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When you don't have milk or creamer for your coffee and hate it black, what do you use?


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Evaporated or sweetened condensed (this is dangerous, so delicious) milk.   A bit of ice cream, sure.  :-)  


Lately I have been backing off the amount cream or half-and-half in my coffee, and putting in a small (maybe teaspoon) amount of plain unsweetened cocoa.  Somehow the cocoa lets me use less dairy.  I don't really have a need to use less dairy, but I like the taste of cocoa in the coffee.  Sometimes I sprinkle in turmeric and/or cinnamon and/or black or red pepper.


I like playing with coffee. 

Edited by marbel
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I'd go out and get creamer or go out and get a cup of coffee (at a drive through if I don't want to get presentable enough to go into a store).

 But see, I have to have coffee in order to be human enough to leave the house to get creamer for the coffee.


It's a vicious, vicious cycle!  :lol:

Edited by FaithManor
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I was gonna say ice cream.  :)  We usually don't have ice cream though, so I would just drink it black, because it's better than nothing.  :)

I know....it is a terrible thing to not be human before having coffee, and then having to drink that coffee in an unpalatable manner. It's like being sick and having to down cough medicine! 

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Lately I have been backing off the amount cream or half-and-half in my coffee, and putting in a small (maybe teaspoon) amount of plain unsweetened cocoa.   


Do you mix it in a certain way, or does it blend pretty easily? 


Also, multi-quote quit working for me two days ago, and it's driving me insane. 

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 But see, I have to have coffee in order to be human enough to leave the house to get creamer for the county.


It's a vicious, vicious cycle!  :lol:


I've had to walk into the grocery store as an "inhuman" being. Luckily, everyone else in the store early in the morning is blurry-eyed, too. ;)

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Do you mix it in a certain way, or does it blend pretty easily? 


Also, multi-quote quit working for me two days ago, and it's driving me insane. 


I do have to stir it a good bit, and if the coffee sits around a while, need to restir 'cause it does settle.   


Multi-quoting doesn't work for me anymore, either. 

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I keep little cans of evaporated milk in the pantry for this kind of emergency. My French grandmother always used evap milk in her coffee when she didn't have fresh milk to scald for cafe au lait, so it's kind of nostalgically fun when I run out of milk now.

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Evaporated or sweetened condensed (this is dangerous, so delicious) milk. A bit of ice cream, sure. :-)


Lately I have been backing off the amount cream or half-and-half in my coffee, and putting in a small (maybe teaspoon) amount of plain unsweetened cocoa. Somehow the cocoa lets me use less dairy. I don't really have a need to use less dairy, but I like the taste of cocoa in the coffee. Sometimes I sprinkle in turmeric and/or cinnamon and/or black or red pepper.


I like playing with coffee.

Last Christmas I accidentally double bought on the powdered cocoa. Straightening my pantry last week i thought I should probably do something with it. Off to the coffee pot...!

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Hey maybe y'all will know - my younger dd gave me a new French press for Christmas. My GI tells me to give up coffee, at least caffeine. So I am looking for a recommendation for a low-acid, high-quality, whole-bean decaf coffee. Does such a thing exist? It should be decaffienated by Swiss water bath or something elegant-sounding like that, right?


Help me, please. ðŸ˜

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Hey maybe y'all will know - my younger dd gave me a new French press for Christmas. My GI tells me to give up coffee, at least caffeine. So I am looking for a recommendation for a low-acid, high-quality, whole-bean decaf coffee. Does such a thing exist? It should be decaffienated by Swiss water bath or something elegant-sounding like that, right?


Help me, please. ðŸ˜


My advice is to get a new GI doctor.



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My advice is to get a new GI doctor.





Dh's GI doctor told him I should go off coffee. Yah, well dude, somebody might jail you for creating a monster, the force of which the community has never seen before. Be wary! Be very, very wary the insane advice you dole out!


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Dh's GI doctor told him I should go off coffee. Yah, well dude, somebody might jail you for creating a monster, the force of which the community has never seen before. Be wary! Be very, very wary the insane advice you dole out!


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


My GI doc didn't tell me to.  I don't think I'd listen to be honest.  Not unless I truly felt coffee was problematic.  It isn't! 


I started making it weaker.  But good grief.  I've given up so much.  Nobody messes with my coffee.  LOL

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I'd go out and get creamer or go out and get a cup of coffee (at a drive through if I don't want to get presentable enough to go into a store).


This is what dh does too. I tell him there's ice cream but he doesn't like sugar in his coffee, just half-and-half. Ds would rather just go without coffee.


I prefer mine black.

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Can you believe this happened this morning? I went to get the half and half only to find it went sour. We don't have milk (we rarely have milk because we don't use it much). 


What did I do? I sent dh out for half and half. :D



ETA: He actually offered. He drinks his coffee black so it doesn't matter to him whether or not we have any kind of creamer. He offered because he's a sweetheart.  :001_wub:

Edited by Lady Florida.
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 I require myself to have two extra unopened containers at all times. :ph34r:  Once the kids were complaining because we ran out of milk but had plenty of creamer.  I told them that it was the result of having my priorities straight  :lol:   Although, the ice cream sounds super good  :drool5:

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Hey maybe y'all will know - my younger dd gave me a new French press for Christmas. My GI tells me to give up coffee, at least caffeine. So I am looking for a recommendation for a low-acid, high-quality, whole-bean decaf coffee. Does such a thing exist? It should be decaffienated by Swiss water bath or something elegant-sounding like that, right?


Help me, please. ðŸ˜


I don't have a specific coffee recommendation for you (although searching Amazon for decaf whole bean swiss water process yields quite a few well rated options), but I just wanted to pass on that cold brewed coffee is significantly less acidic.  Just yesterday I read that it is 67% less acidic that hot brewed.  It doesn't mean you have to drink it cold -- just make a concentrate and add hot water to it if you want hot coffee.  It is smoother and quite good, I think. Easier for me to drink without cream and sugar anyway. 


Also, FWIW, I have read that french press coffee (or any unfiltered coffee) can increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol due to the presence of cafestol.  This is true whether it is decaffeinated or not. So, if cholesterol is an issue for you then you might want to consider using a paper coffee filter after brewing by french press. 

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Hey maybe y'all will know - my younger dd gave me a new French press for Christmas. My GI tells me to give up coffee, at least caffeine. So I am looking for a recommendation for a low-acid, high-quality, whole-bean decaf coffee. Does such a thing exist? It should be decaffienated by Swiss water bath or something elegant-sounding like that, right?


Help me, please. ðŸ˜

If you cold brew your coffee, it will be much, much less acidic.


I don't think I've ever run out of cream, milk, and almond milk at the same time. I used to use the coconut oil + butter for awhile but I grew tired of it. I've used ice cream just for fun😊

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tea! *the drink, usually green. 


Ice cream.  I use almond milk or coconut milk or a creamer made out of either one.  But, in a pinch ice cream works too!  I have been know to bypass coffee though if I don't have anything on hand.  I'll either get a latte while running errands or fix tea at home

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