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Hits so far this year


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Besides the usual suspects, my kids have been loving CNN Student News (sparking great discussions, mapwork, learning about governments--my kids know more about chemical weapons and the government shutdown than most adults IMHO! LOL), environmental science rabbit trails and more) and DuoLingo. My kids know more Spanish now then they did after an entire year of (admittedly pathetic, mommy-led) Spanish last year. 


Just wanted to share :)

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While BFSU is a usual suspect, I was surprised how easy it was to implement it and how much we learned so far. Just a little nudge to those worried about being overwhelmed with the format. It's not that bad. :tongue_smilie:

We are loving everything we picked, but WWE. Yet we are sticking with it as well.

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Lively Latin, Galore Park Science, Logic of English, WTM style-writing, Zacarro and Knowing Mathematics.


Two unusual suspects; I began tutoring a "way behind" family, and it has improved our day tremendously. The other surprising hit has been a 1924 school Fifth Reader by Bobbs-Merrill. 


I adore Math Mammoth for my tutoring students. ETA also different aspects of Logic of English for everyone I'm teaching. Dd spilled coffee on my Teacher's guide, and I thought, "Well, I don't plan on selling this, anyway...."

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This year has been full of surprises so far:


For my 6th grader, we are loving:

Jousting Armadillos,

writing using Beechick's Culham's Traits of Writing + Warriner's Composition,

sentence diagramming! - we are diagramming Practice Voyage sentences on the whiteboard

homemade Modern history using a ton of resources

Figuratively Speaking fleshed out with lots of example poetry

Astronomy!  What started out as a short unit on the solar system is blossoming into a passion and absorbing our whole science year! Mom is in shock.


For my 2nd grader:

Science & History! I wasn't going to do either this year in a formal way, but she was asking for more, so we started Mr. Q Life Science and Story of the World.  She loves it, she wants to do multiple lessons of each every day.  


The usual suspects, MM, MCT & LOF, are hits as well.

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Off the top of my head,just the highlights:


Calvert 4th grade Writing- I really think my dd may be a Writer.  She writes in her free time but also churns out some really creative and well-written compositions.  


Horizons Math 4- My dd enjoys it, does it with ZERO complaint, and learns math well. What could be better?


Ranger Rick- this is such a cute magazine. I have no idea why we never subscribed before!


Muse Magazine- super super interesting and educational. My son grew out of the Lego mag and I looked around and I found a winner!!! Muse is worth the expensive 50.00 price tag!

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For my 6th grader:

- AOPS Pre-Algebra (once she got through the learning curve it was easy sailing; she is partway through chapter 2 and finding it challenging but not overly difficult)

- Jousting Armadillos (just plain fun for both of us!)

- Prentice Hall Science Explorer integrated textbook w/videos and extra reading in library books to go along with the topics


For my 4th grader:

- MUS is still working

- free reading for science...it is the only subject that gets done daily without a fight

- listening to a recording of FMoR and reading along in the book (auditory learner, she retains pretty much everything she hears but hardly 1/10th of what she reads)


For my 1st grader:


- R&S Phonics, but that is a given...it just plain works



- Friday afternoon tea time with hot cocoa/hot tea/coffee and a snack while everyone reads their best piece of composition from the week, shares something interesting from lit, history, or science, and I read poetry

- CAP Writing & Rhetoric (4th & 6th grader)


The usuals: MP Latin, R&S English, R&S Spelling

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Our core subjects are going GREAT.


Singapore math

Miquon (supplement)

Abeka grammar

IEW (my son loves All Things Fun & Fascinating!)

Spell to Write and Read (3rd grade)

Writing with Ease (1st grade)


and even though we are done with it, Abeka phonice was great for both of my kids.


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It might not be what you are talking about, but...


My kids are not usually TV watches. As in turn down the chance to watch a new kid movie with Dh and myself. Well recently they got into watching Thundercats with Dh. Now they are into Teen Titians. Enough into it that they are even willing to watch season 1 in French.


(In the past they have turned down the chance to watch almost everything with Dh, so he is enjoying sharing favorite cartoons with them. )



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Our 'usual suspects' are going well: WWE, FLL, SOTW, SM etc


The things that are going well and I would count a 'hit' are: Beast Academy, AoPS Algebra 1, Reading Detective, and Editor in Chief.


I have never been one for workbooks, but I am finding Reading Detective and EIC work on some skills in isolation in a useful way.

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I have to echo Halcyon's praise for CNN Student News!  Both of my middle schoolers look forward to it every day, and I'm impressed by how much they know about current events now!  Other hits this year are:


Atelier Art - art is FINALLY getting done at my house now!

IEW Medieval History Writing Lessons - ds11 is doing really well with it

Human Odyssey - a big hit with both of my middle schoolers

Tour a Country - dd8 is LOVING this program put out by CHC

The Sentence Family - another fave of dd8!

Lightening Literature 2 - dd8 is testing the program and so far we are both in love with it

Figuratively Speaking - dd13 and ds11 are both having fun with this in conjunction with LL7


After taking a break from MCT and MM last year, we are back with those programs again.  Being away from them has made me appreciate how really awesome they are - and the kids agree! :hurray:

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4th- DS9

-Singapore Primary Mathematics (US Edition)

-Writing With Ease

-Story of the World

-Writing Road to Reading (Spelling)


K -DD5

-Surprisingly, Phonics Pathways is a real winner here, effective, easy, and seems to be working.

-Explode the Code (SHE LOVES THESE)

-Singapore Essentials K


I was going to try Rightstart Mathematics but then it just never took hold for us. My DD-K seems to really enjoy the workbook format of Singapore Essentials so we might just stick with that. I wanted to love RightStart, I love the idea of it, it just wasn't working in practicum.


I still am not in LOVE with our Science or Grammar but it gets done.

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Mostly we are moving on from previous hits. New hits for this year...


Lively Latin for DS10


highly tweaked, supplemented, integrated CPO life/earth/physical science


Field Trip Friday! The kids finish their independent and/or one-on-one work before we leave. They each have to select one topic of interest to learn more about the following week.


detailed checklists for everyone, including assignments/instructions written out for DS10 and DD9 (who are starting to do more independent work during afternoon one-on-one time)


Stack the States/Countries. (My kids officially know more about world geography than I do now.)


current events discussions/debates with the kids (yes to CNN Student News!, plus selected reading from the newspaper with oldest, and News-O-Matic iPad app for my youngest)

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Growing with Grammar. 

I have to admit that when I saw the website and stuff, I balked a little - I am a little bit of a packagng person, and it just didn't *look* the way that I felt I wanted it to.  But I got it for Astro and he does AMAZING.  So then I ended up ditching Rod & Staff with Link and switching him over, too.


Atelier Art.

Love love LOVE it. 


Other than that it's all stuff we'd tried before, so we already knew we liked it.  :)

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Nothing new this year, except dd11 joined a FLL Robotics team. It has been a huge hit. It might be partly the dynamics of our particular group. But she is loving it. 


As far as at home school, we did start Astronomy w/the Memoria Press 3rd grade unit.  Yes I beef it up because mine are older, but honestly, we are learning so much just by memorizing the stars and constellations that I don't think we would learn w/out the MP style of drilling it in :)

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For us, so far:


Wordsmith Apprentice

Apples & Pears (still)

poetry memorization 


Not sure yet:

Easy Grammar

Breezin' Thru Theory (This seems to be working, but I've been failing to have DD practice piano, so I don't know if she can apply what she's "learned". She likes it.)


History, literature and science from last year are ALMOST done, I'm looking forward to the "new" stuff.

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We are really still trying to figure out what works best for us as far as scheduling and such, but we have a few hits.


The Sentence Family


SOTW- they love the audio cds but don't love the map work or coloring pages.  We haven't done narration because I think it would throw them over the edge.  They are excited about the stories and that's it so far.  I supplement with fiction read alouds, non fiction movies and shows, other random projects.


Singapore- I love it. They are ok with it.  


Starfall Learn to Read app- ds loves it.


Bookflix- dd loves this


Montessori math app- both kids like it and really understand place value now



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Beast Academy, SOTW (just reading/listening to the cd and reading extra books), and CAP fables. Science is always child led, but I added in Barrons Painless Jr. science for dd1. She reads the section, and we discuss the questions. It's easy, open and go, and gives her a jumping off point to investigate further.

We took a couple of weeks off in May/June and then another week when we moved in early September, but we've been going strong since then. This week we had family come and visit, so I declared it a read a thon week. Dd1 has just taken off with reading for pleasure, she is reading an entire chapter book every day. I have pictures of her reading on a carnival ride, at an indoor playground, and on a walk. She reads almost constantly. This makes my heart so happy, especially considering she had such a hard time with it at first. Now to get dd2 reading well...;-)

For dd2, ETC and Phonics Pathways with Bob books is going well. Miquon and C-rod work is fantastic, although I am not surprised. I am a huge Miquon fan.

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More info please!


I'm loving all the stuff we're doing (in siggy). Although we've haven't had a lot of time yet for OM 1. I'm using it more as a supplement.


ETA:  Not Beechick, Culham!  Ruth Culham.




This is the book.  I'm using it as a big picture, whole-to-parts sort of framework for writing across the curriculum.  So far it's a great organizational tool for me.  I'm not sure how many of the actual lessons we will do, they seem to be targeted to classroom settings, but I will know more in a few weeks after we've gotten into it a bit more.  It's been a great asset to planning how to teach writing, though.

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Hits here are Math U See, Mystery of History, Apologia Zoology 2 & General Science, Apples and Pears Spelling, Phonetic Zoo, IEW, Analytical Grammar/JAG, and R&S math for my dd with math struggles.


For myself...hits are History of the Ancient World by S.W.B, and Duolingo Spanish :001_smile: .

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Apples and Pears Spelling (why did I wait so long to try it?!)

CAP Writing and Rhetoric

No More I'm Done (applying what we're learning in our CAP writing assignments)

Math in Focus

I bought a complete set of Bill Nye episodes. Those have been hits.

Telling God's Story





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Our current biggest hit has been setting magazines on the table during meals. (I know this would be heresy for some. :ohmy:  We don't do it during tea, I promise! Cross my heart!)


The magazines have sparked some great meal-time conversations. I've noticed Lily starting conversations about articles at other times as well.


Plus, after a rough homeschooling morning spent arguing with one's child about the utter certainty of education doom, nothing soothes the soul as much as glancing up and realizing she is by her own choosing reading The Economist. ;)



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Igniting Your Writing is definitely a hit this year. We all use it together on Friday afternoons (I do the work, too!), and it engages both my natural and my reluctant writer. We're very happy with it.


I'm also very happy with Writing Skills and Ridgewood Grammar, both from EPS, which are helping my language-delayed son more than anything else we've tried.

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Dd still really likes AoPS Algebra, and shockingly she says she much prefers Word within the Word to Caesar's English.


She's also liking the middle school writing class with Aim Academy.  It's not perfect - there have been some technical glitches and I think there could be more feedback, but writing is happening without complaining.


I'm really liking Mr. Q Advanced Chem - dd's not so enthralled, but it's getting done and the built-in worksheets, quizzes and discussion questions are making sure she thinks about what she's read and retains it, without drowning her in busywork.  We're not doing the labs, as I bought it as a complement for a lab-only Chem class she's taking, and for that it's been great.



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I got off to a late start with some of our newer stuff, but I know ourselves well enough to predict a success or failure. My daughter is 8, turning 9 in a few weeks.


  • CAP Writing and Rhetoric: Fables has been wonderful for us, especially since we haven't done a writing program in forever. 
  • Sadlier has released new curriculum on grammar, word study, and revamped their vocabulary so it's all appealing and colorful, with online games/activities. We picked up Vocabulary Workshop, Grammar Workshop, and Word Study. (What can I say, my daughter likes language arts workbooks.)
  • Mr. Q. Earth Science - Finished the free Life program last year, and then promptly purchased everything else that he makes. She is totally eating it up.
  • Elementary Spanish - something we've used for a few years, but it seems this year her interest has been revitalized. I think it's the fun songs we sing together and the fact that she's just learning more Spanish lately.

Satori's really getting into her extracurricular activities (the first time we've gotten to take classes since we moved down the mountain): Gymnastics and Piano/Voice lessons.


Plus our usual suspects are all still great. For both of us, SOTW, LOF. For her, logic workbooks and any other fun workbooks. For me, Singapore math stuff, BA...


We subscribe to four of the Cricket magazines (Cobblestone, Odyssey, Calliope, Ask), but I think I'm the only one that reads them from cover to cover. My family will read them if they're sitting on the dinner table at least, so it makes it all worth it. Does spark interesting dinner conversations. I'm thinking of getting changing our Ask magazine to Spanish version for the practice.

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Most everything is going really well this year...


The major new hits this year are:


Brave Writer (The Arrow primarily with a little Jot it Down and PW thrown in)

US History (our own study) huge hit! The books are great, the history cards are great memory work, and they are loving the hands on!

Education Exploration: yes it's simple, but just what we needed for science this year. We supplement it for my third grader with the Usborne Science Encyclopedia with written narrations on the topic for the week from EE. It's been great!

Mark Kistler online drawing classes. Dd is loving this!


Old Faithful hits: AAR, AAS, MM, FLL (FLL3 has been a particular surprise hit over the first two for dd)

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Changing to bju distance learning was my biggest hit this year!


At the start of this year we used many different things: Apologia science, SOTW 3, WWE, etc... Then came the exhaustion of my medical condition, we moved to a new state, you get the idea.

I felt so tired and burned out by October, that my dh agreed to try the distance learning from BJU. We cringed at the price tag, but we really felt it was best for our family. I LOVE it. :-)

The teachers are always smiling, full of energy, and explain things in detail. I get to correct the papers, and set up the items for their lessons. Win win in my book!

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Changing to bju distance learning was my biggest hit this year!


At the start of this year we used many different things: Apologia science, SOTW 3, WWE, etc... Then came the exhaustion of my medical condition, we moved to a new state, you get the idea.

I felt so tired and burned out by October, that my dh agreed to try the distance learning from BJU. We cringed at the price tag, but we really felt it was best for our family. I LOVE it. :-)

The teachers are always smiling, full of energy, and explain things in detail. I get to correct the papers, and set up the items for their lessons. Win win in my book!

This sounds so good right now!!  Do you think you'll continue with it next year?

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This sounds so good right now!! Do you think you'll continue with it next year?

I really think so. I am able to get out the materials they need each day, the night before. I put it in a folder, on their desk, whatever. I don't mind the prep work because I can do it at night while the kiddos are sleeping, drinking my chi tea.:-) The teachers have a lot of experiements/ projects they do as well. If I have the items, my kids do them. If not, they are just fine watching them. No complaint yet.

Now I spend my days " helping" the kids, not teaching them. I get to be their mommy. I am sure many would not like this approach though. Everyone is different, and that is what makes homeschooling so awesome. :-) We each have our own comfort level.

It works for us. My kids wake up, happy to do school now, instead of dragging. I tried to be exciting for them, but I am just exhausted lately, so it helps to have this.


The last two years, in Dec., BJU has had a sale on individual courses for $99. Maybe they will do it again this year, and you could try out a course. :-) You would have to purchase the student book, but the teacher stuff is online, I believe.

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We had a TON of misses earlier this year but have things down to a few keepers now. 


Older kids:

BJU Distance Learning DVDs--LOVE these for most subjects. School gets done and I'm not stressing about missing things.

Developmental Math for Son 1{BJU went too fast for him. This is an LD area for him.}

IEW SWI-B {they needed way more help than BJU Eng was giving them.}

The verdict is still out on the MP LC1 Latin as the kids just started that today.


Younger Kids:

Real Science 4 Kids--We all LOVE this one!

Memoria Press Literature guides

Memoria Press Yearly Plans for the enrichment and recitation

R&S Math 

R&S Eng

R&S Spell


I tried the BJU DL for the younger kids but none of us were feeling the love so back to MP we went. Now we have love feelings again.



not using anything but letting her be


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Everything has been going well here.  Our new hits are:


MCT - Dd absolutely loves it!

Galore Park French (So You Really Want to Learn French) - We are so happy we went ahead and switched to it!

Focus on Middle School Chemistry - I was afraid it would be too much for a 3rd grader & a 4th grader, but it has been perfect.

Microscope - I'm so glad I went ahead and bought it. 

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This is the book.  I'm using it as a big picture, whole-to-parts sort of framework for writing across the curriculum.  So far it's a great organizational tool for me.  I'm not sure how many of the actual lessons we will do, they seem to be targeted to classroom settings, but I will know more in a few weeks after we've gotten into it a bit more.  It's been a great asset to planning how to teach writing, though.


This writing is by Ruth Culham, not Beechick. ;)

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MBTP 5-7 has been a relative hit for DD. It's definitely an "easy" curriculum, but DD has enjoyed the themes and has gone off in her own direction with them, expanding on the ideas. 


Misses: Song School Spanish...too easy and not enough meat to it. Looking for another option.

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We're having a good year so far. So much is getting done!


Big hits:

-WWE3 and Singapore 3 with my third grader -- neither is earth-shattering, but they're hitting him at just the right levels.

-A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court with my sixth grader -- she chose it from a list of options and is loving it. Who knew?

-The Google Earth puzzle book plus notebooking sheets for each country -- again, who knew it would be such a hit?

-We are actually getting to art this year, with Artistic Pursuits, and they love it.

-Picture study -- all four children, including the 2yo, LOVE this. Even my small guys love pointing out what they see, and then we hang the prints next to the dining table so we can enjoy and observe them, for a while longer. Right now, we're studying Van Gogh.

-Mr. Q Chemistry -- the projects, in particular, have been really big hits for everyone (although their reactions to the disposable diapers in the one experiment was hilarious -- we have only used cloth, so they were just incredulous that people put paper diapers on babies, LOL!).

-MEP Reception level with my almost 5yo -- just right for him, and he begs to do more of it.

-GSWL (third grader), Latin's Not So Tough (sixth grader), and Mango (Italian for third grader, Spanish for sixth grader -- their choices).

-Sixth grader is liking the math supplements I found for her -- free worksheets I found on the internet, including from the Franklin Institute. She enjoys alternating them with Saxon.

-History Odyssey Early Modern -- third grader is doing very well with level 1. Level 2 is a step up in brainwork for the sixth grader, but she's rising to the challenge well.

-HWOT cursive for third grader.

-Learning the books of the Bible. Even the 2yo gets into this. It helps that our baby's name is in the list, so everyone wants to be the one to say it. :)


Not really anything that has been a dud. Sixth grader doesn't love WWS 1 because it requires a fair amount of writing and effort, but she does seem to like it better than she liked WWE 4. We have some issues because she doesn't always understand what SWB wants -- turns out that the student book didn't translate to Kindle format very well, and sometimes bolding ad such are lost. But she's getting there. Oh, she isnt really thrilled with Figuratively Speaking. The factual stuff is no problem; she just doesn't really like the creative stuff like "make a metaphor for X." But it is doing the job. Overall, I'm really pleased with the balance of fun and challenge, and I'm pleased with how much ground we are covering.

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