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Man Spends Big Bucks to be Surgically Altered to Be An Elf


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I don't know .


I'm too busy feeling bitter and envious because he's prettier than I am. :glare:


Oh well. As I always say (and by that, I mean I have never said it,) if you're going to be an elf, at least be a pretty elf. :D

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Holy cow. I just read the whole article and he's going to have limb-lengthening surgery so he can be 6'5" tall and he also plans to have ribs removed to make his waist smaller. :svengo: And he had an unapproved "procedure" to change his eye color. :ack2:


I thought he was odd when I saw the photos, but now I think he's just plain bizarre.


I can't help but wonder what his parents think of this.

Edited by Catwoman
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Before I clicked on the link I thought he was trying to turn himself green.   i have never thought of an elf as being tall and thin with long white hair and fragile features.   Am I confusing elves and leprechauns?

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Before I clicked on the link I thought he was trying to turn himself green. i have never thought of an elf as being tall and thin with long white hair and fragile features. Am I confusing elves and leprechauns?

like the elves in the lord of the ring movies I presume...

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When I first read the title I thought elf like Will Ferrell in "Elf". Now I realize it was far more LOTR-esque. 


For the most part I say live and let live, but I hate to think of spending that kind of money that isn't going to make him happy since he's done so much but wants to go further and further? When will it be enough? You can change how you look but you can't change who you are on the inside or how you feel about yourself with cosmetic procedures.


I feel badly for him, based on reading his quotes, he seems like a deeply unhappy person. 

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When I first read the title I thought elf like Will Ferrell in "Elf". Now I realize it was far more LOTR-esque.


For the most part I say live and let live, but I hate to think of spending that kind of money that isn't going to make him happy since he's done so much but wants to go further and further? When will it be enough? You can change how you look but you can't change who you are on the inside or how you feel about yourself with cosmetic procedures.


I feel badly for him, based on reading his quotes, he seems like a deeply unhappy person.

It's not even the money. It's the unhappiness and alienation from his own nature and from reality that is so sad.

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And probably within 30 miles of his house.


Um, Buenos Aires (where elf-boy lives) is about 4500 miles from Venezuela.  That's about the distance from Ottawa, Canada to Mexico City.  Over 1.5 times the distance form NY to LA.


Not that it makes it any less bizarro and self-indulgent and where is  he getting the money for this, but South America is big...

Edited by Matryoshka
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Um, Buenos Aires (where elf-boy lives) is about 4500 miles from Venezuela. That's about the distance from Ottawa, Canada to Mexico City. Over 1.5 times the distance form NY to LA.


Not that it makes it any less bizarro and self-indulgent and where is he getting the money for this, but South America is big...

My duh.


I forgot the context of the story. :::embarrassed:::


I'm kind of riding a hobby horse; people (including myself) seek the glamorous aid trip to exotic sites when suffering is 50 miles in a dumpy town. But I should have kept my issues straight. And the situation in Venezuela isboyond comprehendion. I read yesterday that the average weight loss is 20 pounds. From already lean people.

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My duh.


I forgot the context of the story. :::embarrassed:::


I'm kind of riding a hobby horse; people (including myself) seek the glamorous aid trip to exotic sites when suffering is 50 miles in a dumpy town. But I should have kept my issues straight. And the situation in Venezuela isboyond comprehendion. I read yesterday that the average weight loss is 20 pounds. From already lean people.

I knew what you meant!

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 And he had an unapproved "procedure" to change his eye color. :ack2:



I found that part really scary for some reason.  I had lasik years ago, and for a few days after I had a haze in my vision that scared the crap out of me. I was terrified I'd done something voluntarily that permanently damaged my vision.  It went away, but I still remember how scared I was.

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I found that part really scary for some reason. I had lasik years ago, and for a few days after I had a haze in my vision that scared the crap out of me. I was terrified I'd done something voluntarily that permanently damaged my vision. It went away, but I still remember how scared I was.

Wow, that must have been so scary!!!


I thought the eye procedure was the scariest thing he did, too -- and who knows how it could affect his vision as he gets older?! I thought the guy was bizarre before I read that part, but when I saw that he was willing to potentially risk his eyesight just because he thought his eyes should be a different color, it really hit home that this guy isn't quirky and he's not unusual and he's not just marching to the beat of his own drummer -- he seems to be seriously mentally ill. And people are rewarding him for it by giving him media exposure. I find it very sad.


And I'd still like to know what his parents think about everything he has done to himself.

Edited by Catwoman
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"Trans-species"? Last time I looked, elves weren't an actual existing species in the real world. So how on earth would it be possible for this person to identify as an elf? It doesn't seem right to imply a comparison with transgender, which actually is a thing. Maybe some surgeons are happy to do whatever is asked provided the patient can pay...

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"Trans-species"? Last time I looked, elves weren't an actual existing species in the real world. So how on earth would it be possible for this person to identify as an elf? It doesn't seem right to imply a comparison with transgender, which actually is a thing. Maybe some surgeons are happy to do whatever is asked provided the patient can pay...


I guess the question is, how do we build identity?


In this instance, I'd say that he had adopted a kind od alternate reality as preferable to his real one, and has chosen to build himself a reality around that.  And in a way it's supported by our culture and our cultural beliefs.  From some gender studies we have an idea that gender is an identity really separate from our physical reality and also the idea that it is both real and socially constructed.  We also often talk about race being socially constructed.  And a lot of the time in popular culture these ideas are poorly thought out.


Then you have a whole slew of fiction dedicated to alternate realities, whole online worlds dedicated to them where people know you by your avatar.  Things like Comic-cons and cosplay groups, including online groups.  And a beauty culture where people like the Kardashians are seen as attractive and 20 year olds are regularly going for surgical and other invasive beauty procedures.


Then yo have a kid who immerses himself in these things from a young age, is at an age where identity is supposed to be formed, is unhappy and perhaps hasn't a very useful life, and is encouraged in his social life to take on his alternate identity as completely as possible.


I don't think it's impossible at all.

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Before I clicked on the link I thought he was trying to turn himself green.   i have never thought of an elf as being tall and thin with long white hair and fragile features.   Am I confusing elves and leprechauns?


Think Tolkien high elf.


Though. I don't normally think of elves as having green skin. Just green clothing

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It's strange, but not that much more strange than a lot of body alterations I've seen.  Actually less strange than some.


I wonder what he was bullied for as a kid.  I wonder if he had skin issues or something, and had to make some sort of correction anyway, and got a little carried away ....

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When I first read the title I thought elf like Will Ferrell in "Elf". Now I realize it was far more LOTR-esque. 


For the most part I say live and let live, but I hate to think of spending that kind of money that isn't going to make him happy since he's done so much but wants to go further and further? When will it be enough? You can change how you look but you can't change who you are on the inside or how you feel about yourself with cosmetic procedures.


I feel badly for him, based on reading his quotes, he seems like a deeply unhappy person. 



I thought this as well  - very, very broken.  He seems to think that if he just does....... THEN he will be happy and loved.


I hope this doesn't end in suicide.  Maybe somewhere along the way he will understand. :(


So, so sad.

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I think any surgeon who performs these surgeries should be held accountable. This boy is living in a fantasy world. He is pretty though. However, what will that choice look like at 80 years old...just saying...

Well, true, but having a nose job is not illegal or unethical. It wouldn't even be unethical to make pointing ears or do jaw lipo. Now bone-lengthening - I had no idea that was even a thing. And the rib removal seems pretty out there, but where does a surgeon draw the line and say, "No. This is too abnormal." I mean, there are people who have had whiskers implanted in order to look like a cat, had their tongue cut in half to appear like a dnake, and been tatooed over their entire bodies to look like a particular animal. People have had horns and fangs implanted. People have had breast implants that are a bizarre mismatch for their body size.


I'm just wondering how a surgeon can even refuse to make an alteration because it's too weird.

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I'm just wondering how a surgeon can even refuse to make an alteration because it's too weird.



Oh, they can. But I agree that "too weird" for one is a routine day at the surgery clinic for another. I do think it's worth noting that he hasn't had the leg extensions and rib removal yet. I knew leg extensions were possible, but it'd be interesting to see if any surgeon would actually be willing to do them for a guy who's not shorter than average (which this character must not be). Count me in with the people who didn't realize elves were supposed to be tall, and I actually usually played an Elf in computer games featuring fantasy species.

Edited by luuknam
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I know of a young lady who had the leg lengthening done.  She was stunted in her growth, and this put her into a short-but-normal height.  But I saw what she went through, how it really took away 18 months of her life, let alone the cost and so on, but at least in the end, it was for a reason that was toward ... normality.  


After watching this young woman go through her procedure, it is beyond me how anyone could subject him/herself to that on a purely cosmetic basis.  And it does get to the oath of "First, do no harm..."


Medical ethics are way behind the medical advances, and it is a very tough field, especially in these days of self-determined identity and so on.  

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I personally know several people who have spent that much on Botox and plastic surgery, and the lines at Sephora are loooooooong.  This guy isn't really worse than the average Real Housewife wannabe, imo.

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I'm just wondering how a surgeon can even refuse to make an alteration because it's too weird.


I am sure there are surgeons who turned him away.  I am floored by the eye surgery to change the color without having any idea of the long term effects.  I won't even get lasik because I fear the "what ifs"


He is free to be who he wants to be.  If he can afford the surgery, who am I to say he shouldn't do it.  

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I am sure there are surgeons who turned him away.  I am floored by the eye surgery to change the color without having any idea of the long term effects.  I won't even get lasik because I fear the "what ifs"


He is free to be who he wants to be.  If he can afford the surgery, who am I to say he shouldn't do it.  


I am especially floored by the eye surgery given that colored contacts exist.  Why not just use those?

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Count me in with the people who didn't realize elves were supposed to be tall, and I actually usually played an Elf in computer games featuring fantasy species.

Tolkien's elves were not exceptionally tall--if you read his background stories you learn that Men were the taller race.

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Tolkien's elves were not exceptionally tall--if you read his background stories you learn that Men were the taller race.


But were they exceptionally slender?  I think that adding length to the legs and arms, especially combined with removing ribs, might give them impression of slenderness?

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I showed this to my son.  Turns out that was a mistake.  He says this is "boss".  


Fortunately, he only has about $7.20 at the moment, so I think he's safe.


So, the good news is that my son has clarified that it is not worth $25K to look like an elf.


He then went on to say that if he had a disposable $25K (after more important purchases like the small family of monitor lizards, he has always wanted), he would prefer to look like a vampire.


I think (hope) that he is joking.

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Well, true, but having a nose job is not illegal or unethical. It wouldn't even be unethical to make pointing ears or do jaw lipo. Now bone-lengthening - I had no idea that was even a thing. And the rib removal seems pretty out there, but where does a surgeon draw the line and say, "No. This is too abnormal." I mean, there are people who have had whiskers implanted in order to look like a cat, had their tongue cut in half to appear like a dnake, and been tatooed over their entire bodies to look like a particular animal. People have had horns and fangs implanted. People have had breast implants that are a bizarre mismatch for their body size.


I'm just wondering how a surgeon can even refuse to make an alteration because it's too weird.


It's not that unusual for doctors to refuse to do something they think is clearly immoral or unhealthy.  Sometimes that is within the guidelines of their association as well - here doctors don't do C-sections by request, for example.  It's not considered as safe as vaginal birth, therefore it would be poor medical practice.


Beyond the immediate danger of the procedures, it looks a lot like he has a psychological disorder, and doing the surgery could be considered unethical on those grounds.  In fact here I think a surgeon who agreed to do them might face disciplinary actions.

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