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Do you know the Apostles' Creed by heart?


Apostles' Creed  

169 members have voted

  1. 1. Can you say it from memory without looking?

    • I am a Catholic and can say it from memory
    • I am a Protestant and can say it from memory
    • I am a "not defined above" Christian and can say it from memory
    • I am not a Christian of any kind and can say it from memory
    • I am a Catholic and cannot say it from memory
    • I am a Protestant and cannot say it from memory
    • I am a "not defined by the above terms" Christian and cannot say it from memory
    • I am not a Christian and cannot say it from memory
    • Other

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I'm Lutheran, and the Apostles' Creed is pretty central - we say it every week in the Divine Service, and it is a big part of our catechism (one of the six chief parts).  It is formally memorized in sunday school and confirmation, but mostly everyone knows it by heart just from saying it every week (my 7yo knows a good chunk of it just from that). 


I've been taking baby steps into praying the daily prayer offices, and the Creed is included in those (along with the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer).  Basically the Commandments are a capsule summary of the Law - they tell us what we must do (and show us how we fall short), and the Creed is a capsule summary of the Gospel - what God has done for us.  (And then we respond to what God has done for us as we pray the Lord's Prayer.)  Reciting, meditating, praying those three texts is basically Christian spirituality in a nutshell.

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I know the Nicene Creed better. 


We officially use the Nicene Creed for communion services, and the Apostles' Creed for non-communion services, but in practice some churches just use the Apostles' Creed for both.  I know the Nicene Creed, but not as well - I think we say it mostly at a few special services.

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I voted "Catholic and can say it from memory" however I would probably get a few points taken off for mumbling during a sentence or two in the middle and getting a word or two out of order if I try it right now.  I do better saying it in a big group. 

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I had to vote other.


I was raised in the Lutheran church, and learned it in 4th grade Sunday School. My teacher, Mrs. Strickland, gave me a dollar for memorizing it, which my parents had me promptly put in the offering plate.


I left the Lutheran church 23 years ago, and have rarely said it since then. We now belong to a non-denominational Bible church. We have studied several Creeds, including the Apostles' Creed, in classes over the years, and we have read it corporately during worship services on a few occasions.


I am confident that I would be able to recite it after a very brief review.

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Catholic here and I voted other (sort of ashamed-like.)  If I am praying the Rosary regularly, I can say it from memory.   If lapse in my Rosary habit, I find I need more prompting.  I have several Rosary apps on my phone which helps me remember. I used to be able to say the Nicene Creed from memory (we say it at most masses) until the Catholic church revised the liturgy a couple of years ago.  They reworded a couple of phrases to adhere more closely with the Latin, so now there are a couple of phrases that I stumble over without having it written in front of me.  Even when I had the old version memorized, I would read along to more carefully pay attention to what I was saying. 

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Catholic here and I voted other (sort of ashamed-like.)  If I am praying the Rosary regularly, I can say it from memory.   If lapse in my Rosary habit, I find I need more prompting.  I have several Rosary apps on my phone which helps me remember. I used to be able to say the Nicene Creed from memory (we say it at most masses) until the Catholic church revised the liturgy a couple of years ago.  They reworded a couple of phrases to adhere more closely with the Latin, so now there are a couple of phrases that I stumble over without having it written in front of me.  Even when I had the old version memorized, I would read along to more carefully pay attention to what I was saying. 


I use Rosary apps on my phone too.  It's so handy because I can do a decade while I'm waiting to pick DD up from an activity or walking.  It helps me get my daily Rosary in.

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So would you not define yourself as the "not defined by any of the above" Christian?  


I should have done that.  Problem is that, owing to medication side effects, I have not slept at all since Thursday night of last week.  (not an exaggeration)  So, mistake made.  OP may recalculate if she needs to do so.   

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Oh, sorry about your medication.


I was actually just asking because I thought maybe there was another category Orthodox fell under that I was not aware of.


No worries.





I should have done that.  Problem is that, owing to medication side effects, I have not slept at all since Thursday night of last week.  (not an exaggeration)  So, mistake made.  OP may recalculate if she needs to do so.   


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Oh, sorry about your medication.


I was actually just asking because I thought maybe there was another category Orthodox fell under that I was not aware of.


No worries.




Thanks!  . . .  I'm on a twelve-day, heavy dose of steroids to counteract the severe poison ivy that covered my face, crept inside one ear, and was about to invade an eye.  The list of potential side effects from systemic steroids is shocking and, of course, the doctors *forget* to mention them.  People who take steroids deliberately are out-of-their-minds.   

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Oh, sorry about your medication.


I was actually just asking because I thought maybe there was another category Orthodox fell under that I was not aware of.


No worries.



Technically the RC and the EO are pre-denominational. Both existed long before the reformation, and for more than half of that early existence they existed as one. Denominations are a relatively new phenomena in Christianity.

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I'm a lifelong Presbyterian.  The church in which I grew up didn't say this on a regular basis so I sort of knew it, but not by heart.  Three years ago the church I currently attend started saying it on a weekly basis and so I now have it memorized.


Both were PCUSA churches.  My brother's church [also PCUSA] says it about 4 times a year.  It just depends on the congregation and/or pastor, I guess.

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I'm a lifelong Presbyterian.  The church in which I grew up didn't say this on a regular basis so I sort of knew it, but not by heart.  Three years ago the church I currently attend started saying it on a weekly basis and so I now have it memorized.


Both were PCUSA churches.  My brother's church [also PCUSA] says it about 4 times a year.  It just depends on the congregation and/or pastor, I guess.


I was PCUSA as a child, which is where I learned the Apostle's Creed.

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When I was an Evangelical, I loved Rich Mullins, and I learned it from one of his albums. When I was growing up as a Methodist, we said it from time to time, but I never memorized it then.


I can also say the Ave Maria in Latin and English.


Not bad for an atheist, I think. :)

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The word "catholic" when used in the Apostles' Creed and in the Nicene Creed does not refer to the Roman Catholic church. The word refers to the Christian faith that was held in common around the earth. That is not the most scholarly of replies, but must suffice for now because I am pecking out this post on a cellphone.

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What is the difference between the Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed?  I've only ever used the former.  


Also, out of curiosity, is there a place I can read about the changes that the Catholic Church made recently?  Or does anyone know offhand what they are?


Edited because I am so paranoid about posting spelling errors :)

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I voted:  "I am a "not defined by the above terms" Christian and cannot say it from memory"


I could say that *used* to be able to say it from memory.  I'm sure it was the one I learned for Confirmation in the Methodist church way back in 7th grade.  Then attended churches that "had no Creed but Christ" tradition.  Became a Lutheran after many years, and we said the Apostle's creed.


As an Orthodox we only say the Nicene-Constantinoplitan Creed (un-altered).    I haven't tried the AC from memory in a while and not sure I could do it without some prompting.




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Catholic means "universal" and I was taught it in the Baptist church growing up.

Ah, thanks for enlightening me. Never too old to learn something new! I guarantee you though that "old busy body southern baptists" I grew up with wouldn't open their eyes to the true definition of the word catholic. Sad but true. Heck, many still think peace signs are of the devil :)

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Protestant and can't say it from memory. It was on our summer memory list, but alas . . . :-/

If figure with all that 8yo can memorize having done Memory Master and CC, surely she can handle this and would it to be familiar for her when in worship settings that it is used in (our current place of worship wouldn't use it in congregational participation, as some others have).

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