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Do you fall asleep at movies?


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Since my kids were little I fall asleep at the movies. The previews start and I am nodding off.


Today we were at the movies and I was sitting several seats away from my kids. My daughter asked if I had fallen asleep. I said I have movie theater narcolepsy. Today was just a short nap :)


I remember in high school when VHS were new and there were video stores. Every weekend friends and I would rent movies. The movie began and I would fall asleep.


As my Nana would say, I'm not sleeping, I'm resting my eyes.


Anyone else like me?

Edited by gingersmom
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Never. I really can't imagine it! Yet I do know someone IRL who does.


I think part of it is that we rarely went to kid movies, we typically waited for the video to come out, mostly because I hated having several kids at a theater on my own and having one of them need to go to the bathroom. I've seen some kid flicks I could have slept through!


We rarely go to the movies, so it's a treat. I would be upset that I'd wasted the money by sleeping through the film.

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I have fallen asleep at the theater only once.  It was a Woody Allen movie.   Although my friend claims I did it twice, but the other movie I don't remember even going to the theater. 


At home, yeah, often, especially when I used to stay over with friends and the movie watching would start around 11 PM.  I never made it through the second movie.  Just not enough of a night owl I guess.  Also I slept through most of "The Empire Strikes Back" several times.  When I finally stayed awake for the whole thing, I thought, wow!  It's a pretty good movie!  I don't know why it made me fall asleep before.

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Yes, not as bad in theaters, though it has happened. I joke that I've never seen the middle of any movie. It was especially bad in high school mainly because I watched movies a lot with friends. I used to refuse to admit I was asleep...pulled that resting my eyes line out a lot.

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I have never fallen asleep at a theater.  It would be way too loud and the seats aren't that comfortable..  I can't imagine paying theater prices to go to a movie if I knew I would likely sleep through it.


I have fallen asleep at home watching a movie.  It is much more comfortable on my couch with a blanket all cozy, so I would be more likely to fall asleep, but I don't very often.

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I've never been able to fall asleep sitting up even at home unless I'm dog-tired. I can't imagine falling asleep sitting in a movie theater chair or any other public location. I have almost fallen asleep during an early morning MRI once though. Then that loud click noise started up again and ended my almost-nap.  :)

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I dozed off during one of the Star Wars movies but never apart from that.


We see family movies at the Drive-in once or twice a year and I do drift off then, but that's on purpose because it's summery and I'm sitting in a chair under the stars and the rest of the family are distracted and not talking to me and really, how often does that happen?

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I did start to doze off for what I think was just a minute or a few minutes during the recent X-Men movie. I went alone. I wanted to be there. I just got a bit bored and sleepy. Lol. That part of the movie dragged.


It really has a lot to do with how tired I am beforehand. These days I definitely prefer to go to slightly earlier show times. This happened to me at the 3pm showing but I rarely have a chance to go to the movies so I was trying my best to make it work despite maybe not having as much energy as ideal.


One time after a long cycle of not going to the movies at all (or what seemed like it), dh and I finally went. I think we both fell asleep! Maybe dh tried to wake me up, but the movie wasn't worth it! It was the Get Smart movie. I liked the show, but didn't care for the movie. If imdb and memory serve correctly, this was not long after ds was born so we were just desperate to make date night happen when a relative was available to babysit.

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if I'm being super busy - and then sit down in the dark to watch a movie - my body will go "she's sitting, go to sleep".


My mother *always* fell asleep when watching movies or tv.  but she watched way too much tv.  it can have a similar sedative effect upon the brain as booze.

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Since my kids were little I fall asleep at the movies. The previews start and I am nodding off.


Today we were at the movies and I was sitting several seats away from my kids. My daughter asked if I had fallen asleep. I said I have movie theater narcolepsy. Today was just a short nap :)


I remember in high school when VHS were new and there were video stores. Every weekend friends and I would rent movies. The movie began and I would fall asleep.


As my Nana would say, I'm not sleeping, I'm resting my eyes.


Anyone else like me?

Yes. It is embarrassing. We don't go to the movie that often so it is a treat for me....and yet....I fall asleep nearly every time.

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Once. It was back in college when they showed $1 movies in the big lecture hall; the movie was Gandhi.


Dh is notorious for sleeping through movies at home, though he doesn't fall asleep at theaters. We had a number of years where we'd go to the video store and he'd say, "Hey, have we seen this one?" And I'd respond, "Well, *I* saw it. And you were with me." Which meant he'd fallen asleep while I watched the movie. Now he just watches movies about 1/2 hour at a time over several days. At least he's aware of his limits. :tongue_smilie:

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Never for adult movies. Lots for kid movies. Or movies I've seen a billion times before.


They re-released Ep 1 of Star Wars a few years ago and I slept through part of that. Last week the free movies showed The Wizard of Oz and it was the 5,000th time I'd seen it and the 3rd time in a theater, so I slept through part of it.


I wear earplugs at the theater because then the sound is at a normal level. I also wear earplugs at night because DH used to snore and then I got used to the silence. I never slept in movie theaters until I started also wearing earplugs.


I think the earplugs signal to my body that it's time to sleep and unless something really interesting is going on (and kid movies aren't interesting), I fall asleep.


I rarely fall asleep during movies at home.


I love movies.

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