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What summer jobs have your teens/college students found for this summer?

Jenny in Florida

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Or, if it's more appropriate, what jobs are they targeting?


My son is home on spring break this week, and we have a date to sit down on Sunday, update his resume and look through job postings. 


Last summer, he taught some classes at the dance studio that was his home base before he went away to school. I'm sure they'd be happy to have him back, but he needs more hours than they can offer him. Plus, it's too far from the house we're renting now to make it worthwhile to make the drive just to teach for an hour or two at a time.


We live in theme park land, and he will obviously be applying for jobs at the assorted attractions, large and small. He's also planning to contact theatres that run day camp programs to see if they will be hiring counselors/teachers. 


But I'm curious to hear what your teens will be doing, employment-wise?

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Two of mine are instructors for Bricks4Kidz so they will be doing lots of summer camps.  My daughter, one of the B4K instructors is also a skating instructor along with her youngest brother. They will be teaching Learn to Skate programs. 

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Last summer my dd landed a job teaching circus tricks to kids in an after school program.  She loved it, although it was pretty exhausting.  It was a low-income area with a lot of behavior problems.  She came out of it in love with every one of those kids though.  


She is hoping to get a job at one of the book stores this summer.  She works at a library year-round, and is fairly confident she can land a book store job.  


One of my other girls has an interview Tuesday at a thrift store.  She and her twin are also looking at hostessing jobs at a few area restaurants.  

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Oldest is hoping to land an internship at a think tank--interview coming up. That is only part time. He will fill the rest of his hours with lifeguarding. 


dd is planning to spend the summer teaching swimming. If all goes as planned, next year she will get some internships (she already has contacts) during business hours and teach swimming nights and weekends. 





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20 yo is working for an accountant. They might keep him on after tax season. 17 yo is a year round receptionist at a retirement center. 14 yo has lawns lined up to mow. 12 yo sells cookies and crafts at farmer's markets. The 8 yo needs to find something.

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Ds18 has plans to teach a programming class. He's taught AP Computer Science (Java) this school year and last, but he wants to teach Clojure instead. I told him if no one signs up for the Clojure, he can do the Java course again.


He also wants to work on a couple of programming projects he hasn't had time for, and I bet he'll be improving his status on Stack Overflow. Neither are paid, but priceless to him.


The youngers will be mowing and working in the garden.

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DS19 will continue to work weekends and evenings at a local movie theater.  He also plans to work part time at the college and do summer tutoring. 

DS18 will continue to work as an apprentice plumber.  He plans to have enough hours to get his journeyman license next year.

DS15 & DD13 babysit for a Bible study group and will continue to do so.  DS15 will also do some odd and end yard work and start work part time as a plumbing apprentice.  DD13 will do additional babysitting.

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In the past, once our kids leave home for college or wherever, they don't come home in the summer because our small town doesn't have many job opportunities for college students.


So, last summer my dd worked as a counselor at a summer camp.  It was actually pretty close to our home, just 45 minutes away, so she'd often come home on weekends and that was fun!


Right now, she's looking into working on her college campus during the summer so she can keep living there.  It's in a big metro area, and a couple of her sisters will be living in that area too.  She'd probably look for another part-time job in the area as well.

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Middle son will be continuing his research.  It's what he's been working on.  He's also going on another medical mission trip - if I remember correctly, he said Guyana this time.


Youngest is hoping to be a waiter in a restaurant somewhere around home (last I heard).  He worked in a local food factory last year, but then heard from friends about how much more they made at decent restaurants.  He's a very good people person with things like that, so should do well earning tips if he can land a job.  (Jobs like that at good places are competitive.)

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Heads up if your kid wants a lifeguarding job this summer:  Many pools are already hiring.  And if your kiddo needs the lifeguard training, it is frequently offered during spring break weeks (for schools) so you might want to get signed up now.  S/he needs to be 15.5 by the time the class *ends* I think to sign up.  It might be younger--I can't remember anymore...but the Y or whatever will have the info on their websites.  



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Youngest dd got in with our local Park District the second year she interviewed (didn't make the cut the first year).. First year (once hired) she had to work concessions by the soccer/baseball fields, then in winter worked at the city-run outdoor ice rink, renting skates. Second summer she moved up to opening and closing the concession stand then got another Park District gig in the before and after school program at a local elementary school, plus was asked to teach beginning ice skating at $30 an hour! This summer she will be working the Park District's youth program that moves from site to site (schools, parks) each day. So try and get a kid in with the local Park District - lots of opportunities once they get a food in the door. She started working as my little Leslie Knopf during high school, and will continue through her second year of community college next year.


Another kid worked two summers as a field hand for a local CSA farmer. Got very tan.

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Current college sophomore has an internship this summer at a well-known Silicon Valley company. He first submitted his résumé shortly after the job fair around Labor Day (!). Last summer he was a counselor at iD tech camp, and the summer before that he was in cyber-security at a national lab.


Current college junior will continue his job at the space-research lab on campus, while taking a few classes. He is learning much more at his job than in his classes. :)

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Ods and dd begin working this week at a local ice cream shop.  They work there March-December.  They enjoy it.  Last summer ods was promoted to a manager position and worked 40+hours/week. Dd gets about 15-20 hrs/week, and she's happy with that. I'm hoping she makes enough to buy a car this summer.


Yds would love to work there too, but they won't hire him until he's at least 15.5, so he's stuck mowing lawns again this summer.  Hopefully he'll get on at the ice cream place next year.



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Just asked youngest earlier today to see if I was correct regarding his restaurant plans.  He's thinking of seeing if there are jobs in a local retirement home instead (not nursing care, but other stuff).  He wants to see if he'd enjoy that type of thing as a job with thoughts of changing his major accordingly if he does.  


Smart lad.  


We suggested he ask about it later this month when he's home over spring break.

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One dd17 works at Chipotle.  Dd15 just got offered a job at Bruegger's Bagels - they were recruiting at the CC, and hired her in spite of being 15 (website says 16).  The bagel shop is down by the CC so that's going to be a pain, but she's sooo happy and proud to have landed this job.


My other dd17 is not currently working, but used to work at a British foods shop that had a tiny storefront but was mostly online orders. 

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My dd(14) is dog sitting for a neighbor for 35 days off and on this summer. She plans to pass out business cards while walking the dog this week to get more clients.


My ds(17) is planning to work in the fall or for the holidays then try to keep the job into next year.

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Some of the medium price chains will hire students and hold their job during school. They automatically have a job when home.

1ds is in school locally so he works two shifts during school and full time between quarters.

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Heads up if your kid wants a lifeguarding job this summer:  Many pools are already hiring.  And if your kiddo needs the lifeguard training, it is frequently offered during spring break weeks (for schools) so you might want to get signed up now.  S/he needs to be 15.5 by the time the class *ends* I think to sign up.  It might be younger--I can't remember anymore...but the Y or whatever will have the info on their websites.  


Yes, this. I just signed my 13 y.o. up for the jr. lifeguarding review class (held in June) and saw they're holding the sr. lifeguard training course the week after Easter. Here the sr. lifeguards need to be 15 by the last day of the training class.

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DS21 will continue his current jobs, which all happen to work around his odd schedule requirements. He is in Seminary full time, plus he volunteers on Wednesday and Sundays with the youth at church and teaches at 3 summer camps in summer. 


On top of that, he has 3 paid positions which roughly equals 40 hours:

He is an intern at the church for 12 hours a week,

works 10/12hrs a week at a math/reading center,

is dd9s one-with-one after school/days off at daycare.


His schedule is pure chaos. LOL  Fortunately, all 3 jobs allow him to prioritize one over the other as he needs to.  That is the only reason it all works.  


His goal is to have all of his student loans paid off this year, so it doesn't matter if it is only an hour or two of paid work, he takes the hours. He is well on his way to his goal, and I am so very proud of him for it!

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Thanks so much, everyone, for sharing ideas.


One of the tricky things for my guy this summer is that he is working on a technical certificate at our local community college concurrently with the degree at the university. So, he needs to take one or two classes while he's home each summer in order to finish the certificate at the same time he graduates. None of the classes he needs is being offered in the evening or on a weekend, which means he needs to find a job that will allow space in his schedule to be on campus a couple of mornings or afternoons a week. That put most of the day camp counselor jobs -- which would be his second choice (right after something performance related) -- out of the running, since they all require full days five days a week.


He's feeling run pretty ragged at school, though, with assorted overlapping committments that make him feel like he's always apologizing to one director or begging for flexibilty from another. Conseqently, his goal for the summer is to assemble a schedule that works without him having to do that constant frenzied juggling. So, while his prefernce would be for a single, full-time, temporary job with a conistent schedule, he can't do that if he's also going to take a class. And he's aware that many of the part-time jobs that would allow him to set availability around his class schedule may not offer him consistent hours,


I've been collecting job postings and ideas for him for the last week or so, but I figured the Hive would help us brainstorm. You have!

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My dd is a youth care worker.  She works in various houses across the city - kind of like group homes.  She takes care babies right up to teens.  Kind of like being a foster parent, except she works 12 hour shifts.


Adding - she is a casual worker.  She has asked to only have two shifts each week, which gives her 24 hours.  She can say no to a shift if something has come up for school.  

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd check back for updates from anyone whose kids were still in the search phase as of last month.


My son got an offer yesterday for a part-time gig at one of our local escape room attractions. It's kind of perfect for him, given his particular combination of skills and interests, and it's close enough to the house to make transportation a minor issue. He'll be making more than minimum wage to start and has been promised a review after 30 days when they may offer a raise. I'm hoping that, if all goes well, it will be the kind of job he can come back to during breaks, since those times should coincide with the attraction's busy seasons.


Any other good news to share on this front?

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DS18 earned his CNA over the last few months, so he will do that before starting college in the fall. DS16 just got a job as a delivery driver for a local CSA. I'm hoping we can get some of the slightly damaged but still good leftovers! DS15 will lifeguard at our local pool, and DS13 has been talking about starting a car wash/detailing business in the neighborhood.

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All three of my college students will be working at the college they attend. The two boys will be in the IT Dept. My oldest has been there for four years and my 19yods just got hired. Great job as it continues through the school year as part-time after being full- time during the summer. My DD will continue her job on campus in Enrollment Services.


14 yods will take over several lawn maintainance jobs from his older brother. The older neighbors like that we have more boys to replace the ones moving on :)

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DD - 23, soon to be 24 - is giving up her p/t amusement park art kiosk job and working f/t as a graphic designer. Woooohoooo! Another step in adulting. Well, she may still work one weekend day @ the park because she likes it. And she's preparing work for a gallery show.


DS - 21 - will be continuing full-time for the summer @ his usual part-time job. Redwood canopy zipline tours. He'll probably do two tours/day and then close, which comes w/a bonus that doesn't quite equal tips. This is his 3rd year working there.


DD - 19 - will be lifeguarding @ a senior center pool and teaching classes there. She's also looking into p/t work at an assisted living center in the area, where she would be hired out to senior residents on an hourly or as-needed basis. This is as an alternative to what she's currently doing, which is in-home assistance and involves lots and lots of driving.


DD - soon to be 13 -- taking two art-related day-camp classes @ local state U (one on how to write your own graphic novel), taking some swim classes (pre-lifeguard and fitness) and I think I am going to try to get her to do some video art lessons.



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My Rochester boy is getting paid to do research in Rochester - making far more than he did at Stanford last year, not because it pays more (it doesn't, it pays less), but because the COL there is so much less!  After expenses he'll have a nice tidy sum which will all likely go to med school apps and/or travel.


My Eckerd boy will be coming home and has decided to try for a waiter job at one of the many restaurants around.  Good waiters earn quite a bit at some of these places.  I've no idea if he'll get a job or not.  They're pretty competitive.  If not, time will tell what he does.  There are plenty of (more than minimum wage) jobs around, but those that pay really well are the most sought after.

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My daughter just started at the Bowling Alley's snack counter. She will be in 12th grade next year and is hoping to continue working there during the school year. She is expecting to work 3 8 hour shifts a week. Her hours are 4:30pm - 1:00am . She is so excited because she gets tips too.

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Dd is planning  several "camps" at our home during the summer. The kiddos ( limited to eight ) come for a day of structured fun.
It 's been a good experience for her to check local ordinances as well as insurance needs.

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Dd (17) works at a living history museum as a tour guide for the early colonial (1719) house and farmstead as well as the Native American longhouse. She had been a volunteer, costumed craft demonstrator for a couple of summers when she was younger, but they created and funded this job for her last year. She comes home with lots of stories about visitors from all over the world...and she knows lots of obscure facts about how some of William Penn's first settlers lived. You can't learn this stuff from a textbook or in a classroom! I've been pestering her to ask the director if I can get a group of homeschoolers together to do a small archaeological dig on a corner of the property. Alas, my total lack of any experience or knowledge in that area has lead to several eye rolls from dd. Guess I'd better come up with another way to play in the dirt this summer.

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Last year my then 14 year old worked two jobs, one as a maid at a local motel and the other at a local spice/tea shop.  She loved getting a paycheck and banked over $3,000.  She wants to work again this summer but she is having major surgery June 28 which will take time to heal from so I suggested that she not work this summer.  She will be doing a once a week s'mores and songs around the campfire thing at the motel with her Dad for which she will be paid, but it won't be much.  She wants to waitress but I want her to wait til she is healed, so she might not be able to get a job so late in the summer.

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Current college junior will be working a directing internship at our state's Shakespeare Festival (late afternoons and evenings) and at her retail job (mornings and early afternoons). She'll be living at home this summer.


Current 10th-grader-who-will-graduate-next-year will be studying Russian and political science at Ole Miss with free tuition, room and board because of her ACT scores.

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DD worked at a sleep-away camp last year and will be going back this summer.  She works at a retail store during the school year and will stay there until she leaves for camp the end of June.  When she returns from camp, she will be looking for a job that is peripherally related to her ultimate career goals (which are not attainable until she gets a Masters). 

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