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We are tickled pink to announce the birth of...


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our 6th daughter! No one was more shocked than I because I was fully expecting a little boy. She must have been waiting for her name as I suspected.


Thurs. afternoon my midwife swept my membranes, but I experienced no contractions during the afternoon...just the same dull backache. Rich and I left the office and decided to head toward home, doing errands along the way. At JC Penney I began to experience weird heat waves and got impatient and cranky. Poor guy was trying his best to buy some work socks (texture in socks is very, very important to my darling husband) and I snapped at him to just decide and LET'S GO.


Around 5pm, I took 2 oz of castor oil thinking it may help the membrane stripping do its job. An hour later, the midwife called had me promise to call her the minute my contractions became rhythmic...she was convinced I would go quickly if I could ever get labor to start. The minute I hung up the phone the contractions started, but not strong ones. So from 6-8:30 I had those, "are these the real thing?" type contractions. They were rhythmic, yes, but just crampy...not intense at all. I hung out downstairs with the kids, had a couple of tylenol and a half glass of wine to see if I could make the contractions disappear. They kept up, slightly intensifying, so I went on to bed to try and get some rest. I dozed a little, but wasn't really sleepy, so I picked up a book to read. About 10:15 I finally got a contraction I had to breathe through and decided to call the midwife. As soon as we hung up the phone, my contractions began to get serious. Suddenly they were coming every minute and a half.


I called downstairs for Rich to fill our fishy pool. He called back that he'd be right there. I waited for 3 more contractions, grew a second head and fangs, and snarled at him that now means NOW! I don't think he had any idea how fast things were happening. I don't think I actually had any idea at that point. While he began filling the pool, I went on downstairs to pour a glass of juice...still contracting, still a little panicky, but still handling contractions without stopping to concentrate on them fully. When I got back upstairs we only had a few inches of water, but I climbed in anyway to sit while it filled. As soon as I hit the warm water, everything slowed down to 5-6 minutes apart and I began to feel foolish. I hated to have Mary come all the way out here for nothing. She arrived about 11:45pm and immediately my contractions picked up and intensified. I suspected I’d hit transition, but was terrified she’d check me and say I was just hitting active labor. But nope, she said that if she were to break my water we’d have the baby in ten minutes. That’s all I needed to hear. When she was on the phone with her assistant to let her know not to bother coming, I began pushing with the next wave. Mary tossed the phone down and came to support me and Keira was born at 11:53pm on the 25th after 45 minutes of serious labor. Little bleeding, no tearing, and I feel almost back to normal already this morning. I suppose at #7 the body really does know what to do! Really, I had nothing to be afraid of.


Inspecting her parts after she was born, we all thought she was a boy because a knot in her umbilical cord got in the way. I moved it aside and lo and behold, a girl! I thought Rich would be disappointed, but he was as relieved as the rest of us...we do girls really well :lol:


So here are her stats:

Keira Sophia

Born 9/25/08

8lbs, 4oz

21 inches long


Hugs, Barb

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Congratulatons! A beautiful name for a beautiful girl! Welcome to the world, Keira:grouphug:


Thanks for sharing your birth story. I'm tearing up with joy reading it.

what a funny, wonderful story (I can so relate about dh needing perfect socks, too;))



Best wishes, Barb!:grouphug: It sounds like you did a great job! Enjoy your new little one!

Edited by CactusPair
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I called downstairs for Rich to fill our fishy pool. He called back that he'd be right there. I waited for 3 more contractions, grew a second head and fangs, and snarled at him that now means NOW!


:lol::lol::lol: Thank you for the good laugh. There is no making a laboring mama wait!!!


Congratulations on your new little girl!!!! I love the name too, so pretty. Rest up and enjoy your newly expanded family :grouphug:

Edited by melissel
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Bless your heart!! How precious and what a miracle of life! So glad she had a mommy like you to take charge and make those around her 'hop to!' and make this happen...so glad it all went well and smoothly for you...precious Collin will be wrapped in love with all these girls! :)


Have a great day enjoying her!



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Inspecting her parts after she was born, we all thought she was a boy because a knot in her umbilical cord got in the way. I moved it aside and lo and behold, a girl! I thought Rich would be disappointed, but he was as relieved as the rest of us...we do girls really well :lol:


So here are her stats:

Keira Sophia

Born 9/25/08

8lbs, 4oz

21 inches long




Oh, you are the WOMAN! Congrats!

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our 6th daughter! No one was more shocked than I because I was fully expecting a little boy. She must have been waiting for her name as I suspected.


Thurs. afternoon my midwife swept my membranes, but I experienced no contractions during the afternoon...just the same dull backache. Rich and I left the office and decided to head toward home, doing errands along the way. At JC Penney I began to experience weird heat waves and got impatient and cranky. Poor guy was trying his best to buy some work socks (texture in socks is very, very important to my darling husband) and I snapped at him to just decide and LET'S GO.


Around 5pm, I took 2 oz of castor oil thinking it may help the membrane stripping do its job. An hour later, the midwife called had me promise to call her the minute my contractions became rhythmic...she was convinced I would go quickly if I could ever get labor to start. The minute I hung up the phone the contractions started, but not strong ones. So from 6-8:30 I had those, "are these the real thing?" type contractions. They were rhythmic, yes, but just crampy...not intense at all. I hung out downstairs with the kids, had a couple of tylenol and a half glass of wine to see if I could make the contractions disappear. They kept up, slightly intensifying, so I went on to bed to try and get some rest. I dozed a little, but wasn't really sleepy, so I picked up a book to read. About 10:15 I finally got a contraction I had to breathe through and decided to call the midwife. As soon as we hung up the phone, my contractions began to get serious. Suddenly they were coming every minute and a half.


I called downstairs for Rich to fill our fishy pool. He called back that he'd be right there. I waited for 3 more contractions, grew a second head and fangs, and snarled at him that now means NOW! I don't think he had any idea how fast things were happening. I don't think I actually had any idea at that point. While he began filling the pool, I went on downstairs to pour a glass of juice...still contracting, still a little panicky, but still handling contractions without stopping to concentrate on them fully. When I got back upstairs we only had a few inches of water, but I climbed in anyway to sit while it filled. As soon as I hit the warm water, everything slowed down to 5-6 minutes apart and I began to feel foolish. I hated to have Mary come all the way out here for nothing. She arrived about 11:45pm and immediately my contractions picked up and intensified. I suspected I’d hit transition, but was terrified she’d check me and say I was just hitting active labor. But nope, she said that if she were to break my water we’d have the baby in ten minutes. That’s all I needed to hear. When she was on the phone with her assistant to let her know not to bother coming, I began pushing with the next wave. Mary tossed the phone down and came to support me and Keira was born at 11:53pm on the 25th after 45 minutes of serious labor. Little bleeding, no tearing, and I feel almost back to normal already this morning. I suppose at #7 the body really does know what to do! Really, I had nothing to be afraid of.


Inspecting her parts after she was born, we all thought she was a boy because a knot in her umbilical cord got in the way. I moved it aside and lo and behold, a girl! I thought Rich would be disappointed, but he was as relieved as the rest of us...we do girls really well :lol:


So here are her stats:

Keira Sophia

Born 9/25/08

8lbs, 4oz

21 inches long


Hugs, Barb


I rejoice with you and I love her name! Blessings to each and everyone of your!

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