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What are your very favorite cleaning tools, sprays, materials?


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Just curious.  I am a sporadic cleaner.  I wish I were better at it, but I hate cleaning.


I have tried all the "mix your own to save money" stuff and I find it either doesn't work, or smells so bad I can't take it, so you can list those things, but I really want some stuff you can purchase.  I am finally telling myself that cleaning supplies are still WAY cheaper than hiring a cleaning service, so I may need to put some $$ into this.


Making the jobs easier and faster is a bonus!




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A few years ago I purchased a dozen white washcloths that I use for all of my cleanups, dusting, whatever needs to be done housework wise. I can wash them in hot water and bleach them if I need to - it has been really helpful to have them handy and I always have some ready to use. 

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A good supply of microfiber rags.  I got a couple of multi-packs in the cleaning aisle at WalMart.  I keep one pack for bathroom and glass/mirror cleaning and dusting and one pack for using in the kitchen to clean counter tops and appliances.


A few spray bottles.  Mine are Harris Teeter store brand, and they work really well (IIRC you're in NC, so you may have a HT nearby).  Home Depot also has good quality spray bottles.  I like to keep one in the kitchen and one in each bathroom.


A good multi-purpose cleaner.  I like this Lysol product.  I keep it diluted in the spray bottles and use it for almost all cleaning -- counters, sinks, tubs and around the outside of toilets.  I use it (diluted) in my spray mop on laminate and vinyl flooring.  I use it full strength for toilet bowl cleaning.


For glass cleaning I use one of the microfiber rags and usually just a squirt of water.  For tougher jobs a bit of Windex.


ETA: I agree with you that the "mix your own" stuff doesn't work.  Neither does vinegar IMO.

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I hate to say this, but I do love me some of those disposable clorox wipe thing-ys.  I have the microfiber, I have cleaning rags from old (never used) cloth diapers, I have the this and the that. I have it all and I do use it when I do a 'big clean'


But if I can grab a wipe I will clean the bathroom and kitchen counters every day.  I can wipe spots off the kitchen floor super fast.


I know...I am going to greenpeace hell. I have to hide them when company comes.

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Clorox bleach wipes or the 7th gen natural alternative. I just wipe everything down (EVERYTHING) with them when we have guests, mainly as a health and safety thing.


Usually we clean with water, rags and soda/vinegar but I agree, that takes time. So if we have children coming over or someone with a baby, it's Clorox all the way. I do buy the compostable kind....

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I use Ecover washing powder, hand soap, toilet cleaner and 'all purpose cleaner'.  The latter you dilute and use for floors or in a spray bottle for surfaces.  One bottle lasts a long time because you only use a little to go with lots of water.  All the products work well - if you like a strong fragrance, then they won't satisfy you, however.

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Bar Keeper's Friend for glass shower doors (and bathrooms in general, fwiw)

Method's all purpose spray for countertops and kitchen table

Olive oil/beeswax blend for dusting (petroleum products trigger asthma for some here)


Do you have any kind of coating on your glass shower doors?  I am worried I will scratch the shower door.

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No, I just have plain glass wrapped in some type of metal around the edges...standard builder's grade doors.  


It's an approved material by the manufacturer, and I've never had any scratching. It's AWESOME for hard mineral deposits; better than anything else I've tried (and I've tried them all). http://www.barkeepersfriend.com/showers

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I use Amway cleaning products because they work, and they are economical.


I've used those other cleaners at friends' homes, and they cannot do the job my Amway cleaners do.


I have some microfiber cloths I use with my Amway bathroom cleaner, and to dry off things I've cleaned with the Amway kitchen cleaner so there are no streaks. :-)


The only thing I use that isn't an Amway product is Bona, which I use on my hardwood floors, wiped up with the same microfiber cloths I use for other cleaning.

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Pack of 12 white wash clothes from Target-they are about $4 and we've cut down a ton of paper towel use. I bleach them and wish them alone. I collect them in a small basket in the laundry room.


Dyson vacuum- the big one. This thing is a beast. It's amazing and has lasted us years without issues.


Bissel Bolt-for hard floors and the kitchen. It's light, cordless and super easy to get around and user the table. The kids use this everyday after meals.


Mrs. Meyers clean day all purpose cleaner-I mix an ounce of it with water into my spray bottle. I use it practically everywhere. The bottle is pricey (afa cleaners go) at $8 but it lasts forever. I buy one every other month or so, and like I said, I use it for a ton. I love the basil or radish scent.


Windex-in general, I try to stay away from harsh chemicals...but we have a TON of windows that are beautiful when clean lol. We also have kids that touch said windows all the time, and Windex is the only thing that gets them nice and clean without streaks.


Blue Dawn dish soap and vinegar-I mix a squirt of dawn with half vinegar and half water in a squirt bottle for the shower. It's benign enough that I let the kids spray their own tub with it, and it keeps the shower/tubs sparkly.


Pledge all purpose cleaner-we have a lot of bookshelves. A lot. Mostly we dry dust with a feather duster, but every other week I wipe them down with pledge and it helps keep the dust off.


A mop with a washable microfiber pad-I buy 2-3 pads and throw them in the laundry with the washcloths.



The biggest thing that helps me is to have a schedule, written down, of what I need to do every day. I put mine on index cards and put each one in a ziplock Baggie so it will last a little longer. I can show the kids and dh and they can pick things off the list if they want to help. It also assures me that if I don't get to something one day, it will come up on the rotation next week so nothing goes for too long. I divided the house into 'zones' and work on a zone every week day. Weekends are for catching up what didn't get done and for organizing/decluttering specific spaces. I can tell you what is on my lists if that will help.

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Huge pack of yellow microfiber cloths from Costco. They're in the tool area.


Magic Eraser + Dawn for soap scum, glass shower doors, etc.

Method glass cleaner (mint scent) and all purpose cleaner (pink grapefruit scent)

Tilex for mildew. I've tried natural stuff and it's just too humid here. Sorry, earth.

Weiman stainless steel wipes for appliances, followed by a dry, clean microfiber towel.

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I can't stand the microfiber cloths. They stick to my dry skin and creep me out! I use old receiving blankets cut up -- lovely soft flannel and they remind me of my babies. :)


I love Dr. Bronners diluted in a spray bottle for surfaces. Smells great (peppermint), cuts dirt and isn't "chemically." 


I do have Clorox Cleanup for stubborn counter stains and raw chicken drippings.


Tilex or Kaboom for mildew.


Windex for glass, of course.

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Put me in the "hate microfiber" camp. Also hate wipey-wipes for everything (sorry Red Squirrel.) Stack of white washcloths from Costco are my cleaning cloths; I love this method and will use this until I die.


For general purpose cleaning, I love a little diluted Dr. Bronners in a spray bottle. windex for glass -I've tried crunchy alternatives, but no deal. I like Bon Ami as a scouring powder, but do believe Baking Soda does this job well, too. Hydrogen Peroxide mixed with baking soda does an amazing job of cleaning burnt-on or ground-in stuff. It made my oven racks look brand new.


For mopping, I use on of these: a flat mop with a replaceable, washable terry cloth cover (the Sh-mop), a shark steam mop with a washable cover, or a Hoover Floormate which is great on my tile floors.


The only commercial product I love above all is Scrubbing Bubbles shower foam. The only disposable product I love above all others is the Swiffer dry cloths for getting my long, shedding hair off the bathroom tile. Oh, and Magic Eraser for getting the ubiquitous hand prints off the doors and walls.

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I have been looking at the spin mop. It's expensive. Anyone have one? Does it work as well as they make it look?

I have one and use it for deep cleaning. It works great and really grabs dirt. Mine is old and is starting to break so I know will have to replace it sometime this year. For daily mopping, I use the Rubbermaid reveal mop. Easy to use and my kids argue over who gets to use it.
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Love my Bona mop.  I now get my floors mopped a few times a week.  I also still love my Swifter, especially the dry cloths which are great for my hardwood.  I love Swifter duster.  I live in an old victorian house that is always dusty.  Those things have helped me a lot.  Clorox wipes. With 3 boys in the house, those wipes keep my bathroom from becoming disgusting.

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I like the Method cleaners but they are more expensive so I stopped for a while.  I may go  back to them.




In the kitchen I use some orange cleaner, or vinegar and baking soda, or just dish soap on a sponge to do the counters, cabinets, stovetop, etc. depending on how bad they are.  The floor is these rough stone slabs and tear apart any kind of sponge mop so I bought a deck brush/broom that I use with water and cleaner.  Really bad spots I do with a smaller scrub brush.


I love magic erasers for the counters and the sink when they get stained.


The bathroom I use scrubbing bubbles and Clorox wipes. 


Wood I use pledge, baking soda for carpets.


We recently bought new towels, washcloths and hand towels that match.  I took all the old washcloths and I use them when cleaning - either to wipe things down or to dry things off.  My bathroom is really dusty and the Clorox wipes leave things wet.  Wiping it dry seems to help keep things cleaner a little bit longer.  Even though they are all different colors - some white, some pink, some various other colors - I still just throw them in the wash with some bleach if needed.  They're cleaning clothes, I don't care if they look good.

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I seriously need a new mop for the bathroom (the deck brush I use in the kitchen is too big to fit around things in my very small bathroom) and just went to Amazon to look up the Bona mop.  ALL the suggestions at the bottom of the page before I searched for anything, were for mops and cleaning products.   I guess that's helpful this time.  Better than when I get a million suggestions for something I already bought.


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I bought a washable, micro-fiber-type fuzzy duster on a handle from Amazon.  Love it.


Also, I like the Swiffer!  That thing is so quick and effective!  I just have the original one with the dry "cloths".  I hate making trash, but I love how fast that is.

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I really miss the old Top Job cleaner. It was some great stuff.


I use cleaning rags. Usually a mildew/soap scum cleaner in the shower. Whichever all purpose cleaner I have at the moment to clean the toilet and bathroom counter tops. Same for mopping.


I cannot find a mop I "like"!!


You sparked a memory--My mom used Top Job. Haven't seen it in years, but it has good memories attached.



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Same as some--


I like magic eraser for my flat stovetop.

I got a bunch of checked dishrags from the Dollar Store and they are going strong for the past 3 years. I have them out in a basket on the counter, and they look pretty while providing me with a clean cloth when I need it (the basket holds about a dozen). I hate microfiber because it gets hairy in the washer--if I was anything with dog hair on it, or if I wash it with towels that have hair on them, it ends up catching on the micro, as does any lint or whatever. Ick.



I use Dawn and hot vinegar to clean the tub and the shower doors--unbelievably effective.


My fav scented product is Caldrea kitchen counter cleaner, but I've only tried it at a friend's house. I'd buy it by the gallon if I could! I can't remember the name of the scent, but the product is light yellow.


The most effective counter cleaner I use now is Seventh Generation Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner. It stinks--it has thyme extract (thimersol?) as the active ingredient, but it is completely safe to NOT rinse (you have to be careful--most counter cleaners require a rinse if food is going to be on the surface), and the smell dissipates very quickly, as it dries. The stuff is amazing--super good at getting sticky stuff off, or dried food/dried spills, etc. Really, I can't recommend it enough.

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I use the Bruce hardwood floor cleaning system for our main floor.  


Clorox clean up for all bathrooms once a week.


Swiffer for the bathroom floors once a week.  


Clorox wipes for daily wipe downs of all bathrooms.


I love lemon pledge for our furniture. 


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Well the verdict is out in terms of whether or not this is my favorite since I just bought it, but I found a washable microfiber type duster at Target.  I like the fact it can be washed instead of throwing so much stuff out.


I'd say my only complaint so far is that it's too short.  I need something longer. 



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I just bought this because it said it could be used on laminate wood, and I absolutely love it.


I have used it on glass cabinet doors, laminate cabinetry, glass topped tables, and a real wood table. It worked great on all of them. I hate switching back and forth trying not to get overspray on the glass.

And it smells amazing!

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-Bon Ami or Comet for anything that needs a good scrub/scour

-Mrs. Meyers Clean Day All Purpose concentrate- a little bit in a spray bottle with water makes a good cleaning spray for nearly anything, a glug or two in a bucket of hot water is good for dirtier jobs. It is a bit pricey, but a big $6-$7 bottle lasts many months. I use it in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on floors, for cleaning just about anything. 

-Lysol wipes (or any equivalent.) Yeah, I know. They're not eco-friendly. However, I got use to using them at work and now have to admit that our bathroom certainly stays cleaner when there's a tub of wipes handy. I also like keeping some in our school room because there's no running water nearby and they're great for a quick wipe down of our school table when it gets too smudged with pencil lead, eraser crumbs, modeling clay residue, etc. 

-Libman Freedom Mop with extra microfiber heads- like a Swiffer only better! You can refill with whatever cleaner you'd like and the mop heads are washable. 

-Dawn Platinum Power Clean dish soap. A little squirt of this, some hot water and a five minute soak, and even the nastiest of dried on, baked on food really does just wipe away off of dishes. 

-I now do most of my dusting with the soft brush attachment on my vacuum wand! We have a big problem with dust and pet hair in our old house, and this seems to do a better job at actually getting rid of dust instead of just redistributing it into the air (must have a HEPA vacuum though to catch the tiny particles.) 

-Mr. Clean Erasers. Must have. Good for all sorts of grime. 


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FlyLady's purple rags--they clean mirrors with just water. I also use them, often with a little Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and water, for spot-cleaning the kitchen floor.


I don't have Flylady's, but I have other microfiber cloths.  These are the only things that get absolutely no softener whatsoever in our house (and I will pitch a fit if I catch anyone putting them in a load with softener!) because they do a wonderful job on glass of all sorts with just plain water PROVIDED you haven't contaminated them with softener.  One wet microfiber cloth to wash things clean and one clean dry one to polish things dry, and it's done!  These cloths even got crayon off the floor after someone who shall remain nameless (for now) sharpened her crayons over the floor and then rolled her chair through the crumbs.


I clean my shower while I'm showering, using a shampoo I hate as soap and a green Scotch Brite scrubby pad.  I break the shower up into 5 zones (3 walls, door, and floor) and scrub one each time I'm in there.  I also use the Scrubbing Bubbles shower sprayer (that sprays your shower after you are done) to help keep down mildew in our very humid environment.

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