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I hate watching TV with my husband


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there, I said it.  


He is a great guy, but he cannot watch anything without talking and making comments through the entire thing.  It is like a running commentary on the side and I just want to watch TV!  I often miss the next portion of the news or the next thing that happens in the story because he is commenting on it.


I guess i should be thankful my husband wants to communicate with me???????



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My 17 yr old son does exactly the same thing when we watch movies. It is very irritating but then I think that I would rather have him there with me talking over the movie than not have him communicate at all. 


I feel your frustration though!! :laugh:

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I know what you mean!  When we had cable (we just have Netflix now) and no capabilities of pausing or rewinding, my DH would "watch" my shows with me and ask a million questions.  I'd have to fill him in on the whole history of the show/characters and I'd end up missing something important/funny.  It used to drive me nuts!  But I remember one time he was watching something he really wanted to see and I asked a question and I got a big "SHHHHH!"   :glare:  Needless to say, I was pretty happy when we switched to Netflix.   :lol:

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We don't have cable either.  We had DirectTV, but got rid of it almost 3 years ago now.


I bought myself a Tivo to use with an antenna this year off of ebay (with lifetime) and he keeps coming in to watch "my" TV.


So, in Oct I bought him his own Tivo with lifetime (his birthday).  


The problem is, the antenna isn't hooked up fully yet so he can't hook his up to it until it is all fully functional.  I am hoping that will be VERY SOON!



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Ha, it's the opposite here.  My husband is a one-thing-at-a-time kind of person, and it drove him crazy if anyone talked during a movie.  His brain couldn't handle it.  It's actually quite interesting, because I've had to remember this as he recovers from his stroke, that this is the way he thinks and focuses.

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Why watch tv with other people at all then? 


Sorry, I come from a family where television was happening, but what we were doing was hanging out, exploring new ideas, chatting with each other, cracking jokes. It seems weird to expect people to sit silently together. (Of course, we all developed the ability to sense when you keep your mouth shut and when it was okay, but even when we did miss something it was worth it for the communication in the long term.)


We watch our tv on Hulu. If one of us misses something we just hit the 10 seconds backward button. or pause it. 

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You are much nicer than me.  If it is something I really want to see I tell him to Hush, then fill him in during commercial.


The main thing I hate about watching tv with dh is that he is a channel surfer.  As soon as a commercial comes on he is changing the channel "for just a minute, I'll turn it right back"  Then he forgets to turn it back

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I know what you mean!  When we had cable (we just have Netflix now) and no capabilities of pausing or rewinding, my DH would "watch" my shows with me and ask a million questions.  I'd have to fill him in on the whole history of the show/characters and I'd end up missing something important/funny.  It used to drive me nuts!  But I remember one time he was watching something he really wanted to see and I asked a question and I got a big "SHHHHH!"   :glare:  Needless to say, I was pretty happy when we switched to Netflix.   :lol:


 This is what my dh does! He will watch one episode and then several days later when I am much later in the season he will want a recap.  GGRRR

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Or how about the person who can't hear so constantly says, "What did they say?" "I missed that." "Do you hear what they just said? "


Dang it... put the closed captions on so I can enjoy the show. because it never fails. They ask. I answer. And then, they miss the next line.

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Or how about the person who can hear so constantly says, "What did they say?" "I missed that." "Do you hear what they just said? "


Dang it... put the closed captions on so I can enjoy the show. because it never fails. They ask. I answer. And then, they miss the next line.



Dh hates closed captions but dd and I always have it on. It bugs him. :lol:


I don't think I hear very well. I am convinced I am so dang loud I have deafened myself with my own voice.

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Oh, he makes fun of things too.  I am a huge Crime Show Junkie.....he is not.....he comments all the time......"oh, so now they are going to find the one plant that is ONLY grown in the far reaching jungles of wherever and (the main character) will know that tidbit of fact because he is so smart."







Dh will walk in the middle and ask questions. GGRR!! Depending on the show he may also make fun of it. 


Ok! I know I am watching a silly show about ghost hunting but I am trying to concentrate on my knitting and I can't watch serious tv while knitting serious lace.


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As I mentioned earlier, we have one.  I just got a 2nd for him but it isn't hooked up yet.  I can't wait!


The thread was started during vacation though.....we were in a condo and had no Tivo.


Got home last night.  


I sure missed that Tivo!



Get a DVR. Make liberal use of the pause and rewind buttons. It could save your marriage. ;)


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there, I said it.


He is a great guy, but he cannot watch anything without talking and making comments through the entire thing. It is like a running commentary on the side and I just want to watch TV! I often miss the next portion of the news or the next thing that happens in the story because he is commenting on it.


I guess i should be thankful my husband wants to communicate with me???????



My teen theatre kid won't watch TV with the family for this reason. We treat it as an interactive experience and whoever can predict the ending, or say what show that guy was in, wins! Dd disagrees and won't play with us.

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Or how about the person who can't hear so constantly says, "What did they say?" "I missed that." "Do you hear what they just said? "


Dang it... put the closed captions on so I can enjoy the show. because it never fails. They ask. I answer. And then, they miss the next line.

I can't hear the dialogue anymore! Especially when the music and explosions are insanely loud and the dialogue is muddled and soft. It's to the point where I want to watch all shows with close captioning.

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Well, in our case I'm probably the one that interrupts with a comment.  :blushing:   In my defense, if I don't say it when it occurs to me, I will forget by the time the show is over.  And I don't think that is nearly so frustrating as someone who constantly has to be flipping channels.  Occasionally the remote gets misplaced.

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Why watch tv with other people at all then?


Sorry, I come from a family where television was happening, but what we were doing was hanging out, exploring new ideas, chatting with each other, cracking jokes. It seems weird to expect people to sit silently together. (Of course, we all developed the ability to sense when you keep your mouth shut and when it was okay, but even when we did miss something it was worth it for the communication in the long term.)


We watch our tv on Hulu. If one of us misses something we just hit the 10 seconds backward button. or pause it.



That's us! We talk through shows and movies all the time. It is definitely a social event for us! We do realize that not everyone is interested in our comments so we try, and it IS an effort, not to talk (much and/or loudly) at the theater.

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My DH and I cannot watch tv together. We don't like the same shows AT ALL and he is the channel surfer which drives me nuts. Just put on a show.. any show... and LEAVE IT ON til it's over.


I like to watch the news, documentaries, anything about death and destruction and Survivor. He watches Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother. It used to be a daily House marathon or CSI, but when I commented that XXX would never have been handled like that in real life he almost threw me out of the room!


I also have a hearing loss and like to have the closed captions on so I don't miss anything. Our house has an open floor plan, LR, DR and Family room all open but he has his big tv in the LR and I have a smaller tv in the FR right next to my desk. I'm staring at the back of his head as I type lol.

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  • 7 years later...

Just googled my frustration about my husband commenting when we watch movie together. I didn't realise how common it seems. 

I am considering not watching TV/ movie with him anymore or for the time being anyway. I like to hear what is going on in the show. I mentioned to him last night that I don't like it and it blamed me for being controlling and not letting him enjoy the moment. 

Any ideas of what I should do? 

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On 11/8/2013 at 12:34 AM, DawnM said:

there, I said it.  


He is a great guy, but he cannot watch anything without talking and making comments through the entire thing.  It is like a running commentary on the side and I just want to watch TV!  I often miss the next portion of the news or the next thing that happens in the story because he is commenting on it.


I guess i should be thankful my husband wants to communicate with me???????



Maybe communicate in different ways? 

I have exactly the same issue as you. 

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Don’t all the zombie threads make you just a bit nervous? Like what if you were having a really bad day and came here to rant and pitch a fit only to be embarrassed years later by a resurrected thread you may now feel sheepish about being brought back out?? Lol!

Not that yours is, Dawn, I just mean in general. Channel surfing and talking over the best parts of movies are legitimate complaints. 🙂

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On 11/7/2013 at 5:34 AM, DawnM said:

there, I said it.  


He is a great guy, but he cannot watch anything without talking and making comments through the entire thing.  It is like a running commentary on the side and I just want to watch TV!  I often miss the next portion of the news or the next thing that happens in the story because he is commenting on it.


I guess i should be thankful my husband wants to communicate with me???????



It's really astounding sometimes how my husband doesn't say anything much all day, and then when we are WATCHING A MOVIE he gets these urges to chat.  I do not get it.

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On 11/7/2013 at 9:09 AM, LostSurprise said:

Why watch tv with other people at all then? 


Sorry, I come from a family where television was happening, but what we were doing was hanging out, exploring new ideas, chatting with each other, cracking jokes. It seems weird to expect people to sit silently together. (Of course, we all developed the ability to sense when you keep your mouth shut and when it was okay, but even when we did miss something it was worth it for the communication in the long term.)


We watch our tv on Hulu. If one of us misses something we just hit the 10 seconds backward button. or pause it. 

When wwe watch things , we are always talking/

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If something is on and people are talking, I try to mentally talk myself out of being interested in whatever it is. I just focus on what’s happening in the room, and tell myself I can watch it later. It’s hard for me to focus on conversation and a really good movie at the same time. I’d rather watch it later than struggle through that. If it’s just dh channel surfing and I start to feel annoyed, I just go sit in bed on the iPad. 

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My DH is a channel surfer 😔!  Drives me nuts!  He will also talk through my shows, but doesn't want me/my boys talking through his shows -- LOL.  Before the night is over, I usually end up with the tv in the living room and he goes to our bedroom to watch his.

I will add that oftentimes I don't care what he is watching.  I cross-stitch and just sit with him while he does his channel surfing thing.  We are just together and that is fine.

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We do this to each other, but not about what we’re watching. We don’t always get much time together so, when things pop into our heads, it feels like now or never. Thank goodness for the pause button!

Now, programming issues... Dh will happily watch an hour of random movie previews while I try not to murder him. He also likes to watch concerts and music documentaries which are technically fine for me, just not right before bed. But then he puts up with my repeating Criminal Minds binges so it’s somewhat even.  With new tv being kind of scarce, we’re down to very few shared favorites.

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Preach! 😄

Dh and I watch only a few things together: the news, Jeopardy, and reality shows like Hell's Kitchen, which we save for a night we can have wine and cheese and BOTH provide commentary.  The news repeats every 30 minutes and I catch the non-local stuff on NPR.

Watching a movie with him just being IN THE HOUSE is maddening.  We have learned to work our movie nights around when he'll be at work if it's something any of us really want to see.


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No lie, I posted my response to this thread, about DH doing this too, and 10 seconds later he walked into the room where we were watching a documentary, sat down, and shouted something silly about what was on the screen. 

I love the man, but I want to hear what the people on the tv/movie are saying!

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When he goes to get chips. Oy. I honestly am thinking just exactly how long can a person crinkle crinkle crinkle the bag? Surely it doesn’t take that long to get a handful of chips. Then loud sneezing. Cabinets slamming. 
Don’t mean to sound like I’m veering off into outright complaining. It’s  just how things go. These things just happen when you share space with another person. But goodness, close the chips already! 😬

ETA: I can see the loud potato chip bag being a scenario on a show like Everybody Loves Raymond. Lol

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13 hours ago, ktgrok said:

My husband is the same. And asks questions that I can't possibly answer. And goes into monologues about the production value or lighting or something. 

This is so me, I am so sorry dh! I try, I really do, and vow to do better each time…it’s just that I get so involved in the show and it just comes out! 🙄

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  • 2 years later...
On 8/7/2021 at 11:25 PM, Sally742 said:

Just googled my frustration about my husband commenting when we watch movie together. I didn't realise how common it seems. 

I am considering not watching TV/ movie with him anymore or for the time being anyway. I like to hear what is going on in the show. I mentioned to him last night that I don't like it and it blamed me for being controlling and not letting him enjoy the moment. 

Any ideas of what I should do? 

My husband blames me for interrupting him when watching stuff. Today I decided I’m not sitting watching anything with him or I’ll try not to. I’m annoyed. He could pause he could rewind but still wanted to be rude so he can enjoy sitting there watch it alone. I will make my excuse and watch other stuff maybe on my phone and ignoring him let’s see how he likes that. 

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