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Bah humbug! These are a few of our least fav things!


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People who get grumpy about "Happy Holidays!" Dude, I'm not being PC, it's really what I mean ... enjoy your holidays! And don't be a Grinch about me saying HH instead of MC.


This show !


In which Niko the reindeer is on a quest to figure out which of Santa's reindeer is his daddy.


Needing to go to the post office for something not related to holidays, and having to wait in a 15 minute line.  Or worse, not even being able to park in the post office parking lot.


Mincemeat.  The smell of mincemeat 


Back to add another:  I would really prefer for the time of the winter solstice/end of the year to be a time of quiet and clearing in preparation for the new year, with time set aside for purging, organizing, and quiet reflection.  This is the time of year I am naturally inclined toward "spring cleaning".  Instead - it's a time of increased business, obligation, loads of extra stuff floating around, noise, spending, etc.  The "holiday season" is the exact opposite of what I would like it to be.  I am frustrated by this mismatch every single year.

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Elf on the Shelf. 


Xmas cards. Seriously, I can't think of a bigger waste of paper than holiday cards. 


I dread the "undecorating". Putting the tree up is fun and festive and allows my OCD to be a positive - its always beautiful and we drink cocoa and watch holiday movies. And the taking down part - I could cry thinking about it. So tedious and I'm usually so OVER xmas by then. 


I hate stepping anywhere near a mall, department store, or costco for weeks before and weeks after. I feel homicidal. 


There are more. I may add to this later as things pop up that make me go "F OFF!!"

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The extra hours my husband works in December so he can earn funds for his squadron to squander on getting drunk. (He's been fundraising for the Holiday party.)


Snow. I know I'm blasphemous. It's pretty, but it gets dirty and it's freaking WET. And I get the kids all dressed up for them to come in after four minutes asking for hot chocolate. :glare:

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- replacing burnt out lights

- untangling strands of lights

- the PILES of useless junk gifts for my kids that they will play with for 2 minutes but that we have to keep (and find room for!) for months anyway in case the people who gave them come over.

- every TV show/celebrity ever having a "holiday special". They are not special, stop pretending they are.

- having so many parties in such a compressed period of time that no one actually has time to ENJOY Christmas. Well, maybe the kids do. I sure as heck don't.

- Trying to come up with gifts from not just us, but both sets of parents as well since they have no clue what to buy the kids.

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crowds at the mall

Idiot drivers in the mall parking lot

having to buy gifts for someone because it is an expectation not a desire

spending time with extended family (some of it is fun, but then it's not ya know...what it is about the holidays that makes us want to murder our relatives? )

Miracle on 34th street for sure

the decor, while a tree is a must, the extra clutter of xmas decor drives me nuts, and it must all come down on boxing day

My teens leaving boxing day and staying with their dad until after new years eve, I finally have time at home and they are gone

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From my experience, the thing that makes me want to murder my relatives is.... my relatives. I just happen to see them more often around the holiday, but they can give me that "special" holiday feeling all year-round.


Good point, I tend to limit contact with mine through the year and only 1-2 of them at a time, and suddenly for several days I am stuck with them all, under the same roof with no where to run. sister and I are still on the outs from last xmas eve, this shall be interesting.

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- replacing burnt out lights

- untangling strands of lights

- the PILES of useless junk gifts for my kids that they will play with for 2 minutes but that we have to keep (and find room for!) for months anyway in case the people who gave them come over.

- every TV show/celebrity ever having a "holiday special". They are not special, stop pretending they are.

- having so many parties in such a compressed period of time that no one actually has time to ENJOY Christmas. Well, maybe the kids do. I sure as heck don't.

- Trying to come up with gifts from not just us, but both sets of parents as well since they have no clue what to buy the kids.



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Holiday office parties. Sure, I said. Feel free to call the babysitter and see if she's available since you didn't tell me when it was until a week before. The babysitter who has never once been available on a Friday night. Thinking I was all safe... I can't even drink to make it tolerable this year! *sob*

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Oh gosh, so much.  But I really DO love this holiday season.  I just could do without some bits, like:


Crowds *everywhere*.  I mean, really, I need some eggs or socks, this isn't a line for goods for an oncoming zombie apocalypse. 


Feeling obligated to buy gifts for people who have way more money than I do, hate everything we've ever scraped pennies to buy them, and generally could care less (if not for the guilt trip if we don't get them something).  


Bell ringers.  I happily donate everywhere I can, but I will walk around the building to another entrance if you're going to ring a bell at me.


Crabby people with the anti-Happy Holidays stuff.  You're overthinking it and offended over someone being nice. 


Nasty attitudes about my daughter's Christmas Eve birthday.  She likes her birthday, we like it, it's fun.  So stop making her feel bad about it.  And if you can drive three hours take another family member to dinner the week before Christmas, surely you can drive an hour to say Happy Birthday and eat cake with her. 


Being broke every holiday season.  


Ungrateful gift receivers. I'll add in the embarrassment when one of my kids inevitably says something mortifying like "I already have this and don't like it." or "Can I return this and get something good?" It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I want to crawl inside a closet for the next month.


The cats climbing the tree. 


I'll admit I'm annoyed by some people who go a little nuts on others who do any shopping from November to Christmas.  I won't go fight the masses on Thanksgiving or Black Friday, but I don't care if others do.  Stop being self-righteous and insulting people who do by saying they're not spending time on what matters.  You don't know the full story.  Maybe their budget is tight and that's the only way to get Lil Johnny what he wants?  Maybe they're not religious or hate the holidays for whatever reason. It's not your business. 

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*snort*. That is me! I have said my whole life, I'd be perfectly happy to skip the holiday entirely and go straight to Easter. Now Easter I LOVE. If I had my druthers, I'd go freaking wackado at Easter. I'd decorate, need Easter baskets big enough that a grown an could fall into it and stand up, make yummiest goodies, get dressed up, listen to Easter music starting the day after valentines day (why isn't there Easter music?!) - you name it.

OooooOh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter bonnet....




Sorry, that's all I've got. And thank your lucky stars that you only have to read that and not actually hear me murder it!

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It's a "game" when you purposely bring a lame gift to exchange, then someone else in the exchange can take it from you if they like it better than what they got. It's a reference to playing a dirty trick. So very in the spirit of Christmas, yes? :/

My mom's family does a dirty Santa exchange, but all of the gifts usually really good. The "stealing" part is part of the fun! It is the goal to bring something that gets stolen a lot.

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Adults and children that feel it is their obligation to inform my children that there is no Santa.  I would never do something willingly to hurt a child that way. 


Decorating.  The house is generally a mess anyway so it just seems like putting lipstick on a pig. 


People asking me what to get my kids for Christmas.  I have to take notes to remember who I told what so my kid doesn't get three of the same thing that then I have to return after Christmas. 


Returning duplicate gifts after Christmas.  


This year, I hate that I have to work on Christmas day.  

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I hate the begging. I hate when people say that they "can't have christmas" because they're broke.


I hate that I'm not allowed to just let December 25th pass by without making it a big deal.


I hate being told that I'm ruining my kids because I refuse to make a huge deal out of christmas.


I hate that I'm expected to get gifts for certain people. I will not choose between electric or a gift; you're not getting anything from me!

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Everything! We actually do skip it. Well, as best we can with the relatives that just won't accept that we don't celebrate it. At first it was for religious reasons. Now, I am no longer so strong in those reasons against it, but ah, the freedom! I'd never go back to being enslaved by having to decorate, buy gifts for people who don't want or need anything, go broke doing so, undecorate, etc. So the main thing I hate now is, like I said, the relatives that just insist on doing something, and calling it "winter celebration," so as not to offend our beliefs.  :glare:

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The desire for snow on Christmas - no thank you, we have today. I'm not happy


Every Christmas song ever


The false nicety played by some people during the holidays. Skip the obligation and notice people all year instead of just in December. If my neighbors never talk to me, I don't need your pie or cookies in December.


Property taxes are due at end of the December. 


The endless supply of catalogs I didn't request. I was tempted by the wine catalog yesterday until I looked at the prices. They go straight to the recycle bin. 


The heightened phase of chaotic consumerism. Chill people. I used my $10 Kohls gift card I got in the mail (something helpful, thank you) to buy ds another pair of winter pants. He picked them out and there is no need to wrap them and put them under a tree. 


Which leads me to real trees. They're pretty, but I hate finding pine needles in July. This year we're not decorating a thing, no tree, no lights, maybe a candle. 


Yes, I'm a scrooge. 

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My least favorite thing, really shouldn't be LOL


I dislike people who don't like presents.  :0)


Dh and DS could care less about presents.  Neither care about giving or receiving.  I LOVE buying people gifts, and it is very hard to shop for people who don't like to get presents.  

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I know there isn't one "right" way to open Christmas gifts, but I strongly believe that the way my DH's family does it is the wrong way. It's a mad, chaotic mess of everyone opening all their presents at once as fast as they can. The whole thing is over in five minutes, the kids pay no attention to who got them what (can't waste precious time on something as mundane as that!), and no one thanks the giver individually—it's just a generic "thanks, everyone" when it's over, if that. Once during the chaos, my MIL inadvertently opened one of my gifts. When DH awkwardly told her what happened, my BIL made a mean-spirited wisecrack that made her cry. MIL, DH and I all felt terrible, and it never would have happened if we had exchanged gifts the way my family does it.

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Gift exchanges.  They're always last minute and how the heck do I pick a gift that someone between 6 and 16 might like?


Long lines, crowds, and traffic.  I just need to buy paper towels, people.


Decorating.  I turned it over to my girls this year.  We couldn't even get everything out of storage, and I don't care.


Waiting for the girls to fall asleep on Christmas Eve.  Come on, conk out already so I can go to bed myself!


Anything Christmas before Thanksgiving.


Feeling like I have to do a zillion cute little crafts and activities with my kids.  It's all Pinterest's fault. I do a handful of things, but not something every day.  And no, I do not want to just take the whole month off and do a Christmas unit study.  I just don't.


I've never heard The Christmas Shoes, but from the description, I never want to.


The Little Drummer Boy.  Song and cartoon.  Yawn.

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My least favorite thing, really shouldn't be LOL


I dislike people who don't like presents.  :0)


Dh and DS could care less about presents.  Neither care about giving or receiving.  I LOVE buying people gifts, and it is very hard to shop for people who don't like to get presents.  


I'm one of those people - I just don't like stuff - I have enough stuff !  But if you give me chocolate or wine or tea, you'll never go wrong !  I consume, it's gone, no stuff !  I hope this helps you shop for those no-gifts-please folks :)

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Holiday traffic near the malls.


I think our town has the only mall that isn't full up with cars and people during the Christmas season.  I don't see how it stays open.  Our 24-hour Walmart's huge parking lot is always full, though.


What I don't like about Christmas is that our kids are grown.  I can't wait to have grandchildren!  I hope my kids marry people who love Christmas!  Or don't get married ... I don't care ... just hand over the grandkids for a month of Christmas fun!


Also, I hate winter weather.  White Christmases are great if one has a heated driveway and walkways.  Otherwise, no.


The only radio station I like (we don't have a lot of choices) plays Christmas music for 24 hours a day, starting the day before Thanksgiving.  They are especially fond of "The Little Drummer Boy", which I hate almost as much as "The Christmas Shoes".


I hate putting lights on the tree, so I bought a prelit tree last year.


I love everything else about Christmas except doing all the prep for it by myself.  The kids are in charge this year.

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Kid toys that are more difficult for parents to break out of their box than for a prisoner to break out of Alcatraz.  So very annoying.  Having a toddler want to play with something that you can't get out of the package is less than fun.


Put one of these bad boys in your stocking! It gets everything open and snips through those stupid industrial strength twist-ties like buttah.


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Competitive gift giving.


Zombified and completely irrelevant and pointless back-stabbing power trips and control games with extended family and ex-in laws.


Shopping malls.


Credit cards.


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I hate being asked what I want for Christmas. I can never think of anything in particular. My dad sends me a check and I spend it on things I see or like, but my kids always ask what I want. They never get that I don't care! Get me anything you think I'd like and I'll love it because it came from you! 

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I love Christmas and the whole Christmas season, but I do hate Paul McCartney this time of year.  I'm sure he's a very nice man, but if I never hear Wonderful Christmastime again.  It will be too soon.


And Christmas Shoes-there's a movie too!  Enough already. 


Do They Know It's Christmas?


How low in food and donations our food bank gets this time of year.  :(





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Parties that include gift or cookie exchanges!


Cookie exchange!  Urgh!  How many cookies do you need?  


I hate (but secretly love) the sheer amount of candy just sitting around for anyone (read: me) to take.   Why is it considered okay to pig out of sweets this time of year?  It's terrible on my waistline.  And no, I have no self control when it comes to Hershey Kisses.  That is the only milk chocolate I like (aside from Hershey Bars, which are essentially the same thing), and I will just eat and eat and eat until they are all gone.  I'm a purist though.  I only like the plain, no nuts, creamy fruit centers, white chocolate mixes in, etc.  I do like the dark chocolate kisses though!

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