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Homeschool kids & weird gifts


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I wasn't homeschooled, but I guess it was already in my heart. ;) When I was in high school, one birthday I asked for a full-sized filing cabinet. I loved that thing!


My oldest son (not homeschooled) used to be obsessed with office supplies when he was around 11 or 12.  He would spend hours looking at things like the Office Max catalog and making out his Christmas wish list.  He's almost 26 now and still has plenty of supplies!  And he did get a file cabinet for his birthday as well.  :) 

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DS started complaining about the educational gifts he was getting for presents. This year there will be a few fun personal gifts, and still educational games wrapped up for everyone, instead of DS. I don't care. It bulks up the tree pile and I buy them anyway. 😀

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My vegetarian son wanted real animal bones.


My FIL saved all of them from some bird they ate. He cleaned them up and everything. Youngest got a pringles can full of bones.

Not a Christmas gift, but DS7 asked the host of Thanksgiving dinner if he could take the turkey carcass home with him, because he wanted to look at the bones under his microscope.


Now there's a pile of dry poultry bones in a bucket on his closet shelf, waiting to be explored.

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Two years ago: Himalayan Sea Salt in a grinder for dd, and a ravioli press (she likes to cook, and basically caressed that salt every time we were at the store!)


For dd's 18th birthday: a hand crocheted squid hat.

I want a hand crocheted squid hat!

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Uranium marbles as stocking stuffers.


Beartie Bott's Every Flavored Beans mixed with identical looking jelly beans from the specialty candy store so that they wouldn't know which was which.


Dissection specimens


For me: I get elements for my elements collection. Last year Beryillium and Gallium. Year before pure sodium (lots of fun if you know what you are doing, otherwise, just don't touch the stuff)....anybody know where I can get my hands on Plutonium? LOL   :D The radioactive elements are tough to come by except for non pure forms like low grade uranium ore that is rejected for industrial purposes.


Yah...orders regularly from a place called United Nuclear. We are SOOOOOO on the Department of Homeland Security's "What On Earth Are Those Loons doing????" list.


Just bought dh this t-shirt, "There is no problem that can't be solved with the appropriate application of explosives."  :lol:


And "Black Holes are where God divided by zero." It will make eldest boy nuts because he has had to explain to so many students that dividing by zero is undefined.

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Mushroom is the king of it in our house. He sometimes wants things like a package of new sensors, some LED lights, some extra wiring for something or other, better box cutters for cardboard projects...


As a child, there was one Christmas when all I wanted was a set of encyclopedias and stamps for my stamp collection. All my friends got Cabbage Patch Kids that year. I remember my mother probably checked in with me every single day leading up to Christmas... are you sure you just want encyclopedias and an atlas and stamps, pumpkin? Are you SURE? I was SO happy though.

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Sort of odd requests for gifts depending on perspective (some while homeschooling and some not)...


  • old fashioned hats for DS (age 10/11/12)
  • dressy walking canes for DS (age 10/11/12)
  • portable microscope for both kids 
  • a large history reference book on Romans when DS was 9.
  • Muse magazine
  • real tool kit for doing their own basic repairs (got tired of borrowing the hammer/screw drivers)
  • a bedspread that would work well during a zombie apocalypse
  • collector coins good for long term investment (DS age 7)
  • Architectural magazines (DD age 11) 
  • WW II documentaries
  • Horse and Wolf documentaries
  • Chemistry videos
  • Cooking utensils
  • Chef's hat
  • fob watch


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My oldest son (not homeschooled) used to be obsessed with office supplies when he was around 11 or 12.  He would spend hours looking at things like the Office Max catalog and making out his Christmas wish list.  He's almost 26 now and still has plenty of supplies!  And he did get a file cabinet for his birthday as well.   :)


I  :wub:  :wub:  :wub: office supply stores!


ETA: (almost as much as book stores!)

Edited by Jaybee
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A dehydrated baby alligator head. It wasn't requested but older brother gave it to him in the kids' sibling gift exchange.


Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk


Off-topic: my husband brought one of those home from a business trip for ds who was 4 at the time. He took it to preschool for show-and-tell. Big hit.

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