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Well, he's gone...

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We just left DH at the airport to begin this year long deployment. It just flat out sucks. The baby threw himself on the ground screaming - "NO! DADDY!" on the way out of the airport. An older business woman stopped and said, "Now, it can't be that bad!". I explained that it could be that bad, his daddy had just left for a year. I don't think she knew what to say. I hate this! I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.



Alright, carry on. Just had to gripe for a minute.

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:grouphug: I am sorry he had to go, shame ont hat lady for saying anything to your little guy. Later today find a reason to lock yourself in the bathroom run the water and have a good cry. I'll keep your family in my prayers, as you dh does his duty and mostly while you keep it all together on the homefront while he is gone.

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I'm so sorry! :grouphug:


I know the ache in my heart when dh leaves and it is never for that type of separation or length of time. Sending hugs your way and hoping that you can get through these first days with some moments to cry or process that pain and not have the little ones upset, too! That's extra hard!

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We just left DH at the airport to begin this year long deployment. It just flat out sucks. The baby threw himself on the ground screaming - "NO! DADDY!" on the way out of the airport. An older business woman stopped and said, "Now, it can't be that bad!". I explained that it could be that bad, his daddy had just left for a year. I don't think she knew what to say. I hate this! I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.



Alright, carry on. Just had to gripe for a minute.


I'm sorry. It's so, so hard. Thank you for your sacrifice.

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We just left DH at the airport to begin this year long deployment. It just flat out sucks. The baby threw himself on the ground screaming - "NO! DADDY!" on the way out of the airport. An older business woman stopped and said, "Now, it can't be that bad!". I explained that it could be that bad, his daddy had just left for a year. I don't think she knew what to say. I hate this! I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.



Alright, carry on. Just had to gripe for a minute.


I'm sorry! :grouphug: My heart aches for you and your little ones. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I am so sorry you have to go through this. I wish there was something I could say to help, but I don't think there is any words. Just know that you can vent here anytime and I will be sending prayers up for you. My ds just want off to Basic Training and I am missing him. I can't imagine if my dh were leaving for a year. Thank you for your family's sacrifices. Hugs and prayers to you.

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I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.


I know just how you feel, but for different reasons. Sometimes it sucks having to be a grown up.


I'm so sorry for what you're going through and will keep you and your family in my prayers. Thank you for the sacrifice you all make.



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We just left DH at the airport to begin this year long deployment. It just flat out sucks. The baby threw himself on the ground screaming - "NO! DADDY!" on the way out of the airport. An older business woman stopped and said, "Now, it can't be that bad!". I explained that it could be that bad, his daddy had just left for a year. I don't think she knew what to say. I hate this! I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.


:grouphug::grouphug: and our very sincere gratitude to your husband and your family for what you are giving up to serve us. I'll be praying for him and for your family.

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I'm so sorry. It does just suck. Allow yourself some grieving though. I know you have to be strong but it's important that you allow yourself to feel. If it helps, I cry in the shower so the kids don't see me. Of course, you can't take showers all dang day, but still.

I'll be thinking of you. I've watched my friend go through deployments for the last 2 years. He was gone for all but 5 months of the last 24. I can't imagine what you're going through but I do understand how hard it is to hold it together.

Hang in there.

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I'm so sorry. I can totally feel your pain, as we just finished up a 15 month deployment. I've done 12 months too. I know it's tough, but try to focus on the positive...like the fact that your dh is doing 12 rather than 15 months? I know it isn't much, but I took comfort in the little things while dh was gone. I do think the beginning is the worst though. Once you all get used to your new "normal" routine, it gets better. Not easier, but better. Hugs to you.

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I'm sorry.


Just last night I was lamenting the fact the DH's 1-week trip out of the country got moved up a day, so now we'll be "gone" the day he leaves, so our good-byes will have to be moved up 2 extra days. Gripe, gripe, gripe.




Thank you for the sacrifices you make for us. It is appreciated. You will be in my prayers.

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I am thankful for yours and your husbands sacrifice but I am sorry that you have to go through it. :grouphug::grouphug: I am not sure where in Texas you are at, but my dh is pretty good at fixing things when they go wrong, we are in Houston and would be happy to help if the need arises. I know you feel alone, but with all of us, you know that you are not.


And, shame on that woman for even saying anything! It truly amazes me at the rudness some people present themselves with.



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We just left DH at the airport to begin this year long deployment. It just flat out sucks. The baby threw himself on the ground screaming - "NO! DADDY!" on the way out of the airport. An older business woman stopped and said, "Now, it can't be that bad!". I explained that it could be that bad, his daddy had just left for a year. I don't think she knew what to say. I hate this! I hate being a grown up and responsible for cheering up these kids because I just want to sit down and cry.



Alright, carry on. Just had to gripe for a minute.


many :grouphug:


I say you should all have a good cry together, pray, and then eat some ice cream sundaes (with 3 scoops!) while laughing about funny things he does.

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You are all so kind! We're feeling better and will "keep on keepin on". There are so many exciting things we'll be doing this year, so I know it will go quickly. It is just so hard to have no words of comfort for your babies. Oldest dd was saying how she hates the army, and I do too some days. But it is our reality right now and we'll get through. People ask at church all the time how I do it and I say, "What's the alternative???" We all have to do things we don't want to do and don't like at some point in our lives!


Thank you for your prayers and good wishes. It truly does help.


(BTW, your good wishes pushed me to 3 squares! WOO HOO! There's a silver lining to every cloud!!!)

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