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What does your DC want to do when an adult?


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DS13 wants to work for the CIA as a field agent (will this be a good profession for someone who is cautious and scared of many things, including his brother jumping out from behind a door? I hardly think so.) and DS10 wants to be an Egyptologist (which has DH seriously questioning the wisdom of my homeschool choices).


I keep reminding myself that I didn't settle on my eventual degree (Chem Eng) until I was a junior in college, and gravitated to my eventual career a couple years after I started working. There was a time in college that I wanted to be the female version of Jacques Cousteau.

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For those of you chucking over your young child's career aspirations...be prepared because the interest might last. Our oldest declared when she was six that she was going to be a scientist. She now has a master's in chemistry. Our youngest daughter declared at age 7 that she wanted to study Japanese in college. She's a junior majoring in Asian Studies and Japanese.  Sometimes they really do know.  

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My boys are going to live on a farm, together of course and next door to me.  They are also going to go on "adventures" all around the world where they will live in the wilderness.  Of course I will take care of their farm while they are gone since I live next door.   :D

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Ds18 is working on a Pastoral Ministry degree and plans to be a youth pastor.


DD14 wants to make  a lot of money LOL .  She is thinking something in the medical profession. She was very disappointed to find out that veterinarians don't make as much as medical doctors.  



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DD14 wants to make a lot of money LOL . She is thinking something in the medical profession. She was very disappointed to find out that veterinarians don't make as much as medical doctors.

I think it depends on the veterinarian and the location. The vets we know make excellent incomes, so tell your dd to move to the NYC area if she becomes a vet! :)

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I think it depends on the veterinarian and the location. The vets we know make excellent incomes, so tell your dd to move to the NYC area if she becomes a vet! :)

I tell her if she wants to be a vet and make money, she may want to consider a specialty like surgery......maybe that specialty is just specializing in a  location.  LOL

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My oldest used to want to be a meteorologist.I thought that was pretty cool. Now he's talking about sports broadcasting, which also sounds cool, but is foreign to me, so a little scary.


One dd wants to own a bakery, though I don't imagine how she'll ever get up before the sun.


Other dd and 6yo ds both want to work for animal rescue. So I'm guessing I'll need TWO basements with two futons. ;-)

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Well from the time I was 3 everytime my mom asked me I said  "a mommy", it's written in my baby book from age 3+.  Mom said she figured I would out grow that and choose a real profession.  Nope I just want to be a mom and stay home with my kids.  And I am and I do.  So yup those early choices do stick sometimes.

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DD14 wants to be a lawyer, but is still undecided what to major in for her four-year degree.


One of my sisters is a criminal defense attorney and she majored in psychology as an undergrad.  She says studying psychology has been very useful in her field.  

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Ds has mentioned becoming a history or English professor, also a lawyer, but I've heard him mention other things too.  We have joked about him breeding Cocker Spaniels and calling his kennel Proper Cockers.  He would like to see more old style cockers being bred, but he doesn't really want to do it himself.  We are definitely joking.


Dd wants to be a dog handler.  I don't know if it will stick, but she's well on her way and is handling 4 dogs this fall in addition to her own, also training our neighbors two beagles and working with a friend's new puppy.    


Both want to be writers but somehow got the idea that they need a day job!

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My son told me today, for the very first time, that he wanted to design and create Legos sets when he grows up. He was so sweet when he looked at me and said, "Mommy, do you think I would be good at that?". Melt my heart :).


Trap had a roommate in high school who did that.  (The roommate is now a bridge engineer for the state department of roads, actually, spinning back to the tie between engineers and Legos lol).  

He sent a couple of different designs to Lego.  He was paid in more Legos and had a steamer trunk, full of them.  




The vets we know make excellent incomes, so tell your dd to move to the NYC area if she becomes a vet!

I'll have to let my daughter know this too.  To be sure, a large animal vet on the high plains ain't makin' much. ;) (My DD's dream)





DD14 wants to be a lawyer, but is still undecided what to major in for her four-year degree.

Encourage something useful and easily-employable like teacher or accountant, just in case law school has to be back-burnered for a while.  It drives me batty to hear kids working on "pre-law".  I can think of no more useless of a degree than "pre-law!"  

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When he was 3 my now 12 yo wanted to grow up and become a dragon. Maybe video game tester is an improvement.


My DD's preschool class had "what I want to be" day at that age. DD wanted to "breed dragons, tame them, and ride them"-and went to school with her bike helmet, boots, jeans, a dragon t-shirt, and a stuffed dragon. I guess going from wanting to breed and tame dragons and wanting to breed venomous snakes and giant lizards isn't a surprising jump...


My favorite was the little boy who wanted to be a tractor. Not a farmer, not the guy who uses the big tractor to mow the highway medians, the actual tractor. His mom had obviously had fun coming up with a costume!

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As an ex cop, dd of a retired cop, d sis of a cop and wife of a cop, try to steer him into federal law enforcement. There's no money otherwise.


To answer your question, dd wants to be a dance instructor and open her own studio.

Oh yes! We agree. My brother is a cop and my cousin is Chief of Police in our town. We are definitely urging federal. Perhaps military mp first then federal. He is interested in military since dh was Army.

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Well from the time I was 3 everytime my mom asked me I said "a mommy", it's written in my baby book from age 3+. Mom said she figured I would out grow that and choose a real profession. Nope I just want to be a mom and stay home with my kids. And I am and I do. So yup those early choices do stick sometimes.

That was me as well while younger. I then bounced between Psychology and Dental fields in high school but always just to support myself till married and had children. I did just that and happily home now :)

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I remember asking my kids when they were younger what they wanted to be when they grew up and they frustrated me by always saying, "I don't know." Finally, they seem to know  :) .


Dd wants to go to culinary school and become a pastry chef. She ultimately wants to open a bakery. She *is* GOOD at this. Amazing, really, at 11 years old.



One dd wants to own a bakery, though I don't imagine how she'll ever get up before the sun.


:lol:  but there is this at my house, too.



Ds has always loved trains and has surprised me by NOT growing out of it. His two career interests are train engineer (hello, Choo Choo U.) or alternative energy engineer. He has always been into geology, but I don't think he'll try to make a career out of it, unless he can link it with alternative energy.




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Oh yes! We agree. My brother is a cop and my cousin is Chief of Police in our town. We are definitely urging federal. Perhaps military mp first then federal. He is interested in military since dh was Army.


The only other thing I can offer is to apply early to federal LE agencies.  As early as he knows his exit date from the military if he goes that route.  The background checks on ex-military take months because there are so many more options for travel when one is in the military. 


Good luck.


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I just asked my dyslexic writing phobic daughter and she said "a writer".

Her best friend's mom is a journalist and I credit her with this transformation - when Autumn was upset at spelling and grammar corrections on her papers, BF's mom reminded her that this is why they had editors in the writing world - that she isn't necessarily fantastic with spelling, but they pay her because her content and fluidity is great.


My 4 year old wants to be Nico (himself - we're still waiting for imagination to take hold, lol).


I think my 14 month old wants to eat paper... maybe climb things he shouldn't.

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Ds9- says he want to be like his Dad- programming, electrical work etc.

dd5- says she just wants to be a mommy. She is my very creative child she needs to regularly *make* things, she loves baking and all kinds of art work. She is very compassionate and loves to take care of people when they are hurt or sick. I could see her in the medical field or with some type of bakery. Cakeboss is one of her favorite shows.

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Mine have never wavered, and have both said since toddlerhood that they want to be dancers for the SF Ballet for their first careers, then DS wants to be en Egyptologist, and DD wants to be an astronaut. Since those are both a little specialized, they've since added doing degrees in geoarchaeology (DS) and physics (DD). We'll see.

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13yo dd has realised that she does not want to deal only with sick animals, so has gone from wanting to be a vet to horse physiotherapist.

She is planning to do human physiotherapy first and then do an animal physiotherapy specialisation - so that she can treat both riders and horses. 


9yo dd said for a long time that she wanted to be a 'mathimagician'.  At the moment its either explorer or archaeologist.

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DS7 wants to work at Best Buy. Last week it was Target, and the week before that, it was GameStop. ;) I asked if he was going to be a computer wizard for the Geek Squad, but he assured me he just wants to be a cashier. LOL


DD11 wants to work at a bowling alley or McDonald's. :)


Such a proud, warm and fuzzy moment for me... They aim so high!! :D

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For those of you chucking over your young child's career aspirations...be prepared because the interest might last. Our oldest declared when she was six that she was going to be a scientist. She now has a master's in chemistry. Our youngest daughter declared at age 7 that she wanted to study Japanese in college. She's a junior majoring in Asian Studies and Japanese.  Sometimes they really do know.


This does not bode well for me... :( ;)

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This does not bode well for me... :( ;)


Well it wouldn't hold for mine. 


Cause they have already changed ideas. 


Happily since Youngest wanted to wander the woods duct taping dead skunks to his body (That way he can have stinky perfurm and get a lot of respect just like Jimmy the Skunk) and Eldest wanted to be a professional butt sniffer. 


I did read to him articles about people who sniff and taste things for a living. For awhile he was going to branch out and sniff various body parts, but has now decided to try for something else. 

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