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Is this blasphemous?


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I may get booed off the stage for this.


I just took boxes and boxes of homeschool materials and books to our local homeschool consignment store.......







Most of you keep saying you can't get rid of books, but I will admit that boxing them up and purging felt so good!


Now, we are moving, so I admit that may be part of it......


Please don't kick me off the boards.

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I recently went through all elementary materials in our house and packed up what I wanted to keep for future generations. :P  One small box.  The rest?  Eh, it can go.  I get to go through our reading books now and purge a huge collection of things set in our next location - the library will be sure to have them all so I'm not going to carry dead weight.

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I've got the itch.  I find I have to hold myself back from rushing the last little one through things just so I can get rid of them.

As much as love having a fully stocked K-8 (plus some 9) "school" under my roof in theory, I'm so over the reality of dusting and clutter!


I also may or may not be stalking retail sites with dreams of completely emptying my home and making due with whatever is left on my consignment store shelves.  :lol:

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This wouldn't be the Homeschool Gathering Place, would it? :D I'm going to be there on Saturday! 


I don't feel guilty purging stuff I know I won't use anymore. I feel guilty if I don't try to sell it though. I'm actually contemplating taking some stuff with me on Saturday, even though I live out of state. I need to find out if they'll still sell it for me and send me a check or something. 


Good for you for purging what you can!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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We do a book sale/swap to benefit Save the Frogs! at DD's event each year, so all my extra books go there. With only one child, it's fairly easy to clear out what we're done with homeschool wise. Math is the exception, especially AOPS. That and by the time my DD finishes an AOPS book, I'm not sure that anyone would want it!

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If it was curriculum, you're still safe.  Literature, not so safe.  :001_smile:


I've got three big plastic tubs full of curricular material that need to go through with my oldest dd to see what she wants for her dd.  After that, the curriculum is going.  But all the 'real books' I've collected, no.  I'll hang onto those for the grandkids.  I think I'll leave those to my children to deal with after I'm dead and gone.  Just can't do it.

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If it was curriculum, you're still safe.  Literature, not so safe.  :001_smile:


I've got three big plastic tubs full of curricular material that need to go through with my oldest dd to see what she wants for her dd.  After that, the curriculum is going.  But all the 'real books' I've collected, no.  I'll hang onto those for the grandkids.  I think I'll leave those to my children to deal with after I'm dead and gone.  Just can't do it.



Um, um, um...... :leaving:

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How liberating!


And every time I read the thread title Depeche Mode's Blasphemous Rumours starts in my head...


I love Depeche Mode.  It reminds me of a boyfriend I was "promised" to back in the day.  He now lives with his boyfriend, but that is for a whole 'nother post!

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I pulled out a huge amount of curriculum gathered over the years and course of educating 6 kids.  DH wanted to sell it because "it is perfectly good curriculum and someone can use it."  And to a degree he is correct. But, most of it is at least 5-10 years old and no one is interested.  We tried locally and no one responded.  It's not worth my time and effort or expense to mail it to anyone.  So it sits in my garage.


Fortunately, DH is on an extended overseas assignment and the landfill is close by.  It will make a nice increase in the paper recycle container.


Shhhh!  Don't tell him.....

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I pulled out a huge amount of curriculum gathered over the years and course of educating 6 kids. DH wanted to sell it because "it is perfectly good curriculum and someone can use it." And to a degree he is correct. But, most of it is at least 5-10 years old and no one is interested. We tried locally and no one responded. It's not worth my time and effort or expense to mail it to anyone. So it sits in my garage.


Fortunately, DH is on an extended overseas assignment and the landfill is close by. It will make a nice increase in the paper recycle container.


Shhhh! Don't tell him.....

That's why I won't bother with trying to sell my old curriculum. If my dd doesn't want it, I'll offer it free to the homeschooling group; after that, I'll probably toss it in the recycle bin. Any old textbooks, I'll donate to good will. Edited by Ishki
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