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I don't have a hobby


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I want a hobby.


I was asked this morning what hobbies I have. (none)


Then, I read this thread about what craft/hobby people are doing this week. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/496895-what-crafthobby-thing-are-you-doing-week-18/


I don't have any hobbies. I feel... something. Lacking? I don't know. I think I would like a hobby, but I'm not sure how to get started. I have many interests, but I'm afraid if I get 'into' something, I'll quit, or it will take forever, be expensive, etc. Is it worth it for me to try to find a 'hobby'?

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Your hobby doesn't have to be a craft. 


If you don't enjoy doing something, stop before you invest a lot of time and money into it.  Hobbies ought to be fun, IMO.


Here are some sites with long lists of hobbies, which according to Avast Antivirus, are safe sites:







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Hobbies are things that are allowed to be quitted, put on hold and ignored for years. They are allowed to take forever. It is ok to eat beans and rice for a week or so now and then so you can afford to indulge. It's nice if you have something to show for yourself for your hours of dedication, but throwing rocks into puddles is as respectable a hobby as any and healthier than some.

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I want a hobby.


I was asked this morning what hobbies I have. (none)


Then, I read this thread about what craft/hobby people are doing this week. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/496895-what-crafthobby-thing-are-you-doing-week-18/


I don't have any hobbies. I feel... something. Lacking? I don't know. I think I would like a hobby, but I'm not sure how to get started. I have many interests, but I'm afraid if I get 'into' something, I'll quit, or it will take forever, be expensive, etc. Is it worth it for me to try to find a 'hobby'?

I posted the quilt in the thread you mentioned. 


I wanted to say that I gave up on that quilt several times.  I started in several years ago, and I would often think that I'm too busy to do it.  Or that I'd do it next summer when I had more time. 


I thought to myself several times that I should have just bought my five year old a quilt.  It would have been cheaper, and it would've been given to him two years ago. 


But now that I'm done, I miss working on it.  I'm planning for another quilt for my older son now. But I do realize it may be years before it gets done.


My advice is to take a class of the hobby you're interested in, or get a book from the library to get started on something.  It's okay if it takes several years, or that you quit for awhile.  In my experience when I finally made up your mind to get it done, it got done.


Good luck.  :)

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For many, many years I didn't have a hobby - unless you count surfing the internet.   But, there were things I always wanted to do, but just didn't have the time (6 kids, homeschooling - you know the drill).    There were a couple of things I did (soaping) that I would do in spurts and then go years without doing it.  There were also some other stops and starts.  I made cherry wine twice from our cherry tree... then the tree died and I lost interest.   As the kids got older, and I had a bit more time, I started blogging.  That was a fun hobby for many years.   I don't do it so much now.  But now that I've retired from homeschooling, and I'm not working outside the home, I have a lot more time to invest in my own interests.   I wanted to learn to weave for many years before I actually had the time, space, and money to pursue it.



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I don't know that hobbies have to be expensive, either.  I didn't have any hobbies until I discovered Zentangle last spring.  I am no artist, but I love drawing Zentangles, and my kids have gotten into it, too.  There are hundreds of free patterns to draw online and regular paper works just fine, so no special tools are needed.  And thanks to another WTM thread, I've bought myself some coloring books for Christmas so I can color, too.  So if we count web surfing, I have three hobbies now. :D

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I don't have a hobby I'm doing at the moment. I've dabbled in various crafts (despite my non-craftiness) in past "seasons of life" and may eventually return to them. Now trying to stay physically active, which takes priority over sitting still, so hours in the day are limited.


Have fun picking out a hobby to try out! If you have a friend who does something you find interesting, that might be a good place to start. She'd have some materials and knowledge to help get you going, and you may be able to add in some social aspect to it, too, if that's appealing. I always found it more fun to have a craft to do with or learn about with a friend. It was more fun and kept me going.

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I took up horseback riding at age 36.....but that is not a cheap hobby and now that I have 3 horses in my back yard, not one you can just ignore for days.


I like the idea of taking a class to see if it is something you enjoy. One of my "hobbies" well, not actually, but something I am trying to do regularly is exercise. I took a 6 week, twice a week, exercise ball class at church. It was free and SO MUCH FUN. I did get some exercise out of it but mostly it was great to get with a group of women from early 20s to 60s to laugh and have fun. I also try to walk with friends whenever schedules and footing allows.


A friend of mine like geocaching as it gets her outside and she can do it with her husband, kids, friends, or alone. and doesn't cost a great deal.


Not really a hobby but if you have regular blocks of time open the local schools or churches often have great need for volunteers to mentor kids, help out in all manner of things, etc. Yesterday I filled in for a lady and made and bagged 150 peanut butter sandwiches for Manna Meal---a program that sends at risk students home with a free meal each night.

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Have you tried letter boxing? It's similar to geocaching, but you don't need a gps. Basically it takes you on a walk on a decent trail to a place you might not have noticed before. All you need is a rubber stamp, a notebook, and directions to a box (free online). Just go to letterboxing.org or atlasquest.com to get started.

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Ooooo! Hobbies!


I have hobbies that I love. In the past I've tried many hobbies. What I've learned is that if you realize you don't like something, stop immediately.


I took a watercolors painting class. It was fun in the class, but I never ever had a single desire to paint outside of the class. That was not my hobby.


I bought a few things for making some simple earrings and a friend loaned me jewelry making magazines, but about 3 minutes into actually making the earrings I was bored out of my mind. I stopped immediately.


Some friends had an ornament making party. My ornament was hideous and I had no desire to try again. So I didn't.


I went to a scrapbooking party and had more fun coming up with the clever words to write on the page rather than the actual scrapbooking. My page was a disgrace and I didn't care. Never bothered with it again.


I wanted a nice picture of my christmas tree so I went to a local free photography club. They taught me at the first class how to take the picture I wanted of the tree. I took pictures nonstop for the next two weeks and went back to the class. Went back again. And again. Three years, three cameras, lighting equipment, small paying jobs, and an incredible swelling-happy-feeling in my heart whenever I look at my camera (named Alex) later, I know that photography is my Hobby with a capital H. I adore photography.


In 2012 I started taking a picture every day and then posting it on a blog as a way to learn more about photography. The blog posts became longer and longer and I would spend more and more time on them. And thus, I discovered that I love writing as well. Love it.


And now I have two hobbies: photography and writing. They bring me great joy (great joy!)


That's the sort of hobby you want. If you don't like something pretty much right away, don't waste time on it.


Also, I had a gut feeling my whole life that if I understood how my camera worked, I would enjoy photography. Is there something in the back of your mind that you think you might like if you knew more about it?

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my hobbies are just things i want to experience, try, or learn.  i would start there :)  every year for my birthday i set forth some kind of goal & invest in it if necessary.  it can be anything from running to crocheting to canning to crafts to sewing to playing the recorder.  i really enjoy learning new things, but i don't feel bad if a hobby falls flat (like knitting or scrapbooking).  i just celebrate the fact that i tried something new.


also, sometimes i don't want to do it forever.  i just want to check it off my list as having experienced it & then i'm ready to move on (my pottery classes were a good example - i just wanted to "dip my toe" so to speak, make something, and move on.  zip lining is another good example).  


i'm not very good at multi-tasking and tend to get totally consumed by just one thing at a time. however, i do find that i recycle hobbies and just bounce from thing to thing as my interest leads.  

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I don't necessarily think of hobbies as being only crafts type stuff.


I think reading is a hobby, as is doing puzzles (crosswords or other word puzzles, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, etc.).

Exercising can be a hobby.  Anything from taking classes, participating in a sport, going to the gym, walking or hiking.

I consider my pets to be a hobby -- dog training and (most recently) grooming, etc.

Decorating your home or doing landscaping/gardening are hobbies.

We consider traveling in our RV to be a hobby.


In short, I think anything you're interested in and spend a bit of enjoyable time doing can count as a hobby.

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Before I started knitting I considered reading my hobby. I still read but maybe not quite as much as before. I also listen to more audiobooks so I can knit and "read" at the same time.


Dh spends his spare time running and reading.


A friend took up horseback riding when her dd wanted lessons. She was in her early 40's when she started and wasn't expecting to like it as much as she did. Now she owns a horse.


My neighbor's hobby is gardening and investigating homesteading. She started raising rabbits for food and making her own soap.


I agree with others that you shouldn't limit yourself to handcrafts when considering hobbies. One of the teachers at ds's school has the hobby of hiking and caving. She usually hosts a caving and/or camping field trip every year.


Have fun exploring your interests!



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I don't have any hobbies either.  There are things I like to do; play board games, do puzzles, write casually, read.  But no hobbies. I am too busy taking care of my kids to even invest time in deciding what hobby I may enjoy taking up.


I think those are hobbies!


I have some hobbies that I enjoy but am not pursuing right now, because of lack of time for them.  I include pleasure reading, but also blogging, sewing and other needlecrafts.  Cooking is a hobby for some too!


This is lame but I wish we had space for a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  When I was single I always had one going.  But I don't have space for a dedicated table.  Or even a table where I could put one down on felt and then move it off as needed. 

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I think those are hobbies!


I have some hobbies that I enjoy but am not pursuing right now, because of lack of time for them.  I include pleasure reading, but also blogging, sewing and other needlecrafts.  Cooking is a hobby for some too!


This is lame but I wish we had space for a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  When I was single I always had one going.  But I don't have space for a dedicated table.  Or even a table where I could put one down on felt and then move it off as needed. 



Have you considered getting one of those felt pads with the inflatable center thingy for rolling up the puzzle and putting it away?  

Like this one: http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/StaplesProductDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogIdentifier=2&partNumber=299442&langid=-1&cid=PS:GooglePLAs:299442&srccode=cii_17588969&cpncode=32-294078089-2


Not sure how that would work . . . a puzzle kind of need to be left out to work on as you like but, on the other hand, you could leave it out by day (or whatever) and put it away as needed.

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I don't know that hobbies have to be expensive, either.  I didn't have any hobbies until I discovered Zentangle last spring.  I am no artist, but I love drawing Zentangles, and my kids have gotten into it, too.  There are hundreds of free patterns to draw online and regular paper works just fine, so no special tools are needed.  And thanks to another WTM thread, I've bought myself some coloring books for Christmas so I can color, too.  So if we count web surfing, I have three hobbies now. :D

I LOVE Zentangle! 

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Ooooo! Hobbies!


I have hobbies that I love. In the past I've tried many hobbies. What I've learned is that if you realize you don't like something, stop immediately.


I took a watercolors painting class. It was fun in the class, but I never ever had a single desire to paint outside of the class. That was not my hobby.


I bought a few things for making some simple earrings and a friend loaned me jewelry making magazines, but about 3 minutes into actually making the earrings I was bored out of my mind. I stopped immediately.


Some friends had an ornament making party. My ornament was hideous and I had no desire to try again. So I didn't.


I went to a scrapbooking party and had more fun coming up with the clever words to write on the page rather than the actual scrapbooking. My page was a disgrace and I didn't care. Never bothered with it again.


I wanted a nice picture of my christmas tree so I went to a local free photography club. They taught me at the first class how to take the picture I wanted of the tree. I took pictures nonstop for the next two weeks and went back to the class. Went back again. And again. Three years, three cameras, lighting equipment, small paying jobs, and an incredible swelling-happy-feeling in my heart whenever I look at my camera (named Alex) later, I know that photography is my Hobby with a capital H. I adore photography.


In 2012 I started taking a picture every day and then posting it on a blog as a way to learn more about photography. The blog posts became longer and longer and I would spend more and more time on them. And thus, I discovered that I love writing as well. Love it.


And now I have two hobbies: photography and writing. They bring me great joy (great joy!)


That's the sort of hobby you want. If you don't like something pretty much right away, don't waste time on it.


Also, I had a gut feeling my whole life that if I understood how my camera worked, I would enjoy photography. Is there something in the back of your mind that you think you might like if you knew more about it?


It's you!  I LOVE your blog!  So funny! :D

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It's you! I LOVE your blog! So funny! :D

Aw thanks! I was going to write another one tonight about the deep fear that photographers have of Toddlers. (reet, reet, reet.) I've taken an abundance of family portraits with Toddlers this week. It's been rough. I'm a shadow of the woman I used to be.


But instead of writing I'm taking Boy11 to a movie instead. $5 all day on Tuesday at the local RCA theater! Woo hoo!

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I did not have a hobby from my college years until I got married. Too busy with college, grad school, dissertations, and making a living. I stopped working when I got married and I went back to piano lessons. (I took piano through college and had private lessons in the music dept.) I bought a digital piano. After the kids were born, I learned to knit. I went back to sewing doll clothes and my one clothes. I went back to embroidery. I joined a needlepoint guild and take lots of workshops. Now I just alternate between my hobbies or I don't work on them at all. That's the beauty of a hobby. I'm not making a living off of my hobbies. However, I am investing a lot of money and time in them and I took up freelance work 10 years ago to have my own pin money and pay for my hobbies. The beauty of a hobby is you don't have to have one or, if you have one, you can do it on your own time.

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I consider my chickens to be my hobby. They not only provide us with food, but they are also very entertaining. They can be as inexpensive or expensive as you want. I went a little over the top with it and my DH teases me that I am going to have to get a job to help support my habbit  hobby.


They are also very calming for me and I consider it my therapy too. When I get stressed, I go sit outside and watch them.

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I totally hear you on this one, and I too feel sometimes like something is missing.  I have always sort of thought of hobbies as more crafty sorts of things.  I've dabbled through the years in many...scrapbooking, cross stitch, etc. and truth be told, it was tedious and a chore.


I WANT to be a crafty type, but I am just totally not!


What I'd really like is to have something to do on those evenings during the winter when I am sitting around in front of the fire.  I am not playful, don't really care much for games, will never have enough interest to truly garden, everything I think of is sort of "meh".


I do sing, and have found real enjoyment in that, even if it isn't the sort of hobby I think I might wish to have.  I am in the small choir at church and recently joined Sweet Adelines, which I thoroughly enjoy.


I read...a lot...I surf the internet so I can find more interesting things to read.  But really, that's about it.  I really do feel I am lacking something, but have no idea what might fill it...not a single usual thing interests me.


No answers here, I guess, just commiseration! 

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Have you tried letter boxing? It's similar to geocaching, but you don't need a gps. Basically it takes you on a walk on a decent trail to a place you might not have noticed before. All you need is a rubber stamp, a notebook, and directions to a box (free online). Just go to letterboxing.org or atlasquest.com to get started.



We started geocaching pre-smartphone-gps by using the coordinates to print out a google map and/or aerial photo, then bushwhacked it from there.  It worked, and definitely developed the "geosense."


My OSW and I talk hobbies, and I was at a loss to come up with what mine might be the first time she asked.  I've come to put activities in that category that I want to do, not must do, have no deadline or required interval of participation, and let me think only about the chosen task at hand.  Therefore, making artisan bread and soft pretzels counts as my hobby.

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I want a hobby.


I was asked this morning what hobbies I have. (none)


Then, I read this thread about what craft/hobby people are doing this week. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/496895-what-crafthobby-thing-are-you-doing-week-18/


I don't have any hobbies. I feel... something. Lacking? I don't know. I think I would like a hobby, but I'm not sure how to get started. I have many interests, but I'm afraid if I get 'into' something, I'll quit, or it will take forever, be expensive, etc. Is it worth it for me to try to find a 'hobby'?


You need to decide what you like to do.  So what are some of your interests that you would like to pursue more?


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Do you like postcards? Join postcrossing. That can be picked up and put down and costs whatever loose change you have accumulated. Well, each postcard costs me almost $4 to send so we're never going to make the top contributors wall of fame, but we live here in the land of 'far away from everywhere with postage costs to match.' http://www.postcrossing.com

I get kicks out of looking at our stats page, even though we only joined recently and have only received 6 postcards. I love pie charts.

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Your hobby doesn't have to be a craft. 


If you don't enjoy doing something, stop before you invest a lot of time and money into it.  Hobbies ought to be fun, IMO.


Here are some sites with long lists of hobbies, which according to Avast Antivirus, are safe sites:








I don't do crafts - EVER.  That just doesn't fit who I am.


I have two hobbies - obstacle course mud racing and Vietnam reenacting.


Very non-crafty.

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Thanks everyone. I didn't expect my post to generate so many replies!


Your hobby doesn't have to be a craft. 


If you don't enjoy doing something, stop before you invest a lot of time and money into it.  Hobbies ought to be fun, IMO.


Here are some sites with long lists of hobbies, which according to Avast Antivirus, are safe sites:








Thanks for those lists! Some of those were "out there", but there were many I didn't know about.


What are your interests?  If you are engaged and happy, you don't need a random hobby.


I have tons of interests, so I think that's the problem.


Years ago, I would have said "reading" is my hobby, but for the last few years, reading is more of a sleep inducer, no matter the time of day or where I am. :blushing:


A hobby doesn't have to be a craft for sure. I consider reading to be a hobby, one of my faves.  Can surfing the interwebs be a hobby?


Doesn't homeschooling count? I have told people that is one of my hobbies.


I think "homeschooling" should count. I only have one child left at home, and my role is guidance counselor, so, there isn't much actual teaching going on anymore. I actually ENJOY surfing the net & searching for things like test-taking tips, scholarship info, etc, so I imagine that *does* count as a hobby. Huh.


I don't know that hobbies have to be expensive, either.  I didn't have any hobbies until I discovered Zentangle last spring.  I am no artist, but I love drawing Zentangles, and my kids have gotten into it, too.  There are hundreds of free patterns to draw online and regular paper works just fine, so no special tools are needed.  And thanks to another WTM thread, I've bought myself some coloring books for Christmas so I can color, too.  So if we count web surfing, I have three hobbies now. :D


I had never heard of Zentangles, and now I have a book in my Amazon wish list. That looks way cool! :thumbup1:


I don't have a hobby I'm doing at the moment. I've dabbled in various crafts (despite my non-craftiness) in past "seasons of life" and may eventually return to them. Now trying to stay physically active, which takes priority over sitting still, so hours in the day are limited.


Have fun picking out a hobby to try out! If you have a friend who does something you find interesting, that might be a good place to start. She'd have some materials and knowledge to help get you going, and you may be able to add in some social aspect to it, too, if that's appealing. I always found it more fun to have a craft to do with or learn about with a friend. It was more fun and kept me going.


I wish I could have a hobby of exercise, but the fact is I hate exercising just for the sake of exercising. Kudos to you, though! I am jealous of those who enjoy exercising!


Breaking this into two posts.....

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Have you tried letter boxing? It's similar to geocaching, but you don't need a gps. Basically it takes you on a walk on a decent trail to a place you might not have noticed before. All you need is a rubber stamp, a notebook, and directions to a box (free online). Just go to letterboxing.org or atlasquest.com to get started.


We tried geocaching several years ago and while it was fun, I was nervous about snakes. Some people hid their boxes deep under logs with lots of leaf litter. We have rattlers, cotton mouths, etc. And spiders... Plus, several boxes were never found, so we gave up. I may look into letter boxing, though. I forgot about that one.


Ooooo! Hobbies!


I have hobbies that I love. In the past I've tried many hobbies. What I've learned is that if you realize you don't like something, stop immediately.


I took a watercolors painting class. It was fun in the class, but I never ever had a single desire to paint outside of the class. That was not my hobby.


I bought a few things for making some simple earrings and a friend loaned me jewelry making magazines, but about 3 minutes into actually making the earrings I was bored out of my mind. I stopped immediately.


Some friends had an ornament making party. My ornament was hideous and I had no desire to try again. So I didn't.


I went to a scrapbooking party and had more fun coming up with the clever words to write on the page rather than the actual scrapbooking. My page was a disgrace and I didn't care. Never bothered with it again.


I wanted a nice picture of my christmas tree so I went to a local free photography club. They taught me at the first class how to take the picture I wanted of the tree. I took pictures nonstop for the next two weeks and went back to the class. Went back again. And again. Three years, three cameras, lighting equipment, small paying jobs, and an incredible swelling-happy-feeling in my heart whenever I look at my camera (named Alex) later, I know that photography is my Hobby with a capital H. I adore photography.


In 2012 I started taking a picture every day and then posting it on a blog as a way to learn more about photography. The blog posts became longer and longer and I would spend more and more time on them. And thus, I discovered that I love writing as well. Love it.


And now I have two hobbies: photography and writing. They bring me great joy (great joy!)


That's the sort of hobby you want. If you don't like something pretty much right away, don't waste time on it.


Also, I had a gut feeling my whole life that if I understood how my camera worked, I would enjoy photography. Is there something in the back of your mind that you think you might like if you knew more about it?


You sound like me. I have tried several things over the years (since childhood), and I guess I haven't found my "niches" (plural, because I enjoy so much, but don't have the time or desire to get involved heavily). I do know things I don't/wouldn't enjoy, or wouldn't be able to do (chickens, food gardening), so I guess that's a start, eh?


I just started crocheting. It's fairly easy and I can do it while I watch tv or listen to the radio.


I also started  painting by number for when I want to be more engrossed.  Takes no particular talent. I did this! http://www.amazon.com/Dimensions-Needlecrafts-Paintworks-Number-Chickadees/dp/B0014YGQI6/ref=pd_sim_ac_6


I'm a crochet failure. I desperately wanted to learn to crochet, but I can't seem to get it. Sad, but true. Dd, on the other hand whips out scarves and those cute little animals like there is no tomorrow. And, she is self-taught. Go figure! :huh:


This is lame but I wish we had space for a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  When I was single I always had one going.  But I don't have space for a dedicated table.  Or even a table where I could put one down on felt and then move it off as needed. 


I do love me some puzzles! I have a ton, but I hardly ever break one out. I use my dining table, but I put all the pieces on sheets of posterboard, so when we go to eat, I just have someone help me move the board to a different location, then back to the table after everything has been cleared. I had a felt thing many years ago and it drove me nuts. I like to slide my pieces around, so the felt negates that, plus, the felt 'grabbed' my rough skin. I tossed it after one puzzle. I don't know if they are any better now, but I won't be buying another one.


I did not have a hobby from my college years until I got married. Too busy with college, grad school, dissertations, and making a living. I stopped working when I got married and I went back to piano lessons. (I took piano through college and had private lessons in the music dept.) I bought a digital piano. After the kids were born, I learned to knit. I went back to sewing doll clothes and my one clothes. I went back to embroidery. I joined a needlepoint guild and take lots of workshops. Now I just alternate between my hobbies or I don't work on them at all. That's the beauty of a hobby. I'm not making a living off of my hobbies. However, I am investing a lot of money and time in them and I took up freelance work 10 years ago to have my own pin money and pay for my hobbies. The beauty of a hobby is you don't have to have one or, if you have one, you can do it on your own time.


This is true. I need to remember that.


I totally hear you on this one, and I too feel sometimes like something is missing.  I have always sort of thought of hobbies as more crafty sorts of things.  I've dabbled through the years in many...scrapbooking, cross stitch, etc. and truth be told, it was tedious and a chore.


I WANT to be a crafty type, but I am just totally not!


What I'd really like is to have something to do on those evenings during the winter when I am sitting around in front of the fire.  I am not playful, don't really care much for games, will never have enough interest to truly garden, everything I think of is sort of "meh".


I do sing, and have found real enjoyment in that, even if it isn't the sort of hobby I think I might wish to have.  I am in the small choir at church and recently joined Sweet Adelines, which I thoroughly enjoy.


I read...a lot...I surf the internet so I can find more interesting things to read.  But really, that's about it.  I really do feel I am lacking something, but have no idea what might fill it...not a single usual thing interests me.


No answers here, I guess, just commiseration! 


I think the parts of your post is what I am thinking/feeling. I see now that hobbies don't have to be crafts, and thanks to the lists RoughCollie posted, I see that I do have hobbies, but just don't actively pursue them at this time. And, yes, I will count researching homeschool stuff as a hobby, because it brings me joy. 


I also think your comment about the 'things to do on winter nights' hit home for me. That may be what I'm feeling.... the lack of something 'cozy' to do ~~ see my earlier post where reading puts me to sleep, which is a shame, because I love to read and used to devour novels in one sitting. Now-a-days, two pages in, and I'm doing the whole head-bobbing/drooling thing. It's sad.


Do you like postcards? Join postcrossing. That can be picked up and put down and costs whatever loose change you have accumulated. Well, each postcard costs me almost $4 to send so we're never going to make the top contributors wall of fame, but we live here in the land of 'far away from everywhere with postage costs to match.' http://www.postcrossing.com


I get kicks out of looking at our stats page, even though we only joined recently and have only received 6 postcards. I love pie charts.


Don't laugh---- there are very few postcards available here where I am. We have two 'tourist' destinations and the postcards there are from the 50's. I kid you not. They are horrid. I may be wrong on what sort of postcards are being sent, but I just giggled when I thought of sending ones 'demonstrating' my location.  :lol:  It sounds interesting, though, so I will check it out.

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I have a very difficult time keeping a hobby that is not completely practical. I learned to knit, but only so I could make dishcloths. That's all I make. I learned a specialized kind of embroidery to make gifts. I learned to crochet to make summer shawls for my girls. I am learning to play harp, but without an outlet for using it, it quickly gets pushed aside.


So that's about all the advice I have - if you can find a practical reason for it (even bonding with family members) it may help. And you might be like me and expect that by the time you are 80yo you will have a long succssion of hobbies that you've tried and let go of, and that's OK too. :)

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I have several hobbies or no hobby at all depending on how you look at it. I like to walk when the weather is good, run on my treadmill, cook special dishes, do yoga, read books and surf the web - all of them can be called hobbies or not. I choose to call them hobbies :)

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Don't laugh---- there are very few postcards available here where I am. We have two 'tourist' destinations and the postcards there are from the 50's. I kid you not. They are horrid. I may be wrong on what sort of postcards are being sent, but I just giggled when I thought of sending ones 'demonstrating' my location.  :lol:  It sounds interesting, though, so I will check it out.


There's only one postcard available featuring our nearest town too, but happily it is a river scene painted by a local artist and not too embarrassing to send. But hey, some people like vintage postcards and perhaps there are people out there who would *love* your ugly ones! :lol: You can make your own though, if fiddling around on photoshop is your idea of amusing. Not all postcards feature locations either. We received one of a road sign saying "No Kangaroos in Austria," which gave us a laugh being that we are in Australia and really do have kangaroos in our yard and one with a short story about seahorses on it.

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