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Guilty Pleasures... We discussed TV, what about books?

Anne in CA

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I will be the first person to admit that during stressful times I read trash. Utter trash. Stuart Woods, trash. Lately I've been reading Amanda Lee, and she is several steps above Stuart Woods, lol, but still she isn't Liane Moriatry who is truly, deeply clever and makes you think more than you might like under stress. What is you go to when you need fluffy reading?

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I reread things I have loved in the past. There's always something new but if I am distracted, I still know what is going on. I'm on my 44th reading of the Lord Peter/Harriet Vane romance. :::eyeroll::: At least I'm not watching Columbo at the same time.

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I reread things, especially old fantasy novels from my youth. I have read The Blue Sword so many times I probably have it memorized.


But that's more like comfort reading to me. Guilty pleasures is more like... when I read trashy fanfic. Or Outlander, which may as well be trashy fanfic with historical surgery thrown in.

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For comfort reads--for me those are also what I read when I'm stressed and need to turn off my brain for a few minutes. Nora Roberts, hands down my favorite. Especially old ones.  Interesting characters and very nice writing. And a HAPPY Ending--very important when I'm stressed. :)


I also reach for Outlander or Stephen King or Lisa Gardner. I find there are times when I just need a good murder mystery. :)

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Stuff I reread when I need to take my mind somewhere else:


Sayers' Lord Peter mysteries,


Christie's Poirot mysteries,


P. D. James' mysteries,


(see the trend? ) :)




Connie Willis-- To Say Nothing of the Dog or Bellwether to make me laugh, Doomsday Book to make me cry;


How Green Was My Valley (loved the book as a teen, and still love it);


various essays by E. B. White soothe my soul;



and I also admit to binge reading Outlander books when extreme escapism is necessary.    :leaving:

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My escape reading is to reread JD Robb In Death series, or Sherilyn Kenyon Dark Hunters series.   Light, happy endings, but decent story lines.


If I just want a quick escape, I read cheesy romances.  Used to be Harlequin or Silhouette romances, the ones they put out five or six every month.  Now it's as likely to be some freebie for Kindle.  Usually I can read them in an hour or two, so they're perfect if I just need to not think for a little while.

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I reread things I have loved in the past. There's always something new but if I am distracted, I still know what is going on. I'm on my 44th reading of the Lord Peter/Harriet Vane romance. :::eyeroll::: At least I'm not watching Columbo at the same time.


Same here. Dorothy L. Sayers is always good for a re-read. So is Elizabeth Peters - Amelia Peabody. The humor in her books perks me up. A few others are some books by Dee Henderson (her latest books are a head scratcher to me - don't know what to make of them), some books by Colleen Coble and most recently Dani Pettrey.

They are all mysteries - some with more fluff than others.

Edited by Liz CA
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May as well just copy and paste Farrar's response, because it's mine. Well, except swap up the Outlander bit for Norah Roberts magic series.


I reread things, especially old fantasy novels from my youth. I have read The Blue Sword so many times I probably have it memorized.


But that's more like comfort reading to me. Guilty pleasures is more like... when I read trashy fanfic. Or Outlander, which may as well be trashy fanfic with historical surgery thrown in.



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So, I have seen the name Nora Roberts here and just about everywhere else. I have never read a book by her. GASP.

Should I? What can I expect?

I do not like straight romances - too boring. But if a little mystery, a tiny murder or something is mixed in and there is a good balance and the book is clever as well, then all is good.

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I always laugh when someone talks about "guilty pleasures" because I never feel guilty about any of my TV or reading, no matter how objectively trashy it is! I'm just here for a good time ;). That said, for comfort reading I tend to re-read old favorites. Harry Potter, I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith, Princess Academy, Ella Enchanted, Sarah Addison Allen books...

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Often mysteries - the author's can change.  I've been reading some Ann Cleave's lately.  I wouldn't say all falls into the guilty pleasure catagory though - something like P.D. James counts as non-guilty IMO.


But when I am really looking for something fun and stimulating but not too serious, I will often read Alexander McCall-Smith.

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Almost the only books I reread are classics, and usually heavy ones like Les Miserables or Anna Karenina. 


I said almost because my comfort rereads are the Harry Potter series and anything by Jane Austen. Other comfort reads - not rereads - are cozy mysteries.

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Gosh, I reread lots of books. DH makes fun of me. He says I probably have these books memorized and I can definitely quote them. But if I had to choose one series it would be the Dortmunder series by Donald Westlake.


However, I'd like to say that any reading, in my opinion, is entertaining and shouldn't be made fun of. I don't read deep thought provoking books. I read for relaxation and entertainment. I don't want to read as if I'm assigned books in school. I also can't read any book that is intense. I'm currently working my way though The Firm by John Grisham and it's so intense that I can only read in short bursts. Then a day or two will go by before I read another small bit. I used to have this book on audio cd and have listened to it many times, but that was years ago. Even knowing how it turns out, I'm having a rough time getting through it. I much prefer simpler books.

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I will be the first person to admit that during stressful times I read trash. Utter trash. Stuart Woods, trash. Lately I've been reading Amanda Lee, and she is several steps above Stuart Woods, lol, but still she isn't Liane Moriatry who is truly, deeply clever and makes you think more than you might like under stress. What is you go to when you need fluffy reading?

I just discovered Liane Moriarty and I LOVE her! I've been working through all her books at the library. I watched Big Little Lies and loved that, so I started on her books!

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So, I have seen the name Nora Roberts here and just about everywhere else. I have never read a book by her. GASP.

Should I? What can I expect?

I do not like straight romances - too boring. But if a little mystery, a tiny murder or something is mixed in and there is a good balance and the book is clever as well, then all is good.


I'd recommend


Blue Smoke


The Witness



If you might like a futuristic setting, try Nora Roberts writing as J D Robb.  The first book is

Naked in Death (In Death, Book 1).




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One woman's trash is another one's treasure.   :001_smile:   


Mercy, it's been years since I read Stuart Woods.   I liked Holly Barker more than I did Stone after a while.   :lol: I still have the majority of his books on my shelves. He's better than James Patterson but not quite up to par with Lee Child, imho.  


 Contemporary romances that don't test my brain such as Robyn Carr.  Pleasurable and light fluffy reads.  Then there are the not so fluffy.  I'll admit my trash reads run to the wicked with Laurel Hamilton, Lori Leigh or Lori Foster and the sexy with Cherry Adair,  Those types of stories which I happily read on my Ipad so no one knows what I'm reading.    :D


Nora Roberts and her alter Ego J.D. Robb are my go to comfort reads. I've reread the majority of Nora's books and In Death several times.  Not necessarily light reads as they deal with triggering topics. However I love Eve and Roark and the accompanying cast of characters.   I'll second Karen's recommendations along with Northern Lights and the In the Garden Series.      


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Guilty Pleasure: Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Preferably the earlier books, but I'm still a sucker and at some point buy the newer ones.


Comfort reads: Little House books, Dave Barry, or completely random books like The Godfather or Jurassic Park that I've read a million times, but still enjoy.

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So, I have seen the name Nora Roberts here and just about everywhere else. I have never read a book by her. GASP.

Should I? What can I expect?

I do not like straight romances - too boring. But if a little mystery, a tiny murder or something is mixed in and there is a good balance and the book is clever as well, then all is good.

They run the gamut from straight contemporary romances to mysteries to paranormal. Quests involving witches, Goddesses, ghosts.  Lots of trilogies following three women and three men, each book dedicated to one couple.  Besides the ones Karen mentioned, check out Angels Fall or Midnight Bayou.

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One woman's trash is another one's treasure.   :001_smile:   


Mercy, it's been years since I read Stuart Woods.   I liked Holly Barker more than I did Stone after a while.   :lol: I still have the majority of his books on my shelves. He's better than James Patterson but not quite up to par with Lee Child, imho.  


 Contemporary romances that don't test my brain such as Robyn Carr.  Pleasurable and light fluffy reads.  Then there are the not so fluffy.  I'll admit my trash reads run to the wicked with Laurel Hamilton, Lori Leigh or Lori Foster and the sexy with Cherry Adair,  Those types of stories which I happily read on my Ipad so no one knows what I'm reading.    :D


Nora Roberts and her alter Ego J.D. Robb are my go to comfort reads. I've reread the majority of Nora's books and In Death several times.  Not necessarily light reads as they deal with triggering topics. However I love Eve and Roark and the accompanying cast of characters.   I'll second Karen's recommendations along with Northern Lights and the In the Garden Series.      

Stone is such a dog, lol. He can't help himself. I like Holly better too.

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Anything by Jayne Ann Krentz, Amanda Quick, or Jayne Castle--because they're all the same woman who writes under the three names. Mindless romance and most of the stories are pretty much identical to the others. It's the same plucky woman with the same dependable and slightly dangerous man in the same kind of situation--some sort of mild mystery they have to solve and there is always a confrontation with a dangerous bad guy (or gal) at the end that they have to face and overcome. I love it!


If I'm not reading romance fluff, then I like action fluff. I've been reading through everything by Patrick Lee lately. Fun. And I like to read stuff by Harlan Coben.

Edited by Garga
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I just read my first Nora Roberts book (Stars of Fortune) and . . . blech, IMO. I couldn't drag myself through the rest of the trilogy.


My favorite brain-candy author is Kristan Higgins. A lot of her titles are marketed under Harlequin, but she's a good writer, funny as heck, and the sex is not graphic. Usually some heavy kissing and the curtains go down. She's written a few "heavier" (less fluff/romance, more delving into relationships and emotions) books lately that I've really liked.


I've been reading some YS dystopian stuff recently too. The Fire Sermon and The Map of Bones. Looking forward to the third in that series. I'm currently reading The Red Queen series. I'm about 1/4 way through the second book. Enjoying it, but it's getting hard to keep track of who is allied with/betraying who and there's a lot of bait-and-switch that is getting annoying.

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I just read my first Nora Roberts book (Stars of Fortune) and . . . blech, IMO. I couldn't drag myself through the rest of the trilogy.



I am a huge Nora Roberts fan, and even I don't care for that series.  I highly recommend the Gallaghers of Ardmore books (Jewels of the Sun is the first one) and the Three Sisters Island trilogy (Dance Upon the Air is the first).  Give Nora another try. :-)

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Without fail, I read Lee Child or Mark Greaney. I've absorbed enough of this genre that if I suddenly did hand to hand combat I wouldn't be too surprised.


For a lazy Saturday afternoon Lee Child is the best guilty pleasure!  I love Jack Reacher.  I've read most of them now, so I'm glad you've mentioned another author to look out for.

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I love series books in general: historical romance, cozies, paranormal, and suspense/thrillers. I used to reread the whole series every single time a new one came out for several of my favourites. Now I pretty much just read the new as they come with a few series rereads thrown in part to make sure I have read the whole series....kids and a transatlantic move seems to equal unread portions of some of my favourite series.


Currently rereading.......




The Cat Who........by Lillian Jackson Braun


Meg Langslow.......by Donna Andrews


Sarah Booth Delaney....by Carolyn Haines


Savannah Reid..........by GA McKevett




Historical Romances I pretty much read anything by


Lorraine Heath, Mary Balogh, Mary Jo Putney, Julia Quinn, Grace Burrowes



Absolute favourites are...


Sebastian St. Cyr by CS Harris....definitely not cozy but wonderful historical mystery series...needs to be in order


The Others series by Anne Bishop.....a wonderful series, sort of a paranormal

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[quote name="Garga" post="7579014" timestamp="1493951

If I'm not reading romance fluff, then I like action fluff. I've been reading through everything by Patrick Lee lately. Fun. And I like to read stuff by Harlan Coben.



I have never heard of Patrick Lee, which series is your favourite? Love Harlan Coben



Guilty Pleasure: Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Preferably the earlier books, but I'm still a sucker and at some point buy the newer ones.

Comfort reads: Little House books, Dave Barry, or completely random books like The Godfather or Jurassic Park that I've read a million times, but still enjoy.



Stephanie Plum is a great escape. I like Janet Evonovich's old romance novels too.



Gosh, I reread lots of books. DH makes fun of me. He says I probably have these books memorized and I can definitely quote them. But if I had to choose one series it would be the Dortmunder series by Donald Westlake.


I just requested Dortmunder's first book, Hot Rocks, it's about an Emerald theft which means I have finally found an Emerald book for one of Robin's challenges over on Book a Week. :) Thank you!




Anything by Jude Deveraux.

I love trashy novels in the summer.



Jude Deveraux is a favourite of mine too!




My escape reading is to reread JD Robb In Death series, or Sherilyn Kenyon Dark Hunters series.   Light, happy endings, but decent story lines.


If I just want a quick escape, I read cheesy romances.  Used to be Harlequin or Silhouette romances, the ones they put out five or six every month.  Now it's as likely to be some freebie for Kindle.  Usually I can read them in an hour or two, so they're perfect if I just need to not think for a little while.



I just discovered my Overdrive has Harliquin series in groups of 4 to check out, Silhouettes too. I grew up on these.



For comfort reads--for me those are also what I read when I'm stressed and need to turn off my brain for a few minutes. Nora Roberts, hands down my favorite. Especially old ones.  Interesting characters and very nice writing. And a HAPPY Ending--very important when I'm stressed. :)


I also reach for Outlander or Stephen King or Lisa Gardner. I find there are times when I just need a good murder mystery. :)


The old Nora Robert's are the best. I've been rereading the MacGregor series lately. So good.....

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Stephanie Plum is a great escape. I like Janet Evonovich's old romance novels too.





I just requested Dortmunder's first book, Hot Rocks, it's about an Emerald theft which means I have finally found an Emerald book for one of Robin's challenges over on Book a Week. :) Thank you!






Jude Deveraux is a favourite of mine too!






I just discovered my Overdrive has Harliquin series in groups of 4 to check out, Silhouettes too. I grew up on these.




The old Nora Robert's are the best. I've been rereading the MacGregor series lately. So good.....




You asked me about Patrick Lee's books. 


I randomly checked out The Runner a couple of weeks ago and loved it.  Then I wanted to read everything by the author, so I started with Breach, then read its sequel, Ghost Country, and I have another one sitting in my house waiting to be read.  So far I have liked all three equally.  


Actually, that's not entirely true.  I mean to read them in order, but I got it wrong and I accidentally read Ghost Country before Breach, so I read them out of order, but it was ok.  It didn't ruin the story for me.  So, I'd say you can probably grab any of them and start reading and easily be able to enjoy them, being as that's what I did by accident.  :)

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I enjoyed the early Stephanie Plum books, but was fed up with the character by around Eleven (I don't recall if that was the last one I read or if I stopped at Ten). I envy anyone reading the early books for the first time. I remember laughing out loud so hard as I read them. 

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Anyone read Lisa Scottoline?

She has a series about an all woman law firm BUT she also has stand alone titles and I like those for audiobooks on my commute.

Mostly Wanted and Save Me are not only entertaining but also thought provoking in a "what would I do in this situation?" sort of way.

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