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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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  • 2 weeks later...

December 16, 2014


Just a quick update.


Following the bone marrow aspiration, ds' platelets fell even more - by eighteen.  Doctors remained concerned.


The results of the aspiration are now in.  The doctor left a message on the phone.  I jotted down key phrases.  What you are about to read are quotes from the doctor.


--Good news.

--Bone marrow biopsy is negative.

--It shows no incidence of leukemia whatsoever.

--Obviously a fantastic result.

--I'm very excited for you.


--Will put that in your chart.

--Will fax to [transplant] doctors.


--Great news.

--Happy Christmas.


Praise God for this wonderful report!


Ds had his next checkup a few days ago, and his platelets had again fallen slightly, while the rest of the CBC's are in the low end of normal.  The doctor said his aspiration was very clear and these counts are a delayed reaction to the last round of chemo.


Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers!  We need them.


Ds is still looking at January's end for the transplant - a time that is fast approaching.


We are so thankful that the One Who has all power is holding onto us . . .

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UPDATE Posted December 16, 2014 at #564


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UPDATE Posted December 2, 2014 at #538


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UPDATE Posted November 5, 2014 at #518


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UPDATE Posted September 23, 2014 at #504


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UPDATE Posted August 13, 2014 at #491


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THANK YOU Posted July 29, 2014 at #489

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UPDATE Posted July 5, 2014 at #455

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UPDATE Posted May 27, 2014 at #437

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UPDATE Posted May 1, 2014 at #403 (it's long - sorry)

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UPDATE Posted April 11, 2014 at #341.

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UPDATE Posted March 24, 2014 at #325.

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UPDATE Posted March 11, 2014 at #293.

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UPDATE Posted February 21, 2014 at #226.

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UPDATE Posted January 8, 2014 at #120.

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I would greatly appreciate your prayers.


In November, ds (a two-time cancer/leukemia survivor) celebrated six years in remission.


Yesterday, he had his scheduled check-up. ALL of his blood counts are SIGNIFICANTLY subnormal. This is VERY serious, and he would rather that I not put in print what the possibilities include. Instead of a four-month check-up, he is now scheduled for follow-up blood work and another exam on January 8 at 2:00 p.m.




Additionally, he is currently experiencing such extreme back pain that the doctor prescribed a pain killer for him. 


We greatly desire any and all prayers!




Blessed be the name of the Lord.


I am so sorry!! I will be praying.

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  • 4 weeks later...

January 9, 2015

And the Answer Is . . . 

This is a hard day, and a momentous day, and another day to honor God. 

Ds has given his decision. 

This has been a trying time for all of us.  Nonetheless, ds has 

handled this hard situation in a mature way, and dh and I are so 

very proud of him. He has taken time to reach this decision, going 

from no-way a year ago, to thinking and praying about it, doing medical 

research, and seeking counsel, including spiritual counsel, on an 

almost weekly basis. 

He said he knew a few weeks ago; however, he asked our pastor to switch 

from praying that he would get an answer, to praying whether he had the

right answer. 

Here it is in a nutshell:  Ds said that he does not want to go, 

he does not believe that medically he needs to go as he believes


God has healed himhowever,

:  "I'm supposed to go."


He is scheduled locally for a check-up on Monday, January 12, and will 

let the oncologist know.  He will also phone the hospital on Monday. 

The timing is yet to be determined.  He has been battling the same 

virus since before Christmas that many in the area have been battling, 

and would like to get over that first.  There is also the issue of 

getting the stem cells ordered and received.  Additionally, he has

a few things he still wants to get ready.  He is thinking the end of 

January, possibly even into February. 

Please keep praying!  For healing of the virus.  For the timing. 


For dh's role as on-site caregiver. Job related issues and finances.  

Me.  Most especially for ds, that God will continue to take him 

mercifully through this, miraculously . . . 

On a separate note, since some of you have asked, I am still using 

borrowed computer time, but I have recently set up a facebook page. 

I am not sure just where I am going with it, as I am still hesitant in 

the world of social media. 

Thank you for your continued prayer support - we need it, as the One 

Who has all power continues to hold on to us . . . 

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

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UPDATE Posted January 9, 2015 at #587 - And the Answer Is . . .


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UPDATE Posted December 16, 2014 at #564


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UPDATE Posted December 2, 2014 at #538


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UPDATE Posted November 5, 2014 at #518


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UPDATE Posted September 23, 2014 at #504


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UPDATE Posted August 13, 2014 at #491


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THANK YOU Posted July 29, 2014 at #489


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UPDATE Posted July 5, 2014 at #455

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UPDATE Posted May 27, 2014 at #437

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UPDATE Posted May 1, 2014 at #403 (it's long - sorry)

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UPDATE Posted April 11, 2014 at #341.

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UPDATE Posted March 24, 2014 at #325.

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UPDATE Posted March 11, 2014 at #293.

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UPDATE Posted February 21, 2014 at #226.

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UPDATE Posted January 8, 2014 at #120.

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I would greatly appreciate your prayers.


In November, ds (a two-time cancer/leukemia survivor) celebrated six years in remission.


Yesterday, he had his scheduled check-up. ALL of his blood counts are SIGNIFICANTLY subnormal. This is VERY serious, and he would rather that I not put in print what the possibilities include. Instead of a four-month check-up, he is now scheduled for follow-up blood work and another exam on January 8 at 2:00 p.m.




Additionally, he is currently experiencing such extreme back pain that the doctor prescribed a pain killer for him. 


We greatly desire any and all prayers!




Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Praying for total healing and restoration...and the peace that passes all understanding. 

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Thank you.  Continuing to pray, and congratulations.  But....if there is no evidence of leukemia, why does he need the transplant? 


Excellent question, and one of many that we also asked.


The reason he still needs the transplant is because he has relapsed twice - this is his third time fighting the same type cancer.  He stayed in remission very long both times (4.25 years the first time and 6 years the second).  One doctor described it sort of like this:  Think of a bee hive.  The first and second times, the chemo and radiation got all the bees in the hive except for the queen bee.  The queen went into hiding and continued to put out progeny.  When there was enough, it overwhelmed his system and the relapse showed in the tests.  After two relapses, they can only conclude that they still haven't gotten the queen bee (every single cancer cell); hence, the transplant.  


Technically, there is no way to prove they didn't get every single cell the last time.  But, since he relapsed after six years, the odds favor that they are not getting all the cancer so it would keep coming back until it would ultimately take his life.  The only recourse or hope of getting every cell is transplant.


Also, in order to do the transplant, he has to be in remission.  That is why he had the three rounds of chemo earlier this year (April, May, September) - first to put him in remission, then to keep him in remission until the transplant.  Before they do the transplant, they will spend eight days doing pre-stuff, which will include more chemo.


This is the best I can explain it, as I am not a medical person, but I hope this helps.


Thank you for praying!  We appreciate it so very much!  

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  • 1 month later...

March 14, 2015


Just a quick update.  Things are moving along . . . slowly.


The insurance required that ds have ALL the testing he's already had over the past  year -- re-done.  To that end, he and dh spent a couple days at the transplant hospital last week. The blood results all came back very good - Praise God!  He received comments on how very good he looks - again, all praise to God!


He DOES look good!  As healthy as anyone . . .  We've had quite a bit of snow this year - he's been out shoveling for us and for the neighbors.  He remains very active, in other words.


This week, he and dh must return to the hospital for one final test, the results of the rest of the tests from last week, another consultation, and ds must also re-sign the release forms. At this point, they will order the delivery of the stem cells.  According to hospital personnel, it will likely be two or three weeks from then, that he will be admitted for the start of the bone marrow transplant.


For the first month, he will be in the hospital.  Commensurate with the second month (all things going well - which I/we expect), he will be released to another facility where dh will join him.  At that point, dh will be totally out of work as he has been unable to unearth any online work, though he continues to look.


I cannot say enough how incredible God is!  When I think of the times over these past twelve years that ds should have been dead according to the doctors, and how just a year ago, the experts said he would be six-feet-under by mid-April 2014 -- and I look at him now, at how good he looks, and think on all that he has done this past year that the doctors said was impossible -- well, God is incredible - HE has the last word - and He's not done yet!


Thank you so much for your good thoughts and prayers sent up for us!  We truly need them, and we thank God for them - and for you. 


Blessed be the name of the Lord.



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Thank you for the update. I'll be in prayer about his upcoming transplant and employment for your husband. I'm sure your son has been through so much already that he is experienced with lengthy hospitalizations. But, it sounds like such a long time to be isolated. Please know that I'd be happy to send a card along to him for encouragement if you want to PM an address. Either way, you and your family are in my prayers. It is an honor to be able to pray for your family. 




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