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We've Been Rear ended Twice in the last Two Days

Jean in Newcastle

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I would take the car in to get it looked at. The guy's insurance will pay for it since the light came on after the wreck. That is annoying. I hope you et to feeling better. The only wreck I have been in was a rear end wreck, and I was sore for a couple of weeks. Same situation, the lady did not slow down, she hit me going 50.

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Fortunately we were at the end of an exit waiting to merge onto a busy roadway so he was not going 50.  And fortunately he didn't push us into the ongoing traffic.  He did not have his insurance card in the car and the e-mail he promised dh with the information has not come yet.  Dh did get his driver's license info. so hopefully if he can be tracked down.  (Or hopefully the information will be sent by tomorrow.)

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The second time was tonight and was a much bigger hit.  I don't think he was even breaking when he hit us.  Sigh.  Does anyone know what it means if the red airbag light goes on but the airbag didn't deploy?  


Take that magnet off the rear bumper! Is everyone okay? How are the collective necks?


All the warning lights on my dashboard are on and have been for some time  :)  I think your airbag may need to be checked, especially if it stays on for days.

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Yeah, I don't know why our rear bumper has a "hit me" sign on it.  We just paid off the car, too.  So far no necks seem to be bothering anyone.  Dd had the classic whiplash back and forth and I really really really hope that it doesn't affect her neck - esp. with all the migraine/vision/blood pressure/blood sugar stuff going on with her right now (talked about in another thread).  So far so good but I think I read somewhere that symptoms can show up a day later or something like that.

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Fortunately we were at the end of an exit waiting to merge onto a busy roadway so he was not going 50.  And fortunately he didn't push us into the ongoing traffic.  He did not have his insurance card in the car and the e-mail he promised dh with the information has not come yet.  Dh did get his driver's license info. so hopefully if he can be tracked down.  (Or hopefully the information will be sent by tomorrow.)


Was a police report filed?  If so, if you don't hear from him today, I'd be contacting them.  Even if one hadn't been filed, I'd be contacting them if you get nothing today.


Sorry it happened to you (esp twice!).  I really, really wish people would actually pay attention to their driving when they drive (sigh).


I hope all remains ok health-wise from this and soreness gets better soon.  :grouphug:


And :grouphug: for all the health issues you and your daughter are already dealing with.

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Fortunately we were at the end of an exit waiting to merge onto a busy roadway so he was not going 50.  And fortunately he didn't push us into the ongoing traffic.  He did not have his insurance card in the car and the e-mail he promised dh with the information has not come yet.  Dh did get his driver's license info. so hopefully if he can be tracked down.  (Or hopefully the information will be sent by tomorrow.)


In Texas I always had the insurance card, etc., in the glove compartment of my car. I believe here in Colombia, if one does not have proof of insurance, etc., with them, and they are stopped by the Transit Police, or involved in an accident, their vehicle will be impounded...


Contact your car insurance company this morning and report the accident to them!  If the other party cannot be found, or does not have insurance, they will probably pay from your Uninsured Motorists coverage or other coverage. You must report this accident to your car insurance company, immediately.


Sorry about the 2 accidents and I hope nobody has any injuries like whiplash.

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Not an insurance agent here, but I do have a bit of BTDT,

Do you have a picture of the damage done before he hit you--the damage done by the first hit?

It will help when the insurance companies start arguing. You may be in for a long argument over what part of the bumper is fixed by which company.

The red light means the bag needs service. You cannot count on it to work the way it should. Take the car to a dealership for diagnosis only. Do not let them fix it. Air bag deployment is used to help gauge the speed of the collision.

If yours was not functioning before he the hit you,  you need to prove it. Otherwise they will think it was a tap--the air bag did not deploy-- when it was actually a bang--the air bag should have deployed and didn’t.

Was the red light on before the second hit?


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Insurance claim was filed immediately after both accidents.  Pictures were taken of the damage in both accidents.  No police report was filed.  I haven't seen dh yet, but hopefully he has heard from the guy who hit us by now.  If not he will be calling to let them know that.  


The red light was not on prior to the second accident.  


I'm feeling ok this morning.  I took pain meds before bed last night to keep myself from tensing up more.  I haven't seen dh or dd yet.  

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Jean, do you have Arnica Montana pellets handy? You would need a few vials because you have to take a few pellets every couple of hours. They are available in the health food store and can work wonders if administered early. Even with no symptoms (yet), I'd take them and give them to everyone who was in the car.

I dosed up my son after his "flying over a fence" accident couple of years ago and he never developed any soreness or bruising even though he hit his head on the driver's side window.

Prophylactic measures won't hurt.

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I used to work in claims - First, always call to let the police know there's been an accident. You want the police report, particularly when it comes to comparative negligence. Plus, depending on state law, if the damage is over a certain amount, it is likely required.


Second, definitely contact your own insurance company. I'm all for the other driver's insurance company paying everything, but in states where comparative negligence comes into play, it's better to be out 20% of your deductible vs. 20% of the entire repair. The benefit of going through your own insurance company is that they'll track down the other driver and/or their insurance company. When we dealt with claims, if we knew the driver's name/insurance co/etc, we would track their policy down and file a claim for them. If not, then we'd attempt to contact the other driver and work that way. Otherwise, this is where UIM/UM coverage helps. And yes, in multiple accident situations, your insurance company can go to bat for you. Much preferable to arguing with the other company yourself.


Third, if there's any doubt in your mind that the pain might be as a result of the accident, go in now. The insurance company will be much more likely to pay bills related to an accident if you go in relatively soon after vs. if you wait awhile to go in. Make sure you tell your care provider that you want to be seen because of the accident so that the diagnosis codes on the bill and medical records reflect the accident. This is also where the police report would be helpful. If you are in an accident and you feel pain/discomfort as a result, the officer will usually note that. Also helpful in getting claims paid should you be injured.


As for the light - take it in to get checked out. Better to be safe. If it needs to be repaired/replaced, then insurance should take care of that. Let your insurance company know you'd like to do that, they'll let you know the process to follow.

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