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s/o List the veterans in your family here.

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

To honor all the veterans in our families (including yourself). Please list them, their relationship to you, and any conflicts they may have been in. :001_smile:


1 Uncle- Army- Vietnam

1 Uncle- Air Force

Father- Navy- 23 years

Husband- Navy- 20 years - Desert Storm

Brother- Navy- 4 years

Brother- Army National Guard- still serving - Iraq

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First, I'd like to say thank you to the veterans represented here. I am thankful for your service!


Dh - 20+ years, Desert Storm & currently activated (though, stateside) - Army


Stepdad - Vietnam - Air Force


Brother - Desert Storm & Operation Afghani Freedom (Air National Guard)


Grandfather - WWII - Navy


Cousin - Retired 4-Star General Army - don't know all of his combat info

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uncle that is 5 years older than me was in the army during Vietnam war


dad and his twin brother were both in Korean war, my Uncle Gene was killed and when I was born the following year I was named after him as in Jean


nephew army was stationed in Korea 10 years ago (he was there at the same time that our son (adopted from Korea ) was born. we have always thought that was so cool.


my father in law was in Aruba during WW II, he had to guard the supplies (I believe it was oil) there. We always teased him about his "tough" duty.


cousin was stationed in Alaska during peace time

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Husband - Army (14 years)

BIL - Army (8 years)

Dad - Army

Grandfather-in-Law - Army

Grandfather-in-Law - Navy

Sons' Godfather and adopted Uncle - Army/Air Force (still serving)

Cousin - John Thomas Wroblewski - Marines (served his country through the sacrifice of his life in Ramadi, April 2004...buried with honor at Arlington National Cemetery)


Many friends still serving faithfully...

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World War II: Grandad Bob(still with us), Grandpa Clifford, Tom (my father-in-law), Vee (my mother-in-law, evacuated for five years from her family), Great Uncle Eric and their dear friends and family.


I appreciate everything you have done to keep our country safe and I am sad you lost so much of your youths.

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Father WWII--joined at a mature age, patriotism, I think.

Brother 1--Navy 4 years in the 60's, wanted the educational benefits

Brother 2--drafted Army, medic SE Asia

Brother 3--drafted Army, in the thick of it SE Asia


Brother 2's son--Air Force, joined for economic reasons


Hubby's dad wasn't in WWII. He was asked to keep up with his skilled labour (commercial fishing). Hubby was only son and was not drafted despite early number.

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Paternal grandfather - Navy - Chief Petty Officer aboard HMS Ark Royal, torpedoed off the coast of Gibraltar during WWII.

Maternal grandfather - Army - trained mine and explosives personel, stationed at Salisbury plain.

Dh's maternal grandfather - Navy

Dh - Air Force, 4 years, stationed in the UK (luckily for me :D )

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Husband -- USNR -- 1st Gulf War

Father -- Army, Vietnam

Father-in-law -- Army, Vietnam

Uncle -- Marine, Vietnam (DAV)

Late Uncle -- Army Paratrooper, Korea

Grandaddy Brown -- Army, WWII (2 Purple Hearts, Bronze Star)

Grandfather Kanak -- Army, WWII

Grandfather Katcher -- Army, WWII


There are more, stretching back to the Civil War, Spanish/American War, and Revolution, but I'd have to go look those up... my family history files are all still in boxes :D

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My dad - Army - Vietnam

GFIL - Army - Everywhere

Cousin - Army - Korea, Iraq

Cousin - Army - Iraq

Uncle - Army Reserves

Cousin - Air Force

Cousin-IL - Air Force

Step-Sister - Air Force - Saudia Arabia

Step-Brother-IL - Air Force - Saudia Arabia


That's the ones I can remember right now.

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My grandpa - WWI - have his framed discharge poster on the living room wall!

My fil - WWII

My aunt - WWII

My dad - Korean War

Hubby's bil is Army now, and our nephew is a 2nd Lieutenant Army Corp. Engineers.

We have family friends (one on these boards) who were in Desert Storm,too. Hubby and his brothers and my brother were too young for the Vietnam war.

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Uncle Joe--not sure, but I think it must have been Viet Nam? He doesn't talk about it, but I've seen pictures of him in uniform from way back when.


My little brother, Mark--Iraq, two tours. On the first tour his unit was bombed and the other three guys killed. My brother still has shrapnel in his hand from that.

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Uncle Bud--WWII & Korea (He lived on Mulberry St. and was stationed on the USS Mulberry, which was one of 2 ships 'blown out from under him',)

His 2 sons were in the navy and army during VN


Uncle Charles--WWII Did undercover work scoping out the concentration camps and later led the liberation of Dachau (SP) Also stormed Normandy. Came home a changed man and was never 'quite right'.


Uncle Ottis--WWII Burma and up through the boot of Italy




Dad--Korea Cleaning up unexploded munitions in France

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Grandfather--WWII (?) and Korea

Uncle S--Vietnam

Uncle D--Vietnam

Uncle J--Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq

Cousin A--Iraq

Cousin K--Iraq


I also have at least two cousins and an aunt and an uncle who have served in the armed forces but not in combat. Two more cousins I've lost touch with, don't know whether they served in combat or not.


I'll stop there--there's more in the extended family (the second and third cousin brigade) and on dh's side, but I couldn't begin to do them justice.

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