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Those Small but Annoying Pet Peeves- yours?


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I really hate it when I am trying to dismiss the update that insistently pops up on my phone and accidentally hit "Update now" instead of "Remind me later" because the buttons are soclose together.  Stop that!


I hate it when there is no way to hide the last time you have been on Facebook.  Even if you turn off chat, it still shows the last time you were on, so you can't tell grandma (friend, neighbor) spouting her propaganda that you didn't see it (unless you unfollow everyone).   Facebook does this deliberately. Jerks.


I hate it when I am playing games on my iPad and every button I hit wants to connect me to Facebook all the time.  NOT happening.

I hate it when your vehicle suddenly gets a bunch of warning icons, but when you take it to the dealer, they can't recreate it or do anything. 


Anyway, those are my digital pet peeves today.  You? 



Edited by TranquilMind
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I hate it when there is no way to hide the last time you have been on Facebook.  Even if you turn off chat, it still shows the last time you were on, so you can't tell grandma (friend, neighbor) spouting her propaganda that you didn't see it (unless you unfollow everyone). 


Sure you can. The fact that your computer was on and a facebook window open does not have to mean that you were even close to that computer.

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I really hate it when I am trying to dismiss the update that insistently pops up on my phone and accidentally hit "Update now" instead of "Remind me later" because the buttons are soclose together.  Stop that!


I hate it when there is no way to hide the last time you have been on Facebook.  Even if you turn off chat, it still shows the last time you were on, so you can't tell grandma (friend, neighbor) spouting her propaganda that you didn't see it (unless you unfollow everyone).   Facebook does this deliberately. Jerks.


I hate it when I am playing games on my iPad and every button I hit wants to connect me to Facebook all the time.  NOT happening.


I hate it when your vehicle suddenly gets a bunch of warning icons, but when you take it to the dealer, they can't recreate it or do anything. 


Anyway, those are my digital pet peeves today.  You? 


I have never seen that--where can you see that on Facebook?

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Sure you can. The fact that your computer was on and a facebook window open does not have to mean that you were even close to that computer.


No, it is on the phone.  If you have Facebook, if you click on that side window that shows chat, you can still see when everyone logged on last, even if they have their chat turned off so they are supposed to be "invisible". 


We tested it.  Another family member can see me log on (green light) and when I go off (Last on: 1 minute ago) even while my chat is entirely turned OFF. 


I know I can just say I didn't see it, but I don't want to lie.  I want to really be invisible but Facebook won't let me, unless I delete Facebook (and probably not forever after). 

I went to a Home Depot physically last week and looked at a particular item. When I later logged on to Facebook, ads for that item were on it.  Now that's creepy. 

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I have a switch plate with 5 light switches. I hate it when all the lights are off but one or two of the switches are up because someone turned them off or on from a different area.


When the computer in my car tells me it is time for service (oil change) it drives me crazy so I trip the computer before I start to drive.


It drives me crazy when the family is watching a movie on tv (commercials) when we own the movie.

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I have never seen that--where can you see that on Facebook?


Are you on mobile?  Click that little person icon on the top left.  It takes you to a chat function, where everyone is listed. You will see who is on (green light) and who is off, and how long they have been off,. even if your chat is turned off.


I think the same is true on a desktop but I haven't done Facebook that way for awhile.  The stalking bothers me. 

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I have a switch plate with 5 light switches. I hate it when all the lights are off but one or two of the switches are up because someone turned them off or on from a different area.


When the computer in my car tells me it is time for service (oil change) it drives me crazy so I trip the computer before I start to drive.


It drives me crazy when the family is watching a movie on tv (commercials) when we own the movie.


Ha ha. Yes, all the switches have to be going in the same direction!


I have to turn off that light too. My car commands me to get frequent oil changes even though my book says not to do it more than every 7000 miles. 

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Being interrupted.

Loud chewers. *shudder*

When people unload the clean silverware and put them in the wrong place. Hello, people! Big spoons, little spoons, pointy knives, butter knives. *sigh*

Line cutters.

Toast crumbs on butter still in the butter dish.

Butter in jam jars.

Boxes opened in such a way that they cannot be closed using the tab and slot on top.

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When people ball up their soaking wet wash rags in the kitchen sink instead of squeezing them out and draping on them on the side to dry. All those germs are just percolating in there, people!


When people dump food bits in the kitchen sink and it sits in the little strainer in there, rotting, instead of tossing the food bits directly in the trashcan.


Getting an error on a computer screen that means nothing to me. Nothing. It's all a bunch of gobbly-de-gook.


The fact that I cannot get my outdoor trashcan lid off with one hand (necessary when the other is lugging a heavy bag), and often it's a struggle with two hands. I need a new trashcan. I don't like grappling with it every time I take out the trash.

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I also despise every app I own  constantly wanting me to share everything with everyone I know. They don't care what I'm doing on the internet and I certainly don't want to know about every website they visit either. 


I really don't like seeing the half-eaten dinners of people I know on FB either. It never looks as good to use outsiders as it did when you started eating it. 


Re: digital peeves, I don't like all the bloatware that comes on new phones that you cannot uninstall without totally rooting the phone. 

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I hate to be behind drivers that leave their turn signals on for miles.  Just turn it off!


Another driving annoyance is when a car pulls out in front of me and then goes slow. This is particularly irksome when there are no other vehicles to be seen. They could have pulled out behind me if they wanted to go below the speed limit.



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People chewing with their mouths open.


People filled with hatred of those different from them whether it be socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, age, religion, body size, etc.

You can feel the hatred emanating from these people even online or over the phone. 


Line cutters.


Inconsiderate drivers. Inconsiderate people period. 

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People talking with food in their mouths.

Drivers ahead of me who do not accelerate on the on ramp and so hit the interstate at 45 mph.

Dirty dishes in the sink.

People who do not clean up after their dog.



18 minutes of commercials and blah, blah, blah for every 6 minutes of actual Olympic games coverage.

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People who don't use turn signals.


People who have no awareness of anything around them - letting cars pull in, moving out of the way, just being helpful.


Melted snow that you step in while wearing socks

Excessive A/C in businesses.


Umbrellas. Seriously. What the Huffelpuff? They're useless. You stay dry only to dump all the water on yourself at once as you get in the car.


People who write checks at the grocery store. Sorry.



People who litter.


When my kids use my stuff and return it uncharged.

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People who toss cigarette butts on the ground.


People who take FAR more than 10/15/20 items through the express lanes in grocery stores when it's crowded at the checkout.


People who chew with their mouth open.


People who don't wait for everyone to be served (at a group or family meal/table) before they start eating.


The fact that I'm the only one who notices/removes hair around the shower drain.

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The friend of and the adult kid next door who do not understand that I dont want to spend my late evening and early morning hours listening to exclamatory F* this and that, no matter what the state of inebriation.. Actually I am not peeved at them, but at the mother who should have taught manners and how to change the volume.


High speed chases in a residential neighborhood. Couldnt we drone video, follow, and arrest?


People conducting personal phone calls loudly while shopping.

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I'm in the midst of moving and everything is annoying me this week. 


People who enter through the exit door, specifically adults. I almost intentionally rammed someone this week. Walk a few more feet honey, so I don't have to stop and move around your rude self. 


People who don't use turn signals.


People who don't yield before entering the roundabout (seriously, it's rural America, did we need that roundabout right there?)



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I'm very irritable LOL


Digital pet peeves?


When my GPS takes me longer to get somewhere but I'm desperate. Especially when I miss a turn and instead of saying "recalculating" or "turn around" like my old GPS it just sends me a in a giant circle to turn around! Just say turn around, I can to do faster than you!


When my phone interrupts what I'm doing to say "low battery." No kidding! Let me finish! lol


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The friend of and the adult kid next door who do not understand that I dont want to spend my late evening and early morning hours listening to exclamatory F* this and that, no matter what the state of inebriation.. Actually I am not peeved at them, but at the mother who should have taught manners and how to change the volume.


High speed chases in a residential neighborhood. Couldnt we drone video, follow, and arrest?


People conducting personal phone calls loudly while shopping.


Agree.  What's wrong with people?  Had a neighbor out shouting "F you!" at the end of his driveway at 10 at night.  Go inside and have your tirade!  The entire neighborhood doesn't need to see it. 


And yes, with the phone calls in public.  Shut up!  Go outside.  Talk in your car, or whatever.  I do NOT want to hear about every detail of your date, your doctor appointment, your fight with your mother, or whatever. 

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I agree with sooooo many of these!


People who habitually say, "What?" when you talk to them, forcing you to repeat yourself.


People who park their carts in the middle of the aisle, and walk away from it to look at products further down, effectively blocking the whole aisle.


People who look at their phones while driving.

I wish cars auto-ejected those who pull out their phones and just have to send that text while driving.  I see them everyday. The car should pull over and stop and the person be ejected right into the police office.  ;)

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My two new ones right now are getting my abaya caught in the door of the car and always having to take a too-warm shower because the water tank is on the roof and there is no cold, or even tepid, water in the pipes.


My digital peeve is that my SIM card feels the need to send me a text every time I make a call or send a text to tell me I spent money making a call or sending a text.

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Not being able to turn of push notifications for facebook on my new phone. I turned them off everywhere I could find such a setting, including from my computer but I still keep seeing the red notification and it's driving me batty.


People who leave their shopping carts on the diagonal lines by the handicapped parking spaces. Those spaces are for people with wheelchairs* to get in and out of a vehicle. It's not a cart return. They're also not motorcycle parking spaces.


*I have a friend with OI (osteo imperfecta), and she's constantly running into this problem of not being able to get out of her van or back into it because the unload area of the space is blocked.



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When people rate their version of a recipe on allreipes.  "This recipe turned out great.   I doubled the sugar, added and extra egg, added vanilla extract and a little lemon zest, and baked for an additional 5 minutes.  Yum!" or "This recipe was terrible.  I left out the salt, used canned instead of fresh, and cooked longer than recipe stated.  I don't know how anyone would enjoy this".   



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People who leave their shopping carts on the diagonal lines by the handicapped parking spaces. Those spaces are for people with wheelchairs* to get in and out of a vehicle. It's not a cart return. They're also not motorcycle parking spaces.


*I have a friend with OI (osteo imperfecta), and she's constantly running into this problem of not being able to get out of her van or back into it because the unload area of the space is blocked.

That is a conflicting needs situation. The people who havent done their knee or hip surgery are using those carts as walkers. They are in too much pain to return them to the cart corral, and they will likely fall if they walk that far unsupported. What has helped here is to add more handicapped spaces. Those with difficulty walking dont take the ones farther away, so the area is clear for wheelchair load/unload.

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That is a conflicting needs situation. The people who havent done their knee or hip surgery are using those carts as walkers. They are in too much pain to return them to the cart corral, and they will likely fall if they walk that far unsupported. What has helped here is to add more handicapped spaces. Those with difficulty walking dont take the ones farther away, so the area is clear for wheelchair load/unload.


In this case, no. It's people who won't return the carts all the way to the front or to an official cart return. These aren't people who use the handicapped spaces, but people who are parked elsewhere and just think, "There's a big empty space. I'll leave my cart there."

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In this case, no. It's people who won't return the carts all the way to the front or to an official cart return. These aren't people who use the handicapped spaces, but people who are parked elsewhere and just think, "There's a big empty space. I'll leave my cart there."

How interesting that your handicapped spaces are so desireable. The stores here have cart returns between the handicapped spaces and the nonhandicapped spaces. No one pushes their cart past the cart return to put it in the handicapped spots. You really should make your video public. With the right commentary, it will go as viral as people of wally world.

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Ok....one more...since the handicap space thing reminded me...


Putting the handicap carts INSIDE the stores. Why isn't there are charging station outside? I know it's a courtesy, and an AWESOME one, but having to go inside to get a mobility cart defeats the purpose. Not to mention having to return them to be charged after use (because I don't want to be a jerk and leave it uncharged outside). My parents have to have the cart, (or I bring a wheelchair) but the run in, use it, deliver parents, run it back in.... Just seems like an outdoor charging corral would help a ton.

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How interesting that your handicapped spaces are so desireable. The stores here have cart returns between the handicapped spaces and the nonhandicapped spaces. No one pushes their cart past the cart return to put it in the handicapped spots. You really should make your video public. With the right commentary, it will go as viral as people of wally world.


The cart returns are few and far between and rarely are they anywhere near the handicapped spaces. Often people who don't want to find a cart return (seriously, some places you have to scan the parking lot looking for one) will leave their carts in the small space between cars facing one another. Not nearly as bad as leaving them in the handicapped loading zone.


Re the bolded: My friend in the wheelchair has done that. She's posted on facebook and other social media and made her posts public. She's complained inside the store. She does it over and over and over again. Where she lives (about 30 min. south of me) golf carts are legal to drive on the sidewalks. She has even seen golf carts parked in those spaces. While it's annoying to me when I see it because it makes me think of my friend and I have been known to remove them when I can, it's a serious issue for her.

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Not being able to turn of push notifications for facebook on my new phone. I turned them off everywhere I could find such a setting, including from my computer but I still keep seeing the red notification and it's driving me batty.


People who leave their shopping carts on the diagonal lines by the handicapped parking spaces. Those spaces are for people with wheelchairs* to get in and out of a vehicle. It's not a cart return. They're also not motorcycle parking spaces.


*I have a friend with OI (osteo imperfecta), and she's constantly running into this problem of not being able to get out of her van or back into it because the unload area of the space is blocked.


Hmm.  I don't have any Facebook notifications.  I keep getting pestered to turn them on, but they are off in the settings and I get nothing.  I think you do this both in the app and in settings.


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Hmm.  I don't have any Facebook notifications.  I keep getting pestered to turn them on, but they are off in the settings and I get nothing.  I think you do this both in the app and in settings.



It took me forever to get it to stop on my other phone, now I have to try all over again. I have it turned off in the app, on facebook on my computer, and on my phone settings in both the application manager and in notification settings. Even the guy at the phone store was puzzled, as was my 18yo, who is usually my go-to guy with phone issues. So it makes my list of annoying things. :)


I'll probably figure it out eventually like I did on my old phone. Until then I'll continue to say GRRRR! every time I see the little red bubble. 

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For the first time in a long, long, time I didn't put the cart in the right place yesterday!! :o I looked around and didn't see a cart return nearby (I usually do lug it to one). I had just put the kids in the car with the engine running because of the heat here (I think I had done auto start so the keys weren't in the ignition and the doors were locked) and it was a horrible day for us and I just needed to get going. I looked around and there was a cart on some diagonal lines which were not actually linked to a handicapped spot as I could tell... because it wasn't the normal blue lines and it was an odd shape and not even enough room really to allow someone to get in/out (my mom has to park in handicapped parking so I definitely am not oblivious to the struggles). So I pushed my cart up against the other cart. I don't know what the purpose was of those yellow lines to be honest but now I've second guessed that decision.

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Ok....one more...since the handicap space thing reminded me...


Putting the handicap carts INSIDE the stores. Why isn't there are charging station outside? I know it's a courtesy, and an AWESOME one, but having to go inside to get a mobility cart defeats the purpose. Not to mention having to return them to be charged after use (because I don't want to be a jerk and leave it uncharged outside). My parents have to have the cart, (or I bring a wheelchair) but the run in, use it, deliver parents, run it back in.... Just seems like an outdoor charging corral would help a ton.

They aren't outside  mostly due to weather (rain making the seats wet, or sun making the seats hot, cold making them cold, etc, bird poop is also a problem).  They are more susceptible to people using them as a seating bench while waiting for someone else, or as a place to sit and smoke. They get hijacked more often by kids or adults playing pranks when they are outside out of cashiers view, and yes this does happen even with them inside (our store had to recover one 1/4 mile away from the store once).  Most stores have them immediately inside the store doors, right by the shopping carts, so they are as convenient as possible for the customer, while still being inside.  I worked at a store than tried putting them outside after they were charged, and these were the problems they ran into. 


As far as returning the cart, just ask the cashier to either have someone go outside with you to bring it back inside, or let them know which side of the store you are going to leave the cart outside at, and they will send an employee for it.  It is a very common circumstance. 

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