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Very sad tonight...

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My dear friend is having surgery tomorrow. She has a 10% chance of living through the surgery. She has two boys -- a teenager and a toddler. She has chosen this surgery as her last, best option. She will die without the surgery, but it won't be for a while -- she'll be in a lot of pain though. So the surgery is the better option for her.


Things like this just put the rest of life into perspective, don't they? I mean, my problems just seem so incredibly small and insignificant in light of this.


If you pray, please pray for Becky tomorrow. Her surgery is at 9:00 A.M. Thank you.... :grouphug:


SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!

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This is wonderful, awesome news! She and her family will continue to be in my prayers.




SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!

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SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!


What amazing news! I'm so glad for you, and for her family!

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SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!


:grouphug: So glad to hear the great news Donna! Thank you Lord!

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SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!

I am so very happy for you and your friend. Thank you for letting us now.:grouphug:

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SHE MADE IT!!!!!! They had trouble starting her I.V., which put the surgery off until 11:00. The last I heard, she was in recovery and resting.


The doctors say she will definitely develop pancreatitis now and will be in severe pain and on a morphine drip. They plan on keeping her for 5 days.


I cannot tell you how relieved we all are. And I am OVERWHELMED at the prayers and thoughts and love from all of you. I am in tears as I read through the posts that I'm just now seeing here for the first time.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


If anyone wants to send a card, please send it to me (PM for address), and I'll be sure that her family gets it! THANK YOU!!! I know that your prayers mean everything to them right now! Keep praying -- it's going to be a difficult recovery!


What a blessing! Life is so precious... Praise God. I will pray for her continued recovery.

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