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How would YOU celebrate?


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I would stay home and order yummy takeout with the understanding that any leftovers will be mine as a continuation of my birthday celebration.  But since you said you want to involve people I tell you about a friend of mine.  She's still a big kid at heart despite reaching a milestone birthday.  She rented those giant bouncy balls with handles and they have races with them (I think the youngest person there was 16 most were middle aged).  There were some other backyard games as well but those were the most memorable.  It has become an annual tradition for her birthday.  So really it can be anything you find fun.


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If my guest list is long, I would cater lunch and book a large room at the recreation center as my husband and my birthday fall during raining season. If my guest list is small enough to go to a restaurant, I would go for a restaurant with a good buffet spread so that my friends have more choices of food and I do not have to worry about clean up or insufficient food.

My husband’s side of the family has always celebrated milestone birthdays at restaurants because it is easier to split the bill among relatives.

Our guest list age range from baby in arms to the elderly. 

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I have a milestone coming up soon. 

Dh asked what I wanted to do to celebrate.  I said we have some estate planning loose ends that I really want to get taken care of.  He wasn't expecting a "facing my mortality" type of answer, but I'm tired of him putting it off!

So I guess I'm not the person to ask, but I'll be watching this thread for ideas...

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I am not one for big fusses, but for my 50th I wanted my mom there to celebrate.  (Dad too, but for some reason I think of it as wanting mom there.)  I know I would want to be there for my kids' big stuff if I could.  I am not sure how many more things my folks will be able to come to.  So I didn't protest the idea of my friends throwing me a party, provided only close family/friends including my parents / siblings / their immediate families were there.

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I will be celebrating a milestone birthday soon.  I’m guessing that some of my friends will take me out to lunch or we’ll have coffee.  My dh and I will go out to dinner at a nice restaurant - probably not on my actual birthday, though.  We will probably have family to dinner at our house on my actual birthday, and I will neither cook nor clean.  I may get hotel reservations for a night away with my dh - or I might not, haven’t quite decided.   

IOW, it will be low-key and lovely.




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It sounds like you want a party or gathering with friends.  I think you should do what you want to do.  I wouldn't want that. 


For dh's 40th he wanted to go to his 2 bucket list places Rome (we had already been to) and Athens.  So we did. 

For my 40th I wanted to go to one of my bucket list places Africa so we tacked it on to a trip to Europe. 

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Our ten year and my DH’s 40th are this summer, and we’re celebrating with a trip.  We’re actually not going until next year this time, but that’s because he wants to fish in South America.  Our kids will be ages newly 7, 5, 3.5, and newly 2 so this is the first big trip we have taken in a long time.  We used to travel regularly, and he still goes exotic places for work, but I go... to the grocery store.  I’m really looking forward to it.

I’d love to plan a trip for my 40th, but I’m also thinking about planning a week off for a bOOk reduction.  Not exciting or celebratory, but I think my back will thank me.

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For my 40th I wanted DH to throw a small party with family and friends.  He didn't do it.  A lot of stuff was going on at the time, including him working out of town and being gone during the week and only home on weekends.

For my 50th in a few years, I would really like to do some sort of small gathering with family and friends.  I think out to a nice dinner would be fun.  Not something at my house where I would end up having to do all the cleaning and cooking, even if DH says he will do it (because he will have good intentions but not able to follow through).

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I had planned to camp up the Pacific Coast Highway for my 40th with my kids, brother, and his family.  (My husband doesn't camp and he owns a small 1 man at that time consulting business. ) But things didn't work out financially for us due to the business, so my brother suggested we go that Grand Canyon hike to Havasupai Falls instead for my 41st in May of 2014, back when you had a chance at getting a permit but it involved calling their landline for days. My brother took off work an dcalled 1000 times over 3 days in early February to get us those permits.

So in prep for that 41st birthday I did 6 months of cardio and running, a series of increasingly difficult training hikes locally, most with the hiking group (no kids for brother and me on that one), and strategic packing for the 32 pounds of gear I was allotted for my share of a mule on the mule train. Then there was the 6 hour drive, crappy motel in the town that inspired the Cars movies for a bed I shared with another woman on the hike, up at sunrise, 2 more hours of driving and loading gear for the mule train, and a leisurely 5 hour hike to the bottom, some Indian fry bread outside the village, and a bottle of contraband wine my SIL smuggled in without my knowledge. (No alcohol on tribal land. Had I known, I wouldn't have let her do it out of respect for the tribe.) We hiked through the series of falls and one day I just read Lonesome Dove at the beautiful campsite while others were climbing to a on old quartz mine.  On day 4 we broke camp at 4:30 am, loaded the gear for the mule train, raced the sun out of the canyon by noon (SIL is a slow hiker so we were set at her pace), and then I had the most delicious $4 can of coke at the top in the parking lot.

Best birthday ever! But that's just me.  I doubt that's what you had in mind. All of my other adult birthdays were usually eating dinner out at the restaurant of my choice with my family.  That's more my style than a party. 

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Considering my bday is in early mid Jan and dhs is in early mid Dec, we never seem to have special bdays.  I mean we go out with family to restaurant or have nice bday dinner at home, but no trips, or anything like that simply because of timing.   We have done special things for some anniversaries- mainly special trips.  

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37 minutes ago, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:

I had planned to camp up the Pacific Coast Highway for my 40th with my kids, brother, and his family.  (My husband doesn't camp and he owns a small 1 man at that time consulting business. ) But things didn't work out financially for us due to the business, so my brother suggested we go that Grand Canyon hike to Havasupai Falls instead for my 41st in May of 2014, back when you had a chance at getting a permit but it involved calling their landline for days. My brother took off work an dcalled 1000 times over 3 days in early February to get us those permits.

So in prep for that 41st birthday I did 6 months of cardio and running, a series of increasingly difficult training hikes locally, most with the hiking group (no kids for brother and me on that one), and strategic packing for the 32 pounds of gear I was allotted for my share of a mule on the mule train. Then there was the 6 hour drive, crappy motel in the town that inspired the Cars movies for a bed I shared with another woman on the hike, up at sunrise, 2 more hours of driving and loading gear for the mule train, and a leisurely 5 hour hike to the bottom, some Indian fry bread outside the village, and a bottle of contraband wine my SIL smuggled in without my knowledge. (No alcohol on tribal land. Had I known, I wouldn't have let her do it out of respect for the tribe.) We hiked through the series of falls and one day I just read Lonesome Dove at the beautiful campsite while others were climbing to a on old quartz mine.  On day 4 we broke camp at 4:30 am, loaded the gear for the mule train, raced the sun out of the canyon by noon (SIL is a slow hiker so we were set at her pace), and then I had the most delicious $4 can of coke at the top in the parking lot.

Best birthday ever! But that's just me.  I doubt that's what you had in mind. All of my other adult birthdays were usually eating dinner out at the restaurant of my choice with my family.  That's more my style than a party. 


You go girl.  That is so awesome that you did that. 

Plus your brother is so sweet. 

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I don't know anymore what I would want, but for my husband this year we are doing Big Birthday countdown so every month we do something special for him on the date (like if his bday is on November15th, then 15th of every month we are doing something). 

This way he kinda is celebrating it all year long...

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Dinner and cake with my family.  It could be dinner out, or home cooked; I could even be happy cooking it myself as long as it was something I really wanted to eat and I had the time to cook it without being rushed or hassled.  But I want the cake made by someone else (family member or professional).

One year we went to a great local burger place; that made me happy.  What didn't make me happy that day was my husband suggesting I go into the grocery store in the same parking lot and get a cake for myself.  

From that day on, a cake has been provided for my birthday.  :-)


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