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3 things you are embarrassed to admit you like

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My three:

1. Dirty Dancing (I LOVE this movie, I just can't help it!!)


2. Geri Halliwell's "It's Raining Men." I'm surprised my ipod doesn't revolt or the other songs don't get up and leave or something.


3. Trashy romance novels. I know my husband's gone a lot but it's still embarrassing to admit.

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1. This week the "Alex Rider" novels. We finished one as a read-aloud and have the devoured the next 3 in the series in the last two days. Not reading aloud, but for myself. :D I've decided we are going to use the series to help our world geography skills. ;)


2. my grubby khaki camo t-shirt that I sleep in. It has a few holes but it is the most comfortable shirt.


3. eating uncooked ramen noodles. They make a great snack. No, I don't eat the salt package, it goes in the trash.

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because I need to admit the following:


1. I love perezhilton.com. I read that site daily. There. I said it.


2. One of my favorite songs is International Harvester and I'm not a farmer.


3. This last one is not something I like but rather something I wanted to do..once. (My dh still rags on me for it.) When I was younger, I wanted to travel the country by hopping on a boxcar. It just sounded like fun.:tongue_smilie:

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1. I like the Kiera Knightly Pride and Prejudice better than the BBC version.


2. I eat Nutella with a spoon.


3. I let the kids draw on new paper and not on recycled paper from the office.


Ahem. Excuse me. Is there any other way to eat Nutella?! ;)


Right there with ya, sister, on all three! (Especially the Nutella. I think I could live on the stuff.)

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1. I could live on ice cream. Cookie Dough, to be exact.


2. The Wiggles concert video.


3. Sleeping without jammies :D that took awhile to type. I canNOT sleep while tangled up in clothing. If I have to wear something, I will wear bike shorts and a sports bra.

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I can't think of much I'm embarrassed that I LIKE. I can think of something that I'm embarrassed that I do though. I can hold a grudge till hell freezes over. I'm working on that, I know I should be more forgiving.


I'm embarrassed that I pick at my nails.


Let's see, my dds are embarrassed that recently I listen to a few country songs. They are mortified when I sing "Suds in her Bucket" at the top of my lungs.

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3. I could watch Tori and Dean all day long.


ME, TOO! They totally fascinate me.


1. Even though it goes totally against everything I believe and try to live, I LOVE Desperate Housewives.


2. I like the smell of vinyl and crayola crayons and will sniff either when I get the chance.


3. I really like Nora Roberts' books, even though they are totally mind candy.

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1. I buy In Touch or Life & Style magazine every month (sometimes 2x a month) as a guilty pleasure and read every single word although I don't ever talk about it to others.


2. Eating 2-3 gherkin pickles with the fridge door open to get the tangy feeling in my mouth every now and then. I feel like such a sneak...lol.


3. Reality tv shows, although I really don't CARE at all I like watching Gene Simmons' Family Jewels (it cracks me up and I know most of it is fake or staged) and Toni and Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood. I don't even like my dh knowing that I watch them, lol.

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Here goes for the sake of transparency.


1) I was addicted to Farmer Wants a Wife when it was showing.


2) I love to sit on my swing and be lazy lazy lazy while my dh is working in the garden. :001_huh:


3) I like the oldfashioned Zesty Cheese Nacho chip by Doritos. They took them off the market.....I'm afraid I consumed alot of them in my younger days. Yummm.

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I hate bring a dish to pass, gatherings but go anyway and pretend how much fun it is to shlep my crock pot, casserol dish, ect.... hither and yon.


I hide Nutella in my underwear drawer cause I know my teen boys will never ever look there and consume it with a single glance, and once or twice when I could not smuggle a spoon into my bedroom, on a very bad day, I have been known to eat it with my finger.


I get addicted to video games like Harvest Moon or pc games like Command and Conquer, 1602, Civilization, ect...... until I figure them out and then I sometimes reply them pretending that I did not figure them out.

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1) I still love Archie comic books, and when I get them for my daughter, we sometimes battle over who reads them first.


2) I play games on her Webkinz site more than she does, and I LOVE IT!!!


3) I have always, and will always, swallow my gum. If what they told me when I was little is true, my excess 60 pounds is a big wad of gum in my tummy and hips!

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1. Lara Kroft Tomb Raider is my all time favorite movie.


2. Ding Dongs - creamy filling, chocolate coating, need I say more.


3. I steal my kids Halloween candy, (but only the chocolate ones) and eat them hidden in the kitchen pantry. So embarassing!

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My son calls Lifetime the "Depressionfest" channel. LOL


...And my husband says that all the movies on there should be subtitled, "They Came to Talk." ;)


My List O' Shame:


1. I think that Wedding Crashers, while reprehensible in some ways, is one of the funniest movies I've seen in the last five years. Come in for the real thing--get in here for the real thing, people! :grouphug:


2. The FIRST thing I do after putting my kids down for naptime and bedtime is eat chocolate. Every day. Often Nutella. With or without a spoon.


3. The Celebritology blog on the Washington Post website. :blush:

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1. House - I just love how much of a naughty boy he is.

2. Peanut Butter and Pickle sandwiches - I can leave it on the table and don't have to worry about someone taking a bite.

3. Pop Tarts - I am sure they have enough preservatives in them to keep my deceased body whole for years!!

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Well there are a few things I only tell certain people...don't want it to get around.


1. I watch Three and a Half Men when everyone is asleep


2. I sleep on our couch (our mattress is terrible and I have major back problems, but I still hate to admit that to anyone)


3. I eat frosting out of the can (chocolate only of course)

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1. My all-time favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally


2. I had an addiction to Days of Our Lives for years! Finally got over it when Hope and Marlena kept coming back to life...


3. I still smoke and I like it. I hate the stigma but I like my cigarettes.:glare:

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1. I have my own Neopets account. I love the games Word Poker and Destruct-O-Match.


2. Another vote for Dirty Dancing - cheesy, bad acting but I LOVE that movie. I haven't let myself buy it, but I watch it every time I see it's on TV.


3. I like to watch celebrity biographies on TV.

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1. Doritos.


2. that show, Dexter. Why do I want to watch a show about a serial killer? Couldn't have anything to do with steamy ol' Michael C. Hall... *gasp* :svengo:


3. sick kids. Now stop, that's not as bad as it sounds! I don't want my kids to get sick... it's just... nice, somehow, cuddling on the sofa with a tired (and maybe slightly feverish) little one. This rarely happens around here, though - all my kids are freakishly healthy.

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because I need to admit the following:


1. I love perezhilton.com. I read that site daily. There. I said it.


2. One of my favorite songs is International Harvester and I'm not a farmer.


3. This last one is not something I like but rather something I wanted to do..once. (My dh still rags on me for it.) When I was younger, I wanted to travel the country by hopping on a boxcar. It just sounded like fun.:tongue_smilie:


You have good taste in music. You have a sense of adventure. Those are nothing to be ashamed of. A little curiosity about celebrities isn't bad as long as you don't carry it through to digging through their private medical files.

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1. Dawson's Creek - a little racy at times but it's mostly so sweet!

2. Twilight series

3. 1940's- 50's malt shop series - Rosemary du Jardin, Anne Emery, Janet Lambert and Lenora Mattingly Weber etc. I loved these as a girl and Image Cascade has reprinted them.


I see a teen theme here:001_huh:

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Horace Bristol's "Blister Gunner"

Okay, I'm not really embarrassed to admit that, but I do feel naughty being so drawn to it. I mean that's one fine lookin' man (who's probably someone's grandpa or great grandpa now!), but really it's the mystery of why the heck is he standing there butt nekkid? I read a brief explanation, but it doesn't make sense to me.


Real things:

1. Eating ice cream straight out of the bucket--not just a bite or two either. Dh does this too. One night when we lived in town we were sitting on the coach with the bucket of ice cream and two spoons and some very uptight, germaphobic people we knew came by to drop something off. They saw us through the window and they were both aghast and embarrassed to have caught us doing such a shameful deed.:lol:

2. Eating waaaaay too much chocolate chip cookie dough. When I was a kid I often made cookie dough just for eating. Sometimes I only mixed margarine and sugar and ate that.

3. My ringtones are all songs I like but they are constantly embarrassing me by going off in all the wrong places. There's nothing like being at a parent meeting at the school and hearing the whole room snicker or stare open mouthed because your phone is loudly singing, "He's a real hot shot, makes my panties drop, he's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candyman." And why couldn't they have picked a different part of the song for the ringtone anyway? I also frequently startle people with "YOU! Shook me alllll niiiight long!" Man, he really screams that "YOU!", doesn't he?

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There isn't much I'm not afraid to admit too. Some things that people may raise their eyebrows over are:

1. If I was 20 years younger I'd chase after Kevin Jonas from the Jonas Brothers. He is just so cute and his brothers seem to get more attention.

2. I like Spongebob Squarepants

3. I'll still nibble dd's toes every once in a while. But only when she is fresh out of the bath.

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Having spent the first few decades of my life frequently mortified with embarassent, I've reached a stage in my life where very little embarasses me. So, I'm going to bring up things I have done that eventually embarased me for year and years or still do that probably should embarrass me.


1. When I was 11 & 12 I not only bought all the Osmond brother records and had a huge crush on Donny, but I bought those tween (that word didn't exist then, I don't think) magazines & hung a bunch of those posters of him on my wall by my bed. (that embarrassed me from ages 13-30+).


2. I watched every single solitary episode of Alias until that last season when they changed the nights unexpectedly a couple of times (boy, was I PEEVED.) I taped them in case I had to miss one.


3. Last winter, when we turned the heat down to 61F day & night I went to the attic, found an old fleece baby blanket & wore it as a sarong in the house all winter because I couldn't fit long johns on under my jeans (only tights--not enough). (this truly would embarass me if anyone saw me in it other than dh & dc.) I've lost weight, so hopefully I won't need to do that this winter.

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This is so funny to me because for the last few months my ds 7 has been suggesting the same thing. LOL!:)


3. This last one is not something I like but rather something I wanted to do..once. (My dh still rags on me for it.) When I was younger, I wanted to travel the country by hopping on a boxcar. It just sounded like fun.:tongue_smilie:

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