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Help name my babies!


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What are the triplet boys named in the show "My Three Sons?" I always forget. I think there's a Robby and a Charlie.


Our boys' middle names are Samuel, Nathaniel, and Emmanuel. The rhyming was a total oops. Fortunately, I did not inherit my mother's tendency of calling children by their middle names when I am angry.


We do have an Isaiah, an Elijah, and a Henry. One of the names belongs to one of our dogs.


NicAnn, how are you feeling?

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Just remember that your kids will primarily be in your home for 18 years or so. Then they will, God willing, have 60 or more years on their own when they are not primarily identified as part of a sibling group but will be husbands, professionals, parents, or whatever else they make themselves. Give them lovely names that you think they will like, but don't make it about being 'the triplets.' Most of their lives will not be about that - they will only be part of 'the triplets' for these (far too, for you) few years.


My twins love each other. But they would really hate having matchy names or 'theme' names.

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#1 Isaac, Luke, Jake (or Zeke)


#2 Bibbidy, Bobbidy, Boo (though I do like Tiny, Shiny, and Don)

Curly, Larry, Mo

Tic, Tac, Toe



Oh brother, I could carry this on forever, getting worse each round. Maybe I need to get off the computer. . .

#1 Benjamin, Luke, Thomas

#2 BLT

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Just remember that your kids will primarily be in your home for 18 years or so. Then they will, God willing, have 60 or more years on their own when they are not primarily identified as part of a sibling group but will be husbands, professionals, parents, or whatever else they make themselves. Give them lovely names that you think they will like, but don't make it about being 'the triplets.' Most of their lives will not be about that - they will only be part of 'the triplets' for these (far too, for you) few years.


My twins love each other. But they would really hate having matchy names or 'theme' names.


You know she's right. Biblical or classical names are great but I would always mix up Ezra, Isaac and Isaiah. Maybe fine for middle names. Will you even tell us what you name them?

I have a 2nd cousin named Jasper, he's in his 20s. His brother is Jordan, 20s also. I wouldn't want to name my kids all starting with the same first letter purposefully, multiples or not.


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My twins love each other. But they would really hate having matchy names or 'theme' names.



There used to be a yearly or so special about conjoined twins, probably ran on TLC. One set of twins featured every special was joined at the forehead, and their parents had named them Laurie and Dorie. Except that when they grew up, Dorie changed her name, probably because she was sick of it. Bad enough to be literally joined at the hip forehead without having to be all matchy-matchy about it!


As any rate, as anybody with siblings knows, parents already mix up names all the time even if they sound dissimilar and the kids don't look alike. Heck, when I'm yelling at one kid, half the time I yell out a cat's name before I get to the bottom of the list and remember which name fits the face! But if you give your twins matching names, you just know that every time you mix them up they're going to think it's your fault and it would never have happened if they had normal names.


Make life easier, don't really make them too obviously matching.

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Another vote for Jayne, Malcolm, and River.


With little Jayne hats and brown onesies.


It'll be awesome.


Or ...


James, Leonard, and Scott (yeah, I know it's his surname, BUT). You can then dress them in gold/blue/red onesies and it'll be AWESOME.

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How about a combination of 1 and 2: Isaac, Isaiah and Idunno. Or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? Or Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar?


Catagory 2:

Cedar, Pine and Woody

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Larry, Curly and Moe

Starboy, Rainbow and Harmonious

Wat, Why and Who



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Gabriel, Michael and Raphael (poor raphie! The other two names are fairly normal though, we hope to call our first boy Gabriel, and if we had triplet boys I would seriously consider this combo myself.)


Abraham, Issac, Jacob


Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail :D

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Oh yay! Love Simon!


Isaac, Simon and Henry. Sigh. Need more boys so I can name them these names...

Me, too, I started loving the name Simon when i read Kristin Lavransdater.

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My twins don't have remotely similar names and I still call them by their brother's name, although they look nothing alike. Whether I am sleep deprived or not.

It's worse when sleep deprived and angry then they are all named "AuKayHunIz...which ever you are get over here!"  I have 2 little girls in my daycare, 1 is 4 the other just turned 6.  The 6 yr old made name tags for the 2 of them because I am forever calling them by each other's names.  I know which is which but mess it up often enough the 6 yr made name tags.  It will be easier in sept, 6 yr old comes with me to my afterschool care, little sis stays in the daycare


As for names, I prefer the classic list, though the fun list is pretty awesome


If I was to have anymore sons I would go with Liam, Hayden and Declan (not exactly biblical especially since Hayden means heathen lol but it would work for my kids haha)


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