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Would this bother you? (re: baby name)


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Our fourth LO is due at the end of the year. We never find out if baby is a boy or girl. Furthermore, DH generally refuses to discuss names until LO is born. 

However, due a dream I had we did have a short discussion of names. And as a result we have one possibility for a girls' name. This is a miracle. It took us forever to name DD. But, considering the name now, I am wondering if we need to go back to the drawing board.

The name is Jessie Louise, which is after our grandmothers. No, the grandmother's name was not Jessica, so using that doesn't feel like honoring her. 

My concern is that the name is too close to the phrase "jeez Louise."

Would this bother you? Would you scratch the name entirely based on it? Would you even notice?

Feel free to make suggestions. Generally we like classic names and saint names (we are Catholic), just not the same ones apparently. 


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I think for me that would depend on how names were typically used in the family. We're a first name type of family, and middle names aren't in constant use so it wouldn't be a concern. 


If we were a family that used middle names frequently in addressing the kids, I'd probably give it some more thought.

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Our fourth LO is due at the end of the year. We never find out if baby is a boy or girl. Furthermore, DH generally refuses to discuss names until LO is born. 


However, due a dream I had we did have a short discussion of names. And as a result we have one possibility for a girls' name. This is a miracle. It took us forever to name DD. But, considering the name now, I am wondering if we need to go back to the drawing board.


The name is Jessie Louise, which is after our grandmothers. No, the grandmother's name was not Jessica, so using that doesn't feel like honoring her. 


My concern is that the name is too close to the phrase "jeez Louise."


Would this bother you? Would you scratch the name entirely based on it? Would you even notice?


Feel free to make suggestions. Generally we like classic names and saint names (we are Catholic), just not the same ones apparently. 







If it's a boy, you could go with Jesse Louis, then you know the name is covered either way.


And "Jeez louise" would be a funny nickname, not necessarily a bad thing.

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I only know one person who uses that phrase. I would not veto the name based on that similarity alone.


Do you often use first and middle names together? Unkess all of your children are called by both names all the time very few people will even know the child's middle name.


BabyBaby was maybe 10 or so before she really "got it" that she had a middle name. And she still left off the final "e" for a while after that. 🙄


And do what works for you, but giving the name Jessica or honor a Jessie works for me... BabyBaby has a name beginning with E because as much as DH & I adore my grandmother, we did not want to name a child Erma.

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If it's a boy, you could go with Jesse Louis, then you know the name is covered either way.


And "Jeez louise" would be a funny nickname, not necessarily a bad thing.

My DH's brother is named after his grandmothers because they thought he was going to be a girl. So they just used the male versions of his grandmother's names. And maybe it's just me, but I think that's weird. His names are perfectly normal, but I think it's weird he was named after his grandmothers.

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According to Behind the Name, Jessie is a Scottish form of Jean. This opens up so many options. Jane, Jean, Joan, Jenny, Johanna, Joey, Joleen, Gianna, Janice...

Well, except for the fact that the grandmother in question was all Polish. Her given birth name was Polish, but neighborhood kids quickly gave her an Anglicized nn from it. And that nn quickly turned into "Jessie."


Or at least, that's what everyone thinks happened.


So, were we to choose to honor her with a name she never use, it would almost certainly be a Polish one.


I am glad to see that people think I am overthinking this. 

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My DH's brother is named after his grandmothers because they thought he was going to be a girl. So they just used the male versions of his grandmother's names. And maybe it's just me, but I think that's weird. His names are perfectly normal, but I think it's weird he was named after his grandmothers.

Really? Why? Do you also think it's weird for a girl daughter of a Joseph to be named Josephine after him? Or anything similar?


Personally, I think a male named after females, using different names, is preferable to an entire herd of, for example, Johns, that either confuse everyone or go be middle or nicknames to differentiate. But maybe that's just because I know two families with 5+ Johns closely related.

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I wouldn't have thought of it.


But...now it's in my head and it's never going away. I would always think of it when I heard her name.




This is how I might feel as the OP. Like, even if no one else saw/heard it, it might just be there.


But if the only concern is if other people would think it/use it, then that is probably unlikely. In our family we really don't use middle names (we do have them).


I used to say that expression all the time, but I've been trying to limit it since I heard that it was short for the Lord's name and I don't want to take His name in vain. I always typed it with a G and no e at the end.

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