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How many children do you consider to be a large family?

How many children make a large family? You can choose more than one answer  

  1. 1. How many children make a large family? You can choose more than one answer

    • 3 children
    • 4 children
    • 5 children
    • 6 or more

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Considering that a whole lot of families have just 1 child, maybe 2, yours might be large... comparatively...


I heard a dad once say, "We have 5... it's not a record, but it's not a hobby, either!!"


I tend to think of large families as 5 or more... and when you get past 8, well, it's a really big family!



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I think of 5 as the dividing line between medium and large. Probably because we're adding our 4th and I don't think of us as a large family. But after 4 I can see how a few things (cars, restaurants, bedrooms) can get a little trickier to manage. My sister is about to have her 6th and I certainly think of her family as large compared with mine!



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I grew up with 4 kids in our fam, and that was what I always wanted, so I have always thought more than that was large.


I grew up with 4 kids in the family, too, and thought that was normal. And many of our friends have families that size. So 5 kids and up seems large to me.

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I sort of see seven as the dividing line. We talk about maybe having six some day, but to have more than six would require things like a special vehicle (most standard vehicles don't seat more than eight) special seating arrangements when you go out for dinner (around here there are tables and booths for six-eight or you can push two tables together, but at nine it becomes "party seating") and even our boat has an eight person seating maximum. Seems arbitrary, but for us four to six seems comfortable and seven or more seems large. :) But my dh and I both come from families where 3-4 is standard, so it is probably a question of what you are used to.

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I grew up with 4 kids in our fam, and that was what I always wanted, so I have always thought more than that was large. Now I am happy with just my one, though :)



Exactly what I would have posted, except I have seven! :lol:


I did have an only for 6 1/2 years though!

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I agree with the comments that you're large once you can't fit in a standard vehicle. :iagree: By this I mean large is more than 6.


I just bought the 8 passenger Honda Odyssey because although we only have 5 kids, it was difficult for the teenager to fit between the 2 carseats in the back of the van.

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Just curious. I sometimes refer to our family as being large, then think "well it's really not that big at all."

Wondering what others think.


...referred to our family as 'big' when we had four kids, but I didn't really consider us in those terms until five kids.


Four kids is when you don't fit in an average car anymore, lol, so I think that's some sort of dividing line. ;-)

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I used to think 4 was large-ish. 5 and up were large. But once I had 5, shoot, even when I had 4, that didn't seem so 'large'. More like...normal.

I would still say though that 6+ is 'large' though it doesn't *feel* large to me. Big, sure, but not "large" if that makes any sense LOL

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I think of 1-2 as small, 3-5 as medium, 6+ as large, but only 10+ as really big. I often take the neighbor kids places with us, and then I have 5. You just wouldn't believe all the stares and comments we get- and its only 5! Its like I grew an extra head!


So I feel for you all with 5+, because apparently its a freak show for most!


(I like to think the comments are because I'm so youthful looking and cute, but...I don't think so!:D)

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I was the oldest of 8 and my father's mother and her twin were the last of 22.


I don't look at the number as being large or small so much as I look at the ability of the mother and father to cope/parent the number they have been given. I have seen folks with one child who in my opinion had family that was too large due mostly to the physical abuse and neglect happening just before the child was taken by the state. I have seen folks with 9 kids who I viewed had just the right amount.


All of that written I think that a large segment of our society sees a family with more than 2 kids as a large family.

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As the Mom of only one child, anything more than two seems big to me!!! :D I have two siblings, and I always felt like ours was a "big" family simply because all of my cousins and practically everyone else I knew were two-child families. But my mom had seven siblings, so she thought our family pretty small. It's all a matter of perspective. :)

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I used to think 4 was large-ish. 5 and up were large. But once I had 5, shoot, even when I had 4, that didn't seem so 'large'. More like...normal.

I would still say though that 6+ is 'large' though it doesn't *feel* large to me. Big, sure, but not "large" if that makes any sense LOL




When I had 2 under 3 years old, I thought four kids was a large family (one that probably would have put me in the looney bin :lol:). Lo and behold, now that those first two got older and we added three more, 5 doesn't seem so big! Six is pushing big IMHO... I start to think 7-10 is "large".

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For me personally, it was with the 4th child because I was one of three. At that time another mother told me that a large family starts at 5. She was very sure of that, so it must be true ;) Because there are so many around here with 10 and 12 kids I tend to think that large starts with 8.

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We have 12 right now. And when we are out and about 'without' our crew and I see other families with like 5 or 6 or so I am like...Look at all those kids!! To me, even though we have twice that---to stand back and look at it on someone else it seems big. To me though, my own 12 doesn't seem that big but I know it must look that way just because so many less look big. Make sense? But even 4 is a lot to. I think mostly because if there are 4 then they are most likely to be little and 4 little kids is a handful!!




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according to my extended family I have a large family, most of them only had/have 2 kids with the exception of my mother who had 3. FOr me to already have 4 is considered huge. IMO though we are a small family, especially when we are around certain families from church that have between 9 and 14 kids in them. More and more of my friends are either expecting their 4th or just had their 4th so it is becoming the new "normal" kwim

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Just curious. I sometimes refer to our family as being large, then think "well it's really not that big at all."

Wondering what others think.


I have the same experience.


I don't feel that I have many children, but almost everyone else seems to think so. My dad pointed out to me that it's unusual for folks to have more than two.


Sometimes when all five kids are together, and the oldest's fiance, too, it occurs to me that our family is a very nice size. But with just three running around the house most days, I often feel it's too small. I don't want more babies, but I'd take a bunch more eight to sixteen year olds if they came with as much extra grocery money as we'd need. :D

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I get a noticably different response when I have four or more with me than I do when I have three or less. Of course, when people see me with a slew of girls they just assume that I am trying for a boy. When I tell them that my oldest is a boy then they want to know why I had so many. Someone just recently asked if we were planning on having any more now that the youngest is 9. No, I don't have to. I have a grandchild now. Yeah!

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We live in New Jersey people thought it was something when we had three children although that was considered large to some. Now that we have five, people stop and stare. I was asked by an older woman at church (who has one dd) if I was trying to be Michelle Duggar when I was pg with #5...huh?!

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alot of people see us with 3 kiids and say "whoa...3 kids....you have your hands full".


It's always driven me nuts when people have said that to me. Granted, my #2 and #3 are only 18 months apart, so people would start brain farting through their mouths when they saw two littles and a preschooler.


Now that I have three olders, a baby and a pregnant belly, we're starting to hear, "Are they all yours?" and "Don't you know what causes that?" :rant:


I answered that both 5 and 6+ are big families. With #5, our house will be full to capacity, but I still think of big families as being really big -- six or more. Both dh and I grew up in families with five kids, so it always seemed like a good number to us. But these days, anything more than the bare minimum required to perpetuate the species gets you comments and strange looks.


I will say, though, that every once in a while I hear something nice. The guy at the valet parking garage saw me load up the crew into the truck and said, "You're my hero." :D

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