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Well, that was an... exciting... hour. Ugh.


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DH put up a lovely little swing, attached to a beautiful tree in our front yard.

It's DD13's favorite place to be, and she's been on it frequently, just swinging and listening to music, every day for the past two weeks or so that it's been up.


She was on it this afternoon (we were taking a break from school work), talking excitedly about her upcoming dance (it's her first dance)... talking with her hands like she does, when her foot caught on the ground and she fell backwards out of the swing, onto the ground, and landed on the shoulder/neck area. 


She couldn't move it (the shoulder), so I went to turn around and go back in, to grab keys, and enlist a neighbor to watch the boys while I took her to the hospital... when I realized that in the 2 minutes I was standing DIRECTLY OUTSIDE THE DOOR, The Flying Marvelous Marco had locked me out. No amount of bribing, crying, or trying to turn it into a game was working - he wouldn't unlock the door. 


A neighbor put Autumn on his couch, tried to help me convince Marco to open the door (which only resulted in Marco realizing he had the house to himself, so he could pull everything out of the kitchen cabinets and play hopscotch on the pot lids), but finally got a screwdriver, took the storm door off the hinges for me, DH finally got home (I had called him and he rushed home from across town)...


And now DD is at the hospital with Dad... and I'm just sitting here biting my fingernails waiting for word on how she's doing. 


I think I want to cry.



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Oh I'm so sorry.  I hope that Autumn is all right.


Re. the door.  Dd locked herself in our bedroom when she was about that age.  I finally had to get a neighbor to bring his ladder over and break in through the window while she screamed bloody murder.  That night we put a new knob on the door that could be unlocked from the outside!  

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I hope she's okay! How nerve wracking!


(We love the number code combination lock thing. I can't lock myself out now. And my toddler terror can't lock us out either. I've had to go around to the side door to get in when she's run in from the deck and locked it behind her. Grrr!)

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I was torn between wanting to just call an ambulance, but realizing that I still had a destructive 2 year old alone in the house, and a 5 year old in a back room resting (and when I asked him why HE didn't answer the doorbell, I got the very logical "I'm not asposed to answer the door, mom-mom")... so I couldn't leave them alone either. 

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Oh I'm so sorry.  I hope that Autumn is all right.


Re. the door.  Dd locked herself in our bedroom when she was about that age.  I finally had to get a neighbor to bring his ladder over and break in through the window while she screamed bloody murder.  That night we put a new knob on the door that could be unlocked from the outside!  

These are some new fangled storm doors that we just had put in. We NEVER lock them, unless we're inside (and then we lock them so that we can get the light, without risking Marco leaving the house). 

If we end up not selling the house, I think we may have to replace the new doors with something that DOESN'T LOCK AT ALL. 

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Oh and dd was that age when she locked us out of our car once too - while the car was running!   :scared:

My two year old was in a locked, running car once while I stood gesturing frantically at him while holding his baby brother on my hip.  He looked at me, looked back at what he had in his lap and reached over to unlock the door. He was always the compliant one.  :)

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Hope your daughter is ok.


My daughter locked herself in room when she was 3 and police had to come get her out (old house with heavy ancient door.


I gave my son when he was 2 car keys to distract him while I put him in car seat and closed minivan door. He smiled, locked car doors and threw them on car floor. It was about 80 degrees outside and it took several calls to 911 to get help.

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Mine was always the one who wanted to turn my hair grey.  


My compliant one is so compliant that he didn't answer the door "because he isn't asposed to", and he didn't look out the window while we were pelting it with rocks "because he was scared" (valid - he's also our sensitive child).

Unfortunately the one who did the deed, is NOT compliant.



Autumn is back; x-ray showed a "gap", which the doctor said means that the shoulder area is hyper-extended, and she's pretty bruised and cut-up from the dirt/ground; she has a sling, soccer season is shot for the poor kid (she isn't allowed to play for a couple weeks), and they gave her flexaril to take at night.

Dad took her to get a milkshake and mozzarella sticks after, and apparently that made it all okay (according to DD).

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Hope your daughter is ok.


My daughter locked herself in room when she was 3 and police had to come get her out (old house with heavy ancient door.


I gave my son when he was 2 car keys to distract him while I put him in car seat and closed minivan door. He smiled, locked car doors and threw them on car floor. It was about 80 degrees outside and it took several calls to 911 to get help.

Thank you.

I think I just laughed until I cried... because I can see Marco doing exactly that. In fact, his favorite game in the world is "hide with mommy's keys, and press the alarm button".

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:grouphug: Poor Autumn!


Hope you get to go out to dinner, too!

DH brought home dinner, too. He grabbed me a coffee from Starbucks while they were picking up Red's prescription, which makes him fabulous in my book right now, lol.

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Yikes. What an afternoon. Glad it all worked out (mostly) ok. :grouphug:  for you!


(The kids locking people out story from here. When my sister was a teen & babysitting 3 rambunctious boys, 2 of them ran wildly out of the house. She ran out after them, but they split up, ran back in & locked the door. They had planned it all along as a laugh. She was locked out for awhile. You know, she never had kids. I wonder if those guys were part of the cause?!)

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I'm glad to hear that your daughter is not more seriously hurt.


(I was locked out of the house while babysitting my six year old nephew at my sister's house.  He ran out and, when I went out to fetch him, he returned to the house and locked the door.  Inside the house were also his two year old sister and my one year old daughter.  I was not a happy camper.  I might have forgiven him by now ... over twenty years later!)




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I was so paranoid about that happening that I kept my keys on my body at all times when the kids were little. I never wore clothes without pockets. Those stupid keys were in my pocket for years and years.


I also wore running shoes every day. I had a runner and had to be ready to sprint after him at any time and on any surface (including gravel.)

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I was so paranoid about that happening that I kept my keys on my body at all times when the kids were little. I never wore clothes without pockets. Those stupid keys were in my pocket for years and years.


I also wore running shoes every day. I had a runner and had to be ready to sprint after him at any time and on any surface (including gravel.)

We had only JUST had the new storm doors put in a few weeks ago. I didn't even think about putting a key for THAT lock with my neighbors for safekeeping (they have copies of my main house keys, because I'm notorious for locking MYSELF out, lol).


Our GSD is our "runner"; him and DS2 tag team the doors.

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My compliant one is so compliant that he didn't answer the door "because he isn't asposed to", and he didn't look out the window while we were pelting it with rocks "because he was scared" (valid - he's also our sensitive child).

Unfortunately the one who did the deed, is NOT compliant.



Autumn is back; x-ray showed a "gap", which the doctor said means that the shoulder area is hyper-extended, and she's pretty bruised and cut-up from the dirt/ground; she has a sling, soccer season is shot for the poor kid (she isn't allowed to play for a couple weeks), and they gave her flexaril to take at night.

Dad took her to get a milkshake and mozzarella sticks after, and apparently that made it all okay (according to DD).


poor baby, hope she feels better soon.  This is one of those, "someday we will look back on and laugh" kind of stories. :grouphug: :grouphug:


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I am sad to report that *I* was the "locker outer" as a child.  Apparently, when I was a toddler, my mom had stepped outside to see my dad off on a business trip.  She watched as he drove away and then went to come back in the house only to discover that I had locked her out.  Luckily, my grandparents lived in the same neighborhood.  My grandfather came over and took the door off the hinges so Mom could get back inside.  Not sure she's ever forgiven me for that.   :lol:

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I am sad to report that *I* was the "locker outer" as a child.  Apparently, when I was a toddler, my mom had stepped outside to see my dad off on a business trip.  She watched as he drove away and then went to come back in the house only to discover that I had locked her out.  Luckily, my grandparents lived in the same neighborhood.  My grandfather came over and took the door off the hinges so Mom could get back inside.  Not sure she's ever forgiven me for that.   :lol:

It's in our blood, I think.

When my mom was staying here with our oldest (I can't remember if it was when DS5 was having his surgery, or when I was HAVING DS5), she locked herself out of house - 11 at night. DH had to drive home from the hospital to let her back in; DD sleeps so soundly that she wouldn't wake up to my mom banging on the doors.


I'm sure your Ma forgave you. God knows we're already laughing about what happened yesterday.

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