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At the neuro ICU tonight - updated in post #197


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We got there, dh had an MRI, was prepped for surgery, and it was postponed. ARGH!!!!!

Another surgery was running way late and using equipment needed for Dh's, so our surgeon scrapped it for the day rather than start late in the afternoon. We are rescheduled for Monday first thing in the morning at a hospital twice as far from our house and not anywhere near our people. We stayed long enough to get something in writing saying we will not be billed anything for today. The surgeon and the nurses were very nice and very apologetic, though it was not their fault.


After all the emotional build up, Dh is spiraling down. He went to bed an hour ago. We have to go to get yet another MRI tomorrow because the second hospital (in the same company as the first) doesn't use exactly the same equipment and they need an MRI from their own system.


Tomorrow I have to completely redo our schedule for meals, childcare, people to stay with Dh when I have to be out etc.

I have loads to do: school things, work things, clothes to be tagged for consignment, kids, meals...


Dh is bored and feels as though life is passing him by and wishes he could DO something. Tactile-kinesthetic learner! His idea of rest is to mow the yard, play golf, swim, wash the car, play ball with Ds - all of wich he cannot do right now. He doesn't love to read and his prescription has changed so his reading glasses aren't very helpful anyway. He is worried about the medical bills and our reduced income on disability and even whettpher he will be able to do his work at all after the surgery.


Praying boardies, please pray for God to give my Dh peace and rest in his soul and also good sleep for these next few days and even weeks. He doesn't want to take the anxiety meds because they are addictive.

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Sorry to hear that happened and will definitely continue keeping you all in prayers while hoping Monday turns out better!  Can your dh play card/board games of any sort?  Those can be a fun way to pass time and not everyone needs to be playing at the same time so other things can get done too.


If he's into comedy at all, Studio C has some really cute ones online.  Operation Breakup + its sequel, International and National Relations (in that order), 5 Minute News (or something like that - just watched it last night), and Background Check make good starters.  There are others we like too - those are just coming to mind this morning.


Here's Operation Breakup if you want to take a look:


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Keeping you in my prayers.


As Fifurith said, this may be a good thing in the long run.  You don't want tired or rushed surgeons or nurses taking care of things.  They knew that and rescheduled so they could give your DH the best care.  I seem to remember a journal article that said morning surgery had better outcomes than late afternoon.  Found this, think it was the article. :)    


Prayers for a peaceful uneventful weekend and good outcomes next week.

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The surgery is over and the doc said it went well, though it was more complex than he anticipated. The cavernous malformation was larger than the MRI had indicated and the surgery went long.


Dh is in recovery, awake enough to complain about the nursing. I haven't seen him yet, though. Hopefully they will move him to the N-ICU soon,so I can be with him. The surgeon said maybe by Wed he can get up and walk some. They need to keep his BP very low for a while.


Thank you for all the prayers and good thoughts. Keep 'em coming! I think this recovery may be harder than Dh expected.

I am camped out at the hospital for the week. Friends have been here and my MIL too.


Feeling thankful and cautiously hopeful.

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Yes, I almost mentioned this. And he will not want to hear this but take it slowly.. One of my husband's biggest regrets is how quickly he went back to work and it probably made his recovery take longer. His doc told him he could go back after 2 weeks ( after a week in ICU) as he felt like it... Turns out most people take 3 months off..... Oh well, can't change it. But learn from our mistake.

Yes, Dh has 21 weeks of short term disability, about 19 weeks from yesterday, so he will not be zipping back to work in two weeks. His surgeon said 4-6 weeks is typical for this type of surgery. The surgeon's PA said 8 weeks this morning.


The OT and PT evaluators have something to say in this too. He can't go back to work until he can drive. The PT people got him up and walking a bit today and did some exercises while sitting in the side of the bed too.


He rested fairly well last night, esp for the ICU. Pain meds and exhaustion overcame the effects of the steroid. He has a corner room too, which is quieter.

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Dh got moved to a regular room yesterday and up to a soft foods diet. Hooray for eggs and mashed potatoes and homemade banana pudding! It is hard to have any energy when all you get is jello and broth.


His pain seems under better control, but he still has an IV in and a fever. He slept better. Very good nursing here and we are thankful for that!


Hoping he will stay one more night and then come home tomorrow. The docs surgeon and his PA seem intent on him going home, but we are not really comfortable with that. Have to talk to the case worker too about some home healthcare for days when I will be out.


He had a cognitive blip yesterday, had no recolllection of a friend when I mentioned that the friend was coming by for a visit. That blank stare was scary! I need to find out who evaluates these things.

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Thanks for the update.  I hope recovery continues and the cognitive blip was just that.  FWIW, I suspect the trauma alone could be responsible.  BTDT - as have a couple of my IRL friends who have had serious issues/treatments.  It's not much fun from our side either.  Others tell us it improves with time.  We're not so sure.

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  • 1 month later...

Dh went back to work today!!


No headaches or other symptoms except some sleep issues which are largely from being anxious about being able to do his work. His boss is easing Dh back in, not dropping big stuff or anything with an urgent deadline on him for a while. Dh is an Eyeore personality, so the sleeplessness is not unexpected and he has some effective medication for it.


His neurologist is very good and will follow him every year as will the surgeon. He will have two more appts with the surgeon's PA, an MRI and an appt with the neurologist before the end of the year. He will not be released for full physical activity until his scar is fully healed and they have done the MRI. So swimming is still out but moderate yardwork, walks, golf and regular household chores are fine.


Thank you so much, Hive friends, for praying and responding with encouragement and support while we were in the thick of it! All the cyber hugs were much appreciated!

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:) I hope he will continue to recover well and maybe can feel optimistic. I know for my DH, during a time when he was badly injured, just getting to the point where he was no longer couch-bound was a huge boost to his mood. Making that energetic man lay flat for eight weeks...well, that is not such an easy thing to do.

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