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Left over pasta goes where in your house?

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*Usually* it goes in the fridge to sit for three weeks, untouched. At that point it will be rediscovered, smelled and promptly tossed into the trash. Our refrigerator is just a middleman between us and the trash can.


But I'm trying to change my ways -- trying to remember that pasta sitting there because leftover cold pasta does make a great starter for a tasty pasta salad.

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It will go into the fridge and be reheated for lunch the next day if the boys don't decide to eat it for breakfast.


Usually it is reheated with some garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese and butter. My kids will eat that up. We have that with a side salad and maybe a piece of chicken.


I never have to throw it away. We usually only do angel hair or egg noodles.

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*Usually* it goes in the fridge to sit for three weeks, untouched. At that point it will be rediscovered, smelled and promptly tossed into the trash. Our refrigerator is just a middleman between us and the trash can.


:iagree: What comfort to know I am not alone. :001_smile: I, too, am trying to change my ways, but we rarely follow through with eating leftovers.

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It will go into the fridge and be reheated for lunch the next day if the boys don't decide to eat it for breakfast.


Usually it is reheated with some garlic, parsley, Parmesan cheese and butter. My kids will eat that up. We have that with a side salad and maybe a piece of chicken.


I never have to throw it away. We usually only do angel hair or egg noodles.


We do the same, only we add some lemon, capers and mushrooms (for those that like mushrooms) - we add the parmesean cheese on the side b/c of dairy allergies.


Pasta rarely lasts 24 hours here - even when I cook 3 lbs at a time. Gotta love teen boys.

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usually plain pasta gets made into pasta salad, chopped onion, celery and mayo.


Sometimes I might sautee some sun-dried tomatoes and wilt a little spinach and serve it with feta or goat cheese for lunch or as a side with lunch. Whatever we have on hand. Usually we don't have too many left overs, but I rarely throw anything away.

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Either leftovers for the next day's lunch or as a treat for our fat lazy Basset Hound, Flounder.

She is ever so appreciative...her favorite is rotini. Just kidding! Her favorite is anything edible. When you're low to the ground and live with 3 kids that spill it's pretty much heaven on earth for a Hound.



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Kids or hubby reheat it in microwave and gobble it down - we always have tons of grated Romano cheese and jars of pasta sauce - including homemade pesto - in the 'fridge, too. I buy 40 lbs of imported Italian pasta monthly and they eat it several times a week, either as main meal or a side instead of taters/rice (which I prefer!!!)


Pasta for dinner....lunch....breakfast (really!!!)...snacks....


I am so sick of pasta!!!!

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*Usually* it goes in the fridge to sit for three weeks, untouched. At that point it will be rediscovered, smelled and promptly tossed into the trash. Our refrigerator is just a middleman between us and the trash can.


But I'm trying to change my ways -- trying to remember that pasta sitting there because leftover cold pasta does make a great starter for a tasty pasta salad.


Sometimes it costs more for me to save the food for later eating. Between ziplocks, containers, soap, and hot water, it might have been more cost effective to just throw it out.

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When I make spaghetti, I usually overestimate how much pasta to cook, so I usually have a good amount left over. Then I purposely make too much sauce. I freeze the leftovers of both (separately), and then I have another meal put away for another day. Even if it is the next day. I can't keep it in the fridge because we tend to forget about our refrigerated leftovers, or it just doesn't sound as good the next day.

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