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I feel miserable


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I'm still struggling with severe depression and anxiety. Been hospitalized several times, and it is better but still a struggle. They are still adjusting drugs, and I think that's part of this.


And now my throat and head hurt. I feel dizzy and weak and feverish/ chills.



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I'm still struggling with severe depression and anxiety. Been hospitalized several times, and it is better but still a struggle. They are still adjusting drugs, and I think that's part of this.


And now my throat and head hurt. I feel dizzy and weak and feverish/ chills.



Hugs, big hugs. Glad you are getting a little better! Keep fighting ...

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I'm sorry you're struggling. Being sick on top of it is hard too. Can you take today off from your responsibilities to try to rest? Maybe immerse yourself in something that may make you feel good, like a book or movie, a fun game, exercise, or music?


I hope today is gentle on you.

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That's how I felt with a sinus infection--just awful! Hydrate like crazy. Even with antibiotics, your body needs lots of fluids to clear a sinus infection. I'm sorry you have this on top of med adjustments. Please know you will physically feel a zillion times better after your body has had time to fight off this infection, and that will bring an emotional boost as well.


Sending you good healing energy,





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You are really having a cruddy time of it right now :-(   but thank you for checking in, as I know I am not the only one here keeping you in our thoughts and wanting to hear from you.  Wish there was something we could do to help you besides say hang in there, don't give up, you have not always been sunk in a depression and eventually you will come out of this one.  Med tweaking takes time - right now your physical well being has to take priority  (brain meds may not be as helpful when rest of body is sick) so just take those antibiotics, ginger ale, chicken soup, binge on Gilmore Girls and rag on how spoiled some of those characters are. 


My bipolar etc. son is still tweaking meds (almost three years now - his ups and downs seem less severe), our "thing" now is watching episodes of House-hunters International and ragging on folks who want 3 bed/2 bath open floor plan, American size fridge, large yard, for a pittance in the middle of an old historic city center in Europe. Oh, and a 10 minute commute to work, and walking to shops.  He watched a couple episodes with me before curling up back in bed in the dark (is he humoring me?) and that is about all the social interaction he can tolerate at the moment.


If my hubby tells my adult son one more time to just go outside and take a walk I think son will explode.  Hope your family "gets" it that you are really ill (and not just strep).  Momma Terabith needs some pampering (chocolate! Can we send you chocolate?).

Edited by JFSinIL
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Is it bad I don't feel up for television? Or chocolate?


No, sounds like where my 25-yr-old son is at.  I think he is only emerging to watch a couple shows with me to keep ME happy.  He stopped watching My Little Pony (yes, a Brony) which tells me he is really feeling bad.  Or feeling so bad he "feels nothing at all".  :-(     Sorry you are in the same state (and have strep or sinus infection on top of it).     But keep posting here daily to check in.  It can be (for us) the equivalent of my son emerging from his room once a day to check in.  We care, and we are going to wait out this depression and anxiety WITH you.

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Being sick makes everything feel harder, and I hope you adjust well to your current meds. Big hugs and thank you for the update. We are all still cheering to you and praying for you here :grouphug:

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I've been taking a decongestant. He prescribed a steroid thinking dizziness might be inner ears. But since it could be so many other things and side effects, was going to hold off on steroid for a few days. Mostly just tired and weak and feel pathetic.


Oh, good!  I hope it helps really soon! I know you are so frustrated. Hang in there!  You're loved and wished the very best!   :grouphug:

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I'm glad you have antibiotics and that your doctor is working with you.  Is it possible that one of the meds is causing blood pressure problems?  Just a thought as that has happened with one of my daughters.


Sending you a big hug!  A year ago the doctor wanted to put my daughter in the hospital and she and DH asked for plan B.  The doctor added a mood stabilizer.  It helps but now she sleeps all the time.  She can easily sleep 12 hours a day.  There are pros and cons to everything, right?  We've figured out the best times for her to take her meds, but occasionally she gets lax and then goes through a couple of bad days.  It's a learning experience.   This whole tweaking thing can be exhausting when you are probably already feeling like you have no energy.


My heart goes out to you.   :grouphug:

Edited by PollyOR
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:(. If you feel suicidal, make sure you call your doctor.


If you're just super dooper pooper sick, consider the meds may not be working. Maybe start the steroid if you haven't already. Consider seeing a walk in clinic if you've been on the antibiotics for a couple days with no improvement. Try to get some nutrition to keep up your energy. Hang in there! We're all rooting for you!

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