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Inside Out Movie


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We're going to see it Saturday.  My daughter convinced my youngest son that he wants to see it for his birthday tomorrow since that's the day it comes out.  Then she realized she'd be a 3 day church thing and so not home at any point on his birthday so she convinced him that he wants to see it on Saturday evening since she'll be home then.  So he's super happy because he gets to go to Chuck E. Cheese's on his actual birthday and then to a trampoline park and to see Inside Out the next day.  Two days of birthday celebrations is pretty awesome for a 7 year old.


We are all looking forward to seeing it.

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We're going to see it Saturday. My daughter convinced my youngest son that he wants to see it for his birthday tomorrow since that's the day it comes out. Then she realized she'd be a 3 day church thing and so not home at any point on his birthday so she convinced him that he wants to see it on Saturday evening since she'll be home then. So he's super happy because he gets to go to Chuck E. Cheese's on his actual birthday and then to a trampoline park and to see Inside Out the next day. Two days of birthday celebrations is pretty awesome for a 7 year old.


We are all looking forward to seeing it.

:lol: at your DD.


I think we are going to see it tomorrow.

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We saw it yesterday for Ds' birthday surprise. We enjoyed it very much. Pixar quality again. I will say that it does have some very intense moments and is definitely a PG movie, not a G one in that respect. Ds, who is newly 8 and 70 lbs easy, was sitting on my lap at several points. ;)


Yes, stay for the credits!

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One of my friends took his three kids to see it and he left the movie feeling a bit depressed!  He said the main message was something like:


Life is good, but then stuff happens and it's going to suck and you're just going to have to learn to live with it.  That's just the way it is in this world.


Sounds like a barrel of laughs!  hahaha

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One of my friends took his three kids to see it and he left the movie feeling a bit depressed! He said the main message was something like:


Life is good, but then stuff happens and it's going to suck and you're just going to have to learn to live with it. That's just the way it is in this world.


Sounds like a barrel of laughs! hahaha

I took the message more to be "Sad things happen, and that's okay. You don't have to be happy 100% of the time, or 100% happy about every situation to have a good life."

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One of my friends took his three kids to see it and he left the movie feeling a bit depressed!  He said the main message was something like:


Life is good, but then stuff happens and it's going to suck and you're just going to have to learn to live with it.  That's just the way it is in this world.


Sounds like a barrel of laughs!  hahaha

Hmm... I just saw it this evening and thought it was really good.  I think the main message was more: our emotions are all important, even the ones that don't always feel good (ie. sadness)



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I took the message more to be "Sad things happen, and that's okay. You don't have to be happy 100% of the time, or 100% happy about every situation to have a good life."

That and family is the most important.

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I think I'm the only person who didn't love this movie. It was okay. I actually thought TomorrowLand was better :leaving:

I loved both. We've seen Tomorrowland twice already.


We have also just moved...again. So, in that respect it hits very close to home. Bing Bong made me cry. We laughed hysterically at the GIRL red alert. I look forward to part two. :)

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We saw it tonight.  It was okay.  We loved the message, but we all felt like it was kind of tedious getting there.  It's not a movie we'll watch over and over.



My thoughts exactly. I felt it was quite contrived--it kinda hit you over the head with the concepts it wanted to convey, kwim?

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Hmm, still debating this one.  Pixar can be hit or miss for us.  We love some of theirs and are "Ho Hum" about others.




Monsters, Inc (probably my favorite) + Monsters U

Bug's Life

Wall E




Ho Hum (not "bad," but nothing I need to watch again):



Finding Nemo

Toy Story



Which category matches Inside Out better?

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Hmm, still debating this one.  Pixar can be hit or miss for us.  We love some of theirs and are "Ho Hum" about others.




Monsters, Inc (probably my favorite) + Monsters U

Bug's Life

Wall E




Ho Hum (not "bad," but nothing I need to watch again):



Finding Nemo

Toy Story



Which category matches Inside Out better?


Well, I hate Wall E and Up and love Ratatouille, but otherwise I agree with your categories (most people love Toy Story so much... it's unusual to run into someone else who doesn't).  I put Inside Out in the Ho Hum one.

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Hmm, still debating this one. Pixar can be hit or miss for us. We love some of theirs and are "Ho Hum" about others.




Monsters, Inc (probably my favorite) + Monsters U

Bug's Life

Wall E




Ho Hum (not "bad," but nothing I need to watch again):



Finding Nemo

Toy Story



Which category matches Inside Out better?

What?!? Toy Story is ho-hum???

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Well, I hate Wall E and Up and love Ratatouille, but otherwise I agree with your categories (most people love Toy Story so much... it's unusual to run into someone else who doesn't).  I put Inside Out in the Ho Hum one.


I don't really like Toy Story. Toy Story 2 is my favorite.


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I took the message more to be "Sad things happen, and that's okay. You don't have to be happy 100% of the time, or 100% happy about every situation to have a good life."

And to expand on this...the message I got was that sadness has a valid place at the table. If we never experience negative emotions we can't fully appreciate the joy and the good times.


I enjoyed the movie overall, although it did get a little tedious at times. I loved when we caught a glimpse inside Mom's and Dad's heads, and that cat. I really cracked up a few times during the show.

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And to expand on this...the message I got was that sadness has a valid place at the table. If we never experience negative emotions we can't fully appreciate the joy and the good times.




Yes, and I think that sadness goes hand in hand with joy. Sadness means you care about something or someone. Losing my mom last year has brought a sadness I've never known before, but it comes out of my love for her and the joy she brought in my life. I feel that looking back now on memories, they have a touch of sadness that won't ever go away, but it's okay that it's there. 

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For those who have seen it, how does it portray anger?  We saw a commercial with the emotion characters in it and a girl was trying to make a goal while playing hockey.  *Anger* took over to give her the "oomph" or motivation or whatever to get the goal and I thought how odd it was to make anger look like a good thing in that situation.  Like, who is she mad at?   Is anger seen as strong and brave or how is it characterized?  Seems a little weird to me, although I can see anger over injustice or something being a very good motivator!  I know, I may be overthinking a children/family movie.  LOL

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For those who have seen it, how does it portray anger?  We saw a commercial with the emotion characters in it and a girl was trying to make a goal while playing hockey.  *Anger* took over to give her the "oomph" or motivation or whatever to get the goal and I thought how odd it was to make anger look like a good thing in that situation.  Like, who is she mad at?   Is anger seen as strong and brave or how is it characterized?  Seems a little weird to me, although I can see anger over injustice or something being a very good motivator!  I know, I may be overthinking a children/family movie.  LOL

Anger is seen as an emotion we need but it showed that it needed to be understood.  It did not make anger seem brave or strong.    

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For those who have seen it, how does it portray anger?  We saw a commercial with the emotion characters in it and a girl was trying to make a goal while playing hockey.  *Anger* took over to give her the "oomph" or motivation or whatever to get the goal and I thought how odd it was to make anger look like a good thing in that situation.  Like, who is she mad at?   Is anger seen as strong and brave or how is it characterized?  Seems a little weird to me, although I can see anger over injustice or something being a very good motivator!  I know, I may be overthinking a children/family movie.  LOL


Actually she doesn't make the goal.  She throws down her hockey stick and storms off the ice and refuses to complete the tryout even though she has always loved playing hockey before.  Anger taking over with no other emotion to temper it is portrayed as a *bad* thing.


Lava, the short before it is odd, too.  My daughter looked at me after it finished and said, "What did we just watch?!?!"

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One of my friends took his three kids to see it and he left the movie feeling a bit depressed!  He said the main message was something like:


Life is good, but then stuff happens and it's going to suck and you're just going to have to learn to live with it.  That's just the way it is in this world.


Sounds like a barrel of laughs!  hahaha


A barrel of laughs like UP was - which dealt with an old guy dealing with the death of his spouse, and getting on with life.  The end message of both films is positive - can't say more (spoilers!).   If you thought UP was "a barrel of laughs" then you won't like this one, either.  I think they are both excellent films.

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For those who have seen it, how does it portray anger? We saw a commercial with the emotion characters in it and a girl was trying to make a goal while playing hockey. *Anger* took over to give her the "oomph" or motivation or whatever to get the goal and I thought how odd it was to make anger look like a good thing in that situation. Like, who is she mad at? Is anger seen as strong and brave or how is it characterized? Seems a little weird to me, although I can see anger over injustice or something being a very good motivator! I know, I may be overthinking a children/family movie. LOL

She's angry because her family moves across the country, and she has to try out for a new hockey team. When the anger emotion takes over, she throws down her stick and storms off the ice. She doesn't score a goal. It's a very cute movie. Anger isn't demonized, but he's definitely not the hero.

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A barrel of laughs like UP was - which dealt with an old guy dealing with the death of his spouse, and getting on with life.  The end message of both films is positive - can't say more (spoilers!).   If you thought UP was "a barrel of laughs" then you won't like this one, either.  I think they are both excellent films.

Thanks for that.  We hated UP so I think we will skip Inside Out.

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Actually she doesn't make the goal.  She throws down her hockey stick and storms off the ice and refuses to complete the tryout even though she has always loved playing hockey before.  Anger taking over with no other emotion to temper it is portrayed as a *bad* thing.


Lava, the short before it is odd, too.  My daughter looked at me after it finished and said, "What did we just watch?!?!"



While it was playing, my ds10, turned to me and said, "Wait, what are we here watching??"  When I told him it was just the short he was relieved. 


My kids, my dh and I all saw it this weekend.  We enjoyed it.  I would put it into the category with Up.  I thought it was well done, cute, funny, and sad all at the same time.  Hard to pull off.


I will say that I cried a lot.  In fact, I don't believe I've ever cried so much during a movie.  I had hot tears streaming down my face a few times.  Normally I just tear up and can keep it in, but not this time. 

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I wasn't crazy about it; it is probably my least favorite Pixar film.  I thought there could've been a lot more opportunities for humor with those great characters, but so much of it was just Joy and Sadness on their journey, and I agree with a couple of PP regarding the tediousness.  FTR, I loved UP!

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Glad Inside Out is a fairly good movie. We'll have to check it out.


We just let the boys watch "Home" from Dreamworks ... and it was good fun for everybody. 


I didn't like Up so sounds like I should make the kids see this with someone else.


We LOVED Home.  Even my son who is somewhat Aspergerish when it comes to emotions talked about how he felt at different parts of the movie.   It had some sad parts too but the most intense were brief.  I'm sure this one felt different as a mom than it did as a kid, but I felt like the kids really got a lot out of it too.

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I cried.  My parents ripped us from our perfect New England home to the pit of South Florida when i was about Riley's age.  The movie brought back many of those emotions.  It was an interesting movie to watch. 

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I didn't like Up so sounds like I should make the kids see this with someone else.


We LOVED Home.  Even my son who is somewhat Aspergerish when it comes to emotions talked about how he felt at different parts of the movie.   It had some sad parts too but the most intense were brief.  I'm sure this one felt different as a mom than it did as a kid, but I felt like the kids really got a lot out of it too.


We loved Home. We felt like both movies were in the same category.  Up, IMO, is in a category all its own.

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We saw it, yesterday. None of us loved it including our youngest age 10 all the way up to my mom age 75. I found it depressing. About halfway through, I was feeling pretty bad that my husband chose this for Father's Day knowing that I really don't like Jurassic Park. We should have seen Jurrasic World instead.

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We saw it today and it was cute but not one I would buy like Toy Story.


I can see using some of the emotion stuff to talk about with our foster son.....it is ok to have various emotions, memories can be happy and sad etc.


The kids enjoyed it but again, not one I would pay to see a second time or buy on DVD.

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