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What Would Mom Like to Study if She had the resources?

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Waaaay back in the day, I took intro. courses to both piano and violin as an adult. To be honest I wasn't very good at all and after 100+ hrs of practice the absence of any recognizable improvement was discouraging. At the time I couldn't justify the cost in money or time, was totally demotivated/discouraged and so I quit both. (Good thing that violin was a loaner!!!)


If I could find the time, I think I'd still like to take lessons on at least one of them. I'd also love to have time to work intensively on my ASL.

So I pick ASL and piano.


What would you pick for your own amusement, enrichment or whatever, if you could prioritize yourself?


Editing to clarify:

Resources include things like the books, videos, teacher and products as well as the time, money, and the energy to actually put into your own interests. It can be formal classes or informal classes, it could be self-studying or with a tutor or study buddy. What ever you want to study, in whatever way you would need to study it to experience the most success.


Oh, and I'm really enjoying reading everyone's replies!


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I would definitely get back into swimming. Unfortunately, our local pool is only open 3 months a year, and I have to drive for nearly an hour to get to the closest one that's open year-round. I'd also like to get back into playing piano and viola, but the piano is so badly out of tune I can't stand to play it (and because we live in the boonies, it costs a small fortune to get someone to come out to do it) and I don't have a viola. I'd like to become fluent in Spanish and ASL, and spend more time doing photography and videography. 


I'm currently working on getting back into shape and losing weight, and studying history. 

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I just started recorder lessons. It is an alto recorder so a little larger than the ones that most third graders are playing. It is slow going because I can't read music very well and am having to learn that too.


I have been going to Japanese school for a while. I decided that I couldn't teach a foreign language and Saturday Japanese school would work for my kids. Since it was going to take up their Saturday mornings, I could learn too. I am finally beginning to talk like a three year old there. I can answer really basic questions and read the written language. Wahoo.


Finally I decided for my birthday the year I turned forty that I wanted to lift weights and feel strong. So I found a trainer and started. It has been great. I feel stronger and fitter than I have ever felt. I only wish my daughter had the desire to be fit too.


It is much easier now that the kids are older and I can leave them at home while I do my own thing.

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I would study ancient Greek and translate ancient texts to modern english. I have always loved languages but my parents didn't think I could get a job with a degree in the classics. I don't have a job now, so I guess it didn't really matter, ha! 

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I would love to get a masters degree in geriatrics someday. (I am a physical therapist who works in geriatrics)


But if we are just talking what would you like to study purely for enrichment: ASL, British history, and I'd like to read all of SWB's History of ... books.

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I've always wanted to learn to play violin.  I'd love to learn Latin.  There are really a lot of things I'd like to learn.  The only ones at my disposal have to pretty much be free since I can't find a job and have very little money.  I'm trying to make due with what is available to me.

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I think I would love to learn more about Architecture, restoration, and innovative environmentally friendly.  I would also love to restart the guitar lessons stopped 15 years ago with the arrival of my eldest.  Oh, and a couple of cooking courses wouldn't go astray.


Best wishes

Jen in Oz


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I haven't been on the forums in a couple months. I'm taking 3 online classes  (anatomy, biology, and statistics) to finish an Associate's Degree which I will then transfer to finish my Psychology degree I started back in the late 90s. (My anatomy was a 7 weeks accelerated so yay!! done with that one.)


I've found it really tough to keep up with online classes and homeschooling as well. Which probably explains why I haven't done a lot of enrichment study for myself. I would like to finish school however. I have enough psych credits that it would only take me about 2 semesters. 


A few extra things. I would love to learn to play piano. I was taking bass guitar lessons in college for fun, would like to do that again. Or learn guitar. Any music actually.


I would also love to train for a 5K or something. 


And a big dream of mine that will have to wait until my children are much older. I would love to hike the entire AT, either just my husband and I or together as a family. The idea of camping and living out of a pack in the woods for several months is extremely appealing to me! 


I have also had this desire for years to go on retreat, particularly in Gethsemani KY at the Trappist monastery or the Buddhist monastery in the Catskills. 


Anyway those last two things are something I will do one day. It's a matter of timing. Whether or not I learn to run or play a guitar is sort of who knows?


I've also been kicking around the idea of tutoring ABE. I would also love to learn to knit or crochet. Every time I try I get impatient. 

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French, piano and geometry. Maybe Greek.


But for me, it's less about the resources and more about the dearth of time. And maybe ability. I can play, but I'm no great artist on the piano. Fur Elise and Moonlight Sonata are pretty much my limits.

Somehow it seems worthless to pursue things that I will never be really good at, even when they give me joy. I'm seldom happier than when I'm playing the piano. Or perhaps I have some sort of latent belief that things that are not useful, or just for pleasure are not worthwhile. Or perhaps I have simply put things on hold for the sake of attending to other things that seem more important. Some of them are--educating my children, keeping up with the house, etc. But can I really show my children the importance of pursuing dreams if I don't spend some time chasing my own?

Maybe we could expand this thread idea to include the reasons why we don't pursue the things that we find fascinating or enjoyable. What holds us back besides the resources? 

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This is something that is offered through our local community college not-for-credit classes. I plan learning right along with at least some of my kids when they get older. DH will probably take the first kid through as he'll know if the class is worth it or not. I'll probably take dd#2 along because she does better with my presence than with DH. We can make sloppy welds together.  :tongue_smilie:


But it isn't high on my 'to do' list. 

Maybe some more AutoCAD classes ....

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medicine/medical school/neurology




mechanical engineering

corporate accounting

corporate law





Good thing I"m only 51; medical school won't happen since I don't want to travel away from my kids (but this is a dream list, right?), but the others are doable with some time and the excellent local universities.



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Design, like industrial design.


I'd like to get my Mandarin back to where it once was...  still meager, but more passable than now.  That I could probably do if I had more time.


I'd like to study more formal science as well.


One of my goals is to do a MOOC sometime in the next year for myself.  I do study things on my own (I try to read nonfiction alongside what we're doing for school and I'm redoing algebra in preparation for the future...) but it's nice to branch out.

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Yes, just to clarify resources include things like the books, videos and products as well as the time, money, and the energy to actually put into your own interests. It can be formal classes or informal classes, it could be self-studying or with a tutor or study buddy. What ever you want to study, in whatever way you would need to study it to experience the most success.

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Get Spanish, French and Portuguese to fluency. Knitting/quilting. Piano, harp, guitar, cello & something that I could play easily in a bluegrass/old-time jam setting. Unfortunately, I'm always drawn most to solo instruments! Traveling is my top wish though - I wish I had the resources to go abroad for 2-3 weeks twice a year.


Ooooh, art classes! I've never had art classes, but I would love to.

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  • Theology
  • Apologetics
  • Education
  • To-Shin Do (with my dd)
  • Minimalist living

I try to do as much as I can with regards to the above subjects by reading.  However, I would love to be in a class-type setting as that's how I learn best.


My dh and I watch dd's To-Shin Do class 2X a week.  While we understand the moves, it's a totally different reality to put it into practice on our own.  Unfortunately, it would cost $60 additionally for both of us to join.

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Piano playing, take a course in nutrition and dietitics (just because I am always interested in healthy eating and cooking), travel to Egypt and see the pyramids (I am always reading about them and watching videos of them) and learn master level Yoga (I am about intemediate level now).

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medicine/medical school/neurology




mechanical engineering

corporate accounting

corporate law





Good thing I"m only 51; medical school won't happen since I don't want to travel away from my kids (but this is a dream list, right?), but the others are doable with some time and the excellent local universities.



You can learn gemology from http://www.gia.edu/gem-education/distance.

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Math (I have an engineering degree, but I have forgotten plenty...and I always wanted to delve into the topics that come after Calc III and Diffy Q)


Theater Arts (my emptynester vision includes community theater involvement)


Creative Writing (poetry and plays)




Danish, Latin and Dutch



Fun thread!!



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