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I had my baby! (Pic attached)


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Oh, he's  love!!! So sorry for your scary experience though - feel free to come here to process it when you are ready, if you need to. Birth trauma is real - i think all the hormones, plus lack of control, make it more likely for us to have lingering PTSD like symptoms from scary birth experiences. So we are here if you need us. (in other words, I'm so very glad you and baby are okay, but also know that one can be glad to be alive and still upset/sad/angry/scared/traumatized about what happened)

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7 minutes ago, Arctic Mama said:

Abruptions suck, I’m sorry!  They can be very painful too.  Big hugs and congratulations on your cutie son, he is lovely and I’m glad he arrived safely after all that scariness.

Echoing what KT said though - if you ever want to talk about birth drama and trauma feel free to ask or message any number of us who have gone through it, too.  Sometimes just venting it out to someone who understands can help so much.

Yes. I heard so much "all that matters is you have a healthy baby" for so long, it was very healing to hear "your experience sucked, I'm sorry, are you okay?". Mama matters too 🙂

And because it bears saying again, he's a total love! Adorable. Made me smile so big just looking at him! 

Oh - and with an abruption I bet you lost a lot of blood. PLEASE take it easy. Seriously, I know we moms want to do it all, but sit your butt down and don't move for the next two weeks. No lifting anything heavier than the baby, NO vacuuming, no lifting laundry baskets, and eat as much as you can stand to eat. And hydrate hydrate and take your iron supplement. It will take a while to rebuild blood stores, and two weeks of enforced rest and food and vitamins will mean you feel much better at 1 month out. Pushing it in those first few weeks can delay healing and have you dragging in a month from now, or much longer. 

Making blood AND milk is a lot of work. It's more than enough. Try not to do anything else. 

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I'm so sorry about your scary birth.  I had a scary experience with baby #1.  I had to have 2 blood transfusions.  Be gentle with yourself.  I had PP depression and anxiety after that birth and likely some PTSD and I wish I had taken the time to process.  It was really hard.  If you need help or to talk to someone, don't be shy about it.  

But this little guy is just so adorable!  I'm glad you both are doing well.  I hope you have a cozy and relaxing babymoon and healing period.  Many hugs.  

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Thank you all for your well wishes!! I have the best DH making sure I do absolutely nothing except rest, nurse, and get in a lap or two around the house every so often. Baby and I are as healthy as possible. I do wish things had gone differently, but as of right now none of my emotions or postpartum feelings/hormones have veered off into anything abnormal for me. I've got people keeping tabs on that and checking in. 

Bonus newborn picture attached:


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