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I live in the South for a reason.


Snow on the ground before THANKSGIVING! In Middle Tennessee!!!!


GAH!!!! :thumbdown:  :thumbdown: :thumbdown:  


You all who live way up North, you have my pity. But there's a reason this gal don't live up there. I deplore, despise, abhor, and loathe cold weather, snow, and ice.


A pox upon you WINTER!

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I agree. It was 12 degrees today. This is the first time I remember having snow before Thanksgiving since I moved to Kentucky 16 years ago. It was even somewhat weird in Michigan where I grew up.


eta: My 9 year old is super excited and has been sledding in the approximately 1 inch of snow we have. My 3 year old would probably be really excited but she has a bad cold and is staying inside.

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No snow in our area of PA yet.  Y'all beat us to it.


We did have snow in NY last week at my grandma's funeral.  It looked really, really pretty.


I think I prefer snow to the brown and dismal look winter can have without it, but yes, Nov is a bit too early in general.  Dec and Jan should have snow.


By Feb/Mar I'm tired of it and ready for spring.


We lived in FL for 5 years and really missed the changing of the seasons.

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Over 400 school DISTRICTS closed here today.......including several major colleges.


We have about a foot of snow on the ground right now with more coming today as we are under a winter storm warning.


It is making doing chores a big pain. 

If I could just sit inside and drink hot chocolate, it would be great. It's the chores that are so awful. We did install insulated waterers 2 weeks ago (just in time apparently) so at least watering is not as hard.


We (stupidly) built our house on a bare slope with no trees facing the Northwest. "It'll have a great view." and yes, it does. But that wind.




I'm currently at the point where I could deal with the cold if it weren't for the blasted, damp, icy North wind that pummels my house and barn all winter.


I'm ready to sacrifice the view and plant some trees. We were out back yesterday working, and I was lightly sweating inside my insulated coveralls.  However, we were in a sheltered meadow. Once we headed back up the hill to the house, it was back to frigid.

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I keep fearing that Russian scientist who was in the news a few weeks ago warning he thought we were in the beginning of a mini ice age is correct.  After all, if during the Revolution the Potomac was frozen over by Christmas...   ugh.  yuck, yuck, and more yuck....

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I keep fearing that Russian scientist who was in the news a few weeks ago warning he thought we were in the beginning of a mini ice age is correct.  After all, if during the Revolution the Potomac was frozen over by Christmas...   ugh.  yuck, yuck, and more yuck....

Hands over ears, humming loudly.



MMMMMMM.. I can't hear you.


I'm sorry did you say someting?


(secretly starts packing boxes to move to Flordia. Is there a shipper who will haul horses, cows and chickens South?)

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No snow in our area of PA yet.  Y'all beat us to it.


We did have snow in NY last week at my grandma's funeral.  It looked really, really pretty.


I think I prefer snow to the brown and dismal look winter can have without it, but yes, Nov is a bit too early in general.  Dec and Jan should have snow.


By Feb/Mar I'm tired of it and ready for spring.


We lived in FL for 5 years and really missed the changing of the seasons.


We having changing seasons. They change from wet to dry. :tongue_smilie:

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Many years ago, I spent a night in a hotel near BNA (Nashville International) and the actual temperature that night went down to -3 F.  The hotel was built of concrete blocks and wasn't built for that kind of temperature. Cold night.  Then, years later, I worked on a job assignment in Huntsville AL and one night the actual temperature went down to -13 F. as I recall. I was paid by the hour and my car started, so I went to work. Very few of the "permanent" employees showed up for work that day...


When it gets cold in the South it is really bad because the homes are designed for typical temperatures, with regard to heating and air conditioning equipment and the insulation, types of windows, etc., that are used when houses are designed and built there.


The only thing I hate more than hot weather is cold weather!  Stay warm!

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I keep fearing that Russian scientist who was in the news a few weeks ago warning he thought we were in the beginning of a mini ice age is correct. After all, if during the Revolution the Potomac was frozen over by Christmas... ugh. yuck, yuck, and more yuck....

Hmm well Australia seems to be having early summer so I doubt it...

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We lived about an hour out of Knoxville for a year in about 1992. 


Everybody told us, oh, you'll probably get an inch or two of snow around Christmas, it's lovely! 


Woke up on Halloween to see my car buried under snow. 


I don't miss it at all!! 


The 1991 Halloween Blizzard[1]... Minneapolis got close to 2 1/2 feet... Duluth got just over 3ft.


This was triggered by "The Perfect Storm" Nor'Easter from Sebastian Junger's book and Marky Mark's movie.


That makes me feel better about our current 11 day run of sub-freezing high temps :)

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I keep fearing that Russian scientist who was in the news a few weeks ago warning he thought we were in the beginning of a mini ice age is correct.  After all, if during the Revolution the Potomac was frozen over by Christmas...   ugh.  yuck, yuck, and more yuck....


I'm glad I live in a place that's prepared for something like that.  I'm really worried about the people in the south whose houses aren't built for this kind of cold. :(  The government is going to have to set up some kind of program to help the lower income people winterize their houses if these winters keep up.


The 1991 Halloween Blizzard[1]... Minneapolis got close to 2 1/2 feet... Duluth got just over 3ft.


This was triggered by "The Perfect Storm" Nor'Easter from Sebastian Junger's book and Marky Mark's movie.


That makes me feel better about our current 11 day run of sub-freezing high temps :)


I vaguely remember that.  I was eight at the time and lived in International Falls, up on the northern MN border.  As I recall, it didn't stop anyone from trick or treating. :D  I don't think I even knew at the time it was a big deal, I just remember trick or treating and the snow being up to my waist.  At least, I think that's the year I'm remembering.  We always got so much snow up there, Halloween was always pretty snowy.

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I'm glad I live in a place that's prepared for something like that.  I'm really worried about the people in the south whose houses aren't built for this kind of cold. :(  The government is going to have to set up some kind of program to help the lower income people winterize their houses if these winters keep up.


For real. I live in a solidly built brick home and I'm still cold. However, the people who live in mobile homes really have it bad. Thin walls, all your pipes under the house exposed to cold air. Wind blowing under your home.


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Atlanta here, and I LOVE this weather!  High 20s/low 30s is perfect for me, and I never complain about temporary drops well below that.  My dog and I went for a run last night when it was in the high 20s, and I was stripping off layers before I got out of my neighborhood.  Shockingly, we didn't run into a single other runner.  Wimps.

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Atlanta here, and I LOVE this weather!  High 20s/low 30s is perfect for me, and I never complain about temporary drops well below that.  My dog and I went for a run last night when it was in the high 20s, and I was stripping off layers before I got out of my neighborhood.  Shockingly, we didn't run into a single other runner.  Wimps.


I love it, too!  Cold is SO much nicer than 95 degrees and 10,000 percent humidity.

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 Cold is SO much nicer than 95 degrees and 10,000 percent humidity.


Another reason we moved OUT of FL and far enough north to escape those being regular summer temps.


Still, my comfort zone is 50 - 80 and the 22 I'm seeing on our thermometer right now - with a brisk wind at that - is slightly below that.


Our average high of 53 for this time of year would be quite nice.

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I'm in Alaska, and we had a couple of sub freezing days this week but we're back to the 30s and 40s (which isn't even coat weather here). I love not having to start up my car 20 minutes before we leave! Our puppy keeps getting distracted by the wind and forgetting to pee, and standing out there for too long does get annoying. But when the wind is low, it's pretty pleasant. I really do have to get my tires changed over tomorrow. I'm pushing my luck.

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