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What is the most surprising thing about your neighborhood?

Excelsior! Academy

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Remembering more. The lady down the street murdered her husband. It was deemed self-defense as he was abusive. This happened before I married my dh, but he was living here.


We have numerous vehicle break-ins on our street. A lawn mower was stolen once as well as numerous gas cans from my husband's trailer. We have two teen homes within a couple miles, and they tracked some of it to the boys' home. A retired police officer lives across the street from us.


We have two guys on our street who collect metal trash to turn in for money.


The house to the left of us used to have a single man living there. He died in his house, and no one knew for days. My husband said he thought he smelled something.

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I like herding dogs.


Naked woodmen I could live without. (Especially yours, because if I recall correctly, he's nothing to look at. If I'm going to have a naked woodman for a neighbor, he'd better be a really hot naked woodman. I have standards, you know. ;))

nudists seem to be older and not fit.  I recall one woman telling of how her dh wanted to visit a nudist colony. everyone was middle age and not fit.  he was unhappy, she was laughing her head off.    my mother was a nudist - at least she only did it at home.  she did get irked when people would tell her she had to put on clothes. re: the physical rehab place, my house . . .. pjs or bathrobes with nothing underneath are not dressed mom. (as far as she was concerned, she was dressed because she usually wore nothing.)


We are rural but have neighbors.  Most keep to themselves and are friendly but not overly involved in each other's lives. 


Our one neighbor is not happy to have us and our horses as neighbors----not my fault he cleared his land to the property line and then built his house on an angle right near the property line and then was upset when we cut down most of our trees to horse pasture.  We even left a 30 ft. buffer of woods between the pastures and his property line.  He would come out to mow his lawn EVERY time something was happening at our house---horses coming or going, builder here, tractor guy here, etc.  He though just put up a privacy fence along the property line so now I don't know how he will see us as much...........or manage to get all of his oak leaves in the fall onto our property............suspicious as in the fall I have huge piles of oak leaves right under my stand of pines.

what about one of those auto-sprinklers (or multiples) aimed at your fence.  you could even mount it in the trees.  that way when the leaves start coming over - he'll get the message you know about by a spray of water to his face.

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One of the most surprising things about our neighborhood is the kids ride bikes up and down the street every evening in nice weather. My dc love this!


We've lived here just over 3 years. In our previous neighborhoods, kids were never outside in front yards.

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nudists seem to be older and not fit.

This guy is fit, and not old. His problem was that the tool he was wielding suffered in comparison to the tool he was wielding. :tongue_smilie:


There have been no reprisals.

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Nothing too strange, but small towns often aren't divided up into economic neighborhoods. Everyone's all mixed up in the neighborhoods, and I love it that way. In our neighborhood, we have some elderly couples, a divorced single woman, an ex-prisoner, a fireman, a habitat for humanity family, a sheriff, a home with about 6 scruffy young men who dress in black tench coats and I'm pretty sure deal illegaly, a lawyer, a family that doesn't know how to talk to each other except by yelling everything very loudly, a young married Jehovah's Witness couple, and more.


I don't know if it has to do with being all mixed up and in a small town, or what, but even the troublesome people are friendly and have a heart. The ex-con prays for my children when they are in potentially dangerous situations, the drug dealers stop and chat with my husband when he is out walking and then come to tell me that my husband is doing so much better in his recovery, the yellers yell across the yards to ask me how I'm doing, things like that. It's really a great neighborhood, all in all. :)

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Nothing too strange, but small towns often aren't divided up into economic neighborhoods. Everyone's all mixed up in the neighborhoods, and I love it that way. In our neighborhood, we have some elderly couples, a divorced single woman, an ex-prisoner, a fireman, a habitat for humanity family, a sheriff, a home with about 6 scruffy young men who dress in black tench coats and I'm pretty sure deal illegaly, a lawyer, a family that doesn't know how to talk to each other except by yelling everything very loudly, a young married Jehovah's Witness couple, and more.


I don't know if it has to do with being all mixed up and in a small town, or what, but even the troublesome people are friendly and have a heart. The ex-con prays for my children when they are in potentially dangerous situations, the drug dealers stop and chat with my husband when he is out walking and then come to tell me that my husband is doing so much better in his recovery, the yellers yell across the yards to ask me how I'm doing, things like that. It's really a great neighborhood, all in all. :)

our street is like that.  very eclectic.  it was first subdivided in the 40's into good size parcels. there is one left that could conceivably turn into eight houses.  those are selling off into 22K sqft lots with mcmansions.  but we also have a section 8 cash cow rental kitty-corner from us (which has provided the most drama - at least the DV/drugs people are gone.  and the hoarder is gone.).  now, there's a house that has opened a daycare - next door to the newest set of 5 under construction mcmansions.  (I confess, I was thrilled to see those particular trees go.  they'd come down in a storm, block the road, and take out our power lines.  because we were one street, we were down the list for power restoration.) 

I do like for the newer houses they are making side streets (up of to no more than three houses) that give the kids somewhere flat to ride their bikes.  we're on a very steep hill and you have to go up to get out.

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Where we live now isn't very exciting, but I want to share a story from years ago.


There were 2 guys renting the house with a large yard (about an acre) next door to us.  They built some cages and had small monkeys, peacocks, and some other small, not normal pet animals.  My brother and I loved to go over there and see the animals.  It was like our own private zoo!  Then one of the guys called my dad to go get some stuff from the house to pawn to pay his bail.  Turns out they had stolen all the animals from a local zoo.  No idea if they intended to sell them or what.

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We have some neighbors that have a pit bull.  This pit bull has attacked three dogs in the last year. Mine being one of them. Our town has a three strikes and the animal is out. This dog does not qualify yet because two of the dogs that got attacked had it happen before this ordinance was passed.


  When I talked to the lady about it she insisted that the the other dogs must have done something to agitate her dog.  I do not know about the other dogs but when I was walking my dog past her yard my dog was just minding her own business and tried to run the other way when her dog attacked.

Anyways, the mayor said they either have to build a fence all around their property or they have to get rid of the dog. A couple weeks ago they yelled at a man that was walking his three dogs down the street past their yard and said to keep his dogs on his side of town.

They refuse to take any responsibility for their dog. They blame all the other dogs saying it is their fault her dog attacked them.  Last week I noticed a for sale sign in the yard.  They said they are moving because everyone is attacking them.

Um no lady if you just keep your dog confined in your yard so it can't hurt anyone else s dogs no one will care.


As long as they refuse to take responsibility for their dog I am glad they are leaving. Good riddance!!

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Nothing surprising.  It's an older neighborhood, started in the 60s, with 1-2 acre lots.  I grew up here, and we bought it from my parents in 1991.  I know some of the neighbors from when I was a kid.  If I ever need help, all I need to do is go next door.  Nothing fancy so there no feeling that one needs to keep up with the neighbors. I like the room, too.  Very happy here.

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I could write a book on this topic and I have joked about that to me dh. Way too many good stories to tell. lol My favorite has to be the New Years eve midnight streaker followed by the shotgun blast to the transformer box resulting in our power going out just after midnight.

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we only have 3 other year round neighbors, besides us, within about the nearest 20 houses. The rest of the houses are 2nd home summer only houses. So for 9 months of the year, it is so peaceful and wonderful here. The other year round neighbors have been here about as long as us (20 years) and are the best neighbors. BUT once Memorial Day hits and until Labor Day, it is crazy here, so crowded and noisy and the summer only neighbors have no interest in meeting anyone else (can't blame them, they only are here 3 months and some of them only weekends). The houses are VERY close together, as in 6 feet away so I feel very squeezed in and crowded in the summers.

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My neighborhood isn't particularly exciting. I live on a dead end dirt road. The most exciting thing about my road is that my nearest neighbor plows out most of the houses (including ours) every time it snows in the winter. And I'm in VT, so we get a lot of snow!! Hmm - most exciting thing about our town. VT has a weird law - you can be naked all you want outside as long as you don't strip in public. So, the town has a naked bike race every summer. it's not a pretty sight. Bad naked. Very bad naked. 

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Um... The illegal club in my alley? The crazy cat lady who feeds all the alley cats every single night? The beekeepers? The fighting rooster I once saw wandering down the street? That birthday cake frozen yogurt from the fro-yo place tastes really good despite sounding weird? That there is literally always, from opening until closing, a line at the Chipotle that nearly goes out the door? That the trees are somehow still growing in front of the grocery store? That there are four different kinds of street lights you can see from one particular spot? That there's such a thing as a table tap for beer at the chic beer pub where you pour your own and it charges you like a gas pump? That the hipsters think they're hip even though they shop mainly at the Target?


Oy... stopping. I find all kinds of things about my 'hood surprising and weird.

I think your neighborhood will always win!


There were sheep and the herding dog (we live in the city, standard 5000 sq. ft. lots) in the lot directly behind ours. They moved out and the naked woodman moved in.

Oh, yeah! I forgot about the naked woodman. :D


My neighbors across the street moved in with multiple families. I *think* there are 3 unrelated families living in that 3 bedroom house. None of them seem to wake up before 11:30am. None of them seem to own pajamas. All of them seem to have a desperate cigarette addiction that requires immediately upon waking that they wrap up in a sheet, grab their cigarettes and lighter and sit on over turned 5 gallon buckets on their FRONT patio. They don't seem to notice a problem with heavy winds or sitting legs spread out of being 200+lbs with an itty twin sized sheet haphazardly wrapped around their privit bits. My front room/school room faces their house. We now make sure the windows are closed until after lunch.


I once saw a truck drive through the neighborhood pulling a grocery store cart by a bungee rope wi live chickens in it held in with a pice of plywood over the top, anchored door with more bungee ties. I have no idea what was going on there, but 6 months later I'm STILL mighty curious and wish I'd sent boys to follow and see what happened. If I ever see that again, I'm dropping everything to check it out.


The trail to the playground is literally over the hill and through the woods and across a little bridge crossing a creek and next to the path that leads to it is a sign warning of bobcats. If ever there was an extra incentive to make sure every kid in the neighborhood wants to play in those woods, it's that sign.

Wow! A very close second!


Nothing too strange, but small towns often aren't divided up into economic neighborhoods. Everyone's all mixed up in the neighborhoods, and I love it that way. In our neighborhood, we have some elderly couples, a divorced single woman, an ex-prisoner, a fireman, a habitat for humanity family, a sheriff, a home with about 6 scruffy young men who dress in black tench coats and I'm pretty sure deal illegaly, a lawyer, a family that doesn't know how to talk to each other except by yelling everything very loudly, a young married Jehovah's Witness couple, and more.


I don't know if it has to do with being all mixed up and in a small town, or what, but even the troublesome people are friendly and have a heart. The ex-con prays for my children when they are in potentially dangerous situations, the drug dealers stop and chat with my husband when he is out walking and then come to tell me that my husband is doing so much better in his recovery, the yellers yell across the yards to ask me how I'm doing, things like that. It's really a great neighborhood, all in all. :)

That sounds interesting.


Where we live now isn't very exciting, but I want to share a story from years ago.


There were 2 guys renting the house with a large yard (about an acre) next door to us. They built some cages and had small monkeys, peacocks, and some other small, not normal pet animals. My brother and I loved to go over there and see the animals. It was like our own private zoo! Then one of the guys called my dad to go get some stuff from the house to pawn to pay his bail. Turns out they had stolen all the animals from a local zoo. No idea if they intended to sell them or what.

How does one steal exotic animals from a zoo? How does one think they won't get caught housing said animals?


My neighborhood isn't particularly exciting. I live on a dead end dirt road. The most exciting thing about my road is that my nearest neighbor plows out most of the houses (including ours) every time it snows in the winter. And I'm in VT, so we get a lot of snow!! Hmm - most exciting thing about our town. VT has a weird law - you can be naked all you want outside as long as you don't strip in public. So, the town has a naked bike race every summer. it's not a pretty sight. Bad naked. Very bad naked.

Lol! I am almost curious enough to google.

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The only thing that has surprised me is when my aunt said if she dies, I don't get to keep the tractor because it belongs to the guy next door. I expect he'd be fine with lending it out, but I don't know if he knows. His wife hasn't let him come up to the block in years because she doesn't like it here so the neighbours cut the fence and borrowed the tractor. It's a hassle to repair fences, so it lives in our shed and is lent to whomever needs it. No point leaving it there to rust, I guess, and he can always take it back if his wife ever leaves him.

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There's nothing too weird about our neighborhood, except for our odd family...seven kids and we homeschool!!  Dh has his own business and used to have his office at home.  A friend remarked, "You do EVERYTHING at home, don't you?"  Dh has sinced moved his office, though he's still pretty close to home.

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I don't find most of the following particularly surprising, but perhaps I'm one of the weirdos and am just fitting right in. ;)


Lots of my neighbors have chickens, and once I saw a peacock crossing the road.  The neighbor on one side used to have ducks, a turkey and a llama in addition to her chickens and bantams, but I'm not sure if she still does - haven't been over there in ages.  Is beekeeping surprising or weird?  We have a bee tree just across the street, and at least one neighbor has just gotten a hive.  Was thinking it might be a good idea to get one ourselves, just to do our part in the prevention of bee disappearance - y'know, if we all had a hive in our back yards...  We're the ones with a snake, not the neighbors...


Hmmm... probably the craziest thing is the crazy cat lady next door.  She does indeed feed a huge number of strays.  All three of our cats were strays we took in from the neighborhood (well, our youngest two were kittens born from a mommy stray).  I think she's actually not quite right in the head - she's come to the door more than once with a shotgun.  But she was also quite nice to me and the girls when our guinea fowl decided to wander over there one day.  I was relieved - I generally try to give her place a wide berth after hearing the shotgun stories!  (and oh, yeah, we used to have guinea fowl, but they kept getting eaten...) 

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Here you go! 




don't click unless you mean it. :-) Some things can't be unseen!!



I looked.  I even followed it to the facebook page.  I find it funny that so many guys feel the need to wear a bike helmet, but will still go naked.  Seems like other things would be in more danger than their head! LOL!

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A few houses down, one of my neighbors has both a miniature replica of a small town and giant sized adirondac chairs (I'd say they are fit for Goliath or Goliath's big brother). 


Behind our house someone used to run remote-controlled car workshops/birthday parties.  I think they moved that to a nearby street. 


We have bears, cougars, coyotes (you hear them a lot at night).


The local gift shop owner just FB'd her support of making marijuana legal.


Oh, and there is a housing cooperative that is on about 20 acres (I think) that grows organic food and governs themselves by consensus.





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My neighborhood has a real life movie and tv star living there! I don't want to say who because it will give away where I live down to the exact area of my town, but he was in a very popular tv show and has done many movies. He has two movies out currently. His wife is from my area and they have decided to establish roots here. Very nice guy.


Seeing as though I don't live anywhere near L.A. or anything fancy it is definitely out of the ordinary.


Hard not to be all "ERMAHGERD!" every time I see him but it helps that I am usually taking out the trash or picking up my dog's doo-doo when I see him so I try to stay low key :laugh:


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My neighborhood has a real life movie and tv star living there! I don't want to say who because it will give away where I live down to the exact area of my town, but he was in a very popular tv show and has done many movies. He has two movies out currently. His wife is from my area and they have decided to establish roots here. Very nice guy.


Seeing as though I don't live anywhere near L.A. or anything fancy it is definitely out of the ordinary.


Hard not to be all "ERMAHGERD!" every time I see him but it helps that I am usually taking out the trash or picking up my dog's doo-doo when I see him so I try to stay low key :laugh:

This is just cruel.

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We live in a quiet, family neighborhood.  Several years after we moved in, the house next door to us sold.  The new owner seemed very nice but things were strange.  At first he had renters that let the house fall into disrepair, then the owner fixed things up and moved in but he was hardly ever there.  (He told us he was a pilot and was gone for work a lot.)  The street light in front between our house and his "broke" so DH called to have it fixed since he leaves for work when it's still dark.  Someone would come to fix the light, then a few days later it  would stop working again.  Every few weeks a uhual would come to the house during the day.


DH and I started joking that the guy was running a meth lab.  I would call him at work and say there was a pick up happening when the uhual was there.  This went on for over a year.  We joked about it with our other neighbors, including two police officers that lived on the street (one right across the street).


Imagine my surprise when one afternoon I hear screaming coming from next door, open my front door to see what's going on and am told by the police officer that lives across the street to get back inside.  Minutes later police cars fly down the street and pull into my front yard.  Officers in SWAT gear arrive as well as someone covered from head to toe (an informant or undercover agent).  It turns out the neighbor was growing pot in the house and was part of a huge drug ring in our county!  :ohmy:



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How's this for weird: 


The neighborhood kids all play outside, even when it's cold. Games include climbing trees, biking, rollerskating, skateboarding, street hockey, basketball and many "make believe" games. Ages range from about 5 to 17 for the "free range" kids, younger kids come out with their parents. The 5 - 8 year olds usually have an older sibling with them. 


Adults stand at the end of the driveways and chat with each other.


Our HOA has turned our largest retention pond into a fishing hole by stocking it regularly. Kids walk up & down the streets w/their fishing poles and tackle boxes. It has an Andy Griffith kind of feel to it when we see it! 


Bike riding is the primary way kids get around to each others houses & the pool. 


We have a sand volleyball court that is almost always in use evenings & weekends. Both teens & adults play.


Summer nights sometimes find dozens of neighborhood kids forming teams to play flashlight tag - although this seems to have slowed down in frequency this year. 


I sort of feel like our neighborhood is  a "throw-back" to the fifties or something. While visiting here once, my sister told me "You know, people only live like this on tv, don't you?" 


We are blessed.


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I live rural, about 10 miles from anything and on a dead end dirt road. My property is a "flag" lot, which means my house sits behind my neighbors house. We have four acres, and you cannot see my house from the road. My driveway runs along the property line of my front neighbor. She is a 70+ yr old woman and she just adores my family. We moved here three years ago, but for the first year it was just myself and our two daughters and we would stay for about 2 months, then go back to visit my DH 600 miles away for 2 months and so on. The second year my daughters and I moved here, and my DH followed last year after our other house finally sold.


I hired a lawn service to cut the grass while we were away and the guy called me and said he was able to do the job, no problem. He also told me that I had a very nice neighbor who was looking out for me. Apparently she stopped him as he was going down my very long driveway with a shotgun in her hand and asked him what he was doing at my house! She keeps her shotgun by the door, and I have seen her confront anyone that comes down our road that she doesn't know. If someone makes it to my driveway, she will call me to tell me someone is on their way down to my house. I have also seen her walking like a sentry around her own property, shotgun on her shoulder.


And.. everyone on my street (approx 20 houses) is related to someone else on the street.

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I'll start. :)


After we had lived here a year or so we found out a neighbor raises boa constrictors for profit. I detest snakes.

hmmm .... two things come to mind:


Just down the street from us is a National Historic Site -- an old Plantation House which was the site of a skirmish during the Revolutionary War.


Just behind us, there is some land that has been designated as a nature conservancy or some such thing.

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My neighborhood has a real life movie and tv star living there! I don't want to say who because it will give away where I live down to the exact area of my town, but he was in a very popular tv show and has done many movies. He has two movies out currently. His wife is from my area and they have decided to establish roots here. Very nice guy.


Seeing as though I don't live anywhere near L.A. or anything fancy it is definitely out of the ordinary.


Hard not to be all "ERMAHGERD!" every time I see him but it helps that I am usually taking out the trash or picking up my dog's doo-doo when I see him so I try to stay low key :laugh:

So, did you know that "Andy" has 2 movies out...
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After reading all these, I'm starting to think the surprising thing about my neighborhood is how "Leave It to Beaver" it is!


We always have kids playing outside in our neighborhood, and I see kids from about age 9 up walking to shops, school, the park, or the library. We know everyone on our block. All of our neighbors say hi and are friendly, and we'll borrow sugar or eggs from each other. I've never seen anyone who lives here smoking. None of them have loud parties. I hadn't realized that my typical little neighborhood is so far from typical!

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We live 3 miles from the downtown of a major city (metro area 16th largest in US). But I've seen deer, racoon, and possums in our neighborhood. I can also walk to farm fields, hike in a woods, talk to cows, or horses. I live between 2 republicans in a sea of democrats/libs (and I love them both!). We definitely have Target shopping hipsters here and crazy beer places and long lines. At least once a week during them summer we hear fireworks going off somewhere.


The weirdest thing going on around me at the moment is we have neighbors we used to be close to that seem to be avoiding us and even worse, my oldest child, who used to be BFF with their 2 kids. :( Awkward, since we can see their house from our front door.

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We live 3 miles from the downtown of a major city (metro area 16th largest in US). But I've seen deer, racoon, and possums in our neighborhood. I can also walk to farm fields, hike in a woods, talk to cows, or horses. I live between 2 republicans in a sea of democrats/libs (and I love them both!). We definitely have Target shopping hipsters here and crazy beer places and long lines. At least once a week during them summer we hear fireworks going off somewhere. I love it here!


The weirdest thing going on around me at the moment is we have neighbors we used to be close to that seem to be avoiding us and even worse, my oldest child, who used to be BFF with their 2 kids. :( Awkward, since we can see their house from our front door.

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Nothing real surprising, except we were all " surprised" when the local wildlife group pulled a six-foot alligator from a lake not far from our house. We live in north Alabama. The wildlife guys said if there was one, then there's twenty. There have been rumours about them for years, but we all kind of thought they were like Sasquatch...  :toetap05:


Another thing, for a relatively small neighborhood, about 150 houses, we have lots of homeschoolers, at least five other families, and there might be more that I don't know of.   :thumbup:

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There are a lot of really elderly people in our building. We get a deal because the boy's father's company owns the building. Most of the other people are wealthier and quite elderly.


The neighbourhoods is half orthodox Jewish and ha d Filipino yet half of the restaurants are pizza places. I have never seen so many pizza places concentrated in one area like we have.

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We have no home mail delivery! For the past 8 years I have lived in a village that has a small post office that employs one individual, which means a clerk at a desk, but no home delivery. Our houses are close enough that we don't seem truly rural, but we are pretty far out in the boonies. We have a lot of retirees, and on weekends and in the summer we have lots of kids around to visit grandparents, which is great for my kids. Sometimes the neighbors' sheep or piglets get loose, and we have a lot of wildlife wandering through at any given time. We can use DS's telescope to watch them stripmining across the river, less than half a mile away.

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We had two neighbors on our street put Christmas lights on their houses...but never turned them on. Ever. Seemed sort of sad to me.


Years ago, when I painted our front door golden yellow, several people complained to the HOA. It seemed to them that yellow was a no-no. Thankfully I'd read our covenants and knew better.


We had a meth lab type house two doors down from ours. Got used to seeing cop cars in front of my house waiting for an opportunity to nab someone there. Finally they cleared it out and the gal sold the place. We have a delightfully normal family living there now. They plant flowers and everything...

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One neighbor down the street managed to secede from the neighborhood.  He is also the same man who will run out of his house screaming "get the f*ck out of my yard" if you dare to turn around in his driveway.  According to neighborhood lore, he pulled a gun on a solicitor once.  Needless to say, they don't get many Trick or Treaters.


Way back about 14 yrs. ago, we thought that the new people that moved in across the street were drug dealers.  We never saw them but there were cars coming and going at all hours of the night.  Turned out that they were just elderly and their kids/other family members came over to visit and help out at night while the husband worked.


One family was practically bullied out of the neighborhood because they had a large motor home parked in their driveway.  No idea if this is why they ended up moving, but it was awfully strange that so many neighbors raised such a stink and then suddenly, they were gone.


One woman divorced her husband and married the man next door (after he divorced his wife, of course).  They now grow pot in the yard.


I was the crazy iguana lady even before I owned an iguana.  Apparently, not many people know the difference between a giant green iguana and a slightly smaller orange bearded dragon.  :rolleyes:


I'm also pretty sure that we are credited with starting a crazy vegetable gardening revolution in our neighborhood. 

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Wait, why is he picking up your dog's feces? Or do you mean his dog's?


My neighborhood has a real life movie and tv star living there! I don't want to say who because it will give away where I live down to the exact area of my town, but he was in a very popular tv show and has done many movies. He has two movies out currently. His wife is from my area and they have decided to establish roots here. Very nice guy.


Seeing as though I don't live anywhere near L.A. or anything fancy it is definitely out of the ordinary.


Hard not to be all "ERMAHGERD!" every time I see him but it helps that I am usually taking out the trash or picking up my dog's doo-doo when I see him so I try to stay low key :laugh:

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An attorney in our neighborhood was convicted of attempted murder.  He tried to poison his wife for financial gain. 


Years ago, another neighbor was in news.  They (husband and wife) were at center of an adoption scandal that was contested by birth parents, who eventually and rightfully prevailed.


We have a lot of wildlife because the area is an unofficial nature preserve with large lots and lots of wooded areas intact.  Our state wildlife department finally admitted that there are indeed cougars in the area.  A young male black bear was spotted a few months ago. 

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