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Exploding Pyrex


Exploding Pyrex  

161 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever had Pyrex explode or shatter?

    • Never.
    • Yes, with newer Pyrex.
    • Yes, with older Pyrex.
    • This happened to my friend, but not to me.

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I have some of my grandmother's old pyrex and have been using it since the beginning of this year (or maybe the end of last year?).  I haven't had any problems with it.  The only thing that I had break was an old refrigerator dish.  I've had some chipping on new pyrex, but no exploding.  Dh even put a piece of depression glass in the microwave without any ill effects except for a stern lecture on why exactly he should probably find a different dish to melt margarine for his popcorn.


My understanding is that the potential issue is with the newer stuff.

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yes, I had one shatter and it was probably 10-15yrs old (it happened about 5 yrs ago).  To be fair, I'm sure it was my fault.  It was in the hot oven and I pour tap water into the dish (can't remember why), and the thing shattered.


A guy friend did something similar almost 25 years ago.  He took the Pyrex from under the broiler and put it under the tap.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  It didn't shatter though, just cracked right in half.  It was my brand new pan and I was  :angry: .  Well, at least it didn't explode and nobody got hurt.

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yes, I had one shatter and it was probably 10-15yrs old (it happened about 5 yrs ago). To be fair, I'm sure it was my fault. It was in the hot oven and I pour tap water into the dish (can't remember why), and the thing shattered.


I think this is what happened when mine exploded. User error. I had just broiled fish in it maybe? And then put some water in? Or maybe not. i can't remember. This was about ten years ago with Pyrex I got for my wedding twelve years ago.

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I've never had any explode, thank goodness!  I hope my vote can stay never as  I purchased a vintage set of 1970's Spring Blossom Cinderella mixing bowls, refrigerator bowls and 2 casserole bowls at a flea market this weekend. I am glad to hear most of the exploding has been in newer ones as I certainly intend to put them to good use.


Op I would keep the pyrex!

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I had a 2 cup measuring cup explode when I dropped it on the floor. I was surprised because I was pulling it out of a lower cabinet and the fall was about 4 inches. Many weaker looking items have done fine with a small fall like that. It exploded into a zillion teeny tiny pieces. Most annoying to clean up. Although I will say my floor was immaculately clean by the time I was done. DS was a crawler at the time and I needed to make sure that there were no shards left. 


I also had a 2 cup storage container explode. It fell from a higher place - counter height and this time I wasn't surprised. Clean up was still not fun though!

And then there are mason jars. I love my mason jars! I dropped a 1/2 gallon one half full of flour from the counter and it literally bounced off the tile and was fine. Not even a crack. 

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I had a newer piece explode on me a few years ago. I was cooking a pork tenderloin in a 8x8 pan. I took it out of the oven and set in on a the stove (like I always do) and it just shattered. In a million pieces and my poor tenderloin was just sitting on the the burner all alone lol. It was pretty crazy.

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I've had two pyrex pans kinda just crack and fall apart as soon as they were removed from the oven onto a hotpad and one explode.  The exploding pan sent pieces of glass (and hot wings) all the way to my front door and I had to go to the ER to have glass removed from my foot and my toe stitched up.



ETA:  I'm sure the pans were wedding gifts so circa 1988 or so.

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The old Pyrex was Schott glass made from borosilicate and more heat resistant. They made it until 1998.

They changed the formula to tempered soda-lime glass which is supposed to be more resistant to breakage when you drop it, but is no longer heat resistant. ( While my Grandmother's old Schott glass could be used stove top on a gas flame, you can not use modern Pyrex stovetop.)

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I couldn't vote because I don't know what constitutes newer vs. older. However, I've had only one instance of Pyrex shattering through no fault of my own. It was a casserole dish that was probably 15-20 years old. I cooking meatballs in the oven, as I have done countless times. After 30 minutes or so, I heard a loud bang. The dish had blown up inside the oven. We had grease, meat and glass all over the inside of the oven. What a mess! The only upside? We went out to eat that night, so my kitchen stayed clean...excluding the oven, of course. :D

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I don't want them to send me a new anything.  The only thing I've hung onto are the measuring cups because there aren't a lot of other options for measuring liquids.  I don't cook with those so not a big deal.

The last one I had explode was a glass measuring cup. dd bumped it while putting dishes away and it exploded around her feet. I was finding glass for at least a week, after sweeping three time. This dish was never used for cooking, but it had been in a dishwasher and probably the microwave occasionally.

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This happened to my MIL at Thanksgiving.  She pulled something in Pyrex out of the oven and set it on the stove not realizing that a burner was still hot.  It spectacularly exploded and sent glass flying into all the food which was sitting near by.  We wound up having deli turkey and white bread sandwiches for Thanksgiving.  We smile and look back fondly at that year   :lol:

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It WAS a horrendous mess. I was pregnant and hormonal at the time and I just sat and sobbed. We had to wait for the oven to cool to be able to clean it. My oven had exposed coils at the bottom and everything had baked on during the cooling process.






Thanks for all the help everyone!


For those of you who don't use Pyrex anymore, what do you use instead?

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A while back I remember reading a thread about exploding Pyrex that really freaked me out.  Now I've got a question...  I just got some older, hand-me-down Pyrex from my grandma.  Is older Pyrex better or worse than new Pyrex?  Should I keep this, or give it to Goodwill?


If you think it might explode, why would you give it to Goodwill?

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I use stainless lined pans, some silicone baking products, and for storage some snap-tight glass food storage containers where the plastic lid snaps onto every corner of the glass dish.  It felt like I was wasting money buying the glass food storage stuff but it is seriously the best money I have ever spent on anything kitchen related.  They don't stain, food doesn't stick, and they never melt or shrink.  They are wonderful.

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I use stainless lined pans, some silicone baking products, and for storage some snap-tight glass food storage containers where the plastic lid snaps onto every corner of the glass dish.  It felt like I was wasting money buying the glass food storage stuff but it is seriously the best money I have ever spent on anything kitchen related.  They don't stain, food doesn't stick, and they never melt or shrink.  They are wonderful.


That's the glass storage I use and the one that just broke a chunk of glass when I pulled off the lid. I had never cooked with it, never put it in the freezer, never in the microwave, never in a dishwasher, and it just broke. So even the glass storage containers break for no reason.


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