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IF I have to do a captcha EVERY SINGLE time I post, I just won't ever post.  I don't have time much less patience for that kind of thing and I bet good money that there will be lots of posters who have something very valuable to say but who won't and the quality of this wonderful forum will take a nosedive!! 



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I'm not getting them at all. I did several months ago but none now.



ETA: Ha! I didn't have one with my original post, but I did when I tried to edit. Yeah, I don't like them and would hate to have to do it every time.

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IF I have to do a captcha EVERY SINGLE time I post, I just won't ever post. I don't have time much less patience for that kind of thing and I bet good money that there will be lots of posters who have something very valuable to say but who won't and the quality of this wonderful forum will take a nosedive!!

I have mostly had them when posting a video or something. But, I did have to do one earlier with a normal post (on mobile). Eta: and had to do one to edit.

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The mobile site has been acting up for me, but no captchas. It just keeps signing me out when I try to go to a new page or post a reply. Not every time, just randomly. I'll see what happens when I post this...


ETA - No problem.


ETA#2 - Sure enough, I had to pass the captcha screen to edit. Hope this is temporary.

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Hmm... I've never gotten a captcha when I've posted or edited.


ETA:  editing


ETA 2:  yep, got one.  Strange because I edited a couple of posts earlier today and didn't get one.

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So, does this mean my PC isn't infected??  The message on the CAPtCHA page on the lower right said to run a malware... wot the??? :glare:

I'm getting the same screen tonight. OFTEN.


This is beyond irritating! :glare:


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I knew about it in advance, and that there was a specific reason for it, but I got worried when it first happened to me, because I thought it might be a virus or something. A little heads-up would have gone a long way!!!

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Can the mods somehow make it so us heavy posters (say over 500 posts, or a member for >1 yr) never see captchas? I got my first one just now, and it freaks me out! I hate those dang things!! I'd pay $5 for an annual membership that is captcha-free! Or, allow ads on the banner of the site, and use the income to pay more mods? Please, please make the captchas go away!! 

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I tried a few times on different threads.

It doesn't ask for a captcha if I just use this quick reply box.

It asks for a captcha if I try to edit my post or try to quote another person.

The weirdest thing is, I cannot actually see any captcha text! So I cannot edit my posts, quote anyone or send a PM. :(

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I got 2 in a row this morning on another thread. It took 7 tries for the first one because I can't make the letters out. Then I realized the auto correct was changing the letters. Then to add insult to injury, the thing did not post my comment.


There's gotta be a better way.

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