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What's the weather look like where you are today?


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We had a little cold front so it dropped down to the mid 70s. Suppose to be back up in the 80s by Saturday. I love Florida. I told my husband for years I was coming here for the winters. He should have taken me seriously. Have been here for 18 months now with our youngest DC :lol:

Off topic but can I just say it's nice to see a new resident saying good things (you did in another thread also). Too often imo, people move to Florida then immediately start complaining about everything from the weather to the food to how things are done here. I usually wonder why those people left a place that was obviously so much better.
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Dropping temps, possible freezing rain, maybe some snow tonight. Got stuck in a massive ice event in our state yesterday picking up ds from college. We had to get a hotel room for the night halfway. There were students who left before us and took 12 hours to get to the same city we live in, which is only 150 miles from the school. It was terrifying and I truly feel for all the people who were in wrecks and injured. I barely slept last night in the hotel because, every time I closed my eyes, I kept seeing the cars sliding and all the wrecks and my heart would start racing. I never want to do that again. I know of someone who left the city we spent the night in at 11:00 am and was still stuck in traffic at 9:40, miles from home. It's only a 100 mile trip. Ugh. I am so over the weather in this part of the country. We got up at 5 and the ice had melted so we booked it out of there ahead of the falling temps and freezing rain. Feeling incredibly grateful to all the family and friends who prayed us home safely and the amazingly kind staff at the fast food place and the hotel. They were so wonderful.


Edited for spelling.

Edited by scholastica
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Dropping temps, possible freezing rain, maybe some snow tonight. Got stuck in a massive ice event in our state yesterday picking up ds from college. We had to get a hotel room for the night halfway. There were students who left before us and took 12 hours to get to the same city we live in, which is only 150 miles from the school. It was terrifying and I truly feel for all the people who were in wrecks and injured. I barely slept last night in the hotel because, every time I closed my eyes, I kept seeing the cars sliding and all the wrecks and my heart would start racing. I never want to do that again. I know of someone who left the city we spent the night in at 11:00 am and was still stuck in traffic at 9:40, miles from home. It's only a 100 mile trip. Ugh. I am so over the weather in this part of the country. We got up at 5 and the ice had melted so we booked it out of there ahead of the falling temps and freezing rain. Feeling incredibly grateful to all the family and friends who prayed us home safely and the amazingly kind staff at the fast food place and the hotel. They were so wonderful.


Edited for spelling.


I'm so glad you stopped and made it home safely! Ice -the worst! Well then there is the time when you have to ask a passenger if they can see the side of the road in a snow storm...

Edited by Starr
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60/38  Clear and sunny.

We've had highs in the mid 70s all week and the week before and everyone is tired of this recurring summer.  We'd like to get out of shorts and flip flops for a while because our summers are so intense and long. We live here for the winters and we're not getting much in the way of winter yet. Lack of snow in the mountains means less water in our reservoirs so we'll have to use ground water which isn't all that abundant. We didn't get much snow either last year or the year before-I forget which. 

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temps are in the teens with negative wind chill. It has been snowing all day. Yesterday was an ice storm that closed down most of the city. It took me 40 minutes to drive a normal 8 minute in-town route. Cars were sliding everywhere, some streets are still icy. The university even postponed their scheduled commencement until Tuesday. 

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Single digits (F) with way below negative wind chill. Freezing drizzle yesterday. Snow today. Real Christmas weather!

Edited to add: Kids out in it twice today to play. They're thrilled with the snow!


I should have made chili in the slow cooker this morning. Perfect for this weather!

Edited by RootAnn
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Miserable. -25 to -30 tonight and snow drifts that still need shoveled. My FL friends think it's hilarious to remind me how nice it is there. They don't realize how truly dangerous these conditions can be.

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