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Acne care for pre-teen skin?


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My dd is almost 11 and has had little white bumps cropping up for a while, most on forehead but also in other spots (less than the forehead though).


She's using a wash that has salycic (so?) a I'd but I'm not sure it's doing anything.


On acne.org, they recommend benzoyl peroxide, but I'm reading conflicting stuff about it and whether we should try it (I know it's bleaching also).


I suffered with skin issues and hate this for her. Stupid genes!!


Any suggestions?

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I would google two things:


Brags apple cider vinegar diluted as an astringent for acne


Pantothenic Acid (or B5) if she has oily skin



Zinc, A, and Biotin are great too.



These all cleared my my daughter's skin.

Did she take chelated zinc? Do you have a link? Do you have links to the other products? I'm going to google the brags apple cider when we get home!


Thanks for your further help!!!


Also - did she have side effects from the zinc?

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My daughter takes a product called Clearzine, which has it all in the pill. It took a couple of weeks to see results. You don't need to buy that though, just purchase them separately - much cheaper! When we run out of our bottles, I'm going to just buy them individually. Yes, it is chelated zinc. It also has selenium, witch hazel, and Co Q10 in the pill - but I don't plan to include those.


The apple cider vinegar has been great for balancing out her skin. It smells! But it goes away once it is dry. We use it once a week on our hair as a conditioning rinse too :)


ETA - no side effects for my daughter at all.

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My son is taking Chelated Zinc now, and I really think it makes a difference. He had a different type of Zinc before but we didn't see any changes. I don't know what that chelated part is but since his acne diminished drastically, I just feel I have to attribute that Chelated Zinc. He's not had any side effects that I'm aware of. He takes 50 mg. a day. I wish, wish, wish I had him washing his face as his acne started. He wasn't bothered by it so I didn't think about it. But now he's scarred and I feel guilty. He uses Benzoyl Peroxide cream once a day. I just can't get him to do twice a day. I don't know if that would make a difference.

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Where do you all buy chelated zinc? Can someone provide a link for a good one? How do you know how much to give?


I didn't really get a good answer to how much to give when I asked. I ordered from Puritan's Pride because that is where my mom gets her vitamins and supplements. Their prices looked really good to me. I believe they offered a 25mg and 50mg tablet. I chose the 50mg. and my son takes one per day. He hasn't had any side effects.

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Organic Argan oil. Wash face with mild cleanser and apply a drop to moist skin. This also works as a moisturizer. I get mine from amazon

Can anyone suggest a great natural and gentle face wash?


And a fabulous moisturizer that's super gentle and for sensitive skin?

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My dermatologist recommends cetaphil and we've had good luck with them.


I know all the dermatologists recommend Cetaphil, but it has so much crap in it that I just cannot do it. I've had sensitive skin my entire life, and I'm so scared of putting anything yucky on my face to make it worse, kwim?

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I have to say, that only one of my children had pre-teen acne, and she is the one who inherited the very worst cystic acne that tends to run in the family.   I don't know if there is a correlation between that and pre-teen acne.  Make sure you keep an eye on it and nip it in the bud before it gets really bad.  It wasn't too bad for my daughter for several years, and she was able to control it with zinc and washing her hair daily and her face twice/day.  But we could never fully get rid of it, and as she got to her middle teen years, nothing worked until we saw a dermatologist and went on prescription meds.  I didn't want to do that but I wanted to help her so very much, plus I worried about the scarring that comes with cystic acne.  The prescription meds made all the difference!  It took 4 months before we saw any change at all, but now her skin is beautiful.  She is on two prescription creams, a daily antibiotic, and birth control.  It sounds like a lot, but what do you do?  It was really terrible before, and now her skin is clear and beautiful.  She is going off the antibiotic but will remain on the creams and the birth control (and zinc!), at least for now.





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Can anyone suggest a great natural and gentle face wash?


And a fabulous moisturizer that's super gentle and for sensitive skin?

Great natural face wash that also moisturizes... Raw Honey. A and I do honey masks. Just slather it on, hang out for a few minutes, then rinse off with warm water. It is amazing how easily it rinses off. No sticky residue like one would assume.


But our best acne "treatment" for her was getting rid of the gluten and dairy. Acne wasn't our reason, but it is a nice side effect. Hers was getting really bad already. :(


Eta: For extra moisturizers that are natural/gentle I use either Coconut, jojoba, or argan oil. I have all of them, so I just grab whatever I feel like using if I need extra moisture. A very little bit goes a long way.

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If you have insurance to cover it, I'd suggest a visit to a dermatologist.  If there's really a problem (like my son had) she'll probably be able to tell, and also provide lots of helpful information.  


Nothing OTC helped my son, neither did zinc or eliminating dairy or any of those nice, natural ideas.  :(  We had to use meds from the Dr.  Now his skin is beautiful.  I'm very thankful we had coverage for a dermatologist.

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Can anyone suggest a great natural and gentle face wash?


And a fabulous moisturizer that's super gentle and for sensitive skin?




And for myself, I have to use a toner, also, which makes my face-cleansing routine this: wash with soap/other product, gently apply toner with cotton ball or pad, moisturize. I've been doing that since I was about 18yo. :-)

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Clay masks with sulphur help my two acne kids a lot. They use them about once a week. DD has found that tea tree oil is also very beneficial for her. She has been the route of the dermatologist and done Accutane. It helped for almost a year before her acne came back. Birth control pills have helped her more than anything else, but I wasn't willing to have her on them until she was older. I don't like hormones in very young teens! Or in older for that matter, but it is less risky than the Accutane treatment again which is where the dermatologist would go. So, she uses some sort of face wash, benz. peroxide cream, sulphur mask, and tea tree oil. She kind of varies it all in use. If she keeps constant, her skin seems to become tolerant. DS uses wipes with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide cream, and sulphur clay mask. He won't use tea tree oil because of the smell. Personally, I kind of like the way it smells! Their skin isn't perfect by any means, but it is much better than without.

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I make soap, and have been having my children wash with natural honey oatmeal milk soap. It has worked well, but not perfect, especially the once per month flare up with my 15 yo daughter. I ran across an article suggesting Activated Charcoal soap. As it happened, I used Activated Charcoal to color my "lump of coal" soap, and since I had extras, I figured why not try it. We were all shocked at the almost immediate difference.


I'm not telling you this as an advertisement :), just to let you know what you might look for!!


As for other treatment, changing the pillowcase daily, washing and doing Witch Hazel for toner and Coconut Oil for a moisterizer is all we do. Obviously we're some of *those* kinds of people ;)


Best of Luck!!

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I would recommend against anything that dries out the skin.  I really think that it makes the oil glands make more oil.  My 13yo just started getting pimples and I am having her wash her skin with coconut oil (and I really like the honey idea)  I refuse to allow her to use any sort of peroxide.  If her hair gets too oily, I will put cornstarch in it for a day , then wash. 

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I know all the dermatologists recommend Cetaphil, but it has so much crap in it that I just cannot do it. I've had sensitive skin my entire life, and I'm so scared of putting anything yucky on my face to make it worse, kwim?


If you're looking to go all-natural, I really :001_tt1: love  :001_tt1: the soaps from Chagrin Valley Soaps (website of same name).  They have some that are especially good for acne prone skin, but they aren't drying since they're so oil-rich.  They have great descriptions of their soaps on the site.


What about buying your child something like a Clarisonic Mia?  We use the gentle/sensitive skin brush head.


I also love products from Garden of Wisdom.  They have a wealth of info on their site, too.  I buy my jojoba oil from there but they have *so much* good stuff.


I used to use witch hazel toner, but it was drying me out.  I've switched to Clinques gentlest toning lotion (recommended by Paula's Choice, like that matters, LOL).  I quite like it, though.

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I would recommend against anything that dries out the skin.  I really think that it makes the oil glands make more oil.  My 13yo just started getting pimples and I am having her wash her skin with coconut oil (and I really like the honey idea)  I refuse to allow her to use any sort of peroxide.  If her hair gets too oily, I will put cornstarch in it for a day , then wash. 


I worry about the peroxide also, but gosh, I'm worried because I know I had all kinds of issues and nothing really helped. When I was a teen, I eventually tried Accutane (twice) and that actually worked well, but it had other side effects (my lips will always be dry until the day I die, for example).


I just hope to help her avoid the same issues I had!


Our insurance does cover a dermatologist, but I'm afraid the derm will just say "use Benzol peroxide", which is what her ped said when we asked.


I hate acne! Hate it. She's not even 11 yet, so I know things are going to get worse :(

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One of  my sons had horrendous cystic acne all over his face, shoulders and back. We tried many different treatements, over the counter and home remedies. The dermatologist prescribed accutane. When my son read the warnings, he refused to take it. Instead he quite using any products on his skin at all and just washed with warm water and and a wash cloth. Within a week he was dramatically healing. Within a month, no more cysts, just "normal" pimples. Those were controlled by eliminating dairy. The worst dairy offenders were butter, cheese, and sour cream, all high in fat. Milk on occasion wasn't too bad.


Now, I also no longer use any cleansing products on my skin, just water and a wash cloth. I moisturize with extra virgin coconut oil and I occasionally use this mask: 1 aspirin crushed to a powder, mixed with 1/2 tsp honey and 1 teaspoon yogurt. I've also found that butter and cheese are prone to give me break-outs, even though mine are very mild.


After this experience, I tend to believe that just regular washing (daily showering and washing face before bed) with warm water, and keeping greasy hair and dirty pillow cases off the face, is better than many cleansing solutions. I think the cleansers may actually aggravate the problem in many cases.

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My son used accutane and has had incredible results.  He skin looks perfect now -- smooth, completely clear.  It's hard to believe, really.  His acne had gotten out of control.  :(  I really felt for him. 


He sure didn't like the dry lips during the treatment or the initial breakout at the beginning, but he is now so glad he did it.  His acne had started when he was only 9.  The Dr. said that was not unusual for someone who is headed for cystic acne.  Dr. said some people have cystic acne for 20 years.  


He used retin A and a topical antibiotic with success for several years.  Then the puberty hormones kicked in and nothing would touch it.  We tried all kinds of natural approaches -- like many that have been suggested here.  Wonderful that those work for some, but just wanted to share the success we had with the accutane in case you decide that may be necessary.  

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I worry about the peroxide also, but gosh, I'm worried because I know I had all kinds of issues and nothing really helped. When I was a teen, I eventually tried Accutane (twice) and that actually worked well, but it had other side effects (my lips will always be dry until the day I die, for example).


I just hope to help her avoid the same issues I had!


Our insurance does cover a dermatologist, but I'm afraid the derm will just say "use Benzol peroxide", which is what her ped said when we asked.


I hate acne! Hate it. She's not even 11 yet, so I know things are going to get worse :(

I see now that you already know all about accutane -- oops.  Didn't read carefully.


My pediatrician had nothing helpful to offer, but the pediatric dermatologist was excellent and so helpful.  I'm glad we went early enough to prevent lots of scarring.  He does have a bit, but nothing like he would have had had we waited several more years.  


How does your daughter feel about her skin?  I think that's important to consider.  If it doesn't bother her too much, and it isn't bad enough yet to scar, no reason to hurry to a dermatologist.  She can always go later if she needs to.  So sorry you're having to deal with this.  It was harder than I would have thought, especially since it started so early.  I worried so much about just how bad it would get.  

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  • 3 months later...

My dd is almost 11 and has had little white bumps cropping up for a while, most on forehead but also in other spots (less than the forehead though).


She's using a wash that has salycic (so?) a I'd but I'm not sure it's doing anything.


On acne.org, they recommend benzoyl peroxide, but I'm reading conflicting stuff about it and whether we should try it (I know it's bleaching also).


I suffered with skin issues and hate this for her. Stupid genes!!


Any suggestions?


For her age and that it's only little white bumps, I would suggest any gentle face cleanser (my dds like CVS brand, lol) before bed and plain old Stridex pads.  Keep it simple.

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This is what worked for me in high school:  After showering in the evening, take an ice cube and run it over the entire face, just to get the skin cold.  Pat dry.  Apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide gel (not cream) over all the areas that break out (not just on individual pimples).  Low-concentration gels (2.5%-5% benzoyl peroxide) are less irritating.  In the morning, wash face with warm water only.  It took a few weeks to work, but it was lovely to go from bumpy skin to smooth, soft skin.


I think special cleansers, scrubs, and astringents are too drying and make the skin produce more oil.  I second (or third) the recommendation for changing pillowcases often. 

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Looks like this is an older thread but I guess the topic is always relevant to someone!  I wanted to add a couple natural products that have so far worked well for another daughter of mine.


She has been using tea tree cream as a topical (this one):




And has been doing the coconut oil pull daily for a couple weeks.  (You can google it!  I know it sounds strange.)

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  • 2 months later...

I know all the dermatologists recommend Cetaphil, but it has so much crap in it that I just cannot do it. I've had sensitive skin my entire life, and I'm so scared of putting anything yucky on my face to make it worse, kwim?



I completely agree.  Used that in my past and knew it wasn't good.  The CLEAR glycerin soap bar is the best.
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DD started with this acne business when she was 11.  I was stunned because my skin has always been blemish-free and I admit it bothered the daylights out of me, but DH had acne as a teen so she must have inherited it from him.  I took her to the Clinique counter and got their "Acne Solutions" line and DD's skin was lovely in about a month.  This will not work for all kids, but it's an easy solution to the issue if it works for your kid.  You must follow the regimen carefully, or it's not going to work.  DD tried to slack off on skin care (she actually doesn't care she has acne!), and I knew immediately that she hadn't been following the 4-step cleaning process faithfully.  I think it works because it just keeps oils off the face, like OnceUponATime mentioned.  If it's going to work for your child, you'll see the results in a month.  If not, high tail it to the doc for a prescription.  Cetaphil did nothing for my kid.


ETA:  My DH had to go on Accutane when it was still in it's trial phase.  Nothing else worked for him, but he said that worked fast and the acne never came back.  He also said it dried his skin out   But, oh, that stuff is dangerous; as much as DD's acne drives me nuts, I think I'd rather live with the acne. *Shudder*

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DD started with this acne business when she was 11. I was stunned because my skin has always been blemish-free and I admit it bothered the daylights out of me, but DH had acne as a teen so she must have inherited it from him. I took her to the Clinique counter and got their "Acne Solutions" line and DD's skin was lovely in about a month. This will not work for all kids, but it's an easy solution to the issue if it works for your kid. You must follow the regiment carefully, or it's not going to work. DD tried to slack off on skin care (she actually doesn't care she has acne!), and I knew immediately that she hadn't been following the (4-step cleaning process) faithfully. I think it works because it just keeps oils off the face, like OnceUponATIme mentioned. If it's going to work for your child, you'll see the results in a month. If not, high tail it to the doc for a prescription. Cetaphil did nothing for my kid.


TEA: My DH had to go on Accutane when it was still in it's trial phase. Nothing else worked for him, but he said that worked fast and the acne never came back. He also said it dried his skin out But, oh, that stuff is dangerous; as much as DD's acne drives me nuts, I think I'd rather live with the acne. *Shudder*

At least with a daughter, one treatment option is an oral contraceptive (not at 11, but if something's needs when older). Our dermatologist said these carry much less risk than things like Acutane (in terms of its use for acne control).

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At least with a daughter, one treatment option is an oral contraceptive (not at 11, but if something's needs when older). Our dermatologist said these carry much less risk than things like Acutane (in terms of its use for acne control).


I know for some kids b/c works wonders and seems harmless...but it does alter their hormones at a tender age.

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DS (10) and I both use tea tree oil soap from Trader Joe's. We also take a good probiotic (Renew Life) and good multi vitamin. My life has been better since going GF, but I would assume any food intolerance has the potential to do the same. If you really think gut issues are at the bottom of things, I recommend trying an elimination diet where you eliminate nearly everything and then put it back in. Gluten was at the bottom of the my troubles with dairy (and I do MUCH better with organic dairy). Giving up one food group at a time might not reveal much.


Gelatin is great for healing gut issues. You can use plain gelatin and add it to soups, etc. There are many recipes out there that don't involved sugary desserts. Bone broth is a great way to get more into your diet.

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What worked for me is the Neutrogena Complete Acne Treatment Kit (not sure if that's the name?) It comes with a face wash (active ingredient salicylic acid), a lotion (active ingredient benzoyl peroxide), and a special sunscreen, since benzoyl peroxide makes the skin more sensitive to sun. It's all in one box. You have to stick with it for about two months to really see what it can do. I used it morning and night for about a year. Now I only use it when I shower, which is anywhere from every other day to every morning. 


This worked better than Proactiv. Maybe it's because it combines salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, whereas Proactiv is only benzoyl peroxide? The other plus is that it's easier to get than Proactiv: you can get the Neurogena at a regular grocery department store (be forewarned, it's pricey.) 

I do have to say, though, perhaps I didn't try Proactiv long enough. I had to stop using it because the smell of the products I couldn't stand at all. It made me feel so nauseated.


I tried so many things before this. Eliminations: dairy, sugar: nothing. Natural remedies: tea tree oil, vinegar internally and externally (I would even rub vinegar over my whole face. It stung so bad. I would also drink water with Apple Cider Vinegar in it.), a natural face wash & lotion supposed to help acne, hydrogen peroxide. Nothing. Salicylic washes & lotions. Nothing. 


It was such a relief to find something that really works. Hope you can help your daughter! 

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My 16-year-old daughter had a stubborn acne breakout on her forehead that her Clarasonic and routine products weren't touching. I was about to make a derm appointment for. A few days ago she broke out a sample of Bare Minerals Deep Cleansing Foam and after three uses it's almost clear.


We're shocked. And pleased.




I use Clinique oily skin soap and clarifying lotion and it does help a lot. My daughter likes more girly, scented products.

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We use the Alba acne line of products here. Also what made the biggest difference for us was a powered cleansing brush. I know some are really expensive but you can find ones that aren't. Having an brush that rotated really allowed for a better clean, and removing all the dead cells. 

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