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Crap. My computer updated to Windows 10.


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The computer the kids use did that too, instantly losing sound because the sound drive is obsolete. OK, did a scan and replaced the sound drive. Now it just randomly stops working. It's too old for windows 10 and I never ever would have switched it over voluntarily.

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I really have a ton of computer shit to get done today. I turned it on and it welcomed me to Windows 10. What?!? I don't have time for your shit today, Cortana!! Give me my computer back!!


My dd's computer did this and it gave her the option of reverting to her previous OS, and she managed to do it.


But considering how much more agressive they're getting with this, don't know if that's still an option.


I keep getting threatening messages to "Upgrade Now" or "Upgrade Tonight" or "Pick a Time to Upgrade" of which the latest option is in like 3 days.  WTF.  I have an old computer which is already a dog and I know Windows 10 is NOT GOING TO WORK and completely screw me over.


Last time I got the annoying box I just left it open and didn't "confirm" anything, and the date came and went without issue.  But now it's back.  I live in dread...



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Weird, my computer randomly did that today too. I have no idea if it happened though as I had the option to hit decline. Didn't you have that option? I sure hope it didn't. How can you even tell?


The option to "Decline" has been removed from the latest threatening update boxes...  :cursing:  It's only "Upgrade Now" or "Upgrade Tonight" and "Confirm"... :cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:

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Weird, my computer randomly did that today too. I have no idea if it happened though as I had the option to hit decline. Didn't you have that option? I sure hope it didn't. How can you even tell?


You'd know.


The whole interface is different.


Tiles instead of lists, for one thing.

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We've disabled our updates until this passes because it's now a recommended update. We don't want Windows 10 right now and we certainly don't want it forced on us! My 2 dd's both had theirs auto upgrade (one in the middle of homework and had to use a different computer to finish her homework for the few hours it took to update before using her Surface again) and neither likes it. One lost some stuff on it that likely won't be found when she returns to 8.1. I read today that some people who click the x in the upper right corner to close the box have had their computer begin to upgrade. Instead of closing the box, apparently that click is the indicator you want to upgrade. At the end of the update, apparently you can click that you don't accept the license and it will return to the previous version of Windows on the computer.

Edited by wilrunner
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Yesterday, we had a pop-up on our computer with a countdown timer until it would automatically upgrade. Luckily my son saw it and we caught it in time, but just barely. We were 14 seconds away from being automatically upgraded.

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We also disabled updates a few weeks back. But, last weekend, I decided I had time and did update our laptop and desktop. I found out afterward that my laptop is older and Dell didn't recommend updating it...oops! I needed to do a BIOS update, had a monitor issue, a printer driver issue, and I think that's it. It's been over a week now and things seem to be working well. It was a big project, though!

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Mine started installing Windows 10 and I hadn't clicked any buttons, ever, to consent to downloading or installing the new OS.  I don't remember ever seeing a window with a scheduled install date.  I was just doing chores and glanced over at the computer screen, and saw that the download was finished and installing had begun.  There was no way to interrupt or cancel the process, so I forced a shut down, and the computer rebooted in Windows 8.  Now we have completely shut off automatic updates, at least until July 29th.  I am paranoid that Microsoft will find a way around that, too.



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I get that things need updates. But, why must it be totally different in every possible way?? I can't find an effing thing!! Does Apple do this?? I'm tired of re-learning inferior versions of Windows.

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We have one computer (a Dell Inspiron 660s Desktop) we ordered from Dell Latin America during October 2012, for DD, that was designed for and sold to the "Consumer" market. All of our other computers were designed for and sold to "Enterprise" (Corporate) customers. About 2 weeks ago, for the first time, it developed an issue, and I began testing the RAM (Memory) and the Hard Disk Drive, but was unable to recreate the issue. A day or 2 ago, I had it on and updated to the latest BIOS version and updated the Anti Virus, etc. I was somewhat astonished, when I got a big screen, notifying me that the Upgrade to Windows 10 was scheduled for June 2nd...  I hope I clicked correctly and cancelled (or at the least postponed) the Upgrade to Windows 10.    I made a "System Image" of the hard disk drive, with "Clonezilla Live",  so if it does upgrade without my consent, I can put it back to where it was on Windows 7 a day or two ago.  That is one risk to having a machine designed for and sold to the "Consumer" market.  The screen did say that one can revert to Windows 7, within 30 days, after upgrading to Windows 10, and, hopefully, if one revereted, to their previous OS, everything would work properly.   GL and you should  try to revert to your previous OS.


ETA: That box has one 4 GB DIMM.  I am going to buy another 4 GB DIMM and increase the RAM to the maximum capacity of 8 GB.  

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Yup.  Woke up one morning to Windows 10.  I spent most of the morning swearing at the computer.


Am I not in control of anything anymore????


I know.  Who owns the computer??!!


Mine did it a week ago.  Fortunately, it's a new laptop so the change was not that drastic.. but still.  It's my computer.   I don't like the change to tablet style apps on my laptop either.


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I think Microsoft will stop doing that on or about July 29th.  One way to prevent the upgrade to Windows 10 would  be to turn off and unplug the Windows box, but that seems drastic and would limit ones productivity.  I believe I have all of our computers set to only do the Important upgrades (Security and Stability).   I need to turn the Inspiron 660s on and verify that it is set up that way too.   That may or may not prevent the Upgrade to Windows 10.  In the case of the Inspiron 660s Desktop, the Dell Support web site says that it is OK for Windows 10.  In the case of our 5 Dell laptops, which are "Enterprise" models, the Dell Support web site says they have not been tested for Windows 10 and that they will not work on that. "Enterprise" (Corporate) customers would kill Microsoft, if their Windows PCs upgraded to Windows 10, without them wanting to upgrade. I doubt that "Enterprise" customers would ever consider going to Windows 10.

Edited by Lanny
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And, just because I don't want to go all I TOLD YOU SO on DH, this is why I still keep all our bill information in a paper notebook!! Yes, it could get stolen. But, who is going to break into our home and steal a random Target notebook?? Vs how many times our computers have been on the brink of destruction for no apparent reason. DH thinks it is so silly to keep Quicken and a paper notebook updated. Nope! Paper, ftw!!

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You can uninstall within 30 days I think. I had to pay a computer place $250 to uninstall wipe, and reload Windows 8 on mine because it wouldn't work woth my router. Two different reputable computer businesses told me that was the problem, and that there were many other issues with Windows 10 so don't use it. Going to double check that my automatic updates are off-guess it's good that we've been without wifi since last week!

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The more I think about this, the more pissed off I get. Was there anyone saying "hey, Windows, my system is working ok but it would be even better if you totally changed every little thing! Hide the favorites! Wipe out everything I saved on the desktop! Make everything blue!" No, no one was saying that. Seriously, does Apple do this??

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My office computer did this last week and I was meeting with the insurance audit guy 30 minutes hence! I was like, "AAHHHHHH! you better not mess up my Quickbooks, Cortana, or we're going to roll!"

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My computer was infected with Windows 10 too. It disabled my printer and my antivirus only works intermittently now. I had to search online to find the multi-step process to get my printer to work again and it still won't print web pages. My files are allegedly all still in place, but the directories are so confusing that I can't find them. I am not a happy camper. 

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I don't know about macbooks and imacs but my ipads and iphone lets me pick when to update. My kindle auto updates the operating systen though so I have been annoyed many times.


We updated all the laptops to windows 10 when it came out. The annoyances was what prompted hubby to buy me an iPad pro as a laptop replacement. I mainly read, surf the web and use google docs so I don't need a laptop actually.

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I saw something on facebook about the whole world complaining about this today.


Fortunately or unfortunately, I had to buy a new computer pre-infected with Windows 10, so I've pretty much gotten used to it.  It would be just my luck that that upgrade crap would happen in the middle of 6 mega work crises, LOL.  Story of my life.


Freedom.  Ha!  That concept obviously predates Microsoft.

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There was a local news story about this the other day.




I haven't turned on my computer since.




"Brian Roche contacted Microsoft and was told that the company initiated the download because:


“With the free Windows 10 upgrade offer ending on July 29th, we want to help people upgrade to the best version of Windows.""


Help. Yeah, right.

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You can edit the registry to get security updates without getting windows 10.


Here is the source of this info. (Warning: technnical)



To block the upgrade to Windows 10 through Windows Update, specify the following registry value:

Subkey: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
DWORD value: DisableOSUpgrade = 1



To block the "Get windows 10" app, this is the registry key:

Subkey: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx
DWORD value: DisableGwx = 1


And, yes, you can undo an automatic upgrade, but the backup of your previous operating system will only be saved for 30 days, so don't put it off.



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You can edit the registry to get security updates without getting windows 10.


Here is the source of this info. (Warning: technnical)



To block the upgrade to Windows 10 through Windows Update, specify the following registry value:


Subkey: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate

DWORD value: DisableOSUpgrade = 1



To block the "Get windows 10" app, this is the registry key:

Subkey: HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx

DWORD value: DisableGwx = 1


And, yes, you can undo an automatic upgrade, but the backup of your previous operating system will only be saved for 30 days, so don't put it off.

These are all things I should not have to deal with. This might be our last Windows issue.

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Mine updated and for the first time in my life something to do with computers went fairly well..... I'm still stunned.  DD's did a couple days later, big pile of stinking $&*#.  She rolled her back and I think disabled updates.


I have the oldest computer in the house.... not sure why I didn't have problems.

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Why DO they do it?


The only thing I can think of is to make older, but fine, computers obsolete sooner.


Is there some reason??? "We want everyone to have the best" is bullocks.


Incidentally, my newer laptop is fine on 10. I'm not against it...it's just that my older computer can't handle it!

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Why DO they do it?


The only thing I can think of is to make older, but fine, computers obsolete sooner.


Is there some reason??? "We want everyone to have the best" is bullocks.


Incidentally, my newer laptop is fine on 10. I'm not against it...it's just that my older computer can't handle it!

If they can get everyone to switch, they can drop support for previous versions of Windows and save a buttload of money.

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If they can get everyone to switch, they can drop support for previous versions of Windows and save a buttload of money.


They are *making* money, not just saving money - Windows 10 is an ad platfrom.


(And they can't drop support until the licenses expire, anyway.)

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The same thing happened to me. I thought I had disabled it but it upgraded right as i needed it for an urgent work project and it caused a crucial pice of software to continuously crash. I so did not have time to deal with that.


Usually I am not a person who cares that much, but that it just went and forced such a major upgrade with no permission really ticked me off.

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If you haven't updated yet and absolutely, positively KNOW that you will never want to The Never10 app is an easy solution.  I think it automatically runs the script that JanetC mentioned upthread.  Forbes did an article on it.  I just ran it on my system.  Quick and painless.  






I feel for all of you that have already had to deal with this.  So frustrated at Microsoft right now.   :cursing:

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They are *making* money, not just saving money - Windows 10 is an ad platfrom.


(And they can't drop support until the licenses expire, anyway.)


The licenses for Windows don't expire. Well, not your average retail copy, anyway. I have no idea if it's different for businesses. But the license for the copy of Windows you or I run at home basically lasts forever.


Extended support for Windows 8 is supposed to go until 2023. That's a good chunk of cash they'll have to sink into tech support, security fixes, etc. But if they can get enough people to switch over to Windows 10, they can justify completely killing the support for 8 early.


I'm sure there are quite a few reasons for them forcing the upgrade. Pushing the app store, getting rid of support for older versions, Windows 10's superior data mining capabilities, and wiping from our memories the abomination that was Windows 8. :P God, was 8 awful.

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The licenses for Windows don't expire. Well, not your average retail copy, anyway. I have no idea if it's different for businesses. But the license for the copy of Windows you or I run at home basically lasts forever.


Extended support for Windows 8 is supposed to go until 2023. That's a good chunk of cash they'll have to sink into tech support, security fixes, etc. But if they can get enough people to switch over to Windows 10, they can justify completely killing the support for 8 early.


I'm sure there are quite a few reasons for them forcing the upgrade. Pushing the app store, getting rid of support for older versions, Windows 10's superior data mining capabilities, and wiping from our memories the abomination that was Windows 8. :p God, was 8 awful.

:iagree:   I am so glad that I never upgraded to 8...  I went straight from 7 to 10.  Which I love btw.  My husband hates it, hence the angst today when we thought we might have unknowingly upgraded.  


My sister who is very much "into" computers (website design, developing apps, etc.) loved Windows 8.  I never got that.   :confused1:   I thought everyone hated 8.

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My laptop did the upgrade sans consent last week. Grr. I'm having weird issues with my mouse and cursor ever since, but don't know if it is related....

It is. You need to install new drivers. I don't remember which ones but I found it all by googling and reading blog posts. I also had to change a setting so that my tap to click no longer works to get the menu bar to stop popping up every 30 seconds. That's not an exaggeration.

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My office computer did this last week and I was meeting with the insurance audit guy 30 minutes hence! I was like, "AAHHHHHH! you better not mess up my Quickbooks, Cortana, or we're going to roll!"

Quill, do I understand correctly that you are now running Quickbooks with Windows 10? If so, I am curious how that is going. I've heard dire things about the Quickbooks/Windows 10 interface and am wondering how much truth is in the warnings...



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