AFB: 
Roughly 140 Diamond Cruise ship passengers were released from a mandatory 14-day quarantine at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield Monday. Most were sent on buses to airports in Sacramento and San Francisco in the morning with another bus load scheduled for noon. Around 15 passengers had already been removed from the base to local hospitals after testing positive for coronavirus. Less than 10 are still in quarantine for up to another week because of close contact with the patients who were hospitalized. People in quarantine without symptoms were voluntarily tested for the virus. Everyone who was released had no symptoms and no positive results, the CDC said.”

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14 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

Are those of you not in the PNW seeing the shelves get cleared? Bread, milk, and water were plentiful at my Publix. I took these abot an hour ago (or less), and this was hours *after* our governor gave a press conference to talk about the health emergency and the now-confirmed cases in Florida. The empty spaces are no bigger than normal for this time of day. 




I'm in Alabama. It was business as usual at my Publix, too. PLENTY of bleach, too. I forgot to look for alcohol. I looked at other carts. Nobody seemed to be stocking up on anything. I think most of those who are stock piling are starting with Sam's, Costco, etc. Both of those places were out of bleach with I checked this weekend.

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2 hours ago, Katy said:


Delsym 12 hour is the best thing that's universally available.

In some states (maybe every state?) you can still get over the counter Codeine cough syrup, which is more effective.  Generally chains and grocery stores won't sell it for liability reasons, but small independent pharmacies will.  You can call around and ask the pharmacies in your area.  Last time I had a bad cough (influenza A) DH went and bought some.  I think he just needed to show ID and sign a couple of forms.

WOW. I can't believe that. With the current opioid crisis. Man, I wish that were true for my state. It really is getting harder and harder to find doctors willing to prescribe it. You really have to have a good relationship with your doctor in my experience. I've got some hydrocodone right now, and it's like GOLD to me lol

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